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Elemental Evil Preview Patch Notes NW.45.20150416c.10



  • phoenix1021phoenix1021 Member Posts: 532 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    It's great you are fixing bugs, but please think of the poor warlocks here. You fix a bug that gave an advantage, but even with that advantage warlocks can barely do content atm. How about buffing something else in compensation? Or fixing the bugs that give a disadvantage?
    And lifedrinker is a really poor enchantment. The lesser one gives a very poor 1% lifesteal chance. I realize you want lifesteal to be weaker, but this underperforms compared to other enchants. How about it increases lifesteal severity instead, like vorpal increases crit severity. Lesser lifedrinker could have a 12% lifesteal severity increase. That would be much more worthwhile.
  • mamalion1234mamalion1234 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,415 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    yokki1 wrote: »
    that soulforged bug is around since mod 5. dont keep your hopes up they will fix it soon.

    is the reflect damage paladin also dies from binding oath.
  • spideymtspideymt Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 710 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    reds351 wrote: »
    By real tactics you mean 3 CW's 1 GF/OP and a DC?

    Mmmhhh...you dont need DPS in dungeons? Or wots the reason to take 3 CWs? Or do you mean 3 CWs with fey touch?


    How do you decide wots on top of your priority list?

  • schweifer1982schweifer1982 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,662 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Our testing has shown that this is actually working correctly and is providing the bonus.

    Its still not woking Video proof. client NW.45.20150416c.9

    Metallic Ancestry Dragonborn 3% bonus HP not working:(

    MY HP is not increased by 1 HP stat .
    GWF 3700Ilvl Éjsötét & ProPala 3200Ilvl Menydörgés (main) & Szürkefarkas 2600 ilvl
  • smulchsmulch Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 625 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Ioun stone of Allure is still bugged (at least, I believe so) in regards to base stats.

    Once you upgrade it from 35 epics to 35 legendary, it gives 422 recovery/crit/power. Further levels do not increase these scores!

    I've tested it with a brand new allure and with my actual one and it doesn't change anything.
  • wentriswentris Member Posts: 542 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    reds351 wrote: »
    By real tactics you mean 3 CW's 1 GF/OP and a DC?

    Also someone should probable check this patch for more ninja nerfs that are unlisted.

    CWs are overrated this mod. The only good thing is that even poorly skilled and green item CW can be effective (not counting extreme accidents, like ice storm when party tries to aoe mobs), while other non skilled/geared classes are passengers, thats why PuGs CWs are... safer, but organized parties definitely benefit more from having class variety.

    P.S. Has anybody tested Dragon Hoards on preview? Are they still working so poorly?
  • rversantrversant Member Posts: 896 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    ayroux wrote: »
    Hey, first off thanks for the work Panderus. I know we all get upset when changes are not fixed imemdiately and I get it, different people working on different things.

    Many of us just get VERY upset when there are other issues that it seems you guys pick and choose what to fix and when...

    Like Life Drinker for instance, clearly not WAI with multi stacking... But what about other enchants like Vorpal for instance?

    The Pure and Trans Vorpal versions are NOT working correctly and NOT providing the extra 2% buff/debuff.

    What is happening is the Pure version actually DEBUFFS your OWN character.

    Would sure be nice to have an answer or a quick fix on that one?

    Or the TransFeytouhced enchant.
    Issue 1) Its doing the AoE correctly but then its giving the wearer 3x 18% damage bonus from that AoE. Shouldnt it only be 18% MAX? With a 20 second uptime this seems not WAI or just incredibly bad oversight on the DEV part making an enchant THAT good.

    Issue 2) If you stand in Hallowed Ground for instance it ends up DEBUFFING your damage to next to nothing, so it clearly has some weird interaction with other powers as well. Maybe its time to revisit the coding and change something there...

    Id honestly suggest just removing the AoE since prior versions seemed to work fine. The fact it is a 20 second uptime is more than a buff and this removed the "multiproc" issue. Its still FAR better than most other enchants - especially ones that DONT even work properly.....

    Then you have things like Elven Battle that people claim are NOT working as intended and NOT shortening duration of control effects - or maybe its that the control effect is somehow BYPASSING this control resist? who knows?

    Its just all these types of issues that SEEM you guys pick and choose what to fix and what not to fix when this stuff is ALL very important.

    Was lifedrinker bugged? sure its strong but if your going to start fixing enchants why not make sure they all work as intended so we can actualyl USE some of them.... Right now Trans Fey is bugged its over powered in some and nerfed your own damage sometimes, Vorpal bugged and DEBUFFS your damage, and now you fix lifedrinker? What are we supposed to use? Perfect Enchants and NOT upgrade them?


    Truth be told I hope feytouched's aoe is WaI. lol. for my own sake.
    People are way too negative, Why cant we just all get along.

    Drunken Goose of MidNight Express. - 3.3k Paladin , 3.6k GWF , 3.1k GF,
  • schweifer1982schweifer1982 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,662 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    jharlis wrote: »
    There's is a similar bug on tankadin with the skill binding oath.

    When i absorb monstruous amounts of damage, like way more than my max hp/ temp hp, when the skill ends and i take 50% of all the absorbed damage, it just kills me, ignoring the fact i have a soulforge, as in, i never saw the soulforge activating.

    Knight Valor (GF) + Soulforged(all ranks)

    If I die for the damage of the party not active soulforged

    Plz, panderus see this.

    Nop guy u undersand it wrong they ninja patched Soulforged(all ranks) so now they have daly limit and what y experience is that your daly res limit from Soulforged are gone :)
    GWF 3700Ilvl Éjsötét & ProPala 3200Ilvl Menydörgés (main) & Szürkefarkas 2600 ilvl
  • yokki1yokki1 Member Posts: 451 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Nop guy u undersand it wrong they ninja patched Soulforged(all ranks) so now they have daly limit and what y experience is that your daly res limit from Soulforged are gone :)

    hahahaha. that sounds so true. totally believe that is something they are capable of doing.
  • diogene0diogene0 Member Posts: 2,894 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Well this week's patch notes are really nice. Can't wait for more fixes next week. I'm glad you're tackling old DC issues too.

    I'm going to miss the random singularities in icewind dale though, they were funny. But if it's the price to pay to solve some server performance issues, I'm all for it.
  • erpuma91erpuma91 Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    HR armor penetration is still bugged,so we cant deal a proper damage like all other classes do
    Hr new shirt and pants are still bugged, give us less stat points than other class.
    Hr main hand bow give us only 3% group work to legendary instead 10%.
    HR Rooting duration not working correctly.

    Let us know if u ever think of fix this bugged class. ty
  • spideymtspideymt Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 710 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I think this is the best fix ever:

    "Tiamat's Hoard: Update the Hoard text to reflect the actual rewards given out in the Tiamat fight."

    Top issue. Finally they gonna fix it.

  • zvieriszvieris Member Posts: 1,261 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Justice Paladin's feats Vengeful Judge and Flash of Light reduce cooldown on Artifacts. Fix this ASAP!
  • b3llist0rb3llist0r Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 191 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Normally I would say something about the GWF Power Weapon Master, bugged Vorpal and the dead Barkskin but I really understand that the few developers can not fix everything at once. So I will reduce my nagging to the most anyoing game destroying important must-fix issues:



    If you want to stabilize the game -> Fix this.

  • torontodavetorontodave Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 992 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Also is any damage tuning planned for the 3piece Lostmauth set? Or will this remain best in slot?

    basically all dps classes have to use it now to stay competitive.

    Or, are more 3 piece sets planned for some of the 'roles' we as players adopt? (Foundry reward 3piece!)

    (My CW doesn't 'love' any of the sets, esp cause Lostmauth doesnt give +bonuses for him. But if the dmg stays high, he has no other choice.)
    NW-DSQ39N5SJ - 'To Infinity, and BEYOND!' - Spelljammer Quest. Skyships, Indiana Jones moments
    NW-DC9R4J5EH - 'The Black Pearl' - Spelljammer! Phlo Riders and Space Orcs
    Thanks for all the fish.
  • kemi1984kemi1984 Member Posts: 849 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    another week without GF mention, so i will NOT play for other 7 days waiting for a miracle..

    here U have just a "partial list" of Bugs still ON:

    1-shield not rising when key pressed (randomly)
    2-shield not lasting 'till the total stamina consumption with key pressed
    3-shield rising with 1 or 2 sec delay after key prsssing
    4-stamina regen from shield slam at-will not allways working (like 2 hits yes, 2 hits no, randomly)
    5-steel defence dmg immunity not allways granted after daily power usage
    6-steel defence dmg immunity when granted has a 1 or 2 sec delay after the end of the triggering daily power
    7-steel defence dmg immunity when granted can be bypassed by certain powers (blackdagger piercing hit for sure)
    8-weapon master power on the primary weapon shows "??" amount of buff to dmg
    9-staying power feat not granting 10% less mitigation on encounter powers
    10-constitution point granting ONLY 680 HP each way less than the 4% intended
    11-dmgs from knight valor are not detected from soulforged ress calculation
    12-+30% def on knight valor dmgs is not applied, further more even the base %def is not applied resultin in a sort-like unmitigable dmgs from that power
    13-anvil of doom power not activating even if the target is standing just in front of U at 2 feet distance (need to turn yourself left and right some times to get it usable)
    14-bull charge not finishing the animation if used when alt is on fly (jumping down from a cliff) but goes on cool down
    15-terrifying impact power not able to hit target at a different groun level than U (i.e. in maps like sharandar where groud is variated a lot) or flying (i.e. archons, Valindra and so on)
    16-Tab Mark class feture DOESENT grant GF with extra thret resulting in mobs aggroing dps classes all the time
    17-Mark class feture DOESENT grant combat advantage to party like it SHOULD and stated
    18-Mark class feture DOESENT grant dmgs mitigation to party in conjunction with Daunting Challenge feat

    than a "parial list" of NON-Bugs things that should be visited too:

    1-Def from AC should reflect armor type (cloths, plates and so on) to properly distinguish tank from dps classes AS base speed does (GFs are slower than death and i am fine with than if i can survive oneshotting trash mobs)
    2-base HP from Constitution should reflect classes role too
    3-single target long animation time daily power like Crescendo should be the BEST dmg souce and NOT weaker than a normal encounter power (4 time hits on your head from a jump with a heavy sword should insta kill you wearing a pijama)
    3-weak dmg daily power like Villain's Menace that is mainly used to gain a short CC immunity (and dmgs immunity if combined to steel defence) should be fast casting and activate its power RIGHT after the key press, NOT 4 or 5 sec after depending on dely and lag
    4-shield blocking area SHOULD be clearly shown on the ground (like PALLYs have) and SHOULD be bigger than a 30° cone that merely works with a single enemy right in front of you (PALLYs have 360° protection O.o)
    5-enemys jump SHOULDNT permit them to end theyr movement ABOVE your head in a place where they CAN hit you, BUT you CANT hit them (tanking multiple mobs with shoulders on a wall = insta death) maybe this can be considered a Bug as well

    on a side note, i have already wrote a PM to Panderus regarding this facts, BUT seems i dont have enough priority to receive an answer yet.

    Wow! I wasn't even half prepared for this amount of bugs chewing up a GF ability to do his role.
    It's just me playing and not realizing that this and this is not working, lol.

    I must admit I'm all with you man since my main was always a GF. Above all I agree that Villain's Menace's activation time is crazy long. Because of it I will finish my animation once each 5 times because I keep getting interrupted by a mob damage. This pretty much resulted in trashing the daily as it is and using Crescendo which....is not a huge DPS source which you've stated above.

    "4-shield blocking area SHOULD be clearly shown on the ground (like PALLYs have) and SHOULD be bigger than a 30° cone that merely works with a single enemy right in front of you (PALLYs have 360° protection O.o)"

    That would be really nice to have also. All in all a well written description of things that could be done, yes.

    Kudos to you god sir! :cool:
    Nancy - Dragonborn, SM Guardian Fighter
    A proud member of "mythical horde of DPS GFs"

    1). Is SW more dps or tank based?
    2). Yes. I am panzer!
    3). Get ACT if you want to celebrate your epeen.
    4). Horniness will not stand between me and what I believe - "MM"
  • szamanos2szamanos2 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    SW DAMNATION : Soul puppet is bugged , deal too high dmg (300-900k) you should fix it , I reported it in bug reports.
  • commanderdata001commanderdata001 Member Posts: 307 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2015
    rinat114 wrote: »
    I laughed. Doable only if you close your eyes, sing a song and pretend half the team does not consist of SW's with fabled and CW's with bugged feytouched.

    And both of them are outdpsed by GWFs with Lostmauth set.
  • spideymtspideymt Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 710 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    And both of them are outdpsed by GWFs with Lostmauth set.

    Only with enough crit. GWFs must do a lot to benefit from lostmauth set. I dont think CW must do the same.

  • commanderdata001commanderdata001 Member Posts: 307 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2015
    spideymt wrote: »
    Only with enough crit. GWFs must do a lot to benefit from lostmauth set. I dont think CW must do the same.

    And I do think an artifact set should do only 2-3% dmg as Imperial set does. Not 20-28%...
  • spideymtspideymt Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 710 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    And I do think an artifact set should do only 2-3% dmg as Imperial set does. Not 20-28%...

    Take a GWF with the good ole power build. Run ToS with ACT and show me the 28%. You can send me this ACT per PN :cool:

  • freshourfreshour Member Posts: 623 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    kemi1984 wrote: »
    Wow! I wasn't even half prepared for this amount of bugs chewing up a GF ability to do his role.
    It's just me playing and not realizing that this and this is not working, lol.

    I must admit I'm all with you man since my main was always a GF. Above all I agree that Villain's Menace's activation time is crazy long. Because of it I will finish my animation once each 5 times because I keep getting interrupted by a mob damage. This pretty much resulted in trashing the daily as it is and using Crescendo which....is not a huge DPS source which you've stated above.

    "4-shield blocking area SHOULD be clearly shown on the ground (like PALLYs have) and SHOULD be bigger than a 30° cone that merely works with a single enemy right in front of you (PALLYs have 360° protection O.o)"

    That would be really nice to have also. All in all a well written description of things that could be done, yes.

    Kudos to you god sir! :cool:

    Pally's are the off tank man remember? Obviously they should get 360 degrees of protection, better DR, and better healing than a DC all in one. Are you stupid or something? :D
  • spideymtspideymt Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 710 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    clonkyo1 wrote: »
    My ACTs from running Elol with "set of ValinMauth" [when will they fix the name?. XD] are between those numbers...

    Power GWF? And eLoL? Lemme see plz. You got i think some about 50 mobs and 3 bosses with no adds. Not that much for an ACT run, but im very interested in theese ACTs. Send me an PN with theese ACTs plz. Thx.

  • empalasempalas Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 802 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    yay arcane singularity bug fix...It was so weird moving around seeing that
  • guarrrrrrrdguarrrrrrrd Member Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    10-constitution point granting ONLY 680 HP each way less than the 4% intended

    constitution grants 4% for GF(2% for other classes) to base HP, not to full
  • thefabricantthefabricant Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 5,248 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    panderus wrote: »
    This will be applied to Preview starting at 4pm PST.

    What about icy terrain rank 4?
  • spideymtspideymt Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 710 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    teribad15 wrote: »
    The lostmauth set is just 10-15% total dmg of my gwf tho.

    Thats why i asked for an ACT. No PN since i asked :-(

  • aristofanusaristofanus Member Posts: 51 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Panderus, do y know abt bugged Ice Wind Domination - at some instances (like Icewind Pass N2) it is always active - but frozen and doesn't start points capturing. It happend sometimes in mod 5, but now things turned worse and it's almost impossible to participate in BDI, cause most part of them are freezed with this bug.
    Secondly, trans brozewood is bugged also - it doesn't puts marks on enemies (at least from Pala skill's TW and RA) - never. Are there plan to fix this?
  • panderuspanderus Member, NW_CrypticDev, Cryptic Developer Posts: 1,007 Cryptic Developer
    edited May 2015
    Panderus, do y know abt bugged Ice Wind Domination - at some instances (like Icewind Pass N2) it is always active - but frozen and doesn't start points capturing. It happend sometimes in mod 5, but now things turned worse and it's almost impossible to participate in BDI, cause most part of them are freezed with this bug.
    Secondly, trans brozewood is bugged also - it doesn't puts marks on enemies (at least from Pala skill's TW and RA) - never. Are there plan to fix this?

    I am aware, I was there every day to collect my black Ice and only once saw a working one. Its on the list of things to investigate for sure.

    Also, thanks to everyone who reported issues, I will be having QA look into them as soon as possible.

    If anyone has details on the New Cragmire exploit (somone did this already, thanks!) or how to actually do crazy amounts of damage with Feytouched, please PM me.

    See you guys in the game!
  • kaiserschmarrnkaiserschmarrn Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 390
    edited May 2015
    Aw man, Vow of Enmity used to proc Lightning Arc, that way a Paladin could do at least a little damage in a dungeon. No more now... :(
This discussion has been closed.