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Why the Vote Kick is OKAY



  • jaxcevaaljaxcevaal Member Posts: 63
    edited May 2015
    My attitude on the matter may be poor by hypocrite standards. .. but I'm tired of dealing with it myself. It's a dog eat dog world. And I'm biting back instead of winning about it. There are ways to prevent it, utilize them or deal with it. Anyone caught kicking my 3 man party instantly gets the boot, and we read names. Usually it's the guy that stops fighting or moving that is at fault for trying to kick people. I don't only kick people who try to kick my group, I kick any randy who starts a vote even on another randy. I know my group isn't the one putting the votes up so I know who is at fault.

    You act like I'm the bad guy when I try to tell you the reality of the situation at hand. It's like someone harassing you. Did you try to make it stop? Did you block them or prevent the issue by blocking and then they find an alternate way to contact you?
    did you have a 3 man group to have majority vote?
    Well then if you are going to allow yourself into these situations and not try to stop it when there are ways to do so, it's not our job to play peer mediator. If something is broken and there's no way to prevent it, or, if this person continues to harass you via alternate means, then we can take action.
  • hisunholy2hisunholy2 Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    He is proof that gear score doesn't mean a **** thing. My GS is about 10500 give or take a few. Keep in mind i am a hunter ranger, and i was able to drop a nuke. I am geared with nothing but "drake" gear as well. http://xboxclips.com/Fusion+3RB/f310ccc2-ed84-449f-99ee-22a519bef915

    Please stop kicking because of gear score or class.
  • monktoastymonktoasty Member Posts: 117 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    jaxcevaal wrote: »
    I like how many of the people flaming in here are the ones also kicking people. Obviously, according to everyone's standards of complaining, nobody should kick anybody. None of you can claim you don't kick people or your party wouldn't be available for theft. It's a standard case of the pot calling the kettle black. Hypocrisy at its finest.

    Alright guys. Remove the vote kick and or allow it only one every 5 minutes so people can complain about bad players and party wipes instead. Problem solved.

    Or you can just queue as a 3 man group and avoid the situation entirely like our guild and friends do. But not to worry, that's only a suggestion. Then if you get kicked, you're obviously not reading names and are at fault for being quick to kick.

    Sorry but no one needs to kick for any reason

    Its better to be stuck with bad players than open a system of abuse..like you said you can always hunt with guildies avoid the whole mess

    But in a random match, you should live with who you are matched with..kicking is not needed at all
  • instynctiveinstynctive Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,885 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    jaxcevaal wrote: »
    16. Your name is any variation of the name Legolas.

    I agree with this one.
    "...I grab my wiener and charge!" - ironzerg79
  • jaxcevaaljaxcevaal Member Posts: 63
    edited May 2015
    hisunholy2 wrote: »
    He is proof that gear score doesn't mean a **** thing. My GS is about 10500 give or take a few. Keep in mind i am a hunter ranger, and i was able to drop a nuke. I am geared with nothing but "drake" gear as well. http://xboxclips.com/Fusion+3RB/f310ccc2-ed84-449f-99ee-22a519bef915

    Please stop kicking because of gear score or class.

    Yeah gs is useless my buddy can tank Draco barely meeting requirements to get into castle never. The issue is more in what enchantments and gear you use. A rogue with no power and all crit does not go well. Or a tank with no defense, very squishy and obviously doesn't understand their class.
  • akadaryuujinakadaryuujin Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Somebody is ****ing full of themselves, tell me Mr. My ****dontstink. HOW can players learn to beat a boss when they are kicked constantly?

    What about the people who fought through the whole dungeon, got to the boss for their first time and died because they haven't learned it or due to lag (I've been one shot early on in bosses due to lag a LOT) guess they are getting kicked even though they fought through the whole dungeon?

    I'm sorry dude you bring up some valid points but you are ****ing FULL of yourself, EVERYONE has to learn the game JUST LIKE YOU DID, kicking them for petty reasons doesn't help. How about giving advice next time?
  • mmmsquirtmmmsquirt Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I play as a hunter ranger and when I was equipped in greens and blues I out Dps'ed almost every player with 10k+ GS. it is about knowing your class with the right setup.
  • alisi1alisi1 Member Posts: 366 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    telprydain wrote: »
    This is a terrible attitude, and it's why we can't have nice things. You do briefly flirt with some good points here, but over-all it's just mean-spirited bollocks that confirms all the worst misconceptions about console players. I'll quickly address the points in the order you raised them.

    1. This is mostly true - but not all the time. Very dependent on class, build and gear synergy. I actually have no problem with these folk getting the boot from T2 dungeons as long as you do it at the start and let them know WHY they are getting the boot. Just a simple, "hey man, this is a Tier 2 area - please run the Tier 1 areas first. Thanks!" is enough to set them on the right path.
    If they got all the way to the end boss with that loadout, there's zero reason they shouldn't be able to get through that too.

    2. A majority of our crew are using draconics, and frankly (as long as they're leveling them up) those are fine starter enchantments for most classes - and we have zero problems with bulldozing any T2. The enchant type is less relevant than play skill and overall gearing - If the GS is the problem, do as described about and send a message asking them to re-visit the T1s, otherwise get a grip an run the dungeon with them.

    3. Feck right off with that mindset. That's some of the worst <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> I've read. If there is a group struggling with the final boss, you're free to leave. Don't use that as an excuse for your own bullying.
    Frankly, the scrub in that team is you - or anyone who wants to get a cheap boss kill rather than run the dungeon.

    4. Again, this is awful. If someone contributed throughout a whole dungeon and then gets boss blitzed, they still contributed. Booting someone joining during the boss battle or who's AFK - fine, I guess. But again, the idea that someone who died "'didn't contribute" is endemic of someone who just wants free-rides to the boss rather than running the whole dungeon properly.

    5. Perhaps - if it's a later T2. Early T2s that should be fine. But again, something to raise at the START of dungeon, not the end.

    6. Perhaps, but if your cleric is any good at all, he can do the tank's job. If whats requires is drawing ads and kiting, the GWF can do that fine.
    (Yep - Cleric player here)

    7. Yes and no - I'd love for epics to work like normal dungeons, where you can ride to the dungeon and enter as a group without all the matchmaking rules. That'd be awesome. It would solve a lot of problems.
    But it doesn't work like that, and hijacking other people's runs is a jerk move.

    8. I laughed at this.. the knowledge that jerk-booters are getting booted pleases me. But the fact that other people are jerks doesn't give you the right to be a jerk too.
    Plus, the way voting works, if there is one jerk in the group you join, him and you can ruin the experience for three people who are doing nothing wrong.

    9. Same as 8. It's not fair-game, other people's bad behavior does not justify yours.

    10. Considering the behavior you're advocating here I find it amusing that you assume that other people are shady. Most folk are happy to abide by loot rules if they're laid out in advance. (Although I personally think assigning arbitrary rules is a sign of a cry-baby attitude from poor loosers or indicative of a guild who doesn't already know how to distribute assets properly).

    11. Yes... ish to the concept of terrible players. If that person ignores both voice and text chat, and insists on making life annoying with their playstyle - you're getting booted. But if you respond to chat and work with us, you can stay.
    No to your elitist, self-important judgments on gear-score.

    12. As per 11 - if they refuse to play ball, yeah.

    13. This one's fine, IMHO. Someone trying to kick early is going to be a jerk later too. Nip it in the bud and kick them out ASAP.
    I often run with a ranger and rogue, and people are constantly trying to kick both of them, despite the fact the three of us are all in the same guild. I don't care if you're a tank or have a l33t GS - I'd rather have literally anyone else on my team if you're the sort of person who's trying to boot.

    14. This is really just 11 again. You should be able to tell this prior to the boss battles - booting someone for this at a boss is poor form.

    15. This is just 11 again.

    16. See below. :)

    You say that console rookies have no idea what they're doing and obviously no idea why they're getting kicked, and while it's great you're telling them, not everyone does. The situation won't improve until people are educated on what they're doing wrong.
    I also disagree about your "heal, tank, 3dps" suggestion. Tanks are nice, but only in PUGs where people are unreliable. If everyone knows what they are doing, 2x TR, 2xSW, 1xDC wipes dungeons fastest. Or heck, even groups with no cleric OR tank can obliterate most dungeons if they know their role (although good luck managing that in a PUG).

    Lastly, I think this sums up your complaints:

    ^this. Also mod 5 didn't need tanks or healers for the t2's.
  • alisi1alisi1 Member Posts: 366 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Also I never kick or vote to kick. If I think a party can not beat an instance I will leave.
  • obliviouslusterobliviousluster Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    This thread hasn't been locked yet? Shocking!
    Walk on wandering souls
    For your respite we pray
    Let our humble song clear your hearts of dismay,
    Rekindle the flame in your souls and set you free
    So walk on and become the light that guides the way~
  • bossmchoggbossmchogg Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    OP, your reasons are sound. The current rendition of the vote kick however is not sound. It has a horrible flaw that allows people of questionable ethics to kick the minority vote of the party out after a boss fight to get the purple loot for themselves. Until at least that flaw is addressed, the Vote Kick is not OKAY.
  • passarellafifapassarellafifa Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    jaxcevaal wrote: »
    I had this posted on another thread, but apparently people only read the original post before throwing in their two cents without giving ANY thought to what they are complaining about.

    MAJOR issues with the complaints in here. Anyone who disagrees are Probably*** the ones I am talking about. Feel free to comment on any of this specifically and tell me why I'm wrong.

    1. Gearscore doesn't mean squat. You shouldn't be in a T2 dungeon wearing half blue or any greens. Should require at least T1 gear.

    2. Severely underpowered DPS. Too many players have mixed trash starts using draconics and cheap trash to boost gearscore to BARELY meet dungeon requirements.

    3. Fail groups. If you can not complete a dungeon due to a trash group, your lobby should be fair game to take over and replace with a passing group.

    4. Free rides. This is a big one. If you die and have near nothing to do with a boss fight, you don't deserve the boss loot. I don't give free rides, I WILL kick freeloaders.
    Also players joining MID boss battle who can't get into the fight should be removed as well, mid battle. NO FREE RIDES. Bet you thought you got lucky, but nope. Bye bye.

    5. Low defense tanks. You're a tank, your main stat is DEFENSE. A 10k+gs tank should not have under 4K defense. Learn your role.


    7. Friends. I should be able to close a lobby to invite only to keep you guys out.

    8. Complete lobby takeover. If I can join your lobby and you or your own team mates are quick to kick anyone I start a vote on, the voters should not be whining when they get kicked too. You are ALL guilty of this, don't even deny that. Don't be a hypocrite.

    9. Dracolich. Oh god, Dracolich. If your group can't kill it, and we take your lobby, you probably shouldn't be trying to fight it. This is a big one for winning hypocrites. YOU voted your team out, don't cry when you get kicked too. I lose lobbies too, but it's all fair game. I take them as well.

    10. Groups. Some groups run loot rules where we make sure everyone in our group or guild gets loot, a split ofthe profits, and the gear we need when it drops. If you think for an instant I'm going to trust some shady random, you're insane. You're getting kicked for MY TEAM. Probably most of you have no idea what to do with Draco and don't even belong there.

    11. Terrible players. This is more than just gearscore. Most GWF do not know how to play their class. Most DPS do not have their stats right. I see 15k gs dps with under 4k power. You are getting the boot. You should be above that before 12k gs even. .. use some guides, I know a lot of you think destiny is an mmorpg but a lot of you have no idea how to play an mmorog.

    12. People who don't listen. If an experienced cleric and tank say do something, do it. As a DC, I tell you these things to make MY job easier. I'm not chasing 4 people in 5 directions. I'm glad your only job is to attack things, I have to try to keep ago of you alive. Rogues, WAIT. Let the tank take the lead dang it out you're getting DAS BOOT! INSTANTLY!

    13. You guys kick anyone who pops in with the same class as you out of greed for loot? When I have two rogues in my lobby and one gets a vote to kick on him, 9x out of 10 its the other rogue being a greedy fool and I kick them instead.

    14. People who don't dodge. Example: Fighting a huge Iron Golem who's attacks are slow and predictable, if by 10k GS you can not dodge the attacks when it's the only thing we're fighting, you are an accident waiting to happen. Yeah, lag, cool, sometimes people get hit. I don't mind that. But when you get one shot TWICE because you don't even bother trying to dodge, you are a problem waiting to happen. I know rogues who don't dodge ANYTHING and just stand in red. Here's an idea, if it's red, MOVE. I am not playing with people who don't even try to stay alive.

    15. Please stop standing as far away from the boss as you can. I understand that you're a ranged DPS class, but do you understand how difficult it is to come pick you up while trying to keep heals in multiple locations? A Divine Cleric can keep you better alive if you're grouped. Which goes back to point 14. You can dodge ANYTHING. The tank / highest DPS should hold aggro facing away from the rest of the group.

    16. Your name is any variation of the name Legolas.

    I can give you more reasons we need to be able to kick people than you can give excuses to take that option away from us. This isn't wow and a lot of these console rookies have no idea what they're doing. And obviously no idea why they're getting kicked.
    I make a note to tell people why I am kicking them before I do. Be it under geared, under powered, low defense, poor skill use, a bad spec. .. ever see a tank with more power than defense or zero AoE taunt? A cleric that can't heal for poo? DPS that are out damaged by a heal spec cleric? I have. In every single one of your fail groups.

    The only rule we need is a 3 strike rule. After 3x getting kicked from a specific lobby, you can no longer join that instance. So you are forced to a different one. This will help prevent people from getting stuck entering and getting kicked from the same lobby over, and over, and over again.

    AND matchmaking that gives us heal, tank, 3dps.

    Brother ... parabens at last someone wise who understands how a real MMO -shaped Dungeon ... do several inspect the char TANK city and all I saw was DAMAGE , INJURY DAMAGE ... I eg 11,800 GS , 1000 defense damage and 5,700 .

    I'm not worried about attacking because my goal is aggro and defend.

    People only want to damage damage damage.
  • blueberry1973blueberry1973 Member Posts: 58
    edited May 2015
    The authors reasons do not support the current system. They support a change that includes:

    1. The ability of the group leader to invite friends that must be approved by other members.
    2. A restriction that anyone who joins a group must wait 20 minutes to kick another player.
    3. The ability to invite prior to electing to que.
    4. Being able to specify a certain class type for the que. Waiting for a healer and kicking 40 dps prior is stupid.
    5. Kicking is no allowed on any member who hits the first boss unless they dc.

    The author is probably a pay to win high gs scrub based off the tone of his post. I mean anyone that actually supports lobby stealing is a mouth breather.
  • jaxcevaaljaxcevaal Member Posts: 63
    edited May 2015
    The authors reasons do not support the current system. They support a change that includes:

    1. The ability of the group leader to invite friends that must be approved by other members.
    2. A restriction that anyone who joins a group must wait 20 minutes to kick another player.
    3. The ability to invite prior to electing to que.
    4. Being able to specify a certain class type for the que. Waiting for a healer and kicking 40 dps prior is stupid.
    5. Kicking is no allowed on any member who hits the first boss unless they dc.

    The author is probably a pay to win high gs scrub based off the tone of his post. I mean anyone that actually supports lobby stealing is a mouth breather.

    I support lobby stealing because I'm tired of people whining about it everywhere. Enough is enough, if you aren't going to play your class for what it is, you're getting booted. And I'm a little beyond the T2 bs. I'm not playing around with people who don't listen and people who don't dodge. I'm not going to carry someone through eLoL only to have them swype some loot they didn't earn. Ask me if I care what you think? Absolutely not.

    And no, I am a 15k GS DC with no Pay 2 Win powers. I earned my money the same way everyone else did, kicking kids who couldn't kill Dracolich to get a lobby that stood a chance. I do not kick people when boss loot rolls unless they were NOT A PART OF THE FIGHT! (NO FREE RIDES GET THE HELL OUT! No fight, no loot for you. If you fight, YOU CAN LOOT! How is that unacceptable?) I have carried more than my fair share of bad kids through bosses with my 3 man group and lost loot to them so quitcher complaining.
    I give people instructions on how to fight the battle, if they can't follow them after 2-3 times they gotta go. If rogues are running ahead playing tank, BYE BYE!

    You're probably some pay $0 not support the game bad player trying to get a free ride whining on the forums with the rest of the bad kids. It may be a bad attitude on my end but enough is enough. If you can't listen and you can't play your class you need to pick a class you can play.

    And if you are seriously not smart enough to find a group of 3 to run with, you are going to get kicked from many lobbies. YOU CAN PREVENT IT, you CHOOSE NOT TO, you ARE getting kicked, and I have ZERO FRACKIN SYMPATHY for those who don't avoid the avoidable. NONE. And more whining I see daily makes me laugh even more.
  • dreampagehundreampagehun Member Posts: 97 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    In any case the kicking system is NOT okay and should be removed. Even if you think you know the game better than the other guy, even if it's really the case, you should never be allowed to control someone else's game. Don't like your current group? Think you're so much better? Leave. Find another group for yourself, no one is stopping you. But sadly there are too many self-entitled selfish people here who think they can decide whether other players are allowed to play. The Gear Score limit for example is there for a reason. If you're eligible then you're eligible, period. And what if someone's character is called Legolas? Who cares? Who are you to judge others? They don't ruin your game, you ruin theirs by kicking them out. The developers should not allow this.
    Guardian Fighter | Total Item Level: 2600+
  • danyenginedanyengine Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    1) Ok, I agree. Fact is that I have a t2 equip, artifact weapon, artifact belt, vorpal, soulfourged and so on ... but i'm kicked out as soon as it apperas a drop that I could get, even if I'm often the best DPS of the party.
    2)I really agree!I worked hard to get my specialized DPS PG. I could have at least 1000 points more than I have, but I would be less strong than I 'm now. Fact is that players just look to the overall. When I was 13050, my pg was really better than many (many!!) 14500, but no one looked at my stats and my gear. They just kick the lower gearscore.
    3) I can't understand well, my english is not so good :) .
    4) In my opinion it is not right. Everyone of us want to join the first time a dungeon to test it and the quality of his PG. If you just kick a player, he will never understand what he has to improve for the next time. Players need to die some times against a boss to learn and improve their build. Do you think they have to arrive to the boss after "having studied" on the web? I prefer to build my PG by myself, mistaking and remistaking. So, let they join the boss and take the chest. You will se that the next time they will be stronger ;) .
    5) Ok. I agree. If you do a DPS thank, maybe you have to change something. It is not a test of your build like in the point 4. It is a sort of "semantic error" and it is more serious. I usually underline it by the private chat.
    6) Can't understand what you want to mean in this case, too :( .
    7) Yes, true, but it is not so easy to have always 4 friends that want to play the same game, or the same skirmish/dungeon
    8) I agree
    9) It seems that a group can't try to fight a boss if they are not enough powered. It is not right for me. How can they know if they can without testing and re testing it? It seems like if you say: " If you arrive on the first boss of Dark souls and you die, "throw in the trash the game"! No. It is not the way. The first time you look at the boss, than you study the pattern, than you undestand how to make him damage ... and than you will help your party. Let the players play! if you just kick out them, they will need a lot of time to be useful.
    10) If you want to do that, you should only play with yout team. Don't use other people to be faster westing their time. It is not correct. If you need someone to be 5, it is right and correct they join to the loot. If you don't want them to join, play the game only with your team.
    11) Ok. I found many of them. Fact is that it seems you don't care of the quality of the player. You just care of the loot. If I had a perfect PG and a boss drops a loot of about 750K AD, you would kick me out the same (and it is not right), so the fact that players have not a good PG is not so important for you considering all all the previous points.
    12) Yes, ok, but it could be explained thorought the written chat before kicking out. Consider that it is not easy for many persons (me too) to understand other languages. Imagine if I tell you in Italian " Non fare i cerchi vicino al boss, ma pensa ad aiutare il tank perchè a noi basta che lui ci levi di mezzo i mob e riusciamo a resistere tranquillamente ai colpi." ... It could be not easy to understand for "not Italian players"
    13) I can't understand very well. Generally I can see people voting for the first one that appears on the vote
    14) I accept it one time ... two times... tree times ... four times .... then you need to be kicked out .
    15) I have a CW. If I remain far away from the boss you can be sure I understand I can't die. If I have some problem I approach the healer or the group of player waiting for the healer. Fact is that all classes have problems. You can not think that all players can think to the healer each moment of the fight. I would really like that everyone make easy my job, else somethime I have to tank (... or I could say "run" ... more often you can think) , sometime I have to do many damage, some times I have to care of the tank or of the healer ... If you have to heal players in different places during a boss, it is a normal job for a healer, because probably thay have their own problems, too ;) .
  • thefabricantthefabricant Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 5,248 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Look, ok, I am a pc player, coming from the pc version so I know how this is going to turn out in a few months. Firstly, I agree that a vote kick feature of some description is necessary, however, the reasons you have provided are not the ones I would give for it. In fact, the reasons you have given are probably the ones I would give if I was arguing for removing it, because they are selfish and uninformed. The fact is, the xbox version of this game is still in the easy game mode as opposed to the mod 6 difficulty, this means, that in a month or so, people will be able to solo Castle Never fairly effectively and in fact, if a TR in blues can get into Castle Never, if they are specced perma stealth and know what they are doing, they can solo it already. Discriminating against players based on gear, gs or anything other then them not knowing what they are doing is pointless, because none of those factors even matter pre mod 6.

    And when I say a 9k gs tr can solo CN, I am dead serious, I did it with 10.7k gs on my tr with no boons and only leveling gear before mod 6 arrived, which shows how easy dungeons were before mod 6 occurred. Other classes could do it as well once they were much better geared, but that is irrelevant as we are considering the game at an early stage when no one has super amazing gear. Also, I suggest to those xbox players who have not followed the progress of the game on pc or who never played the game on pc to look on the pc forums to see what you will be getting in the future, unlike us PC players, you have the ability to see everything that is coming in future as we get to experience it first and go through all the muck.

    A vote kick function should definitely exist, but it should be:
    1) Unanimous, all other active (not disconnected) members of the party should have to vote yes to remove someone.
    2) Should allow the vote kicking of AFK players when the group is smaller or equal to 3 members.
  • greatg1gintheskygreatg1ginthesky Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    jaxcevaal wrote: »

    I give people instructions on how to fight the battle, if they can't follow them after 2-3 times they gotta go.

    Haha, yeah cos you're the one that everyone should listen to eh?
    What a complete and utter donut! Get off your high horse kid.
  • jaxcevaaljaxcevaal Member Posts: 63
    edited May 2015
    Haha, yeah cos you're the one that everyone should listen to eh?
    What a complete and utter donut! Get off your high horse kid.

    Uh, no. But I'm not going to sit there with some dumb moron who has no idea what he's doing and can't follow simple instruction when I tell him what's going on. Like those idiots who after 5 or 6 times of consistently falling off of the platforms in Spellplague.... Always on the first freakin platform drop. It's not a high horse, it's a rather low one with low expectations. But I have a keyboard, most do not, and I am the first to tell people what to expect if they haven't done a specific boss battle before. So eat my shorts kid. Trolls like you are the reason people like me have this attitude.
  • greatg1gintheskygreatg1ginthesky Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    jaxcevaal wrote: »
    Uh, no. But I'm not going to sit there with some dumb moron who has no idea what he's doing and can't follow simple instruction when I tell him what's going on. Like those idiots who after 5 or 6 times of consistently falling off of the platforms in Spellplague.... Always on the first freakin platform drop. It's not a high horse, it's a rather low one with low expectations. But I have a keyboard, most do not, and I am the first to tell people what to expect if they haven't done a specific boss battle before. So eat my shorts kid. Trolls like you are the reason people like me have this attitude.

    I can assure you, I'm most definitely not a troll. I just have zero tolerance for ppl with the attitude that it's their way or no way... that's not how things work. I can certainly feel your frustration if you're watching someone die the same way time and time again, but it just strikes me that you want to boot people for the slightest thing, or for not following your lead or blah blah blah..

    I get it, it can be very frustrating... but maybe you need to adapt too eh?

    Ppl are reacting in a troll like manner to you, because your attitude on the matter is awful man. If the game is full of ppl with the same thinking as you, it's not a fun place to be. It's not just about YOU having fun, it's a communal game... surely you can get that?
  • oflowzoflowz Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    OP: How about instead of typing walls you dont join the PUG queue?

    You are probably one of the people abusing votekicking I get that impression from all the whining you are doing here.

    This entire post shows you have a terrible attitude and are just selfish.
  • aishiiteruaishiiteru Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    half green or blue? so when i wear an artifact weapon i get kicked? lol its stupid this whole voting system ;)
  • quaffliciousquafflicious Member Posts: 66 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    So we are all in agreement that the OP is wrong and was probably one of those 'noobs' that kept getting kicked from dungeons cause he didn't meet the requirements of the elitists that were in said groups? And now he himself has become one of those elitists that kinda ruin the fun of the game?
  • theroniest87theroniest87 Member Posts: 49 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    You are one of those smart asses that will enjoy playing alone and being able to kick only yourself and people like you lol But in the end maybe this game was meant for people like you, don't give us reasons just say you enjoy that! People have weird sexual fantasies all the time lol
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