Yeah, sadly, it took Cryptic a couple of years to add a "return to character select" option to STO. I hope it doesn't take them that long to add it here too.
You should get your eyes checked. The one in the background is not a warlock, but is a normal cleric. If you follow the stream of magic, you will see he is targeting the creature with Astral Seal. As for the Drow, she is a double dagger wielding rogue, as normal
I think you have to go into options and turn that on. Iirc, seeing your own name/title is turned off by default. **reason for edit** added options path Yeah, Options>interface>hud, scroll down to "yourself" option and turn them both on.
Yeah, the gold farmer spammers are getting out of hand too. In the time it takes you to right-click name and click "report spam", they have already spammed the same message 20 times. Sadly, once they get muted, they just log on to a different account and do it again.
Thank you for the answer. I can continue tabbing out without it being an issue, it is just one of those luxury features that makes things a little simpler.
I'm curious, All founders that bought the $60 pack have the forum title "guardian" applied under their names, but I notice that the OP, who insists that he shouldn't have to wait in queue with the rest of us "freeloaders" strangely doesn't have one...