Do NOT refine anything because ... after you will be done and refined it to the max, they will put some new ones on the field ! Happened before, will happen again. I got weapon to orange value ... and belt and now ... RP down the drain :) You know what QQ $$ means ? ("crying about money lost")
If you think this is AD sink I'll tell you one thing : just imagine the world without the little things going in and out of Arcane reservoir ! Well THAT will be THE SINK :)
Good idea ! I cried it loud for about 4-5 months now. When pigs will fly ! You know why ? A level 60 with 7k gs after getting his HAMSTER kicked like 20-30 times will want items - good ones - NOW ! Well this "NOW" is hard to achieve with no real money spent ... Got the picture ? :)
Change Vista ! This is the only good advice. Is the most outrageous variant of Windows (using 2G of ram only for itself - **** :) ) Ask Microsoft if there is a chance of upgrading vista to 7 ... And never use the game at full graphics. Full graphics are for super machines (multi-core cpus , videocard with at least 256k…
Simple task. Allow me to explain. From a trader point of view there are some "rush hours" on server. In MMOs they are calling it "prime time". Usually those occur on week-ends. You zone in those hours and count the players in every public instance. Multiply it by aprox. 3 (because like 2/3 are in private instances) and…
And even more, the market is flooded with assets ... who will buy now the assets packs from zen ? I suppose no one, you get assets from AH at 1/5 the price :)
Blue rings + lvl 60 artifact belt - way too good to ignore. +4 dex / int / etc ... means insane bonus alone, not to mention other stats boost. Artifact belts at lvl 60 are making the other ones looking like an innocent joke :) imho ofc
Pre-made ? NO I do NOT enjoy shooting fishes in a barrel ! Anyway pre-made of 5 must be forced to face another pre-made of 5, not some pug, but this is another problem...
Nice ideas ... but, whenever you got an idea please think about it from perspective of a product manager - put a "+" or a "-" at the end of it. Allow me to explain : "+" means that idea will result in increasing the money income and "-" means that idea will make the money income less then there is right now. An idea with…
Is hard to have fun when you kill in 2 shots and then they stay in base ... and is hard to have fun when your score is many-2 and the others score is 0-many and all your team mates are going splat in 2-3 seconds. Anyway, nothing to do when the general opinion is "get used to it and have fun" Please close / delete the…
The team MUST be done according to GS. No skill at 10k gs - simply not because person is too new in the game. And if we suppose there is skill, a 19-20k gs will just sit and hit while the skilled will jump around him. The 10k gs gets always killed by 20k gs. Do the math. I crit for 7-8k a 15k gs - imagine the poor 10k gs -…
Voted NO but ... As the first post of the topic stated "they are coming ..." so what difference will this post make - not a single one. Every patch / module will always have more BOP and more $ sink whatever you want it or not :) SO chill .. farm ... search for daddy's Visa ...
The worst part is that I remember in the past drops were more good ... remember the price on the nightmare mount was 600-800k ad. I remember for sure I got like 3-4 mounts out of the nightmare boxes (lets say like 50-80 of them) and I got 2 stags from like 80-100 openings. But now ... 500 openings and no mount ... I even…
Well .. to reach lvl 10 - 1h is enough (maybe less if you move really fast). I can always have a fresh lvl 10 twinked up (with like 500k investment). In pvp you can kill them and not capture the points and not wining the game so you get very low xp - it will be days till lvl 11. Imagine the horror :) This is not the ideea…
I personally want a single thing - probably will pass unnoticed :) The ability to stop gaining experience at any point. Allow me to explain : maybe I have a twink lvl 10 or 20 ... or 24 if I like and I enjoy very much pvp-in or pve-ing with it. I want it to remain like that - at that particular level - not to grow and go…