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  • Thanks for your input on instigator, it really helps. I had a lot of questions on some of these feats earlier in this thread, and I'm really curious to verify your assertion that the wicked strike talent alone makes it worth going instigator. Could you expand a bit more on the benefits of combat advantage with the build?…
  • Try the following changes in your playstyle. Once you know how to get fast determination and action points, you will find true power: 1) Absorb attacks for determination: quickly identify mobs and their attacks based on the zone you're in. This may sound ridiculous but it's not. Mob types are almost identical in each…
  • I cannot comment for the vast majority, but I can say I took a similar approach to GWF as forsaken and - with some tips from some players on the forum including him - I have seen great results from the class from beginning to end. I will admit that the beginning can seem slow in terms of determination build up and the…
    in GWF Sprint Comment by anorru May 2013
  • Yeah, the class was simply designed to take some damage and peel aggro, you're absolutely right there. And I think that's the nail in the coffin for that final instigator feat, especially considering the reliability of slam's 25% in the destroyer tree. I just really WISHED it worked out because the added utility with…
  • Attack animation canceling and the sheer speed of repositioning in combat with sprint make other classes seem clunkier imo. Once you get the hang just using the right amount of sprint (just barely any sometimes), things get incredibly fun. Anyone who thinks this class sucks is crazy...
    in GWF Sprint Comment by anorru May 2013
  • I don't think a cursory glance at the instigator tree does it justice, but I really value the opinion of guys who have gone out there and done it because I have yet to hit 60. That said, you don't think there's benefit at all to the 50% more power or the feats surrounding combat advantage (5% more damage and crit, skills…
  • How do you think the damage and utility would compare to an instigator based build such as ExtinctioN's? From what I can tell, these are the only two builds worth pursuing, but I'm not sure of the importance Combat Advantage as well as the final feat in the instigator tree for 50% more power (without getting hit). Getting…
  • Using shouts and marks with Powerful Challenge for 15% more damage?
  • Do tell? :P