And I do think an artifact set should do only 2-3% dmg as Imperial set does. Not 20-28%...
2-3% not worth weeks of farming. It makes no sense to buy a set if you can easy play without it.
I think Lostmauth set is the only worth to buy, as you can feel the difference. So leave it alone Maybe it's time to slightly boost Valindra set as CWs prefer Losmauth instead.
another week without GF mention, so i will NOT play for other 7 days waiting for a miracle..
here U have just a "partial list" of Bugs still ON:
1-shield not rising when key pressed (randomly)
2-shield not lasting 'till the total stamina consumption with key pressed
3-shield rising with 1 or 2 sec delay after key prsssing
4-stamina regen from shield slam at-will not allways working (like 2 hits yes, 2 hits no, randomly)
5-steel defence dmg immunity not allways granted after daily power usage
6-steel defence dmg immunity when granted has a 1 or 2 sec delay after the end of the triggering daily power
7-steel defence dmg immunity when granted can be bypassed by certain powers (blackdagger piercing hit for sure)
8-weapon master power on the primary weapon shows "??" amount of buff to dmg
9-staying power feat not granting 10% less mitigation on encounter powers
10-constitution point granting ONLY 680 HP each way less than the 4% intended
11-dmgs from knight valor are not detected from soulforged ress calculation
12-+30% def on knight valor dmgs is not applied, further more even the base %def is not applied resultin in a sort-like unmitigable dmgs from that power
13-anvil of doom power not activating even if the target is standing just in front of U at 2 feet distance (need to turn yourself left and right some times to get it usable)
14-bull charge not finishing the animation if used when alt is on fly (jumping down from a cliff) but goes on cool down
15-terrifying impact power not able to hit target at a different groun level than U (i.e. in maps like sharandar where groud is variated a lot) or flying (i.e. archons, Valindra and so on)
16-Tab Mark class feture DOESENT grant GF with extra thret resulting in mobs aggroing dps classes all the time
17-Mark class feture DOESENT grant combat advantage to party like it SHOULD and stated
18-Mark class feture DOESENT grant dmgs mitigation to party in conjunction with Daunting Challenge feat
than a "parial list" of NON-Bugs things that should be visited too:
1-Def from AC should reflect armor type (cloths, plates and so on) to properly distinguish tank from dps classes AS base speed does (GFs are slower than death and i am fine with than if i can survive oneshotting trash mobs)
2-base HP from Constitution should reflect classes role too
3-single target long animation time daily power like Crescendo should be the BEST dmg souce and NOT weaker than a normal encounter power (4 time hits on your head from a jump with a heavy sword should insta kill you wearing a pijama)
3-weak dmg daily power like Villain's Menace that is mainly used to gain a short CC immunity (and dmgs immunity if combined to steel defence) should be fast casting and activate its power RIGHT after the key press, NOT 4 or 5 sec after depending on dely and lag
4-shield blocking area SHOULD be clearly shown on the ground (like PALLYs have) and SHOULD be bigger than a 30° cone that merely works with a single enemy right in front of you (PALLYs have 360° protection O.o)
5-enemys jump SHOULDNT permit them to end theyr movement ABOVE your head in a place where they CAN hit you, BUT you CANT hit them (tanking multiple mobs with shoulders on a wall = insta death) maybe this can be considered a Bug as well
on a side note, i have already wrote a PM to Panderus regarding this facts, BUT seems i dont have enough priority to receive an answer yet.
Totally sign on this.
I can confirm allmost every listed Bug, especially those with not raising shield and shield not lasting even with full stamina. Also not getting the extra aggro with Tab Mark.
Every single GF Bug on this list is like a death sentence in Dungeons for GFs and as well for group. Thats why playing NW since Mod6 ist more like a dieing through Dungeons, rather than playing through.
langer1976Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 1Arc User
edited May 2015
BUG: Rank 4 Frozen Terrain: Thx for fixing the Cooldown, but now i cannot put the Terrain on the Location i wanted!!! It only can be spelled on my Position! Not good for my Control-Build!
Edit: I mean the Spellmastery Slot, which allows me to spell Icy Terrain on the Spot I Wanted
No, no. The GF is fine. He don't need a workover. He don't need mor survivability. It works like planned, that he is useless in T2 Dungeons if you dont take him as DPS-GF. Go on and buff the OP.
Naaah, shes fine. Tiamat is doable with right coordination and good raid.
We've done it without any bugs or exploits.
Perhaps it would be worth to look into SW old fabled set and what kind of dps out put it does on dragons / tiamat head versus mod 6 equipped other classes , as well as bug with transcended feytouched, in addition to bug with anointed army that blocks breath...
Then you can say you do not use bugs / exploits to win
No, no. The GF is fine. He don't need a workover. He don't need mor survivability. It works like planned, that he is useless in T2 Dungeons if you dont take him as DPS-GF. Go on and buff the OP.
It's not just the GF having problems, and that's what really rubs me the wrong way with mod 6. I've been teaming up with a guildie who plays an OP so I can get through dailies. Let me tell you, an OP in open-world is like a deity -- they are unkillable. While it's nice to have help when needed, it shouldn't be necessary, and the changes that made it necessary are where I really have problems with mod 6:
1. Potion cooldown increased to 18 seconds. There was never a problem in mod 5 of people drinking potions too often, and I don't recall ever seeing someone post a good reason as to why the change was made (I don't consider "to make the paladin desirable" a good one at all, when you take solo content into account). This change rubs me the wrong way the most, and I'm looking for some word from the devs that they will either convincingly justify it or address the harm that the change has done. So far I haven't seen either.
2. No in-combat regen. First, let me point out what should be obvious: during combat is the only time when we actually need it. Regen out-of-combat is a nice-to-have, but regen during combat is a need-to-have: it keeps us alive. The reason given in the blog was, "well, we didn't know what to do with it". Sorry, but I'm really looking for something better than that. Perhaps the designers didn't know what to do with it, but the players certainly did -- we chased it to keep us alive when we're out doing solo content. Like #1, I'm looking for some official word from the devs concerning the change and the harm it has done.
The changes have made the paladin desirable in group content. They have also made it indispensable in solo content, and to me that is unacceptable. I'm asking the devs to address this.
Harper Chronicles: Cap Snatchers (RELEASED) - NW-DPUTABC6X Blood Magic (RELEASED) - NW-DUU2P7HCO Children of the Fey (RELEASED) - NW-DKSSAPFPF Buried Under Blacklake (WIP) - NW-DEDV2PAEP The Redcap Rebels (WIP) - NW-DO23AFHFH
My Foundry playthrough channel:
where is this 'boom' about hr roots armor penetration bug???
where are all writing about this unreal bug from weeks, but not even an answer about that,ours dmg is around 30% less than normal should be.
Let us know. ty
Perhaps it would be worth to look into SW old fabled set and what kind of dps out put it does on dragons / tiamat head versus mod 6 equipped other classes , as well as bug with transcended feytouched, in addition to bug with anointed army that blocks breath...
Then you can say you do not use bugs / exploits to win
WHY? What exactly is your problem with SW fabled set? It works exactly as designed - deals damage % of enemy health - more health on enemies, more damage.
What is reason for your cry for nerf? Probably because it does more damage that you can do??? Really I don't understand people like you - "I can't do something so others should not be able to do it!"
matiagronxMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 251Arc User
WHY? What exactly is your problem with SW fabled set? It works exactly as designed - deals damage % of enemy health - more health on enemies, more damage.
What is reason for your cry for nerf? Probably because it does more damage that you can do??? Really I don't understand people like you - "I can't do something so others should not be able to do it!"
U really think that doing 2-3-4 million damage per rotation is working as designed? GET your head out of wherever it is, SW buggy super DPS is THE BUGGIEST THING EVER in this game, second only to the stacking HV which at least needed coordination to preserve. IT would work exactly as designed IF it had a cap for the damage regardless of the percentage of enemy health. But it doesnt, SO its broken. Of course since its still in game u can use it untill developers fix it, but u must accept the humiliation u will get from NORMAL people who dont EXPLOIT.
Perhaps it would be worth to look into SW old fabled set and what kind of dps out put it does on dragons / tiamat head versus mod 6 equipped other classes , as well as bug with transcended feytouched, in addition to bug with anointed army that blocks breath...
Then you can say you do not use bugs / exploits to win
good SWs with fabled set manage to get heads down for 50% alone, but that is not exploit, its just efficient usage of set from mod 4, Cw with Feytouched had lower damage than me, aka took 4th place in 1 of the runs, so yeah good GWF can overdps feytouched. Also had 1 bug in one of the runs when feytouched delt 72 mil damage on black head.
Fabled set is clearly broken you can compare numbers of damage SW does in any other set then fabled vs fabled and you will see the gap in dmg parses is ridiculous on targets like dragons / tiamat's heads. Saying something like "its good use" its just twisting fact.. There should be cooldown on that set that is not-bypassable.
Trans feytouched causes alot of anomalies.. especially in damage delt department and no you can't outdps fetouched bugging cws as long as that procedure happens. Just because it didn't happen at some point doesn't mean it is WAI.
You use every single available means to achieve victory regardless how "legal" or moral it is using anything to your advantage wherever it seem "on pair" with other sources or not.
Fabled set is clearly broken you can compare numbers of damage SW does in any other set then fabled vs fabled and you will see the gap in dmg parses is ridiculous on targets like dragons / tiamat's heads. Saying something like "its good use" its just twisting fact.. There should be cooldown on that set that is not-bypassable.
Trans feytouched causes alot of anomalies.. especially in damage delt department and no you can't outdps fetouched bugging cws as long as that procedure happens. Just because it didn't happen at some point doesn't mean it is WAI.
You use every single available means to achieve victory regardless how "legal" or moral it is using anything to your advantage wherever it seem "on pair" with other sources or not.
Then you provide feedback on forums.. YOU LOL.
I still outdps SWs with fabled gear and CWs with feytouched most of the time in dungeons, not a tiamat tho, %hp damage is still bigger than my 500k sure strikes and 3 mil IBS hits. Still im an example that gwf can compare with other high dps classes. Every class can be op if you know how to play it.
If anyone has details on the New Cragmire exploit (somone did this already, thanks!) or how to actually do crazy amounts of damage with Feytouched, please PM me.
Lostmauth Artifact Set + Transcendend Feytouched
As if is wouldn’t be enough that the Artifact set alone is fairly strong, the set currently completely explodes in combination with a Transcendend Feytouched Weapon Enchantment. Not sure what exactly happens, the Enchantment might apply the debuff too often or whatever, but the damage output from all sources is insane. I’ve recorded 1M procs of Storm Spell.
Lostmauth Artifact Set + Gushing Wound
To complete the list of game-breaking bugs related to the Artifact Set, the HR is able to nearly infinitely proc the set’s damage and one-shot bosses with it. It’s comparable to the SoD bug that made it through the first week of Mod 5.
Safe Spots in Epic Cragmire Crypts
There are two safe spots in the dungeon from which the end-boss can be attacked without getting hit.
onegaki101Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 327Arc User
edited May 2015
Seems this fix has cause other bugs . IT not working properly on tab. It has also been noted that weapon master is not granting the crit it suppose to give and now Destroyer is bugged.
I think we all appreciate you guys working on fixing the bug, but if the so called "fix" breaks it even further, what was the point of the fix? I am a developer myself and I am astonished how so many of these bugs can even past dev testing.
Can confirm, Icy Terrain is not respecting Skill Mastery and won't let me cast it at a target location, only under my feet
NW-DSQ39N5SJ - 'To Infinity, and BEYOND!' - Spelljammer Quest. Skyships, Indiana Jones moments NW-DC9R4J5EH - 'The Black Pearl' - Spelljammer! Phlo Riders and Space Orcs
Thanks for all the fish.
Please check Icy Terrain it's broken !!! The dot is not working...there is only one damage proc after cast...
At quick glance, IT seems to be working properly (although I only got about a 1.5 second cooldown reduction on rank 4).
I think what you might be seeing is broken target dummies (if someone kills the target dummy it stops taking ground based damage....they will reset eventually but it can take a while), or possibly frozen targets (frozen targets don't take damage from IT)?
kaiserschmarrnMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 390
edited May 2015
Was that mega-nerf to Vow of Enmity really necessary ?? Combined with a lightning enchant it was the only way for a defense specced Paladin to do pve dailies like WoD at a somewhat acceptable pace.
Funny enough it still triggers effects like Shadow Touched, so I see no reason why it shouldn't keep on proccing enchants. It was neither OP nor game breaking in any way, had no effect vs single bosses and was just a nice crutch to not feel entirely underpowered and slow in pve.
What good is it to be indestructible when it takes me 3 times as long to do my dailies compared to other classes.
At quick glance, IT seems to be working properly (although I only got about a 1.5 second cooldown reduction on rank 4).
I think what you might be seeing is broken target dummies (if someone kills the target dummy it stops taking ground based damage....they will reset eventually but it can take a while), or possibly frozen targets (frozen targets don't take damage from IT)?
No i even try it on other places like spin ward or wod...yesterday before the came up with this patch everything was fine on IT and there was even dmg proc while targets are frozen soo it's broken....
What good is it to be indestructible when it takes me 3 times as long to do my dailies compared to other classes.
Uh, sounds like working as intended to me. Being indestructible AND tearing through everything at full DPS pace? That is kind of the tradeoff of being indestructible, not being able to do that.
kaiserschmarrnMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 390
Uh, sounds like working as intended to me. Being indestructible AND tearing through everything at full DPS pace? That is kind of the tradeoff of being indestructible, not being able to do that.
I'm not talking about tearing throught stuff like a CW or a R12 geared GWF. I'm talking about an acceptable pace, probably on par with a DC.
onegaki101Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 327Arc User
edited May 2015
Anyone know if the changes to lifedrinker means you can only ever have 5% increase lifesteal now for Transcendent? Seems perfect is more than enough for less than half the price.
Got the set. Cant confirm 28%. so?
I think Lostmauth set is the only worth to buy, as you can feel the difference. So leave it alone
Bear. Vodka. Balalaika.
What is broken about Lostmauth's set?
Totally sign on this.
I can confirm allmost every listed Bug, especially those with not raising shield and shield not lasting even with full stamina. Also not getting the extra aggro with Tab Mark.
Every single GF Bug on this list is like a death sentence in Dungeons for GFs and as well for group. Thats why playing NW since Mod6 ist more like a dieing through Dungeons, rather than playing through.
Edit: I mean the Spellmastery Slot, which allows me to spell Icy Terrain on the Spot I Wanted
Perhaps it would be worth to look into SW old fabled set and what kind of dps out put it does on dragons / tiamat head versus mod 6 equipped other classes , as well as bug with transcended feytouched, in addition to bug with anointed army that blocks breath...
Then you can say you do not use bugs / exploits to win
It's not just the GF having problems, and that's what really rubs me the wrong way with mod 6. I've been teaming up with a guildie who plays an OP so I can get through dailies. Let me tell you, an OP in open-world is like a deity -- they are unkillable. While it's nice to have help when needed, it shouldn't be necessary, and the changes that made it necessary are where I really have problems with mod 6:
1. Potion cooldown increased to 18 seconds. There was never a problem in mod 5 of people drinking potions too often, and I don't recall ever seeing someone post a good reason as to why the change was made (I don't consider "to make the paladin desirable" a good one at all, when you take solo content into account). This change rubs me the wrong way the most, and I'm looking for some word from the devs that they will either convincingly justify it or address the harm that the change has done. So far I haven't seen either.
2. No in-combat regen. First, let me point out what should be obvious: during combat is the only time when we actually need it. Regen out-of-combat is a nice-to-have, but regen during combat is a need-to-have: it keeps us alive. The reason given in the blog was, "well, we didn't know what to do with it". Sorry, but I'm really looking for something better than that. Perhaps the designers didn't know what to do with it, but the players certainly did -- we chased it to keep us alive when we're out doing solo content. Like #1, I'm looking for some official word from the devs concerning the change and the harm it has done.
The changes have made the paladin desirable in group content. They have also made it indispensable in solo content, and to me that is unacceptable. I'm asking the devs to address this.
Children of the Fey (RELEASED) - NW-DKSSAPFPF
Buried Under Blacklake (WIP) - NW-DEDV2PAEP
The Redcap Rebels (WIP) - NW-DO23AFHFH
My Foundry playthrough channel:
where is this 'boom' about hr roots armor penetration bug???
where are all writing about this unreal bug from weeks, but not even an answer about that,ours dmg is around 30% less than normal should be.
Let us know. ty
WHY? What exactly is your problem with SW fabled set? It works exactly as designed - deals damage % of enemy health - more health on enemies, more damage.
What is reason for your cry for nerf? Probably because it does more damage that you can do??? Really I don't understand people like you - "I can't do something so others should not be able to do it!"
U really think that doing 2-3-4 million damage per rotation is working as designed? GET your head out of wherever it is, SW buggy super DPS is THE BUGGIEST THING EVER in this game, second only to the stacking HV which at least needed coordination to preserve. IT would work exactly as designed IF it had a cap for the damage regardless of the percentage of enemy health. But it doesnt, SO its broken. Of course since its still in game u can use it untill developers fix it, but u must accept the humiliation u will get from NORMAL people who dont EXPLOIT.
good SWs with fabled set manage to get heads down for 50% alone, but that is not exploit, its just efficient usage of set from mod 4, Cw with Feytouched had lower damage than me, aka took 4th place in 1 of the runs, so yeah good GWF can overdps feytouched. Also had 1 bug in one of the runs when feytouched delt 72 mil damage on black head.
Trans feytouched causes alot of anomalies.. especially in damage delt department and no you can't outdps fetouched bugging cws as long as that procedure happens. Just because it didn't happen at some point doesn't mean it is WAI.
You use every single available means to achieve victory regardless how "legal" or moral it is using anything to your advantage wherever it seem "on pair" with other sources or not.
Then you provide feedback on forums.. YOU LOL.
I still outdps SWs with fabled gear and CWs with feytouched most of the time in dungeons, not a tiamat tho, %hp damage is still bigger than my 500k sure strikes and 3 mil IBS hits. Still im an example that gwf can compare with other high dps classes. Every class can be op if you know how to play it.
This is the reason why it is broken.
Lostmauth Artifact Set + Transcendend Feytouched
As if is wouldn’t be enough that the Artifact set alone is fairly strong, the set currently completely explodes in combination with a Transcendend Feytouched Weapon Enchantment. Not sure what exactly happens, the Enchantment might apply the debuff too often or whatever, but the damage output from all sources is insane. I’ve recorded 1M procs of Storm Spell.
Lostmauth Artifact Set + Gushing Wound
To complete the list of game-breaking bugs related to the Artifact Set, the HR is able to nearly infinitely proc the set’s damage and one-shot bosses with it. It’s comparable to the SoD bug that made it through the first week of Mod 5.
Safe Spots in Epic Cragmire Crypts
There are two safe spots in the dungeon from which the end-boss can be attacked without getting hit.
I think we all appreciate you guys working on fixing the bug, but if the so called "fix" breaks it even further, what was the point of the fix? I am a developer myself and I am astonished how so many of these bugs can even past dev testing.
u fixed lone wolf, but now u have bugged aspect of snake.....
We have yet bugged ours Armor Penetration that no work whit root.
Can confirm, Icy Terrain is not respecting Skill Mastery and won't let me cast it at a target location, only under my feet
NW-DC9R4J5EH - 'The Black Pearl' - Spelljammer! Phlo Riders and Space Orcs
Thanks for all the fish.
At quick glance, IT seems to be working properly (although I only got about a 1.5 second cooldown reduction on rank 4).
I think what you might be seeing is broken target dummies (if someone kills the target dummy it stops taking ground based damage....they will reset eventually but it can take a while), or possibly frozen targets (frozen targets don't take damage from IT)?
Funny enough it still triggers effects like Shadow Touched, so I see no reason why it shouldn't keep on proccing enchants. It was neither OP nor game breaking in any way, had no effect vs single bosses and was just a nice crutch to not feel entirely underpowered and slow in pve.
What good is it to be indestructible when it takes me 3 times as long to do my dailies compared to other classes.
No i even try it on other places like spin ward or wod...yesterday before the came up with this patch everything was fine on IT and there was even dmg proc while targets are frozen soo it's broken....
Uh, sounds like working as intended to me. Being indestructible AND tearing through everything at full DPS pace? That is kind of the tradeoff of being indestructible, not being able to do that.
I'm not talking about tearing throught stuff like a CW or a R12 geared GWF. I'm talking about an acceptable pace, probably on par with a DC.