50% only works out to 1 in 2 over 100s of throws.... Technically it's over an infinite number of throws but it assymptotes much earlier. I got two legendary mount packs in 50 keys. Others used over 700 and got bubkus. That's probability for you. Btw earlier today got 3% refinement in 12 pres wards... Spent over 50 to get a…
> @jonkoca said: > I wouldn't recommend choosing baby as a race for an HR build, babies have a very low initial movement speed, terrible dexterity and almost no wisdom whatsoever. If you must choose baby, be certain to get the "caregiver" companion from the neonatal starter pack (zenstore) with 3 defence slots and the…
> @arcadeus#1794 said: > Is the dex neck from the mysterious merchant or the one from the dragon flight vendor? Is the belt the normal greater twisted one? Anyone?
Jonkoca do you actually play a combat spec HR? Not asking to flame but I am wondering. Some of your comments dont add up. Getting 100 crit for a combat spec is no easy thing. We have very little in terms of feats that add to crit chance, mainly just boons and not alot of those... if we take gambit and i would seriously…