My guild joined an alliance and the section for viewing guilds in the alliance under the 'My guild' menu was not showing any of the swords or helm guilds just the gauntlets. When first encountering this issue the alliance chat itself did not come up and could not be interacted with, though my members found the fix to the…
As far as targeting a new structure to build I've run into this bug before where it just wouldn't switch over but everytime for my guild thus far after I've hit the button to set the new target and walked away it does eventually swap over like an extreme version of lag.
A lot of this complaint stems from pugging and/or running with players who don't know their class and what stats they need. While Player skill is a factor, none of the 1600 dungeons remotely qualify as having hard mechanics. In other mmo's there are fights with a lot more mechanic hoops to jump through for bosses. So best…
Despite my issues with Storm King's thunder, the issue last week where all the ps4 servers crashed was ridiculous. If you are going to be doing this kind of work, buff up your servers. As far as mmo's go some do have these issues but the successful ones are fixed quick to never happen again and/or prevented all together.…
The only problem I see with this is that at points actual debate can create something useful so long as people can avoid flaming. As far as the flaming goes, sure it would help players ignore each other when flamed towards. Though players flaming at devs is a non issue as the mods have that covered and the devs are pretty…
Easily fixable problems, adjust the game itself to allow dual specs so that Tr's can have their pvp build and then their PvE build. Second, throw into the trickster rogue's PvE build some sort of extra defensive stats within the feats so that they can actually do damage in melee range while not getting one shotted by the…
Shifting druid would be a complete fail, it would be a game ruining class if they made it like those in WoW. They were op if you played them but when all else fails and you can run a raid with all druids, its a bit much. Now elemental/fey summoning abilities would be nice though I still say Psionicist, devs have already…
Just gotta wait on customer support, even if they were deleted most mmo companies keep a log of characters/ilvls/etc. So its likely they should be able to restore it with a little work, something similar happen to me back a few years when I played WoW.
No offense, this argument has no logical basis outside of one's own OCD for completion. The PvP section of Neverwinter is a small fraction of the game itself considering the massive amount of quests,areas, and endgame gear for PvE. So you can walk through this game without ever touching PvP in truth. As far as guild…
The Moral of the story Cryptic is you want people to spend money on your HAMSTER, then don't pull underhanded business schemes with our gaming. Gamers as a whole aren't stupid, you want to be as big as Blizzard someday? Listen to your customers and produce worthwhile expansions to your games so they feel like your product…
I see a lot of stuff being thrown into thread about changes and no mod/dev response saying "Yes we care/or at least read it." So just incase one of them does come across this I will say just a couple things. 1. Read what your patrons are wanting, happy customers means they spend more. 2. Fix the junk in your game that is…
Regardless of how they are portrayed, so long as the class if added got more than a tip of the hat if made part of a monk class. In DnD the amount of psionic powers is staggering, and it wouldn't do justice to give a monk 3 psionic powers and say "There we go, psionicist is now covered too." Also, it could be added as the…
Arguably, D&D's "first" dragonborn types were Krynn's Draconians.Aye. Krynn's Draconians are technically, as written in lore, a subspecies of Dragonborn. Ty, my point having been. A lot of people hate the look of the current Dragonborn. They threw in an offshoot for Drow, why not for the Dragonborn?
That is not a valid argument to my original point so yea bud. Considering players might find the original Half Dragon/Dragonborn more visually appealing, the point is both companies might make more profit with selling that race to be playable. 2 mill rough players ps4 alone, money to be made appealing at least visually.…
I actually have a book with the artwork for a HALF DRAGON and no it is not accurate. Secondly, go back to 2nd edition. Just because you mutilate something and change its name...well yea, its still that thing. Don't correct if you can't step past the most recent editions, some of us have been into dnd before Neverwinter was…
Going to point this out as a dnd fan...before you add races. Fix the ones you've got first, for one you'd get a lot more people to buy half dragons thus renamed to steal from Elder scrolls Dragonborn...DnD half dragons do NOT look like giant lizards. They look very humanoid with tinted skin in the direction of whatever…
The Psionicist...I mean really? Its common sense, look at the monsters/bosses within the game. Most of them have abilities of one or a couple classes. So why in the nine hells do we have illithids but no class that can perform psionic warfare right back? You want a class that can be versatile and have a lot of potential.…