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  • I am interested to see. The Nightmare mount I put up was Friday night I think and I put it for the max of five days. So tonight it would have expired at the earliest. I will have to keep an eye on my email and see if I get one of those emails with the last bid amount or min bid in AD.
  • Pure gold!! Thank you thank you!! :)
  • Ah gotcha. Well I hope they don't kill the Gateway as I use it to screw off at work and work my character's professions lol. I never did much but watch my consignments as far as the AH goes. They can just remove that if they can't fix it. Though I do wonder if they hired the programmers like Michael Bolton from Office…
  • I think what I have read, your items will be back in the AH once it is restored, and at whatever state they were in, and the auction end time will not have changed. Considering the length of time it is OOS most or all of your consignments will have expired and you will receive them back in the normal manner unsold auctions…
  • My guess is it will be back up when they have a fix for the exploit/loophole. Otherwise, restoring a database is easy and fairly quick enough so I am guessing it isn't an issue of a restore to a certain point in time but more of a fix the hole in the system and then restore all the auctions back to just before the cats…
  • No, because you are a troll.
  • I wish there was an ignore all posts by this user in the forums, then I wouldn't have to wade through the posts by the two of them.
  • I had Nightmare I had pulled from a lockbox on the Wednesday or Thursday before the "event" and had put it up on the AH. It had a high bid of 800k AD on Saturday afternoon, and then sometime Saturday night or early Sunday morning it sold for the buyout which I had set at 1.25 million AD. I am sure one of the suspect user…
  • So you sent a capture of yourself exploiting the game to prove you didn't use a different exploit and so should not have been banned and should be allowed to keep playing and running your different exploit .... bwahahahahaha ... hahaahaha .... oh make it stop .... hahahaahahaha.
  • I think the "event" started a lot sooner than Sunday morning. I logged in Saturday night when I got home from my D&D game and an item I was selling the AH was bought out at the buy out price. As it was a high priced item (a Nightmare) and I was saving to get myself a Galeb Dur I had seen on the AH, I went right in there to…
  • I really worry about the people who are grouped (since one has to group to do many of the quests) and one person crashes, it is beta after all, and then he/she waits for 20-25 minutes and their group has to wait for them to get back in. What has been this company's reaction to queue times like this in their other games? Do…
  • Took me 25 minutes waiting ... but finally got in. Hope this is fixed eventually. I would hate to schedule my game time after work and doing house stuff only to sit in 20-30 minute queues.
  • I can expect some issues like this for the first day of open beta as people login to play. My hope is the devs are paying attention to the numbers and maybe add more shards to handle the volume or do something else to mitigate the issue. I do find it rather frustrating as it would be good to know where I truly am in the…