Haha, yes, I mean lowering the difficulty to a reasonable level. The goal is to get it equivalent to what it felt like in Module 5 for moderately geared players. We are even likley adding a level and item level requirement to the door.
So it means free protector's seal gear for everyone? What's the point of having a progression then?
rapticorMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,078Arc User
Campaigns: There are now warning messages to players below level 70 that campaign zones may be too difficult.
That's great and all ... But what about for those who ARE level 70 and the campaign stuff is too difficult? I'm around 1600 item level and I've tried all the campaign zones and I get murdered pretty quickly in just about all of them. Are these tuned for a group and 'working as expected' or will they become more solo-friendly to all classes?
Can you confirm this? Pure version at least. It's not working period, from my testings it's not even debuffing yourself, it's just not working at all.
It s so ****ing easy to test that is kot working. Just put some ****ing red glyphs on and you will see their damage decrease with pure and even more with trascendtent.
I would work for you free just for the love of this game but seriously spending more time studuying for my degree is getting appealing
I sent you a forum message about it, never got a reply but i guess you're too busy.
Pretty much of all what is not working on OP is in there.
Please, fix protector paladins justice capstone.
It's already been a month. It was also reported in preview, but you ignore it. Time to do something about it.
Ah, OK. There is already a ticket on this to resolve in the coming weeks.
Ah, OK. There is already a ticket on this to resolve in the coming weeks.
How many times I will waiting fix Metallic Ancestry Dragonborn 3% HP racial trait? It's still not working.
traxsuMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 51
edited May 2015
Some of the Heroic Encounters in Icewind Dale need tweaking still, Remoraz, Prospector Attack/Captured Prospector, Black Ice Beholder.
Mostly all around, there was damage resistance designed when Icewind Dale first came out that was removed from the black ice gear entirely so people are getting hit like a freight train without said mitigation. Would be nice to overhaul the entire zone considering in theory it should be as difficult, or less difficulty then the Tyranny Campaign and currently it is significantly harder.
My item level 2,500 GWF (80,000 HP) gets hit to 20% HP on the first attack from a 5 man heroic to give you an example. NPC's doing frontal/back cleaves, and charges tend to rip most players apart. That's 5,500 defense, 2,600 deflect, with a 23.3% damage resistance. Honestly it should say 10 man difficulty for 5 man heroics hah.
All in all, it would be nice if you make it so that encounters give tanks and tanky builds enough time to build some sort of mitigation. I.E. Wicked Strike for GWF, before the NPC's go all gang buster and begin one shotting people.
onegaki101Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 327Arc User
Haha, yes, I mean lowering the difficulty to a reasonable level. The goal is to get it equivalent to what it felt like in Module 5 for moderately geared players. We are even likley adding a level and item level requirement to the door.
Would it be likely to add a 25man party system so we can enter as a guild/guilds or group of friends? That way we can actually attempt this as a true raid. This would at least let you know whether or not a properly coordinated 25man team can defeat the hardest boss in the game.
and where is the fix to GWF greatsword clipping issue on male slim characters where weapon goes through body and legs?
and where is the promised GWF buff and CC fix?
probably saw what GWFs in negation are doing on live
Would it be likely to add a 25man party system so we can enter as a guild/guilds or group of friends? That way we can actually attempt this as a true raid. This would at least let you know whether or not a properly coordinated 25man team can defeat the hardest boss in the game.
We want it, but it is not something our current technology can handle at the moment. Hopefully sometime in the future we will have it and can update Tiamat and maybe make an Elite Tiamat queue or something.
lazaroth666Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,332Arc User
edited May 2015
Please, fix Weapon Master (GWF Class Feature), Eldritch Runestones aren't granting their 10%, 11%, 12% bonus. Unstoppable bug (Sometimes, while in combat, it is not possible to activate unstoppable even if the gauge is completely full)
It s so ****ing easy to test that is kot working. Just put some ****ing red glyphs on and you will see their damage decrease with pure and even more with trascendtent.
I would work for you free just for the love of this game but seriously spending more time studuying for my degree is getting appealing
Calm the **** down. I was asking a question, if you can't answer it like a normal ****ing person then GTFO.
I already said it's not working, I didn't know it's debuffing the user.
Plus no, other than red glyphs there's no way to confirm this. ACT effectiveness stays the exact same, glyphs are doing 575 instead of 600.
We want it, but it is not something our current technology can handle at the moment. Hopefully sometime in the future we will have it and can update Tiamat and maybe make an Elite Tiamat queue or something.
Excellent! Thanks !
onegaki101Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 327Arc User
edited May 2015
Please look into many of the buff/debuff enchants we currently have as many are not working such as:
Terror - Terror enchant is not working, the debuff is actually buffing the enemy increasing their defense rather than reducing it. I have tried it with lesser and Perfect. People have been reporting issues with Transcendent but I have not tested it myself
Feytouch - The debuff where it is suppose to take 18% damage from the enemy and buff yourself with it is actually giving that buff to both, the caster and target. It doesn't seem to debuff at all as the target does a lot more damage. Also the buff seems to be quite a lot. Maybe something to do with Transcendent being a 3 target AoE and it is multiplying the buff even though there is only 1 target.
Glad you guys are aware of the many class power issues with rank 4s and that many are not working as expected/intended.
We want it, but it is not something our current technology can handle at the moment. Hopefully sometime in the future we will have it and can update Tiamat and maybe make an Elite Tiamat queue or something.
Thanks for giving us the reason why we can't queue as 25 man. What about 5 or 10 man? The ability to go in as a 5-man party should really be implemented, I am very surprised it wasn't an option already
We want it, but it is not something our current technology can handle at the moment. Hopefully sometime in the future we will have it and can update Tiamat and maybe make an Elite Tiamat queue or something.
Oh I remember they have it in STO. You may create a private instance with a lobby window and make 5 team of 5 people for some instances. Isn't it the same engine? Maybe you could sneak into their office and steal some code, if it's compatible.
mamalion1234Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 3,415Arc User
Haha, yes, I mean lowering the difficulty to a reasonable level. The goal is to get it equivalent to what it felt like in Module 5 for moderately geared players. We are even likley adding a level and item level requirement to the door.
yes but in that case remove the elemental armor from the loot table if the reason is to decrease difficulty to get those boons.
Our testing has shown that this is actually working correctly and is providing the bonus.
Metalllic Ancestry:
You receive 3% more healing from all spells and abilities. - IT's fine work, but: Your Hit Points are increased by 3%. Still not increased HP!
thefabricantMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 5,248Arc User
This is already on Preview for your testing pleasure.
For future releases we are currently working on improving Tiamat difficulty, Campaign quest rewards, more class power issues, Invocation and more!
Nice work on the update Panda (seems the new communications manager is doing an excellent job ) Whilst I understand that you can't list all the fixes, specifically the ones pertaining to exploits, if there were any fixes that were fixed that are not specifically statable, could you mention that there were other things fixed that you cannot divulge? This would at least give the playerbase the satisfaction of knowing that what is listed here is not the sum total of what is being fixed and that there is other stuff being fixed even if it is either not important enough to specifically make it into patchnotes or that there is stuff that is too sensitive to divulge that has been fixed. I am looking forward to future updates. Btw, if possible, could you tell me if the failure to include any mention of the fixing of rank 4 powers because there wasn't enough time to get it patched up to satisfaction this week, or was it patched, but as an oversight you forgot to mention it.
There has been several multi-page threads reporting that the dragon hoard enchants stop working after a random amount of time. I understand it is not in your best interest to fix this quickly, but could we at least get some kind of acknowledgment about this issue? Or is it working as intended?
Nice work on the update Panda (seems the new communications manager is doing an excellent job ) Whilst I understand that you can't list all the fixes, specifically the ones pertaining to exploits, if there were any fixes that were fixed that are not specifically statable, could you mention that there were other things fixed that you cannot divulge? This would at least give the playerbase the satisfaction of knowing that what is listed here is not the sum total of what is being fixed and that there is other stuff being fixed even if it is either not important enough to specifically make it into patchnotes or that there is stuff that is too sensitive to divulge that has been fixed. I am looking forward to future updates. Btw, if possible, could you tell me if the failure to include any mention of the fixing of rank 4 powers because there wasn't enough time to get it patched up to satisfaction this week, or was it patched, but as an oversight you forgot to mention it.
Thanks for your time and consideration.
This is true, it'd be nice too know what else is fixed, even vaguely . as otherwise the patch notes can just look small and insignificant.
Also I really like when you give us insight into what we can expect being potentially fixed next week.
Thirdly. is there a chance that you can give us an old CTA event (Maybe Pit fight/ Straight to helm or Storm the keep , Just make the GF weapons transmutable for paladin) So we have something fun to do and get some Transmutes while you work on fixing the other things? A lot of players love looking for cool transmutes, and having a CTA event on while we wait for rank 4 fixes , difficulty fixes, etc. could be fun and positive for the playerbase, it wouldn't take too much work also as i'm assuming you have all the required assets for them from last time.
I also thing possibly in the future having some sort of CTA with ARMOR transmutes, would be nice. Since there is much less gear now, a lot of cool transmutes we used to have access too are now gone.
kaiserschmarrnMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 390
edited May 2015
Paladin Justice capstone still broken
Still getting randomly hit for 200k+ when in melee with elite mobs in 2k dungeons, with a 16k defense Pala plus Bastion tree and Perfect Negation. Currently my Paladin is either at 100% health or dead, there's no in-between.
Shield aura not activating fast enough when you hold the hotkey, there's always a delay
Companions, especially older striker companions like the Direwolf and the 200$ Panther, do laughable damage
Mercenary companion does not apply the bleed he should have
A lot of gear and sets which had nice models and looked great as transmutables are now gone
Many enchants at Tranquil level are still broken and buff the mobs instead of debuffing them, example Terror enchant
There's only one 2k armor set
No endgame variety since the majority of dungeons were cut
Iliyanbruen set bracers no longer drop cause of the new loot table
Tiamat is impossibly hard since weeks
The whole +hp power creep was a step in the wrong direction. The level 70 armor sets look like a last minute fix when you realized that you had overtuned the difficulty and instead of having a working stat system we now have a game where you need to stack +hp to maybe survive one hit and rely on dodging otherwise.
Remove the +hp stats, rebalance mob damage and introduce a meaningful stat system again please.
So it means free protector's seal gear for everyone? What's the point of having a progression then?
That's great and all ... But what about for those who ARE level 70 and the campaign stuff is too difficult? I'm around 1600 item level and I've tried all the campaign zones and I get murdered pretty quickly in just about all of them. Are these tuned for a group and 'working as expected' or will they become more solo-friendly to all classes?
It s so ****ing easy to test that is kot working. Just put some ****ing red glyphs on and you will see their damage decrease with pure and even more with trascendtent.
I would work for you free just for the love of this game but seriously spending more time studuying for my degree is getting appealing
Ah, OK. There is already a ticket on this to resolve in the coming weeks.
How many times I will waiting fix Metallic Ancestry Dragonborn 3% HP racial trait? It's still not working.
Mostly all around, there was damage resistance designed when Icewind Dale first came out that was removed from the black ice gear entirely so people are getting hit like a freight train without said mitigation. Would be nice to overhaul the entire zone considering in theory it should be as difficult, or less difficulty then the Tyranny Campaign and currently it is significantly harder.
My item level 2,500 GWF (80,000 HP) gets hit to 20% HP on the first attack from a 5 man heroic to give you an example. NPC's doing frontal/back cleaves, and charges tend to rip most players apart. That's 5,500 defense, 2,600 deflect, with a 23.3% damage resistance. Honestly it should say 10 man difficulty for 5 man heroics hah.
All in all, it would be nice if you make it so that encounters give tanks and tanky builds enough time to build some sort of mitigation. I.E. Wicked Strike for GWF, before the NPC's go all gang buster and begin one shotting people.
Would it be likely to add a 25man party system so we can enter as a guild/guilds or group of friends? That way we can actually attempt this as a true raid. This would at least let you know whether or not a properly coordinated 25man team can defeat the hardest boss in the game.
probably saw what GWFs in negation are doing on live
Our testing has shown that this is actually working correctly and is providing the bonus.
We want it, but it is not something our current technology can handle at the moment. Hopefully sometime in the future we will have it and can update Tiamat and maybe make an Elite Tiamat queue or something.
Calm the **** down. I was asking a question, if you can't answer it like a normal ****ing person then GTFO.
I already said it's not working, I didn't know it's debuffing the user.
Plus no, other than red glyphs there's no way to confirm this. ACT effectiveness stays the exact same, glyphs are doing 575 instead of 600.
The Holy Crusaders guild leader ♚ Mod 10 PVE Destroyer GWF guide ♚ Founding member of the Relentless Alliance
Excellent! Thanks !
Terror - Terror enchant is not working, the debuff is actually buffing the enemy increasing their defense rather than reducing it. I have tried it with lesser and Perfect. People have been reporting issues with Transcendent but I have not tested it myself
Feytouch - The debuff where it is suppose to take 18% damage from the enemy and buff yourself with it is actually giving that buff to both, the caster and target. It doesn't seem to debuff at all as the target does a lot more damage. Also the buff seems to be quite a lot. Maybe something to do with Transcendent being a 3 target AoE and it is multiplying the buff even though there is only 1 target.
Glad you guys are aware of the many class power issues with rank 4s and that many are not working as expected/intended.
Sorry, my *hate* wasnt directed to you. I just lost my patience.
Thanks for giving us the reason why we can't queue as 25 man. What about 5 or 10 man? The ability to go in as a 5-man party should really be implemented, I am very surprised it wasn't an option already
Great Weapon Fighter: Because when is today not a good day to die?
PC and PS4 player. Proud Guildmaster for PS4 Team Fencebane. Rank 5 Officer for PC Team Fencebane. Visit us at http://fencebane.shivtr.com
Oh I remember they have it in STO. You may create a private instance with a lobby window and make 5 team of 5 people for some instances. Isn't it the same engine? Maybe you could sneak into their office and steal some code, if it's compatible.
yes but in that case remove the elemental armor from the loot table if the reason is to decrease difficulty to get those boons.
You receive 3% more healing from all spells and abilities. - IT's fine work, but:
Your Hit Points are increased by 3%. Still not increased HP!
Nice work on the update Panda (seems the new communications manager is doing an excellent job
Thanks for your time and consideration.
although metal dragonborn isent the only bugged racial, tiefling on both as well, the debuff shows up can even stack but power remains unchanged
This is true, it'd be nice too know what else is fixed, even vaguely . as otherwise the patch notes can just look small and insignificant.
Also I really like when you give us insight into what we can expect being potentially fixed next week.
Thirdly. is there a chance that you can give us an old CTA event (Maybe Pit fight/ Straight to helm or Storm the keep , Just make the GF weapons transmutable for paladin) So we have something fun to do and get some Transmutes while you work on fixing the other things? A lot of players love looking for cool transmutes, and having a CTA event on while we wait for rank 4 fixes , difficulty fixes, etc. could be fun and positive for the playerbase, it wouldn't take too much work also as i'm assuming you have all the required assets for them from last time.
I also thing possibly in the future having some sort of CTA with ARMOR transmutes, would be nice. Since there is much less gear now, a lot of cool transmutes we used to have access too are now gone.
Drunken Goose of MidNight Express. - 3.3k Paladin , 3.6k GWF , 3.1k GF,
Still getting randomly hit for 200k+ when in melee with elite mobs in 2k dungeons, with a 16k defense Pala plus Bastion tree and Perfect Negation. Currently my Paladin is either at 100% health or dead, there's no in-between.
Shield aura not activating fast enough when you hold the hotkey, there's always a delay
Companions, especially older striker companions like the Direwolf and the 200$ Panther, do laughable damage
Mercenary companion does not apply the bleed he should have
A lot of gear and sets which had nice models and looked great as transmutables are now gone
Many enchants at Tranquil level are still broken and buff the mobs instead of debuffing them, example Terror enchant
There's only one 2k armor set
No endgame variety since the majority of dungeons were cut
Iliyanbruen set bracers no longer drop cause of the new loot table
Tiamat is impossibly hard since weeks
The whole +hp power creep was a step in the wrong direction. The level 70 armor sets look like a last minute fix when you realized that you had overtuned the difficulty and instead of having a working stat system we now have a game where you need to stack +hp to maybe survive one hit and rely on dodging otherwise.
Remove the +hp stats, rebalance mob damage and introduce a meaningful stat system again please.