I was originally Dragon and it happens to me too. Has been since a few hours back. Thought it was my job laptop's game that was broken at first, or problems with some ports or stuff, but it happens on my home PC too..
Thank you so much for your input, and thanks for your kind help Melinden! When I say preset, I mean, that yes, I used the option to automatically furnish the room. It looks pretty nice apart from those little details with the floating herbs and baskets :/ Any way to change that? Last night I decided to redo the whole farm,…
Hey, since it’s maintenance I thought I’d write a bit of a reply to your kind reviews :) Thanks for the correction of grammar and spelling errors, English is not my native, so it’s appreciated! I will add more proper and fleshed-out story objective text, that’s a good point! Many of the items that are hovering slightly…
I totally agree with you! Now at most they make me jump a bit because of the sudden sound.. which...admittedly may make me spill my tea...but ehm...oh...nvm :p
Hey! I've now played it. I did a review but wanna give you a more fulfilling review here. I really enjoyed the dialogue, its nice. Sometimes if they have a lot to say, maybe you should space it out a bit by leaving a row blank to make it easier to read :) I like how the characters emote during the dialogue. The music is…
I will play yours, please play mine, it's a dark story about a lost dog looking for his family, my first foundry. It takes about 20-25 mins, and is eligible for daily foundry. Author: anjir4 Thanks =)