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Elite Dawn Recruiting



  • mcdon036mcdon036 Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Class : SW
    time zone: PST
    Age: 36
    Mmo exp: Everquest1 8 years, ffxi, ff14, sto, swtor, destiny (mmo lite) all raiding doing "end content when available".
    Xbox tag: xAPx Zeez
  • krishawklight991krishawklight991 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    What Character Class: Devoted Cleric lvl 60
    Your Timezone: Central
    Your Age or Maturity: 23
    Past MMO or Gaming Experience: Decent amount. WoW, SWTOR, ESO and a few others.
    Gamertag: Blazzer991

    Looking for active guild to farm or do dungeons. Always willing to help out others if I'm not alrdy busy.
  • mroath1369mroath1369 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    What Character Class: Trickster Rogue
    Your Timezone: Central Time*
    Your Age or Maturity: 42
    Past MMO or Gaming Experience: EQ, EQ2, SWG, WoW, SWTOR, EO, Destiny
    Gamertag: Azryie69
  • dizast3reb0rndizast3reb0rn Member Posts: 63 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Added everyone above on Xbox Live more than half the guild is level 60 so we will be focusing on end game content and some members are getting close to unlocking the campaign dungeon and skirmish even if your not 60 every weekend I help new 60s gear up by running them through some tier 1 dungeons.
    All Hail Britannia!
    Founder and Guildmaster of the Elite Dawn guild check us out here
  • thrillah4bthrillah4b Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    What Character Class: GWF
    Your Timezone: Eastern Time*
    Your Age or Maturity: 37
    Past MMO or Gaming Experience: Destiny,Neverwinter PC, Guild Wars 2, Marvel Heroes, DC Universe, ESO Beta
    Gamertag: Thrilla H4B
  • fonddulacfonddulac Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Lvl 60 Gf, 9600 gearscore, Central Time, 37 yrs old, Skwrrl@God0fSquirrels
  • oitzcoastxdoitzcoastxd Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    What Character Class: Trickster Rogue
    Your Timezone: BST england
    Your Age or Maturity: 24
    Past MMO or Gaming Experience: Celtic heroes ios mmo, and runescape Gamertag: o itz coast xD

    Cheers for the chance to join. If youd like to know more pm over xb1
  • dizast3reb0rndizast3reb0rn Member Posts: 63 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Added everyone above on Xbox Live I can't with to play with you guys
    All Hail Britannia!
    Founder and Guildmaster of the Elite Dawn guild check us out here
  • elespiridoelespirido Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Devoted cleric 11k gs
    Age 40
    Neverwinter pc since open beta, wow, DAOC, Asherons call
    GT. Chatham WarGod

    Anxious to get in a guild and have a consistent crew to run with
  • jaybowhunterjaybowhunter Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    60 Trickster
    Played WoW for a few years
    Age 27
    Gamertag: Shotgunbyrd
  • corranhorn79corranhorn79 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    12k+ gear score Trickster Rogue with a lvl 35 Guardian Fighter I'm working on now.
    36 years old
    Been playing games since Frogger on Atari. MMO's and what not have been Ultima Online, every Diablo, WoW for 7 years, and recently Destiny.
    Gamertag is Corran Horn79.

    Look forward to talking with a representative from the guild soon.
  • royalkongroyalkong Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    What Character Class: Control Wizard ( lvl 60 spell storm Crit build) 9.7K GS currently
    Your Timezone: EST
    Your Age or Maturity: 24
    Past MMO or Gaming Experience: Have played WoW and Runescape . Was not a hardcore end game in WoW. However not that it truly counts as an MMO, I've been running raids on destiny since it came out .
    Gamertag: OS Kong

    Thanks for the chance to apply ! I'm a 24 year old dad of 2 , I'm mostly on between 7am-12pm EST and generally on most of my days off .
    I'm looking for an experienced guild with many people running T1/2 dungeons and dragon farming as its so hard to find a good group .
    Thanks for the consideration and if anyone has the app "line" you can contact me on there for further questions ( or xbox live )
    My line ID is : royalkong

    And yes I do have a mic , however when my family is sleeping , I don't talk much , but do listen
  • anyolname716anyolname716 Member Posts: 47
    edited April 2015
    What's Your Character Class and Level: Devoted Cleric(Xune), currently 40
    Your Timezone: East Coast, play weekdays between 7pm ESt to about 11pm. Weekends are wide open, after I spend time with the MRS.
    Your Age or Maturity: Old. I beta Tested the original Neverwinter Nights
    Past MMO or Gaming Experience: Everquest and a little WoW from the early days.
    Gamertag: AnyOLName or Xune in Neverwinter

    I tend to take things slow my first run through, learning all I can. Afterwards, I quick level whatever class I feel like having as a secondary. But the cleric will always be my Primary....

    Read the responses that people were added, but unsure if I missed it or not. Either way, I am still interested if you are. FYI I am up to level 55 and should be level 60 by Monday or Tuesday.
  • joeloco23joeloco23 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    What character class: Primary: DC lvl 42. Alts: CW lvl 23, HR lvl 13
    MIC: YES! Helps running Epic Dungeons
    Your timezone:Central
    Your age or maturity:36
    Past MMO or Gaming Experience : Played Neverwinter on PC (Leveled 4 chars to 60), Diablo, and various other RPGs and MMOs
    Gamertag : JOELOCO

    Looking for group to play end game content and help other members level up. I'm on just about every night. Times vary during the week but usually on at 9:00 pm to 1:00 am central time at a minimum.
  • dizast3reb0rndizast3reb0rn Member Posts: 63 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Everyone should be added there was a problem with Xbox Live this weekend so some of you might not have gotten messages but everyone should have received a message from me on Xbox Live anyways have fun everyone.
    All Hail Britannia!
    Founder and Guildmaster of the Elite Dawn guild check us out here
  • dizast3reb0rndizast3reb0rn Member Posts: 63 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    We are having weekly guild events and other fun things we are a mostly adult guild so join today
    All Hail Britannia!
    Founder and Guildmaster of the Elite Dawn guild check us out here
  • ruhrnaruhrna Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Lvl 47 Rouge trickster looking for a home! GT AngelicLee
  • dizast3reb0rndizast3reb0rn Member Posts: 63 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    @ruhrna what timezone do you live in and how old are you? either why I'll just message you on Xbox Live.
    All Hail Britannia!
    Founder and Guildmaster of the Elite Dawn guild check us out here
  • mesoecmesoec Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    What character class: 60 TR
    MIC: Yes
    Your timezone:Central normally play between 830am - 2pm , and 1145pm - 130am.
    Your age or maturity:29
    Past MMO or Gaming Experience : WoW (Vanilla to Mists), D1-3,Destiny, DAOC
    Gamertag : ixTurb0xi

    Currently at work and in a guild but i will be leaving it when i get off (no one seems to really talk or do any dungeons)
  • hordarlhordarl Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Hello - I am looking for an active end-game mature guild to have people [hopefully eventually friends] to do dungeon raids with.

    Main Character - 60 Pathfinder HR - 11k GS

    TZ - I live in the central US TZ. However, I usually play pretty late so more akin to Pacific (10pm-2/3am Central)

    Past MMO experience - Main highlights: EQ 10+ years (including officer in high end raid guild -3rd rank guild on server, top 5 in class on server), 5 years EVE Online (done everything except build supercaps), 2 years CoH/V, 2 years DCUO

    GT - Rulingflea759 [if you send friend request, please make a comment it's for this. I don't accept random/unknown requests - thanks]
  • darkyoshilovedarkyoshilove Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    nice website guys applied and checking the forums out
  • recalledmocharecalledmocha Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    What's Your Character Class and Level: 39 Control Wizard

    Your Timezone: PST

    Your Age or Maturity: 36

    Past MMO or Gaming Experience: Been playing games since NES and played most of the big MMOs and some little ones ( i.e. EQ, WoW, EQ2, DAoC). Lots of raid xp.

    Gamertag: RecalledMocha
  • dreadkissdreadkiss Member Posts: 544 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    What's Your Character Class and Level: What class are you? What level are you? HAVE A 60 CLERIC 19 GWF AND 14 SCROUGE WARLOCL
    Your Timezone: All of our friends are from America with half of us being from the West Coast. WEST COAST
    Your Age or Maturity: Most of our friends are adults so knowing your age is important. 26 MATURE
    Past MMO or Gaming Experience: So what previous MMOs or games have you played? WARHAMMER ONLINE
    Gamertag: So its easy for us to contact you. MH HAVOC

    SS CW/iron vanguard GWF
    Look Good Play Good
  • david44567david44567 Member Posts: 23
    edited April 2015
    What's Your Character Class and Level: CW Level 60
    Your Timezone: Uk time
    Your Age or Maturity: Adult
    Past MMO or Gaming Experience: played alot not many mmos though
    Gamertag: XxDevilDavidxX
  • zaknafyenzaknafyen Member Posts: 200 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    What's Your Character Class and Level: I currently have a Trickster Rogue at Level 57, however. I got a Scourge Warlock (planning on going the Hellbringer Templock path) to 30 yesterday and I'm loving the caster type classes (brings me back to my Destrolock days in WoW). With that said, still trying to decide what I intend on making my end-game class/character as I also have a Great Weapons Fighter that has been a lot of fun. Choices are hard!
    Your Timezone: Pacific (West Coast)
    Your Age or Maturity: 31. Very easy going and tend to be anywhere from casual to hardcore in my gaming schedules (Wife, kid and pet aggro sometimes take precedence). I enjoy playing with new people and is generally the driving point in keeping me interested in a game.
    Past MMO or Gaming Experience: EverQuest, World of Warcraft from Beta and Vanilla all the way to the first month of Cataclysm (I miss those 40 man raids from Pre-Burning Crusade).
    Gamertag: OmniDevil
  • dromeletdromelet Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    What Character Class: 60 GF, 12,980 gs atm.
    Your Timezone: PST
    Your Age or Maturity: 38
    Past MMO or Gaming Experience: Playing mmos for years. Currently an officer and main tank in a mythic wow progression guild. Played wow since release and have played a lot of other mmos as well that have come out over the years. Enjoying NW so far but not enjoying the pugs/trolls etc.
    Gamertag: DrOmelet
  • roku329roku329 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    What's Your Character Class and Level:60 tr and 60 warlock
    Your Timezone:central
    Your Age or Maturity:25
    Past MMO or Gaming Experience: I have played too many mmos to list my favorite was guild wars 1
    Gamertag: tahcho

    I am looking forward to joining you guys in this epic game thank you for your time.
  • dizast3reb0rndizast3reb0rn Member Posts: 63 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    O wow lots of people wanting to join give me a little time to add everyone and send you guys messages I had a rough day at work and had to get my car fixed any hoo can't wait to talk to you guys and play with some of you
    All Hail Britannia!
    Founder and Guildmaster of the Elite Dawn guild check us out here
  • dizast3reb0rndizast3reb0rn Member Posts: 63 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    ALL Devoted Clerics are welcome regardless of age as long as you speak English and have a headset your in. We are no longer accepting Hunter Rangers or Great Weapon Fighters until we get more active Clerics in the guild.
    All Hail Britannia!
    Founder and Guildmaster of the Elite Dawn guild check us out here
  • bkt5789bkt5789 Member Posts: 131 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    are you still on? ima level 34 cleric right now intending to go full support... would like a group to adventure with

    est timezone
    ill be 26 in 2 weeks. i can be mature but like to joke around a lot so i'm very immature too.
    i played a lot of destiny, dragonage, some wow, a lot of flyff...
    my gamertag is cocostarfish69
    my clerics name is priestitute
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