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Vote Kicking Feedback Thread (XBOX)



  • hisunholy2hisunholy2 Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I have been kick over and over from dungeon after dungeon. WHY? (This system and lack of accountability has made me decide to never make a USD purchase.)
    Because of greed and trolls. Open vote to kick is ****ing stupid. I understand many reasons why you would want someone to be removed from the group. Like AFK or under geared.
    Raise minimum gear score to enter queue
    Lower AFC threshold, or add a new one specific to dungeons at or around 2 minutes or less.
    Remove the open vote system. PLEASE. I have more appendages than the number of times i have been kick for no reason.
    At the very lest let us see why we were kicked and have the ability to report said kick for review so that spammers and trolls can be held accountable.
    edit: Think LoL tribunal
  • hisunholy2hisunholy2 Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    quick fix turn it off or risk loosing customers.
  • fatpobfatpob Member Posts: 41 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I havn't ran dungeons for about a week, until today where I tried to run a T2. I had to join about 7 or 8 times until I wasn't kicked immediately by people already mid dungeon. I know I'm not the only one because I see others getting booted all the time. Apparently I'm the only one that votes no.

    When you join, are you getting insta-kicked? This has happened to me and has nothing to do with the group - if you read the chat box it says something like "map instance not found" or suchlike.

    I have had it a lot, q, load screen, map not found back where I started.

    The only one where I have been kicked is last boss on dread vault because if people leave at this point, the new joiners start other side of map, and then despite telling them to stand by stone, you get kicked.
  • greatg1gintheskygreatg1ginthesky Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    fatpob wrote: »
    When you join, are you getting insta-kicked? This has happened to me and has nothing to do with the group - if you read the chat box it says something like "map instance not found" or suchlike.

    I have had it a lot, q, load screen, map not found back where I started.

    No I don't mean that, that's a different problem entirely. I literally mean I'll join, run around a few corners and get kicked. Or join, see a few players standing at the fire, get kicked.

    I've been playing through with a team, we'll be running through the content no probs at all, then a random vote to kick screen will pop up. Once that happens, it's only a matter of time until you yourself get kicked.

    I've been kicked AFTER beating bosses, BEFORE being able to open the chest. It's ridiculous.

    There's a reason there are a lot of threads already about this. It's because it is a huge problem, if not the biggest problem with the game right now.

    And before anyone asks/suggests, I'm not under-geared, and I play CW (not that class should have anything to do with if you get kicked or not).
  • adair4mnadair4mn Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    telprydain wrote: »
    This seems like more than a little hyperbole to me - I've met heaps of great players, with a small minority of jerks.

    I agree with this to an extent. There are some great players, hardly any jerks, and a heap of people that don't belong on the game. 90% of the time I play is with randos and many either don't listen, don't care what experienced players have to say, or are in party chat (why oh why!!??). I only find myself getting kicked before anyone sees what my HR does for crowd control, before I see any action. One time I was kicked mid way through a farm run that was a breeze for us, until I stopped for literally 15 seconds to collect and start the same jewelcrafting again. I wasn't mad though, I found it hilarious. Nobody was taking (or matching my) damage, I fall behind a little bit and everybody is at half health, I show up and clear everything out in 5 seconds, then load back to PE.

    I'm willing to bet everyone complaining about being kicked, mid-way or end, are deserving of it for my two above rants. Either you don't listen to the group causing the entire group to carry you to gear, or your group doesn't understand that someone you just kicked was carrying you (and enjoying it) and now you've opened the door for a jerk to spam vote.

    Also, my biggest complaint of the game, those who intend to loot anything and everything while the group does the work. If I see this happen more than twice (I state my issue with it every time I see it) there will be a vote on you until I get my way. If you have a problem with this then: 1-get a microphone 2-notify the group that you are so desperate for 1 silver that you need to loot uncommon <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>, even if it means a constant pop up blocking half the screen of those getting you the drops 3-don't complain when you get kicked because all you wanted was a few silver coins.
  • getphazedgetphazed Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    adair4mn wrote: »
    I agree with this to an extent. There are some great players, hardly any jerks, and a heap of people that don't belong on the game. 90% of the time I play is with randos and many either don't listen, don't care what experienced players have to say, or are in party chat (why oh why!!??). I only find myself getting kicked before anyone sees what my HR does for crowd control, before I see any action. One time I was kicked mid way through a farm run that was a breeze for us, until I stopped for literally 15 seconds to collect and start the same jewelcrafting again. I wasn't mad though, I found it hilarious. Nobody was taking (or matching my) damage, I fall behind a little bit and everybody is at half health, I show up and clear everything out in 5 seconds, then load back to PE.

    I'm willing to bet everyone complaining about being kicked, mid-way or end, are deserving of it for my two above rants. Either you don't listen to the group causing the entire group to carry you to gear, or your group doesn't understand that someone you just kicked was carrying you (and enjoying it) and now you've opened the door for a jerk to spam vote.

    Also, my biggest complaint of the game, those who intend to loot anything and everything while the group does the work. If I see this happen more than twice (I state my issue with it every time I see it) there will be a vote on you until I get my way. If you have a problem with this then: 1-get a microphone 2-notify the group that you are so desperate for 1 silver that you need to loot uncommon <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>, even if it means a constant pop up blocking half the screen of those getting you the drops 3-don't complain when you get kicked because all you wanted was a few silver coins.

    Most people loot the items for refining not selling. And a lot of people get kicked because the team is looking for a specific class, HR and GWF are usually first to go.
  • draven165draven165 Member Posts: 255 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    oudaesu wrote: »
    No, I didn't. It was some French clan, don't remember the names.

    But there are some scrubs on this game, kicking people from easy dungeons like the Epic Pirate King, lol.. Hopefully I'll find a active guild soon

    Whether you get their names in game or not, go to your Xbox Profile, and look for recent players. If it was a group of 4 others they will be the most recent players. Easy to block/report them. I have had xbox live for more years than I care to admit (probably more years than alot of the gamers on this game have been playing video games LOL) and I have never felt the need to block/report anyone until I started playing this game. Now my block list is getting rather large. That alone says something about the way this game handles its online player base. What I mean is if you give ignorant little twits an avenue to bully or otherwise be a jerk with no repercussions then people will show their true nature. The Devs need to address this abused system.
  • wanderingkyngwanderingkyng Member Posts: 280 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    oudaesu wrote: »
    First time this has happened to me. Went into a dungeon and there was 3 guild members, me and another random. Right after defeating the Epic Pirate King boss, he got kicked then me before we could have a chance at the loot. The other guy had his mic on and it was kind of funny, lol.. but other than that man that is lame.

    They deny you a chance to open the chest at the end, which has nothing to do with them. If you do some stuff like that in a video game for virtual stuff, I can't imagine what type of scumbag you would be in real life, lol.

    I hope they fix this, there's lots of losers on xbox

    That sucks man. Sorry you had this experience but it is a valuable lesson.

    Protip: If you join a dungeon group and 3 members of the group are in a guild together, immediately leave group. I've mentioned this on other threads and I stick by this sage wisdom. Some of those groups maybe fine... but why risk it? Most groups with a guild majority will kick to hog loot or just be jerks, from my experience.
  • wanderingkyngwanderingkyng Member Posts: 280 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    hisunholy2 wrote: »
    I have more appendages than the number of times i have been kick for no reason.

    Don't really care about this thread since it's just another one of those "waaaah people keep kicking me" threads, but I loved this line.

    I am sincerely curious what you mean by this. Do you mean to imply you have been "kicked for no reason" 3 or less times? Did you mean to say "less appendages"? Do you simply not know what the word "appendages" means? Let me know!
  • r3ppartr3ppart Member Posts: 64 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    How exactly do you play an MMO? Do you play to have fun? No! No one does that, you play for the fashion.
  • projectdannyprojectdanny Member Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    How long will it take you stupid people who make this game to remove the god **** vote to kick option? It is getting out of hand and me and a friend got kicked from last boss before we could open our chest... 2 hours wasted and it's happend 4 times in a row...

    We can't do dungeons as we always get vote to kick at last boss so the person can get all the loot for himself...

    Me and my whole guild of 140 members have all now quit due to your perfectic incompetence and unable to fix this game and you have had tons of time to fix it....

    yet the vote to kick is still here. .. still getting abused... still waste in hours of our lives only to be kicked at the last boss because of greed... I am sick and tired of this me and my friends have been patient... We have given you time after time after time... Every single maintenance does nothing over and over....

    You have lost a lot of players now and I do hope you suffer and understand that not listening to your customers is going to be your downfall

    You are officially the worst company I have ever had the pleasure to have... I cat even belive how hard you find it just to remove the kick function... yes it may bring problems but atleast remove it till a better solution is avaliable...


    (FYI I am a cleric with 14k gear score so the dungeons are a breeze it's the kick before boss dies so they can get loot for them self that's the problem)
  • brandonv516brandonv516 Member Posts: 89
    edited May 2015
    It will be changed (in time). Patience is a must in this matter, but unfortunately for some it is too difficult to master. Making a thread like this is good for venting but terrible for what is considered acceptable feedback. If your guild has left, I'm sure another guild would be willing to take you in (mine included).
  • projectdannyprojectdanny Member Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited May 2015

    The kicked me right at the boss so I couldn't get any loot it was a french clan....


    It is a guild dedicated to Griefing and vote kicking at the end of the boss they did it to us 4 times in a row...

    I forgot their names but it's easy to tell it's them... It is a french guild called Le.. something... Some french name... so beware...

    Kick anyone in your party who is from a french guild or they will kick you at final boss kick anyone who is french as they are all doing it to get loot St end of boss and denied you
  • generaldiomedesgeneraldiomedes Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 207 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    awesome rant :)
  • projectdannyprojectdanny Member Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I am sorry but you have no idea how mad I am to waste hours and hours of my real life time picking people up and healing them only to be kicked at the final boss... denied my chest... because of pure and aimple greed...

    In what world is this acceptable? What kind of sick company allows this to happen? It is **** right disgusting how this company treats it's customers....
  • brandonv516brandonv516 Member Posts: 89
    edited May 2015
    I am sorry but you have no idea how mad I am to waste hours and hours of my real life time picking people up and healing them only to be kicked at the final boss... denied my chest... because of pure and aimple greed...

    In what world is this acceptable? What kind of sick company allows this to happen? It is **** right disgusting how this company treats it's customers....

    How do you know that I can't relate? I think a vast majority of the players have been affected by a minority of greedy scoundrels. It is not acceptable, and you should be upset. But for now we must wait (hopefully not too long).
  • wanderingkyngwanderingkyng Member Posts: 280 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Me and my whole guild of 140 members have all now quit due to your perfectic incompetence and unable to fix this game and you have had tons of time to fix it....
    Which leads everyone chuckling at this rant to wonder... why weren't you able to find enough guildies to make up a majority in all these groups you're getting kicked from? Sounds like 140 disorganized people.
  • marv1001marv1001 Member Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Right on, I agree with what you have said.

    There should be no kick option after the boss has died or even during a boss fight when he is on minimal health. Who ever does this is just greedy and I despise people like this.

    Perfect World really need to implement a system where this kicking after boss died doesn't happen.
  • projectdannyprojectdanny Member Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Because in them 140 people... half quit due to not being able to login...Some always have lag or fps issues thst has still not been fixed... and others have left due to the kick function in this game being abused... so when looking for guildys to play with they all mostly left due to the fact that they game company just does not care about its player base and does not care to fix anything. .. and today was the final nail on the coffin.. We all just said you know what... screw it... We had enough... and now there is none...
  • marv1001marv1001 Member Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    That sucks man. Sorry you had this experience but it is a valuable lesson.

    Protip: If you join a dungeon group and 3 members of the group are in a guild together, immediately leave group. I've mentioned this on other threads and I stick by this sage wisdom. Some of those groups maybe fine... but why risk it? Most groups with a guild majority will kick to hog loot or just be jerks, from my experience.

    Don't all tarnish us with the same brush, I run with a guild and we are all friends. If our cleric isn't on and another cleric comes in with 4 of us in, I send a msg in the chat to say that we do not kick at end boss and for him to stay in with us. We did spell plague a couple of times and a pug cleric came in and I sent the msg and he stayed.

    We finished it and he wanted to stay in our group for another spell plague run and on that run he got a really good tier 2 head piece drop from the boss. He deserved it and he ran through the same dungeon as us so he had every right to that drop
  • jjb828jjb828 Member Posts: 340 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    The problem is within pugging, from what I've gathered. They think they need more GS to take down a boss.

    My guild and I have come to the conclusion that, to be good at the game, you need AT LEAST 3 friends/guildies in a group in order to not get the boot. If you are looking for a friendly guild who like to run dungeons I urge you to check out our forums here >

    We are an 18+ mature casual guild who like to run dungeons and Shores. You won't get kicked running with any of us. We also are NOT a 200 player random guild. we have 105 members, probably a good 35 of them are alts. We do Purge (kicking of inactive members)

    We also use the KiK App to keep in touch easier with eachother, AND are taking the guild to ESO when it drops in June.

    We hope to hear from you.

    Check out the Neverwinter/ESO guild Rogue's Gallery! While you're at our forums, submit an application and join our glorious regime!
  • xraheemxxraheemx Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    marv1001 wrote: »
    Don't all tarnish us with the same brush, I run with a guild and we are all friends. If our cleric isn't on and another cleric comes in with 4 of us in, I send a msg in the chat to say that we do not kick at end boss and for him to stay in with us. We did spell plague a couple of times and a pug cleric came in and I sent the msg and he stayed.

    We finished it and he wanted to stay in our group for another spell plague run and on that run he got a really good tier 2 head piece drop from the boss. He deserved it and he ran through the same dungeon as us so he had every right to that drop

    I agree with this, please don't just leave because you see 3 members of a guild. I joined a guild ONLY to be PREVENTED from being kicked in these situations. I make sure I have 3 people in my party before queuing up. We still need 2 randoms to help finish the dungeon and we don't kick just for fun. I invite any random that joins to our party (in-game chat is frustrating and buggy) and we have a good ole time running dungeons. The only time we kick is when somebody is constantly combat looting over and over and over even after us asking to stop and if somebody gets DCed for a very long time without any signs of attempting to reconnect.
  • jjb828jjb828 Member Posts: 340 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I'm going to post EXACTLY what I posted in a similar thread.

    The problem is within pugging, from what I've gathered. They think they need more GS to take down a boss.

    My guild and I have come to the conclusion that, to be good at the game, you need AT LEAST 3 friends/guildies in a group in order to not get the boot. If you are looking for a friendly guild who like to run dungeons I urge you to check out our forums here >

    We are an 18+ mature casual guild who like to run dungeons and Shores. You won't get kicked running with any of us. We also are NOT a 200 player random guild. we have 105 members, probably a good 35 of them are alts. We do Purge (kicking of inactive members)

    We also use the KiK App to keep in touch easier with eachother, AND are taking the guild to ESO when it drops in June.

    We hope to hear from you.

    Check out the Neverwinter/ESO guild Rogue's Gallery! While you're at our forums, submit an application and join our glorious regime!
  • wanderingkyngwanderingkyng Member Posts: 280 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    marv1001 wrote: »
    Don't all tarnish us with the same brush, I run with a guild and we are all friends. If our cleric isn't on and another cleric comes in with 4 of us in, I send a msg in the chat to say that we do not kick at end boss and for him to stay in with us. We did spell plague a couple of times and a pug cleric came in and I sent the msg and he stayed.

    We finished it and he wanted to stay in our group for another spell plague run and on that run he got a really good tier 2 head piece drop from the boss. He deserved it and he ran through the same dungeon as us so he had every right to that drop
    xraheemx wrote: »
    I agree with this, please don't just leave because you see 3 members of a guild. I joined a guild ONLY to be PREVENTED from being kicked in these situations. I make sure I have 3 people in my party before queuing up. We still need 2 randoms to help finish the dungeon and we don't kick just for fun. I invite any random that joins to our party (in-game chat is frustrating and buggy) and we have a good ole time running dungeons. The only time we kick is when somebody is constantly combat looting over and over and over even after us asking to stop and if somebody gets DCed for a very long time without any signs of attempting to reconnect.

    Don't forget this line:
    Some of those groups maybe fine... but why risk it?

    I'm not tarnishing all with the same brush... it's just the sad reality in-game right now. If there wasn't the risk of trolls, I'd rather run with a partial guild group any day (even though they're usually in party chat and ignoring game chat) because they tend to be more laid back and organized. As a Cleric I have the luxury of instantly getting a different group if I'd rather not take the risk, and I can carry randoms all day long, so I often make that choice. Perhaps I'm unlucky but it's not just that sometimes a guild-majority group will be kick-happy, it's that from my experience MOST guild-majority groups do this. It's sad that this is the case, but alas it seems to be.
  • thezer0fluxthezer0flux Member Posts: 412 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    It's a small consolation, but know that just about everyone feels your pain. Common sense, not to mention popular opinion amongst players, says the best course of action is to disable/remove the VTK either permanently or until they fix it. It's generally accepted that the only people in favor of keeping the current VTK system are the trolls who abuse it. So for what it's worth, at least you know it's not you, it's them.

    In the mean time, run with at least two other people to minimize your chances of getting kicked by the low-life, scum-suckers out there. In fact, you can probably find decent people to run with on these forums. Finally, try not to take it personally. Again, it's not you, it's them. The people who kick for any reason other than disconnection/AFK or trollish behavior are the problem.
  • rayrdanrayrdan Member Posts: 5,410 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    The game has this mechanic since 2 years and you come asking how long?
    It lived 2 years its bound to stay.
    Dont play with randoms.
  • sinibytesinibyte Member Posts: 61 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I figure if the entire front page of the forums is littered with “vote kick” posts, maybe they’ll take notice and do something about it.

    Kicking is rampant and ripe for abuse.

    Last night (as of the day I originally posted this), I was booted after killing hrimnir. After. Loot had already been picked up, rolled on, and distributed. The only thing left was picking up the chest. They booted me just so I wouldn't get the chest. That was after topping the meter at 18 million, giving them strat advice, and getting my cleric buddy to queue up to replace our healer (who they booted earlier). Apparently kick/boot trolling is fun to some people. They thought it was funny. They had nothing to gain by this – they didn’t get all the loot to themselves – they did it solely for lols to deny me a chest.

    Here's the clip from my cleric buddies perspective after the kick - in case you're looking for people to add to your block list.


    We run 3 deep now. No more kicking. Unfortunately - people see 3 of us, and think "oh they're going to kick me", which is equally bad for the community.
  • matricunolummatricunolum Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    they should have it where once the item rolls its bound to the group. i mean it as even if people get kicked then they still have access to the loot roll and win etc. it happens in other games where you are entitled to any loot even after kick. this however is slightly different due to being kicked instantly on vote. still would be good though to get posted a sweet item you get kicked for.
  • wanderingkyngwanderingkyng Member Posts: 280 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Common sense, not to mention popular opinion amongst players, says the best course of action is to disable/remove the VTK either permanently or until they fix it.
    This is neither common sense, nor the popular opinion amongst players, nor the best course of action.

    It would be a terrible idea that would make the game un-playable to disable/remove VTK.

    It is only the popular opinion amongst whiners on these forums, not of the player-base, the majority of which probably realize how necessary, albeit in need of some minor changes, the VTK system is.

    Removing it would be the worst course of action, though I readily admit it is frequently abused and needs to be tweaked.
  • wiryredwiryred Member Posts: 57 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I'm laughing so hard because it took you 2 hours to clear a dungeon!!
This discussion has been closed.