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Requesting reviews: You play mine, I'll review yours as well..

reichlynreichlyn Member Posts: 35
edited March 2014 in The Foundry
Wizards First Rule: Chapter 2
Short Code: NW-DR8MXWH45

Much appreciated
Post edited by reichlyn on


  • anjir4anjir4 Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I will play yours, please play mine, it's a dark story about a lost dog looking for his family, my first foundry. It takes about 20-25 mins, and is eligible for daily foundry. Author: anjir4

    Thanks =)
    Foundry author: anjir4. Please check out my foundry quest(s)! :D
  • klkcahboy90klkcahboy90 Member Posts: 340 Arc User
    edited March 2014

    I'll trade with you.

    A Simple Request
    by OoKeNnEtHoO
  • anjir4anjir4 Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Hey! I've now played it. I did a review but wanna give you a more fulfilling review here.

    I really enjoyed the dialogue, its nice. Sometimes if they have a lot to say, maybe you should space it out a bit by leaving a row blank to make it easier to read :) I like how the characters emote during the dialogue.

    The music is nice and moody!

    I did run into some problems in the swamp area though. The quest only says "continue east" or something like that, and there was no indication of where I was heading (no blue ring on the map or such), so I just continued on what I thought was the path, and then suddenly I was at the map's end, without having triggered the previous encounters. When I got there I had the followers + the version of them standing there, so double npcs. I had to backtrack and run around and look for the encounters.

    Also the fights before Southhaven were way to hard for me when I didn't have the help of the NPC's. I am a DC, GS 11k or so, and I had to use a lot of pots, it got a bit expensive.

    Very nice environments, nice interior in the rooms :)
    Foundry author: anjir4. Please check out my foundry quest(s)! :D
  • klkcahboy90klkcahboy90 Member Posts: 340 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Okay, here's the review.


    This has to be one of the best quests I have reviewed so far!

    There are hardly any errors.

    The following are nitty gritty issues you might want to change:

    1. Text-based

    "ring's magic"

    "Zedd's look"

    "friend's house" or "friends' house"

    "Chase's laughter", "definitely"

    "name's Bill" or "name is Bill"

    (vi)It say "2 yours later" instead of "2 hours later" in the part when the player first reached the boundary.

    (vii) Quest objective says "Head to Hartland" but map says "South Hartland". May cause confusion to some players.

    2. Design-based


    Area can be reached without triggering marker.

    Path taken to not trigger:

    Path that must be taken to trigger:

    You may thus want to increase size of marker radius if this is not intended or at least tell the player they are supposed to hide since it says "Investigate the commotion" only.

    (ii) For the "Kill the beasts" portion when going to the boundary for the first time, may need some waypoints since it is possible to miss some of the Heart Hounds.

    I missed one during "Kill alpha wolf" and had to search for it. They do not render until close in that map so it is possible for some players to run too far away and never find the last enemy.

    (iii) The final village (think is Southhaven) looks deserted. You might want to put some NPCs outside unless it is by design.

    That is all I have for you.

    Really well done!
  • reichlynreichlyn Member Posts: 35
    edited March 2014
    Okay, here's the review.


    This has to be one of the best quests I have reviewed so far!

    There are hardly any errors.

    The following are nitty gritty issues you might want to change:

    1. Text-based

    "ring's magic"

    "Zedd's look"

    "friend's house" or "friends' house"

    "Chase's laughter", "definitely"

    "name's Bill" or "name is Bill"

    (vi)It say "2 yours later" instead of "2 hours later" in the part when the player first reached the boundary.

    (vii) Quest objective says "Head to Hartland" but map says "South Hartland". May cause confusion to some players.

    2. Design-based


    Area can be reached without triggering marker.

    Path taken to not trigger:

    Path that must be taken to trigger:

    You may thus want to increase size of marker radius if this is not intended or at least tell the player they are supposed to hide since it says "Investigate the commotion" only.

    (ii) For the "Kill the beasts" portion when going to the boundary for the first time, may need some waypoints since it is possible to miss some of the Heart Hounds.

    I missed one during "Kill alpha wolf" and had to search for it. They do not render until close in that map so it is possible for some players to run too far away and never find the last enemy.

    (iii) The final village (think is Southhaven) looks deserted. You might want to put some NPCs outside unless it is by design.

    That is all I have for you.

    Really well done!

    Yeah, Ill have a look at some of the stuff you mentioned. Other stuff I'm not certain how it happened. I have done the swamp several times and never experienced any problems. They swamp with no markers was done on purpose for realism. I want people to have to read and listen as opposed to just following markers. For example, it if says head east..then head east using the compass. Some of the other stuff was done intentionally as well, like the Dharans harassing the old couple. I have them spawn upon completion of "Talk to Chase" because I want it to be real. I didnt want everything to spawn in as you reached "Investigate the commotion" because it just looks fake. My best solution for people on stuff like that is just follow the quest objectives to a T if you want it to feel real. If it shows a marker, go to that marker.

    On Investigate the Commotion, once you complete it, the next step does say to Hide and watch, you mightve missed it. Lets see...ummm..okay. Southaven is deserted intentionally because for one, its the middle of the night. Two, by the books, there arent people around in the small town, they're all asleep when Richard and Kahlan and the others reach it. Im confused on the Boundary Map. I have waypoint circles for each area, and each area has 3 waves that come out of the boundary, so they shouldnt be getting missed. Ill look into it though. Thanks SO MUCH for the kind words and reviews to all of you!
  • ghorvayghorvay Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I'm going to try it out now. I've read the book about 3 or 4 times. I like Goodkind's philosophy and stories.

    I have a small quest in my signature if you could try it out some time.
    Please try out my short Foundry quest - "Deserters' Tower" - Short code - "NW-DQ89RVF9W"
  • reichlynreichlyn Member Posts: 35
    edited March 2014
    ghorvay wrote: »
    I'm going to try it out now. I've read the book about 3 or 4 times. I like Goodkind's philosophy and stories.

    I have a small quest in my signature if you could try it out some time.

    I had to spend the day with my dad working on my truck. Engine blew up basically lol. I'll get on them tomorrow for sure.
  • ghorvayghorvay Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Part 1:

    Hah! Ring of the Nine. That's good.

    Nice faces for Richard and Kahlan
    • When first talking to Cypher, the player says, "The names [Nickname]". Perhaps the N has to be lowercase but I'm not sure...

    Super Minor stuff that probably aren't worth fixing:
    • I think technically Dharan should be D'haran, but it's a small thing.
    • At the beginning, master Goodkind says, "may the spirits be with you" but in the book they always say "good spirits". Just sounds a bit Star Wars'ie without the good.
    • When following the yellow brick road towards Richard's house, Kahlan gets stuck on the rocks on the way. May be worth moving them a foot to the left.

    They were in such a hurry, I almost felt bad for making them stop to let me loot :)

    This was probably the best story foundry quest I've done so far, but I'm hugely bias...

    Part 2

    OMG the cat! Perfect. :)
    • It would be nice to maybe change the first point A to B objective to say, "Head west to the home of Richard's friend" or something like that. It's kinda hard to see where to go in the dark...
    • When strolling along the boundary with Chase, I passed up the first wave by accident, and had to double back, but took awhile to figure that out. Might be nice to have a area outline on the map for where wave 1 starts, if possible.
    • When heading east out of camp after meeting back up with Richard, Kahlan and Zedd, I somehow missed the heart hounds again... Not sure what I'm doing wrong there, but maybe add something to the objective like in the pt1, "and kill all enemies in the way" or something. That way one knows to look for enemies.

    Super Minor stuff that probably aren't worth fixing:
    • First talk with Zedd, player says i'ts instead of it's.
    • Chase says Definetly, should be Definitely. I always misspell that one too.
    • Because I went all the way east before hitting a hound, Chase and Zedd showed up for their scene early and just stood there until I went back and found the hounds I was supposed to kill.

    It's too bad there is no way to have Zedd eating a bunch of chicken on the way from Chase's house...

    One funny moment was getting a troll slayer achievement while killing the hounds hehe.

    My final thoughts:

    This series is AWESOME! The best Foundry quest out there today. I almost feel bad asking you to look at mine because it's so small compared to yours. You must have spent weeks creating these.

    5 stars all the way!
    Please try out my short Foundry quest - "Deserters' Tower" - Short code - "NW-DQ89RVF9W"
  • klkcahboy90klkcahboy90 Member Posts: 340 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    reichlyn wrote: »
    Yeah, Ill have a look at some of the stuff you mentioned. Other stuff I'm not certain how it happened. I have done the swamp several times and never experienced any problems. They swamp with no markers was done on purpose for realism. I want people to have to read and listen as opposed to just following markers. For example, it if says head east..then head east using the compass. Some of the other stuff was done intentionally as well, like the Dharans harassing the old couple. I have them spawn upon completion of "Talk to Chase" because I want it to be real. I didnt want everything to spawn in as you reached "Investigate the commotion" because it just looks fake. My best solution for people on stuff like that is just follow the quest objectives to a T if you want it to feel real. If it shows a marker, go to that marker.

    On Investigate the Commotion, once you complete it, the next step does say to Hide and watch, you mightve missed it. Lets see...ummm..okay. Southaven is deserted intentionally because for one, its the middle of the night. Two, by the books, there arent people around in the small town, they're all asleep when Richard and Kahlan and the others reach it. Im confused on the Boundary Map. I have waypoint circles for each area, and each area has 3 waves that come out of the boundary, so they shouldnt be getting missed. Ill look into it though. Thanks SO MUCH for the kind words and reviews to all of you!

    Hi, I didn't really have a problem with the head East thing.

    I had the problem with the Alpha Wolf only.

    Because I concentrated fully on the Alpha Wolf, after it was dead, I thought I was stucked in the quest since it just didn't register.

    It's only after running around the area when I spotted a runaway wolf.

    Standing near the invisible wall, this runaway wolf is completely invisible, since objects only render graphically when players get within a distance of them and the map is a dark 1.

    I figured that it may be possible for the same thing to occur to other players even for the lesser hounds and hence, I wrote it down.

    For the "Investigate the Commotion", before the player reaches the marker, they only know that they are supposed to "Investigate the Commotion". Thus, they wouldn't know they need to hide.

    I did hide after the objective changed to ask me to hide but that was still before me walking past the marker and in front of the campfire.


    Note the objective and the minimap in the picture above.

    You'll notice that I'm standing in the area as indicated but the objective doesn't register.

    This is why I suggested for you to increase radius of the marker or tell the player they are supposed to hide in the bush, since currently, it just tells the player to "Investigate the commotion".

    Anyway, all the things I have mentioned are nitty gritty details which, even if you don't change, should not affect your quest much.

    Do however, change the "2 yours later" to "2 hours later" because initially I thought it was a typo for "2 years later". I only realise it is for "2 hours later", after it says "after 2 hours of intense travel" when Chase and me head back to meet the others, and also how close the "Y" and "H" keys are on the keyboard.
  • josephskyrimjosephskyrim Member Posts: 356 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Alright, I'm up for a trade! :)

    Here's mine:
    Quest: One Step to Darkness
    Short Code: NW-DNJC9SK7A

    I've reviewed Wizard's First Rule Chapter 2 and was pretty impressed with the amount of work put into the map, effects and costume detail. The story was surprisingly better than I had first thought since you added your own twist to it too. A few things I did find that you may or may not want to fix.

    1 - "Richard yells out to his friends but they appear not to here him" (minor typo)
    2 - The final town is a ghost town. It was pretty dead when I arrived (given the npc work previously) so I just expected zombies to pop up. Surprised when they didn't, and more surprised when I found the entire population of the town crammed into the tavern.
    3 - The barrier was quite grindy. It almost felt like you had the various spots just to justify the map size. Maybe have bigger waves but non repetitive in each spot?
    4 - Biggish one for me is that the Objectives Lie. Investigate the noise doesn't equal hide in the bushes. When I eventually found the spot my npc companion was close enough to the bad guys to interrupt whatever cut scene was meant to take place, so we killed the soldiers and the wolves (who based on the dialogue were meant to kill the soldiers). A similar problem with Head East out of the Swamp and Get to the Village. The characters setup the scenario that you want to be getting out quickly, so it's only natural to avoid combat and it seems silly to stay on the open road when you know monsters are about... so I didn't.

    This resulted in wasting a bit of time looking for the unmarked objectives, which turned out to be not to reach "x" spot but to fight monsters when I finally doubled back. If you don't want to spell out the objectives then at least activate the area markers the player is meant to pass.
    If you can't stand on a chest, it is a mimic!
  • reichlynreichlyn Member Posts: 35
    edited March 2014
    Alright, I'm up for a trade! :)

    Here's mine:
    Quest: One Step to Darkness
    Short Code: NW-DNJC9SK7A

    I've reviewed Wizard's First Rule Chapter 2 and was pretty impressed with the amount of work put into the map, effects and costume detail. The story was surprisingly better than I had first thought since you added your own twist to it too. A few things I did find that you may or may not want to fix.

    1 - "Richard yells out to his friends but they appear not to here him" (minor typo)
    2 - The final town is a ghost town. It was pretty dead when I arrived (given the npc work previously) so I just expected zombies to pop up. Surprised when they didn't, and more surprised when I found the entire population of the town crammed into the tavern.
    3 - The barrier was quite grindy. It almost felt like you had the various spots just to justify the map size. Maybe have bigger waves but non repetitive in each spot?
    4 - Biggish one for me is that the Objectives Lie. Investigate the noise doesn't equal hide in the bushes. When I eventually found the spot my npc companion was close enough to the bad guys to interrupt whatever cut scene was meant to take place, so we killed the soldiers and the wolves (who based on the dialogue were meant to kill the soldiers). A similar problem with Head East out of the Swamp and Get to the Village. The characters setup the scenario that you want to be getting out quickly, so it's only natural to avoid combat and it seems silly to stay on the open road when you know monsters are about... so I didn't.

    This resulted in wasting a bit of time looking for the unmarked objectives, which turned out to be not to reach "x" spot but to fight monsters when I finally doubled back. If you don't want to spell out the objectives then at least activate the area markers the player is meant to pass.

    Thanks for playing and reviewing it. In response to your critiques...

    The town is intended to look empty simply because it's the middle of the night. People are asleep. The people in the tavern aren't residents necessarily.
    They are travelers, thieves and misfits. Just like the book. People aren't out and about in the middle of the night. The quest even states that it's early morning..aka..middle of the night. Also, this is the same as the books in the town. It was intended. Richard even tells you at one point that it's home to a lot of thieves and misfits who travel through.

    Investigate the commotion is saying to see what the noise is. You come over the small hill, see what's going on, then the quest says to hide and watch. Maybe the marker is glitched because it's set right on the bush. I'll have a look.

    The boundary map was set up that way because Chase goes off to kill Heart Hounds in the book, which is what this is based on. I'm not going to add in zombies when the book doesn't have them. It's enough of a stretch to add in the enemies I added in the Swamp. I only did because there wasn't anything to use similar to the books. The Boundary map is set up for each wave to get harder and harder, had nothing to do with filling map space. It's meant to be grindy, that's what you do in MMOs.

    As for the last map....bro...c'mon man lol. I don't add markers because i want the realism, not the typical follow the dotted line stuff. If there's a trail that leads to Southhaven, you follow it. Why go off into the woods because of danger? You're a warrior of Neverwinter, you laugh at danger. I don't understand what possessed you to decide to run off into the woods and hide. You should know better, it's a quest man...where you fight stuff to gain experience. I shouldn't have to say "Follow the path to Southaven". That should be a given.
  • josephskyrimjosephskyrim Member Posts: 356 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Ahha, the town thing makes sense when you spell it out but I think what got me was that comparatively the darkness in the first map and the boundary made it look quite bright despite the black sky background.

    With the hill I think I must have been distracted by watching the D'Harans. Especially when mounted you can fly past the objective circle and reach them pretty quick.

    As for me running into the woods like a sneaky ******* thief... well that's what I am. Not everyone plays as a heroic (or intelligent) character. ;P Ironically when I wanted to charge the bad guys on the road I had to first hide in a bush, and when I wanted to hide in the forest I had to actually go get ambushed on the road.

    On the overall scale of things this is just a minor inconvenience to my play style at best, which is why I said "you may or may not want to fix". Still a good quest regardless.
    If you can't stand on a chest, it is a mimic!
  • waynemandowaynemando Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Hopefully you guys are still up for reviewing quests here. I would like to get the quest past the review phase. It's my first quest and only 10-15 minutes tops:

    Uncovered in the Swampland
    Short Code: NW-DQWLC2CT8

    I will do the same for you...
  • reichlynreichlyn Member Posts: 35
    edited March 2014
    Ahha, the town thing makes sense when you spell it out but I think what got me was that comparatively the darkness in the first map and the boundary made it look quite bright despite the black sky background.

    With the hill I think I must have been distracted by watching the D'Harans. Especially when mounted you can fly past the objective circle and reach them pretty quick.

    As for me running into the woods like a sneaky ******* thief... well that's what I am. Not everyone plays as a heroic (or intelligent) character. ;P Ironically when I wanted to charge the bad guys on the road I had to first hide in a bush, and when I wanted to hide in the forest I had to actually go get ambushed on the road.

    On the overall scale of things this is just a minor inconvenience to my play style at best, which is why I said "you may or may not want to fix". Still a good quest regardless.

    I actually went in and did some touching up with the Investigate the Commotion Objective. I think you'll find it more satisfying now. Yeah, maybe I should go in and put in some black skyfade in that last zone, give it more of a late night feel. I guess my intent was to imply that the first map and boundary were when it was stormy and cloudy, so it was darker. The last map was as the skys had cleared after the storms, so even though it's night, it's not as dark and sinister.
  • reichlynreichlyn Member Posts: 35
    edited March 2014
    waynemando wrote: »
    Hopefully you guys are still up for reviewing quests here. I would like to get the quest past the review phase. It's my first quest and only 10-15 minutes tops:

    Uncovered in the Swampland
    Short Code: NW-DQWLC2CT8

    I will do the same for you...

    Thanks Wayne. I'll be sure to review yours asap.
  • josephskyrimjosephskyrim Member Posts: 356 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Oh! I forgot to mention I'm curious to see how you'll handle Denna... given the player is supposed to have advanced knowledge of the fates of these characters. Ohhhh sorry about that Richard, but agiel-training is important! *cough* ;p
    If you can't stand on a chest, it is a mimic!
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