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I am completely sick of this nonsense.

ggsurr20ggsurr20 Member Posts: 16 Arc User
Once I got to lvl60, I was really excited to start playing epic dungeons but then things began getting ******ed, it was all fine and dandy up Caverns of karrundax but once I got to spellplague caverns, things started getting out of control and i'm really starting to get angry about it, enough to come on the forums and I literally never do that most of the time. The kicking system is getting abused to absurd levels and it needs to get sorted out, for one I don't know why 3/5 people means a kick, it should be 4/5 and I personally don't think the kick request should be something you can spam. It's either matchmaking needs to be regulated so there is always a cleric and tank or the kicking system needs to be sorted out, I've had DPS in my party who would die only once, or make a single mistake and they get insta kicked, it's actually stupid. Please sort this out, you need to find some way to make kicking reasonable because at this rate I don't know if i'm going to play this game much longer.

-GGsurr20 - 17k Great Weapon Fighter-

-GGsurr15 - 10k Guardian Fighter-
    Post edited by ggsurr20 on


    • drestepdrestep Member Posts: 8 Arc User
      edited April 2015
      ggsurr20 wrote: »
      Once I got to lvl60, I was really excited to start playing epic dungeons but then things began getting ******ed, it was all fine and dandy up Caverns of karrundax but once I got to spellplague caverns, things started getting out of control and i'm really starting to get angry about it, enough to come on the forums and I literally never do that most of the time. The kicking system is getting abused to absurd levels and it needs to get sorted out, for one I don't know why 3/5 people means a kick, it should be 4/5 and I personally don't think the kick request should be something you can spam. It's either matchmaking needs to be regulated so there is always a cleric and tank or the kicking system needs to be sorted out, I've had DPS in my party who would die only once, or make a single mistake and they get insta kicked, it's actually stupid. Please sort this out, you need to find some way to make kicking reasonable because at this rate I don't know if i'm going to play this game much longer.


      The reason you get kicked is because they need a specific class, for example maybe they already had a (whatever class you are) so they needed a healer of tank or whatever, that's why the kick feature is there.

      Maybe you should play a more useful class or get friend so your not joining random dungeons
    • zaknafyenzaknafyen Member Posts: 200 Arc User
      edited April 2015
      drestep wrote: »
      The reason you get kicked is because they need a specific class, for example maybe they already had a (whatever class you are) so they needed a healer of tank or whatever, that's why the kick feature is there.

      Maybe you should play a more useful class or get friend so your not joining random dungeons

      There is so much wrong with the first part of your comment.

      The kick feature was not designed to remove someone in hopes of finding a different class. It was designed for situations where someone is inactivate, not participating, DCed for an indefinite amount of time, etc. At its current state, it's being abused to the extent that people don't want competition for the gear that can drop for their class. My friends and I were in a constant "Vote Kick" contest last night because another GWF wanted me out because "no one gets my gear" (the exact reason that was posted) and another person tried kicking my friend because "Not as L337 as me".

      Granted, I know not everyone is like this and some will do it to try and find a healer/tank, but it's not often enough to consider it's not being abused.

      Regarding you second comment, agreed. Grouping with friends (join a guild) will solve this issue almost entirely.
    • gaanjaa81gaanjaa81 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
      edited April 2015
      drestep wrote: »

      Maybe you should play a more useful class or get friend so your not joining random dungeons

      the point is he should be able to play any class he wants, if everyone starts making clerics and tanks then they will just started getting kicked instead because there will be no dps.

      i agree about playing with friends though, i met a lot of people on here since launch and we always run stuff together. makes life a lot easier, no raging, no kicks and makes eveything more fun :)

      if your on tonight send me a message or something if we have a spare slot will take you for some runs regardless of your class and gearscore :)

      edit - add me if you want - gamertag = GAANJAA81, ingame name = Cornish
      Devoted cleric rule number one = We cant cure stupidity so no heals for fools ^.^
    • ggsurr20ggsurr20 Member Posts: 16 Arc User
      edited April 2015
      Thanks for the support guys, I think i'll try that, I shouldn't have to play another class to enjoy the game so I think joining a guild is probably the best solution.
      -GGsurr20 - 17k Great Weapon Fighter-

      -GGsurr15 - 10k Guardian Fighter-
      • reapermech86reapermech86 Member Posts: 29 Arc User
        edited April 2015
        drestep wrote: »
        The reason you get kicked is because they need a specific class, for example maybe they already had a (whatever class you are) so they needed a healer of tank or whatever, that's why the kick feature is there.

        Maybe you should play a more useful class or get friend so your not joining random dungeons

        just wow ... how can you be so ignorant? kicking is there to get a better team comp?? really?? yikes if this is the mindset of the player base in the queues then this game really is doomed
      • karlspaklerkarlspakler Member Posts: 45 Arc User
        edited April 2015
        Joined an epic T2 in progress last night. Made my way across the map and just when I saw the group, kicked. They already had a cleric. I'm not sure why they kicked me, but whatever. I got in another epic without problems. Just wish they didn't wait for me to get to them before they kicked me.
      • wade8765wade8765 Member Posts: 86 Arc User
        edited April 2015
        Play with 2 good mates so there is 3 of you and you'll not be kicked! Lol! I wish I had 2 good mates with an xbox one!
      • awrex1977awrex1977 Member Posts: 230 Arc User
        edited April 2015
        drestep wrote: »
        The reason you get kicked is because they need a specific class, for example maybe they already had a (whatever class you are) so they needed a healer of tank or whatever, that's why the kick feature is there.

        Maybe you should play a more useful class or get friend so your not joining random dungeons

        The idea that a group in this game needs to be comprised of the core "holy trinity" is flat out wrong.

        The majority of content can be simply burned through.

        Are the situations (boss fights) where there is an ideal group set up? Yes. If you plan on running the few instances where group make up truly matters, don't run it in a que'd pug.

        Every class has it's uses and within each class there are numerous builds, each class can fill multiple roles.

        The kick feature is abused, plain and simple.

        People spam it for no reason. Why people still vote yes as often as they do is beyond me.

        There are people who get into a group, and immediately put a kick to a vote - it's out of hand.

        There are QUE thiefs who try and steal campfires with keyboards and kick votes - it's out of hand.

        There are people who QUE hop and if they see somebody of the same class they put a kick to a vote - it's out of hand.

        The only way to avoid this, is to group constantly with people you "know".
      • hawkeyelhawkeyel Member Posts: 389 Arc User
        edited April 2015
        A better teaming system than we have today would go a long ways toward fixing this problem.Would be nice to go into a zone and being able to have a tab you could click to see all that are there and looking for a team .You could see there class and what they are wanting to do all in one easy to use place.You could also flag yourself as not looking for a team for the solo people out there.Just some ideas.
      • twistingplanetstwistingplanets Member Posts: 6 Arc User
        edited April 2015
        It took me 3 nights to successfully complete The Frozen Heart. Ended up doing the first boss about five times.

        Finally got in a group where I felt like it was okay to loot the greens, die once or twice, and be a ranger. We had two clerics and no tank.

        Suck it up and learn how to dodge. If you have no healer - suck it up, learn how to dodge, and buy lots of healing potions.

        This mentality that one cleric and one guardian are needed for every dungeon is not realistic.
      • icescaledragonicescaledragon Member Posts: 22 Arc User
        edited April 2015
        Its cause people are useless and lazy ... must be hard for them to click a button
      • arlequin13arlequin13 Member Posts: 61 Arc User
        edited April 2015
        Its cause people are useless and lazy ... must be hard for them to click a button

        People who NEED a tank/healer are the people who aren't good enough to begin with. Every dungeon except CN and DV are easy without a tank/healer and those two i usualy run with guild due to lenght.

        If you NEED a healer or tank then YOUR skills are the problem, not the guy you just kicked.
      • ratedchaotic1ratedchaotic1 Member Posts: 17 Arc User
        edited April 2015
        Join a guild. Simple fix.
      • ragedancerragedancer Member Posts: 2 Arc User
        edited April 2015
        Yes, am mmo I played let you state what you wanted to run, which classes you are looking for and allowed for a brief description ie. Speed run
        You could still request s join when of you weren't the specified class, usually with a tell to the op first.
      • valkyria9001valkyria9001 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
        edited April 2015
        zaknafyen wrote: »
        There is so much wrong with the first part of your comment.

        The kick feature was not designed to remove someone in hopes of finding a different class. It was designed for situations where someone is inactivate, not participating, DCed for an indefinite amount of time, etc. At its current state, it's being abused to the extent that people don't want competition for the gear that can drop for their class. My friends and I were in a constant "Vote Kick" contest last night because another GWF wanted me out because "no one gets my gear" (the exact reason that was posted) and another person tried kicking my friend because "Not as L337 as me".

        Granted, I know not everyone is like this and some will do it to try and find a healer/tank, but it's not often enough to consider it's not being abused.

        Regarding you second comment, agreed. Grouping with friends (join a guild) will solve this issue almost entirely.

        Actually grouping with friends doesn't solve it, the kick system is broken and so far they're making no attempts as to solve it. The best thing to do is go in with a group of everyone as a few times I've gone in with 4 friends and 1 person manages to make the kick happen. From what i've seen 3 attempts and then out.
        Hopefully they just remove the kick system completely as AFK will usually idle you out anyway. Or at least propose a system as like you can choose what classes you would like in the spots you have left and then if for some reason they want to kick someone from a setlist of reasons for:
        Inactivity: haven't moved so far in (x) amount of minutes.
        Too weak: healed/damaged (x) amount less than players
        Offensive: has written (x) amount of filtered messages

        From experience if you give an idiot power, they will abuse it.

        Also would be nice if the other person saw the reason as to why they were being kicked, so that way if it was unfair they could then click an Appeal button of some sort then given a task along the line of do this amount of damage in that time etc.
      • twistingplanetstwistingplanets Member Posts: 6 Arc User
        edited April 2015
        Also would be nice if the other person saw the reason as to why they were being kicked, so that way if it was unfair they could then click an Appeal button of some sort then given a task along the line of do this amount of damage in that time etc.

        This seems like a good idea, but if that griefer that needs to get kicked appeals too then it breaks this. Everyone who gets kicked would just use this "appeal" and scream unfair.
      • valkyria9001valkyria9001 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
        edited April 2015
        This seems like a good idea, but if that griefer that needs to get kicked appeals too then it breaks this. Everyone who gets kicked would just use this "appeal" and scream unfair.

        That's true but at least it's a step into some direction. Currently there's no proof of them doing anything, honestly the only way they could solve every problem is just remove any kicking, matchmake it so people are around your sort of skill level and then that way there's not really any excuse because they'd have the same sort of play style as you do. Do that along with choosing which classes you'd like to play with might actually be the better system to work off. That way instead of groups trying to over-power everyone in the room, they'd have to be in group with their friends before they queue and no other way.
        I think a kick system is useless anyway in most, just causes problems like this.

        Edit: they could also make them into two queues, 1 where kicking is allowed and another where people just want to play, give people a chance and play where kicking isn't allowed.
      • telprydaintelprydain Member Posts: 545 Arc User
        edited April 2015
        I agree that it's not working as it is... I'm immune (a cleric) but my guild tries to mitigate the issue by kicking any anyone that kicks without a good reason.
        Having said that, there are a dozen threads on this already floating around out there and this belongs in the feedback forum.
        Casual Gamers
        Join us brothers and sisters and distant relations and confused onlookers.
        Join us in the shadows where we stand mostly vigilant... although slightly distracted by our inventories.
        "In war, unqualified. In peace, disorganised. In death, mild irritation."

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      • mrtehpuppymrtehpuppy Member Posts: 168 Arc User
        edited April 2015
        I've seen people kick for both good reasons and bad. Sometimes it does get out of hand. I don't think the vote kick system needs a complete overhaul though. My biggest issue with it is that individuals are able to just continually spam vote kicks even if the vote kick fails. My opinion is, if someone starts a vote kick and it fails, they shouldn't be allowed to vote kick for the rest of that activity. I also think vote kicking SHOULD be allowed in PvP. All too often I'll decide to solo queue just for laughs and if the other team is a premade that just destroys my PUG in the first encounter, my teammates will end up just sitting in spawn waiting for the match to end, moving occasionally so as not to get idle kicked.

        A bit off topic as it's not necessarily about the vote kick system but still kinda related. Sure it's getting nerfed in the next Mod. But as of right now, Xbox One is running Mod 5 balancing. Life Steal is known to be incredibly and brokenly overpowered and I personally don't see very many console players taking advantage of this fact. On PC, my DC will finish a T2 and parse for roughly 40% of the groups total healing. On Xbox I'm typically parsing for closer to 85% of the groups total healing. On PC, my DC usually gets vote kicked because the group doesn't want a healer, they want more DPS classes. On Xbox its quite the opposite. (note: my PC experience is only up to and includes mod 5, I quit playing the PC version the day the console version came out) There's just way too many people playing the game right now who have absolutely no idea what they're doing, why they've spec'd their class the way they have, or what gear and enchants they should be running. Hell, just a few minutes ago I ran into a fellow DC who was sporting nothing but Dark Enchants.... Just... WAT?
        Member of Look Good Play Good
        Pup - Level 70 4.2k Buff/Debuff AC DC
        XBL GT: TehPuppy
      • alclemistalclemist Member Posts: 13 Arc User
        edited May 2015
        Same here bud. The dungeons that require 8300 gear score or higher are the highest chance of getting kicked it seems. The lair of the pirate kings is the most dungeon I keep getting kicked from.. For some reason I think rogues are hated..
      • thezer0fluxthezer0flux Member Posts: 412 Arc User
        edited May 2015
        I was totally frustrated with the kicking situation as well. My solution was to run dungeons with two other people. A full group is better, but you only need to three total. Once you have three, you and your group cannot be kicked. Kicks require at least three YES votes, which is impossible if you run with two friends.

        You don't need to be in a guild or find a full party (as some people suggest). You only need two additional people and you're golden. Heck, I bet you can find two people in this thread who would group with you to prevent kicking ;)
      • silver44swordsilver44sword Member Posts: 0 Arc User
        edited May 2015
        Kicking someone for any other reason than because of inactivity or non-participation is WRONG and inexcusable. Just because same classes are involved or personal BS is NOT a reason to kick someone, plus the queuing system is design to grab a balanced party for the dungeons. I have never gotten queued to a dungeon that had more than three of the same classes....PERIOD!

        I use to despise the social scene and community in DDO for the grouping, and I think neverwinter's is a lot batter. They just need to fix the xbox one's queuing system as it stands there some flaws and it is NOT player related in general it is SERVER related.
      • inlove2marrowinlove2marrow Member Posts: 30
        edited May 2015
        Why don't you just solo the dungeon? They are all pretty easy to solo. Except for Tower never, that one takes me an hour or two to
      • icescaledragonicescaledragon Member Posts: 22 Arc User
        edited May 2015
        This game turning into trash due too all this kicking for hours and waiting for hours cause the dipsticks that don't understand their own class they're playing
      • zachary4829zachary4829 Member Posts: 21 Arc User
        edited May 2015
        ggsurr20 wrote: »
        Thanks for the support guys, I think i'll try that, I shouldn't have to play another class to enjoy the game so I think joining a guild is probably the best solution.

        Definitely find a guild, you'll have a lot more fun. Don't re-roll unless you just want another character though, it doesn't matter what you choose you will get kicked, maybe not as much, but right now people are going crazy with it. At least as an over played class you get kicked at the start, as a cleric if you can't keep the guy standing in red and not using potions alive then you'll get kicked at the boss, that really blows.
      • petegreavespetegreaves Member Posts: 0 Arc User
        edited May 2015
        yea maby they should not let a dungeon start without the correct group...some peeps get upset when they are kicked from group and maby thicker skin is needed when you are kicked but in ggsurr20's defence it would be much quicker and efficient to start a dungeon that takes forever to complete i might add like the epic dungeons "but thats another issue" but with something set up for team setup where ya cant start without 2 dps a healer and a tank dungeons will start faster and get done faster because people wont be sitting around waiting for the right team makeup...
      • telprydaintelprydain Member Posts: 545 Arc User
        edited May 2015
        Actually grouping with friends doesn't solve it, the kick system is broken and so far they're making no attempts as to solve it. The best thing to do is go in with a group of everyone as a few times I've gone in with 4 friends and 1 person manages to make the kick happen. From what i've seen 3 attempts and then out.
        Which is why anyone that attempts to boot one of us now gets booted right away...
        Casual Gamers
        Join us brothers and sisters and distant relations and confused onlookers.
        Join us in the shadows where we stand mostly vigilant... although slightly distracted by our inventories.
        "In war, unqualified. In peace, disorganised. In death, mild irritation."

        JOIN US.
      • inlove2marrowinlove2marrow Member Posts: 30
        edited May 2015
        SOOOOOO Please Please Please Please FIX GROUP KICKING
      • knightdoomknightdoom Member Posts: 1 Arc User
        edited May 2015
        The game needs to learn that in LVL 60 dungeons, there should be a set tank role, or a set cleric role... etc.. Adding dps on dps on a party where the cleric might have DC'd or left , w/e. It should know that this group needs X. and pair those players.

        As for the abuse, that is there. Its stupid but that is the player's control.
      • mrdurvamrdurva Member Posts: 150 Arc User
        edited May 2015
        Why don't you just solo the dungeon? They are all pretty easy to solo. Except for Tower never, that one takes me an hour or two to

        Hahahaha, didn't bother to read the thread did you? This is about the epic dungeons. You can't join them solo
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