I didn't see anything about this in patch notes, but I got a quest from a guy next to the invoking place in PE that sent me to Trade of Blades to talk to him about being a domination champion or something. He said I would get champions coins for winning matches and had a chance of getting them for losing and that I could trade them for all kinds of nice stuff. Then I looked around for a vendor that would show how many coins I have to get and I can't find one, and once I leave ToB and come back the guy has disappeared. Did I dream this?
The post didn't offend me. The quest said there would be PVP seasons and that I would be rewarded for how I placed amongst my class. The rewards included an epic mount, rank 7s and all kinds of cool stuff. I was wondering why such a huge addition would be made to the game and I hadn't heard anything about it. It's dissapointing if this isn't already actually a thing after doing the quest, but promising if it's something far enough along that they had already made an introductory quest for it and accadentally left it in.
*cough* Looks like the cat’s out of the bag! As some of you guessed, what you’re seeing is an accidental sneak preview of some really cool PVP plans we’ve got in the works. For those who aren’t able to get the quest (or have it but can’t turn it in) don’t worry, you aren’t supposed to have access to those things yet. They’ll show up for real later.
We’re super hyped about the event-style, leaderboard PVP we’ve got coming in the near future! More details to come...
On a side note, soon we'll need some extra help from the PVP community with something that's still secret...
*cough* Looks like the cat’s out of the bag! As some of you guessed, what you’re seeing is an accidental sneak preview of some really cool PVP plans we’ve got in the works. For those who aren’t able to get the quest (or have it but can’t turn it in) don’t worry, you aren’t supposed to have access to those things yet. They’ll show up for real later.
We’re super hyped about the event-style, leaderboard PVP we’ve got coming in the near future! More details to come...
On a side note, soon we'll need some extra help from the PVP community with something that's still secret...
*cough* Looks like the cat’s out of the bag! As some of you guessed, what you’re seeing is an accidental sneak preview of some really cool PVP plans we’ve got in the works. For those who aren’t able to get the quest (or have it but can’t turn it in) don’t worry, you aren’t supposed to have access to those things yet. They’ll show up for real later.
We’re super hyped about the event-style, leaderboard PVP we’ve got coming in the near future! More details to come...
On a side note, soon we'll need some extra help from the PVP community with something that's still secret...
More than happy to help you guys! I know a guild full of players who are too
On a side-note PLEASE do not implement a system that forces players to WANT to do things like "troll comps" but balanced classes!
I REALLY REALLY hope the "Que" system either forced "balanced parties" - meaning CLASS BASED as well as gear based.
You can look at a "casual Que" AND a "ranked Que". Nothing ruins PVP more than just trying to play for fun, getting against a group of 5 TRs all in BIS gear that you and your PUG team have zero chance to win, then you feel slighted because they "gained" for the sake of the competition and get rewards.
All this does is create a TOXIC PVP environment.
The leaderboard has worked against this game for a LONG time. Honestly I hope its re-vamped to avoid these issues. I would honestly be much more infavor of NO leaderboard but just a "pvp tab" that shows all the stats for your character and his "ELO rating".
Any leaderboard ranking should be based ONLY on Wins and Losses NOT kills or deaths - certain games are won by certain ROLLS that may require frequent deaths and few kills.
Overall, I am excited but PLEASE PLEASE do not make this something that ENCOURAGES troll comps that can win easily.
*cough* Looks like the cat’s out of the bag! As some of you guessed, what you’re seeing is an accidental sneak preview of some really cool PVP plans we’ve got in the works. For those who aren’t able to get the quest (or have it but can’t turn it in) don’t worry, you aren’t supposed to have access to those things yet. They’ll show up for real later.
We’re super hyped about the event-style, leaderboard PVP we’ve got coming in the near future! More details to come...
On a side note, soon we'll need some extra help from the PVP community with something that's still secret...
You know you need a very harsh matchmaking and a solo queue for this? I really hope you do, because running such a tourney with the current leaderboard mechanics would be just sad.
Any leaderboard ranking should be based ONLY on Wins and Losses NOT kills or deaths - certain games are won by certain ROLLS that may require frequent deaths and few kills.
This, yes, a million percent this. The pug and premade world are so different they shouldn't ever even be in the same game. The pug game seems to be more a game of flying node to node, capping and cutting down hapless red team members while your team pretty much runs around randomly flailing their arms and running interference. Premade v premade is real domination where everyone has to play a super tight game because even a little bit of an edge can throw a match one way or the other. BOTH are fun! But when pug meets premade their is no contest. Sometimes you get that magical pug of all good players and you end up beating a guild premade. THAT is especially satisfying to see the score 800-570 in your favor and you realize that is a full on guild premade you are facing.
Here is a suggestion and I'll probably bring this up again later. Instead of separate premade and solo ques, why not a que for pvp guilds and one for everyone else? If you are in a decent pvp guild, you know how dom works, you understand your class very well and its role in the match, and you are also likely fairly well geared. The guild que thing would work like the ques does now. But because your guild registered as pvp, when you que you are automatically in the guild match que. Failing a timely que-pop, the system could just go to a default where it mixes guild players in with the others in as equal a measure as possible.
*cough* Looks like the cat’s out of the bag! As some of you guessed, what you’re seeing is an accidental sneak preview of some really cool PVP plans we’ve got in the works. For those who aren’t able to get the quest (or have it but can’t turn it in) don’t worry, you aren’t supposed to have access to those things yet. They’ll show up for real later.
We’re super hyped about the event-style, leaderboard PVP we’ve got coming in the near future! More details to come...
On a side note, soon we'll need some extra help from the PVP community with something that's still secret...
I will never know but I am curious of how conscious you guys are of the extent to which this "mistake" has helped bolster the community and make us really look forward to what is in store. This is the kind of thing that makes wallets open to get everything refined before it starts.
As far as help from players, I would recommend using the pvp network that is already in place: the guilds. Elicit the help of vp guild leaders and you will have almost every pvp player in the game wanting to help.
torontodaveMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 992Arc User
*cough* Looks like the cat’s out of the bag! As some of you guessed, what you’re seeing is an accidental sneak preview of some really cool PVP plans we’ve got in the works. For those who aren’t able to get the quest (or have it but can’t turn it in) don’t worry, you aren’t supposed to have access to those things yet. They’ll show up for real later.
We’re super hyped about the event-style, leaderboard PVP we’ve got coming in the near future! More details to come...
On a side note, soon we'll need some extra help from the PVP community with something that's still secret...
Wait, these guys saw an NPC and thought it was a dream.
Now I'm seeing a dev post and I think its a dream. o.O What is goin on? ;D
Coooool. Can't wait to kill you all in pvp. You make a Winter theme pvp map yet?
NW-DSQ39N5SJ - 'To Infinity, and BEYOND!' - Spelljammer Quest. Skyships, Indiana Jones moments NW-DC9R4J5EH - 'The Black Pearl' - Spelljammer! Phlo Riders and Space Orcs
Thanks for all the fish.
damnaciousMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 354Arc User
edited April 2015
This sounds great and all but i can't help but feel that this system MAY simply reward those with the best gear (which also often indicates membership of a dedicated PVP guild) rather than rewarding and encouraging new PVP players who might not have the best gear.
We all know of many PVP players that have gotten where they are previously and currently through exploiting and often these players may sit at the 'top' of the PVP chain as a result.
What I would like to see implemented is a reward system based upon rewarding IMPROVEMENT in PVP, not simply being the 'best'. This would then give many new players and incentive to PVP and reduce the amount of rewards for those that have simply gotten to where they are by using broken builds and exploits.
Simply, creating a system that assists to further increase the divide between those that 'win' and those that don't will simply unbalance the PVP side of game further.
IF PVP players are good, then providing rewards and incentives to those that may not be may actually create an environment where the 'best' are provided with more of a challenge. If you're good then you wont mind some competition then will you?
This doesn't mean don't reward those that perform well, but don't discount those that try.
This sounds great and all but i can't help but feel that this system MAY simply reward those with the best gear (which also often indicates membership of a dedicated PVP guild) rather than rewarding and encouraging new PVP players who might not have the best gear.
We all know of many PVP players that have gotten where they are previously and currently through exploiting and often these players may sit at the 'top' of the PVP chain as a result.
What I would like to see implemented is a reward system based upon rewarding IMPROVEMENT in PVP, not simply being the 'best'. This would then give many new players and incentive to PVP and reduce the amount of rewards for those that have simply gotten to where they are by using broken builds and exploits.
Simply, creating a system that assists to further increase the divide between those that 'win' and those that don't will simply unbalance the PVP side of game further.
IF PVP players are good, then providing rewards and incentives to those that may not be may actually create an environment where the 'best' are provided with more of a challenge. If you're good then you wont mind some competition then will you?
This doesn't mean don't reward those that perform well, but don't discount those that try.
Nope no way. An ongoing tourney system will attract serious pvp players who are inclined to put the time and resources into being the best. Leave the regular dom matches for the more casual players to improve.
Here is a stupid story, but it is true. When I was a kid I was part of a peewee football league and I trained and learned and played hard and committed myself to winning. The team I was on won the league championship 3 seasons in a row. The fourth season the league said that "everyone is a winner", everyone would get the same trophy regardless of the team they were on or how well they did. Ya screw that, I quit. You cant reward mediocrity and expect competitors to stay.
Either way it goes. Something needs to be done with the queue system NOW while it still can be done. There needs to be some tier difference in queues. Mod 6 pretty much made a clean slate, so now is the time to actually do something significant about the Queue matching.
Either two different queue types. (Gambit)Casual and (Champion)Competetive
Current queues need to evenly distribute parties by item level and classes as best as possible. It should not be possible for one team to severly outgear another.
This needs to happen now while it still can. This was the problem that was warned early in this games life and it was left unchecked up until it was pretty much too late. (talking pre-mod 1 and after this was said). Neglecting to do this will just allow the same thing to eventually happen again.
Either way it goes. Something needs to be done with the queue system NOW while it still can be done. There needs to be some tier difference in queues. Mod 6 pretty much made a clean slate, so now is the time to actually do something significant about the Queue matching.
Either two different queue types. (Gambit)Casual and (Champion)Competetive
Current queues need to evenly distribute parties by item level and classes as best as possible. It should not be possible for one team to severly outgear another.
This needs to happen now while it still can. This was the problem that was warned early in this games life and it was left unchecked up until it was pretty much too late. (talking pre-mod 1 and after this was said). Neglecting to do this will just allow the same thing to eventually happen again.
If a champions que is different from a casual que, I would agree. Most serious players will que for the league while casual ad seekers will que gambit.
More than happy to help you guys! I know a guild full of players who are too
On a side-note PLEASE do not implement a system that forces players to WANT to do things like "troll comps" but balanced classes!
I REALLY REALLY hope the "Que" system either forced "balanced parties" - meaning CLASS BASED as well as gear based.
You can look at a "casual Que" AND a "ranked Que". Nothing ruins PVP more than just trying to play for fun, getting against a group of 5 TRs all in BIS gear that you and your PUG team have zero chance to win, then you feel slighted because they "gained" for the sake of the competition and get rewards.
All this does is create a TOXIC PVP environment.
The leaderboard has worked against this game for a LONG time. Honestly I hope its re-vamped to avoid these issues. I would honestly be much more infavor of NO leaderboard but just a "pvp tab" that shows all the stats for your character and his "ELO rating".
Any leaderboard ranking should be based ONLY on Wins and Losses NOT kills or deaths - certain games are won by certain ROLLS that may require frequent deaths and few kills.
Overall, I am excited but PLEASE PLEASE do not make this something that ENCOURAGES troll comps that can win easily.
I cannot stress enough that Wins -Losses is the ONLY statistic that should matter.When one character wins 75% of the time, it gives the best indicator of gear + skill + teamwork + team make up. This is first and foremost a game of gear. Gear trumps skill unfortunately. Regardless, the win/lloss record is the balancing metric you need.
No team wants to roflstomp the enemy for 2 mins and then stand around while the other team sits at spawn. And I'm fairly certain the team sitti4at spawn didn't enjoy it either. Half the time they don't even get rewards for playing.
What you want is close matches ... and the won/lloss record is your best bet to do that.
As it is now people are punished for playing with their friends. If they enter in a group of 3 or more they will get destroyed by bona fide premade that would rather be fighting other BIS premades.
Make every class viable (not just TR's), and strive for even matchmaking rather than overthinking the ELO.
Win/loss record should be your primary matchmaking focus.
As long as if you PVP in the tournament or whatever, that you don't get to also queue for Domination, then that is fine with me. I just want to PVP to get my 4k AD and my skull artifacts and never have to see anyone from PVP guilds.
Well I met the guy out front .. not very talkative but his presence provided hope ..the fact that you are actually revamping PVP is an area many of us believe was in bad need of assistance before it died and the players were lost with it.
the goal is interesting... pleasing the hardcore vs the casual pvp player ..you will hear many ideas each with their benefit from the perspective from which it comes ,, finding the accommodation and meeting those needs is a challenge ..
We all will be willing to provide feedback and Ideas as you progress... looking forward to the new future developments
that quest is probably a prototype, an unfinished version of the pvp surprise panderus promised us.
it seams theyre finally glooing at pvp with a good deye
Drakeos Shadowbow - 60 Combat Pathfinder Hunter Ranger (Alt/retired)
Falados - Drow (Mez) Level 60 Trickster Rogue - Offically retired
Drakeos - Drow (Mez) Scourge Warlock/Druid (retired)
My friend didn't see this guy once and he has now disappeared from me
New pvp jewelry
Trickster Rogue
I found the NPC too. Domination Challenger
He appeared at the entrance of trade of Blades.
Screenshot: s7.postimg.org/ki62fcscp/24_04_2015_11_02_37.png
Offeres me a yellow quest to get inside.
Then, 2nd NPC appeared inside and ended the quest.
He offered me yellow mounts, new pvp jewelries etc.
Screenshot: s9.postimg.org/8yn0k21el/24_04_2015_11_00_15.png
Then, I left Enclave and never found them again.
Did I dreamt too?
PS Also, I was standing right with my guildmate, I was seeing them and he wasn`t.
Drakeos Shadowbow - 60 Combat Pathfinder Hunter Ranger (Alt/retired)
Falados - Drow (Mez) Level 60 Trickster Rogue - Offically retired
Drakeos - Drow (Mez) Scourge Warlock/Druid (retired)
..and may the best man win.
If This happens, then I am ALL for this.
*cough* Looks like the cat’s out of the bag! As some of you guessed, what you’re seeing is an accidental sneak preview of some really cool PVP plans we’ve got in the works. For those who aren’t able to get the quest (or have it but can’t turn it in) don’t worry, you aren’t supposed to have access to those things yet. They’ll show up for real later.
We’re super hyped about the event-style, leaderboard PVP we’ve got coming in the near future! More details to come...
On a side note, soon we'll need some extra help from the PVP community with something that's still secret...
Zomg. Finaly some PvP content? Can't wait!
More than happy to help you guys! I know a guild full of players who are too
On a side-note PLEASE do not implement a system that forces players to WANT to do things like "troll comps" but balanced classes!
I REALLY REALLY hope the "Que" system either forced "balanced parties" - meaning CLASS BASED as well as gear based.
You can look at a "casual Que" AND a "ranked Que". Nothing ruins PVP more than just trying to play for fun, getting against a group of 5 TRs all in BIS gear that you and your PUG team have zero chance to win, then you feel slighted because they "gained" for the sake of the competition and get rewards.
All this does is create a TOXIC PVP environment.
The leaderboard has worked against this game for a LONG time. Honestly I hope its re-vamped to avoid these issues. I would honestly be much more infavor of NO leaderboard but just a "pvp tab" that shows all the stats for your character and his "ELO rating".
Any leaderboard ranking should be based ONLY on Wins and Losses NOT kills or deaths - certain games are won by certain ROLLS that may require frequent deaths and few kills.
Overall, I am excited but PLEASE PLEASE do not make this something that ENCOURAGES troll comps that can win easily.
You know you need a very harsh matchmaking and a solo queue for this? I really hope you do, because running such a tourney with the current leaderboard mechanics would be just sad.
This, yes, a million percent this. The pug and premade world are so different they shouldn't ever even be in the same game. The pug game seems to be more a game of flying node to node, capping and cutting down hapless red team members while your team pretty much runs around randomly flailing their arms and running interference. Premade v premade is real domination where everyone has to play a super tight game because even a little bit of an edge can throw a match one way or the other. BOTH are fun! But when pug meets premade their is no contest. Sometimes you get that magical pug of all good players and you end up beating a guild premade. THAT is especially satisfying to see the score 800-570 in your favor and you realize that is a full on guild premade you are facing.
Here is a suggestion and I'll probably bring this up again later. Instead of separate premade and solo ques, why not a que for pvp guilds and one for everyone else? If you are in a decent pvp guild, you know how dom works, you understand your class very well and its role in the match, and you are also likely fairly well geared. The guild que thing would work like the ques does now. But because your guild registered as pvp, when you que you are automatically in the guild match que. Failing a timely que-pop, the system could just go to a default where it mixes guild players in with the others in as equal a measure as possible.
I will never know but I am curious of how conscious you guys are of the extent to which this "mistake" has helped bolster the community and make us really look forward to what is in store. This is the kind of thing that makes wallets open to get everything refined before it starts.
As far as help from players, I would recommend using the pvp network that is already in place: the guilds. Elicit the help of vp guild leaders and you will have almost every pvp player in the game wanting to help.
Wait, these guys saw an NPC and thought it was a dream.
Now I'm seeing a dev post and I think its a dream. o.O What is goin on? ;D
Coooool. Can't wait to kill you all in pvp. You make a Winter theme pvp map yet?
NW-DC9R4J5EH - 'The Black Pearl' - Spelljammer! Phlo Riders and Space Orcs
Thanks for all the fish.
also I hope to god they fixed the Starlight exploit before introducing this again...
We all know of many PVP players that have gotten where they are previously and currently through exploiting and often these players may sit at the 'top' of the PVP chain as a result.
What I would like to see implemented is a reward system based upon rewarding IMPROVEMENT in PVP, not simply being the 'best'. This would then give many new players and incentive to PVP and reduce the amount of rewards for those that have simply gotten to where they are by using broken builds and exploits.
Simply, creating a system that assists to further increase the divide between those that 'win' and those that don't will simply unbalance the PVP side of game further.
IF PVP players are good, then providing rewards and incentives to those that may not be may actually create an environment where the 'best' are provided with more of a challenge. If you're good then you wont mind some competition then will you?
This doesn't mean don't reward those that perform well, but don't discount those that try.
Nope no way. An ongoing tourney system will attract serious pvp players who are inclined to put the time and resources into being the best. Leave the regular dom matches for the more casual players to improve.
Here is a stupid story, but it is true. When I was a kid I was part of a peewee football league and I trained and learned and played hard and committed myself to winning. The team I was on won the league championship 3 seasons in a row. The fourth season the league said that "everyone is a winner", everyone would get the same trophy regardless of the team they were on or how well they did. Ya screw that, I quit. You cant reward mediocrity and expect competitors to stay.
Either two different queue types. (Gambit)Casual and (Champion)Competetive
Current queues need to evenly distribute parties by item level and classes as best as possible. It should not be possible for one team to severly outgear another.
This needs to happen now while it still can. This was the problem that was warned early in this games life and it was left unchecked up until it was pretty much too late. (talking pre-mod 1 and after this was said). Neglecting to do this will just allow the same thing to eventually happen again.
If a champions que is different from a casual que, I would agree. Most serious players will que for the league while casual ad seekers will que gambit.
I cannot stress enough that Wins -Losses is the ONLY statistic that should matter.When one character wins 75% of the time, it gives the best indicator of gear + skill + teamwork + team make up. This is first and foremost a game of gear. Gear trumps skill unfortunately. Regardless, the win/lloss record is the balancing metric you need.
No team wants to roflstomp the enemy for 2 mins and then stand around while the other team sits at spawn. And I'm fairly certain the team sitti4at spawn didn't enjoy it either. Half the time they don't even get rewards for playing.
What you want is close matches ... and the won/lloss record is your best bet to do that.
As it is now people are punished for playing with their friends. If they enter in a group of 3 or more they will get destroyed by bona fide premade that would rather be fighting other BIS premades.
Make every class viable (not just TR's), and strive for even matchmaking rather than overthinking the ELO.
Win/loss record should be your primary matchmaking focus.
the goal is interesting... pleasing the hardcore vs the casual pvp player ..you will hear many ideas each with their benefit from the perspective from which it comes ,, finding the accommodation and meeting those needs is a challenge ..
We all will be willing to provide feedback and Ideas as you progress... looking forward to the new future developments