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Do you like artifact gear? Do you want more in game?



  • vitizaxvitizax Member Posts: 75 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    myowmyow wrote: »
    It should take a new player months to complete campaigns and get decent gear. The game was way too easy up to Mod 3-ish.

    Yea because f*ck new players, we are enough here. Lets place even bigger and higher barriers to them.
    shadw2012 wrote: »
    artifacts should be unique and extremely hard to obtain.

    They should, but the fact that they give you both, mainhand and off hand, easily, its another proof that all they want is you refining all day long.
  • carlonomocarlonomo Member Posts: 111 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Hell no! Unless you increase rp drops by about 10x and remove the dhe cooldown and such...
  • rexfire91rexfire91 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 56 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I second having refining come from XP. But, yeah. Cryptic has to make that money somewhere. That's the price of a F2P MMO I guess.
  • wylonuswylonus Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,376 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    i prefer an item that really level on it own by xp, no RP, no gems, no refines, nothing else but just XP as we kill mobs for xp at different level speed.
    must be at current level when fighting same or better leveled mobs, but no xp earned from greyed out mobs.
  • khimera906khimera906 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 898 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    vitizax wrote: »
    They should, but the fact that they give you both, mainhand and off hand, easily, its another proof that all they want is you refining all day long.
    That, my friend, is one of the biggest gripes I have with this last module. M6 was just an excuse to give us more stuff to refine.
    I hate dancing with Lady Luck. She always steps on my toes.
  • thesensaithesensai Member Posts: 637 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    wylonus wrote: »
    i prefer an item that really level on it own by xp, no RP, no gems, no refines, nothing else but just XP as we kill mobs for xp at different level speed.
    must be at current level when fighting same or better leveled mobs, but no xp earned from greyed out mobs.

    Well then, play Lotro, a F2P game that does exactly that.
  • madbovine69madbovine69 Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I would prefer if there was a better way of leveling the artifact gear.. for instance did you know that upgrading an artifact with an artifact only yields the same rp as a lesser stone.. meh. Back to grinding dragon runs *sigh*
    Main - Lokara, Tactical Liberated Borg Lieutenant General
  • nallifnallif Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I believe the point of refinement is to rid the auction house of the glut of low level enchantments and green gear. We should put the drops into our items instead of the auction house. Also, best-in-slot equipment is acquired by playing the game by feeding our drops into our equipment. The act of acquiring the artifacts and artifact equipment is easy, but getting it upgraded fully is time consuming.
  • overdriver13overdriver13 Member Posts: 1,521 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    yokki1 wrote: »
    do everything artifact please. the gear, the trees , that rat thing with the giant , lord , the menus, the launcher.
    make everything an artifact and give zero RP from drops that will be best for players

    lmao. Well done.
  • overdriver13overdriver13 Member Posts: 1,521 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    diogene0 wrote: »
    ... or we could have content progression. Like raids. It's much more fun than grinding mobs like a bot to get the much needed RP drops.

    I couldn't agree more with this.
  • thirty6chambersthirty6chambers Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I absolutely despise Artifact gear and I hate refining.

    Now I know, this is how Cryptic/PW makes money (or part of it) but they can't expect the player base to endure and sustain this.

    If you're not one of the people running 50+ farming bots or dumping hundreds, thousands of dollars into each toon then you're not progressing at all. There's no way to attain that gear without those two stated methods. So you're getting worked over in dungeons and b*tch smacked in pvp.

    They would make a killing simply with fashion items. Whatever quote they have would be met with cosmetic items and mounts! Bring raids in! Put more gear in! NO ONE WANTS TO GRIND FOR RP THAT DOESN'T DROP IN THE QUANTITY THEY NEED. Of course this will not happen

    Instead they insist on killing off the game by imposing ridiculous criteria and methods to obtain the best gear. I don't even know why I'm still playing this game. This RP weekend is my LAST. What a waste of a perfect IP. THE PERFECT IP FOR AN MMO.
  • yokki1yokki1 Member Posts: 451 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I absolutely despise Artifact gear and I hate refining.

    Now I know, this is how Cryptic/PW makes money (or part of it) but they can't expect the player base to endure and sustain this.

    If you're not one of the people running 50+ farming bots or dumping hundreds, thousands of dollars into each toon then you're not progressing at all. There's no way to attain that gear without those two stated methods. So you're getting worked over in dungeons and b*tch smacked in pvp.

    They would make a killing simply with fashion items. Whatever quote they have would be met with cosmetic items and mounts! Bring raids in! Put more gear in! NO ONE WANTS TO GRIND FOR RP THAT DOESN'T DROP IN THE QUANTITY THEY NEED. Of course this will not happen

    Instead they insist on killing off the game by imposing ridiculous criteria and methods to obtain the best gear. I don't even know why I'm still playing this game. This RP weekend is my LAST. What a waste of a perfect IP. THE PERFECT IP FOR AN MMO.

    dont forget bugging/exploiting the game as a source of income.
    remember all those HRs + DCs that were hiring their exploit "services" in PE and in other channels? they have made a fortune from charging groups to take them to dungeon runs.
  • diogene0diogene0 Member Posts: 2,894 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Instead they insist on killing off the game by imposing ridiculous criteria and methods to obtain the best gear. I don't even know why I'm still playing this game. This RP weekend is my LAST. What a waste of a perfect IP. THE PERFECT IP FOR AN MMO.

    Also a waste of absolutely fantastic core mechanics and gameplay. :)
  • thirty6chambersthirty6chambers Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    diogene0 wrote: »
    Also a waste of absolutely fantastic core mechanics and gameplay. :)

    I guess that's one of the reasons i'm still playing. The combat is fun (when it's fair)

    But i'm all funned out. All RPed out. All Zenned out. All ADed out. Running on fumes. A lot of us are barely holding it together hoping "Senior Management" can stop f*cking with the devs. We're still playing the god damned game for sh*ts sake! I have to assume it's some kind of lean management, corporate bullsh*t that's running this game into the ground.

    Why grab such an awesome IP to f*ck it into oblivion? Kind of reminds me of that guy who bought the Darksiders IP from THQ when they went under to simply make the 5 mil it cost him back + some spending change. What a f*cking ****** bag. Now, gamers are f*cked out of a stellar series and some quality gaming from a SPECTACULAR IP because he doesn't want to spend the cash to really do it justice. F*cking prick.

    Doesn't even know what he has. What that series means to the dedicated player base.

    Yea, you Cryptic/PW, are that guy.

  • linaduinlinaduin Member Posts: 187 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    diogene0 wrote: »
    Also a waste of absolutely fantastic core mechanics and gameplay. :)

    I don't think it matters whether you're a solo or group player: we all love the combat mechanics. I find HR trapper addictive. But Mod 6 has almost cured my addiction. Sad.
  • yokki1yokki1 Member Posts: 451 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I guess that's one of the reasons i'm still playing. The combat is fun (when it's fair)

    But i'm all funned out. All RPed out. All Zenned out. All ADed out. Running on fumes. A lot of us are barely holding it together hoping "Senior Management" can stop f*cking with the devs. We're still playing the god damned game for sh*ts sake! I have to assume it's some kind of lean management, corporate bullsh*t that's running this game into the ground.

    Why grab such an awesome IP to f*ck it into oblivion? Kind of reminds me of that guy who bought the Darksiders IP from THQ when they went under to simply make the 5 mil it cost him back + some spending change. What a f*cking ****** bag. Now, gamers are f*cked out of a stellar series and some quality gaming from a SPECTACULAR IP because he doesn't want to spend the cash to really do it justice. F*cking prick.

    Doesn't even know what he has. What that series means to the dedicated player base.

    Yea, you Cryptic/PW, are that guy.


    why everyone is only against the management? i think everyone is at fault there. the MASSIVE unnoticed bugs in code for example are not management's fault. they are coders' and non existent QA control's fault.
  • wlinazwlinaz Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 150 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Not a huge fan of artifact gear but like the idea that when the game goes to level 80... (come on, we all know it's coming...)
    we can refine the new stuff with the old instead of just ripping out the enchantments and dumping it post grind.

    Also would have rather had an armor artifact piece instead of an off-hand for the enhancement slots. Now where to put my soulforged...
  • kvetkvet Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,700 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I would prefer ways to customize my gear rather than using the RP system for it. Professions. I like the way we can make kits to improve gear, they should expand on that theme instead. Make the kits replaceable/interchangeable. I also like the overflow slots where the enchantments wear out and need to be replaced from time to time - this encourages change. Even with artifact gear, while you get long progression of improvement, the problem is it doesn't encourage change. Replace gear would have to be WAAAAAY better to get me to throw away an item I've spend months and millions of AD-worth of resources (either directly, or indirectly by farming RP myself) improving. Same with other gear - if I spend tons of time earning some gear, I'm not that interested in replacing it with something new unless it's more than just a little bit better. They're wasting their time creating new-ish gear that is only a little better than existing stuff. Instead of the gear itself being better, they should instead provide items that allow us to customize our gear to a much greater extent. Instead of some different weapon I'll never use because I have an artifact weapon I spent 3 months or more refining up, how about the chest drops a rare weapon transmute and/or ultra-rare dye packs or something you can't get anywhere else.

    Maybe those special dyes fade over time so you can't just dye one time and leave it....

    Artifacts just don't encourage change - it's the opposite of what they think they're doing. I wish they'd have spend time talking with players a bit instead of coming up with this stuff on their own and assuming they know what we want better than we do.

  • misharonamisharona Member Posts: 61 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Refining Artifacts is about a exciting as punching a clock. It feels much like going to work with very little reward.

    I agree with what digolift said above. Make really rare gear that drops in certain dungeons at low rates. It would make each dungeon run more exciting because at least you're holding a lottery ticket that "might" pay off. Getting to the end and expecting nothing more than a couple silver, an identify scroll and a piece of gear you can't use/wouldn't-want-to if-you-could is rewardless and tedious. It takes away the potential of excitement and makes the grind a pointless grind.

    Same possibilities should apply to pvp IMO. There should be a "chance" of getting something useful and unique.
  • suicidalgodotsuicidalgodot Member Posts: 2,465 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    yokki1 wrote: »
    why everyone is only against the management? i think everyone is at fault there. the MASSIVE unnoticed bugs in code for example are not management's fault. they are coders' and non existent QA control's fault.

    From whan one reads on Glassdoor (google it together with Cryptic) even that might be the management's fault, probably.

    "Boss, it's too much. Hacking all that code and the comments and meeting that deadline... ...just doesn't."
    "Bah. Comments and documentation are way overrated, just skip that if it helps you. The Deadline is important" (My perfomance pay depends on this team meeting it (???))

    ...at least that's the scenario that the bug-"fixing"-process and -speed and -failures (and the bugs per se) seem to insinuate me to suspect.
  • suicidalgodotsuicidalgodot Member Posts: 2,465 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    misharona wrote: »
    Refining Artifacts is about a exciting as punching a clock. It feels much like going to work with very little reward.

    Also, filling another tickbox - or a few more pixels of the progress bar that when full will lead to that tickbox getting filled - out of 60 to 140...

    ...somehow fails to trigger my reward centre. If someone is in RL an employee in the controlling department, they might consider that superbly satisfying, but for me it plain isn't.
  • azlanfoxazlanfox Member Posts: 436 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I've not really had any artifact gear. The simple fact of the matter is that the time to grind never fit into my limited schedule. From what I have participated in, the Refining mini-game is like a job, clocking in and hammering away at an endless pile of work.
    The fox said, "lock and load"

    glassdoor.com - Cryptic Studios Review
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