@Deistik u have no idea what u are talking about so pls stfu, the targeting system in TERA is VERY VERY good for healers.. The healing system here specially the targeting for heals is the worst i have seen ever.. what is the point of single target heal skills when I cant target anyone because of Companions or other people…
That is the most ridiculous answer i have ever heard: were not gonne balance the class because the class gets to much gold.. wtf is that. When you think of mmo and balance you cant really think about the gold as a factor. ALL mmos have some classes that are WAY better in making gold than some other class. And the fact that…
Keeping other people alive in instances isnt the prob i feel, the prob is the self heal. First of all the heals and healers should be 10X more effective than potions, potions should be used as a OH **** button. Heals on self should be just as effective as on others. Didnt they realize that IF Cleric get aggro they need…
Discussing pvp balance at low lvls is pointless, they aim balance at max lvl. Some classes are stronger than others at certain lvls, its always been like that in every mmo, and always will be.. Wait till max lvl then you can talk about balance in pvp
Hard to discuss balance at this point, because its the end game that matters, but must say i agree with most here, and the "self" heal is just to bad. either we need to be able to take more dmg, like letting Cleric use the heaviest armor, or need to get some proper heals to our self. Helps a lot when we get a Tank…