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apathy408 Arc User



  • One of these days I might just get a reply back when I message you. 2800 item score rogue fully specd for pvp. I've been looking for a pvp guild for a bit...... I'm also an active pve player with both a cleric and guardian fighter. I would message you on Xbox live but I'm currently mid way thru a communications ban. Who…
  • It's easy to get her th things you need. You can get a mask in about a little over an hour. It's just a boring HAMSTER hour...... But very doable to get anything you want from this event provided you can keep from falling asleep.
  • I gathered 139 seals in about 45 minutes last night just running around protectors clave gathering pumpkins and turning them in. Wasn't too hard.
  • You say the game is dying in an earlier post yet discredit anything negative about neverwinter. You're like a bettered spouse.... Get treated like dirt but keep convincing yourself it loves you and will do better next time. Tell you what...... How about you send a screenshot of the overwhelming abundant supply of refining…
  • Lol good luck..... Server not responding about every 15-30 seconds with intermittent server disconnects. I'll prolly be on gta anyways......
  • Hey zeb wanna heal this little tank through ecc? I need my daily cache ;)
  • Eh...... My point was understood. Just point me in the direction of who to be upset with and I'll do my best to keep it limited to them.
  • http://m.imgur.com/vvRWj6R I get to watch that happen every 15 seconds or so And as you can see..... My connection is not only port forwarded but fantastic in all regards http://m.imgur.com/skiftk1 And that's wifi... You should see what I get wired.
  • Whatever maintenance you did congrats. I didn't believe I could have "server not responding" more than I already did but you proved me wrong. so here's my question for you guys. Since this "lag problem" isn't related to not having enough available bandwidth then why might I ask is it only a problem that occurs during peak…
  • @yourenext2die Of course I am. No matter how many times they nerf us I will remain a rogue. I love my class.
  • at the current rate that my dragon hoards provide refinement it would take something like 1.5-2 years to make one piece of anything legendary. Considering arc replaces these weapons every 6 months or so and we lose bare minimum 20% of the refinement points from one item to the next it's a very valid concern. While you…
  • That single dungeon is 33.3% of the t2s and grey wolf den has its challenges as well. While yes it's possible I'm guessing this was a premade group? What hope do randoms have? while we are all complaining that doesn't mean we're being heard. Revolution has often come on the heels of anarchy. Don't misinterpret me as a…
  • So how many times have you beat Cragmire crypts in mod 6 because most of the super built up do anything to win pvp players can't beat it? They have a lot more invested than either you or me. Is it really so hard to just be like "look mod 6 was a screw up on cryptics part. Sorry guys w'ere trying to fix it"? That's what I…
  • Then would you care to explain to me why 100% of the time when I que for Cragmire crypts there's always someone asking if there's a cw to help them beat it using an exploit? I won't go in to depths as to how it's done cause that would be a violation of the rules but we both know what I'm talking about. Now if that's the…
  • And how many of your artifacts, artifact main hands, etc are legendary or above? The point of the game is progression. It clearly isn't plentiful content as proven by the whopping 3 t2 dungeons we have. By artificially bottlenecking already almost impossible amounts of refinement with unnecessary nerfs they are either…
  • Because change is brought about not by sitting idly by, but by making grievances known about. The squeaky wheel gets the grease. If you truly believe your attitude towards the game will bring about any changes you're crazy. The developers learn they've gone to far when people get pissed enough to tell them. The difference…
  • What are you basing that figure from because it states nowhere that the enchantment works any differently in pvp? I've been killing qsnipe in gauntylgrym with the thing. Considering how much money those guys have in their account I'm feeling like its 40%
  • Well said Ben. What I will say is sharp and a few of the others really seem to be spinning their wheels and not doing themselves any favors. Lots of messing around and no serious character progression. Also, I really think sharp doesn't understand the kind of effort required to get your stronghold leveled up..... Or the…
  • I've heard all It really is is that they increase drop odds during prime playtime to get others to see the drops and open boxes themselves. But either way gambling is gambling. Don't ever expect to beat the house. Even when you win big you lose cuz they drag you into the desert and shoot you.
  • I would definitely challenge that 4% in pve statement. I'd like to see what you based that extremely small gain on. 4% is like the equivalent of runni a lesser vorpal with a 25% crit chance if that. Doubtful the gain is that low. Anyways for pvp it's the debuff that does it. I was consistently winning pretty much every 1v1…
  • Comcast xfinity 120mb down 13 mb up San Jose, California Tracing route to patchserver.crypticstudios.com [] over a maximum of 30 hops: 1 3 ms 1 ms 1 ms 2 11 ms 17 ms 10 ms starting ip 3 13 ms 10 ms 14 ms te-0-3-0-6-sur03.sanjose.ca.sfba.comcast.net [] 4 13 ms 12 ms 13 ms…
  • So first off let me start by saying that this is not a connection problem on my end. I maintain less than 15 ms ping times to my own city and my ports are open. Upon running a ping test after playing the lagfest which is neverwinter I come back with a 3 second delay. This is inexcusable. How can you (cryptic) as a gaming…
  • As someone who's won a legendary mount I absolutely guarantee you when my name popped on screen it was completely real lol. Sorry it hasn't happened for you yet. Don't lose faith.
  • I'm looking for a pvp guild atm. Let me tell you a little about me. I play every day pretty much all day. The joys of being disabled I suppose. 2700 item score rogue. Executioner with a few pts on sabateur so I can perma stealth. Well I'm not 100% stealths all the time but I can go about 1m straight if I hit my rotations…
  • Always makes me lol when I see all the idiots huddle together and talk about how tr is such a bad class cuz it got nerfed. My tr keeps up with damnation warlocks exploiting their puppets. A good tr is still very very relevant and for me at least I see more bad gwfs. Sure they have a bit more damage if built well but…
  • The hunters have a nasty bleed move now. I've bled for easily 20k+ before I had the enchantment. Since I have acquired the enchantment my kd has went from around a 1.05 to a 1.6. Also my win loss ratio has improved drastically and I pretty much exclusively play in pug groups. My biggest problem before was those damn…
  • @rockstargfu I get through it by telling myself it gets fixed in 2 more months...... Just 2 more months till my shield works again :/
  • Elven battle enchantment. Makes more difference than full tenacity. Buy a perfect and all of a sudden archers don't seem so bad anymore. I can actually compete with them now on my rogue.
  • I almost have my grim set complete but I have changed one or 2 things since yesterday that have helped immensely. First, elven battle enchantment. Most of my deaths are due to crowd control. I run impossible to catch specifically to break out and run away if needed. The enchantment works wonders though. I noticed an…
  • I have frame rate and rubber banding issues constantly. Netgear nighthawk x6 with 128mb down, 13mb up, and 8ms to my own city. Ports are forwarded as well and still always laggy. It wasn't that way in mod 5. This is a new issue after 6 was launched.