Legit channel used to be a great go to place, but its hardly active anymore, and when it is no one responds to any requests for anything. It feels as though the people chatting are all friends and if they don't know you well then you probably shouldn't be there.
Spent days asking people to run content and nothing despite a handful of people chatting away totally ignoring any requests. Not even a courtesy "I would but i'm doing my own leveling right now".
I don't expect every time I say something to get a response but its been like 4 days of trying to chime in and pretty much being ignored. Not even getting answers to questions being asked about the game.
It depends on the kind of content you want to play, when you want to do that, your (un)willingness to start your own team...
I've asked for things ranging from doing heroics and leveling to doing T1 dungeons or skirmishes.
Legit used to always have people up for something and now its a ghost town except there is still the noise of chatter going on. Its like a place to just sit and talk not so much a place to go to find people to group with.
Yes the Legits are more chatters than players nowadays. They're not up to date any more with the game. They do answer the questions but like they were still in Mod5.
I've asked for things ranging from doing heroics and leveling to doing T1 dungeons or skirmishes.
Legit used to always have people up for something and now its a ghost town except there is still the noise of chatter going on. Its like a place to just sit and talk not so much a place to go to find people to group with.
Levelling, skirmishes and HEs aren't popular. T1s do work but it's easier if you start your own team.
Besides the chitchat issue which sometimes happens, i smell another one or two.
For example am one of those who wont help with any active play, no matter if i want or not, simply because the game is currently unplayable (or almost, for quite a lot of ppl) due to insane rubberbanding, thus i wont even respond in the channel. Then there is way too many bugs/issues, which on top of it probably made lots of players either to postpone playing somewhere after 23rd, leave completely or simply stick to things that are for them somehow playable. Last time, if i remember correctly (ehm), i simply abandoned VT run when after disconnection ppl were moved (with RTI) directly to the last campfire (to Val) instead of the last reached or to the original spot. Wondering how many ppl "farm Val" skipping all the VT content.
Also right, as mentioned, some ppl tend to flood the channel with "their" chitchat, but honestly i even noticed the channel being sometimes silent for a while lately.
A bit nosy NW-DKG7E99X6
"Hardcore" exploration journey and dungeon crawl. Read its description prior to trying it.
not only legit. lfg is almost dead, i spend at least 2-3 hours everyday just spamming "CW ECC ECC LFG VT" with hardly any invite. there are few ppl that still play and are not busy grinding enchants, black ice and w/e is needed and are doing dg's
Aset Xharran, Oppressor CW
lirithielMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 2,482Arc User
edited April 2015
I've been keeping an eye on legit channel since I reached lvl 70 but sadly the only requests there for T1/T2 dungeons are DC/GF/OP...
Our pain is self chosen.
The most important thing in life is to be yourself. Unless you can be Batman. Always be Batman.
instynctiveMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,885Arc User
edited April 2015
After the initial shock of what Mod 6 did to kill the game, then all the login and lag issues, I'm happy to say that my Guild is just as active as ever... minus a lot of the "deadweight", but that's fine.. it's kind of like the trash taking itself out. :-)
There was a fundamental shift in the people in channel when everyone was grinding tiamat on the hour. It became a Tiamat timer channel more than anything. This brought in a lot more people. I suspect many people don't realize the focus of the channel is supposed to be legitimate play. lately I hear people talking about exploits and stuff. Many of the people that use it as a LFG channel bring you into a dungeon where they are intentionally exploiting.
The justification is the new content is not doable without exploiting. *shrug*
exactly, it started as a way to find other players who wanted to run dungeons without exploits. It became something completely different later though, it's a pity.
Legit channel used to be a great go to place, but its hardly active anymore, and when it is no one responds to any requests for anything. It feels as though the people chatting are all friends and if they don't know you well then you probably shouldn't be there.
Spent days asking people to run content and nothing despite a handful of people chatting away totally ignoring any requests. Not even a courtesy "I would but i'm doing my own leveling right now".
I don't expect every time I say something to get a response but its been like 4 days of trying to chime in and pretty much being ignored. Not even getting answers to questions being asked about the game.
As someone who has seen your requests and normally might help, I'm still levelling. I'm down to 2 toons (from 4) active and just made 70 last night on 1 of them (still not finished with the campaign). I suspect a lot of people are not rushing the levelling. Plus at least for me, I see little point to farming/running the dungeons until the bugs get beat back a bit. Hopefully I can finish the campaign on my first toon this weekend.
As a fairly actve legit member I can confirm I've hardly looked at the channel in the last two weeks. Between grinding and trying to stabilize my AD income - I havnt even attempted a dungeon yet. Besides, I have yet to see anyone ask for a TR.
Bedlam: Creating chaos as a MI Exec TR Avariel Merilwen: Burn baby, MoF/Rene Aejun The Silver: Devoted to Healing, DevOP/Justice Mina Rosepetal: Super Natural, Pathfinder/Melee Frost: Benchwarmer, Soulbinder/Fury
I have a CW at lvl 70, and soon will have a DC at lvl 70, and I participate in the Legit channel from time to time. I am generally up for skirmishes or attempting the T1's. Let me know if you want to do something.
The shift in the ppl happened simply because "join legit" became a common reply in any thread related to queues, guilds, pugs or any difficulty running anything. Its purpose was and is to find ppl to run content strictly without exploits, not to play a general zone/lfg/trade/guild/IRC role.
Bio and a couple of ppl went thru all the hassle to start the forum site, so use it, moderating/operating that and the channel for the aforementioned very reason. Again, no matter what "my" rules would be (for example am all against prohibiting exploit/hack discussions on the forum, for a couple of reasons), being the owner, it is not general purpose channel. Also, our forum works fine with a couple of ppl willing to share their experiences or discuss anything within the set borders, guess ppl could try to look for CP (constant parties) even for HEs or so, timing their activities or whatever. But that seems to be of too much work for almost everyone.
Plenty of ppl are just "lurkers", plenty joined just because of tiamat or any reason but the real channel purpose. It was an easy shot for anyone who wanted a tour (tourists to be taken thru dungeons for easy equip/drop) and only few old players remember the difficulty running dungeons in blue or t1 sets whilst being forced to quit 80% of pugs because vast majority of players refused to even try it without an exploit. Thats why bio started the channel. Some joined "after" they got everything already just because "oh am bored exploiting it all the time". Some joined simply for the "join legit" note in a forum thread unrelated to this matter.
So yes, there are still some kind, old or not so old, good, dedicated players, but sometimes it cant be seen thru a curtain of chitchat of others in the channel. Majority of us cant help or do much of anything for the various already mentioned reasons (level, playability, bugs, experience...).
I think the game change (if all the issues get fixed) will actually work for the channel "quality", because ppl might find out "legit run" is not "granted victory", for the difficulty, and those not actually interested in the "philosophy" leave (well sooner or later it will be granted victory if i have a word in it ^^).
A bit nosy NW-DKG7E99X6
"Hardcore" exploration journey and dungeon crawl. Read its description prior to trying it.
I think the game change (if all the issues get fixed) will actually work for the channel "quality", because ppl might find out "legit run" is not "granted victory", for the difficulty, and those not actually interested in the "philosophy" leave (well sooner or later it will be granted victory if i have a word in it ^^).
Yes I've had difficulties finding reasonably skilled players to queue for dungeons lately. It seems that the "join legit" motto turned it into a beggar's lair of people expecting to be carried through the content, but with module 6, it's not really possible anymore, and when you dare asking for skilled players ready to tackle a specific challenge, there's always a few minutes of rage because some people thought legit was a charity channel.
As a fairly actve legit member I can confirm I've hardly looked at the channel in the last two weeks. Between grinding and trying to stabilize my AD income - I havnt even attempted a dungeon yet. Besides, I have yet to see anyone ask for a TR.
Kinda in the same boat. I've joined plenty of legit groups in the past but with this mod I just got my main to 70 and still trying to get the mainhand. I'm at least gonna get my GF to the same spot and maybe one of my Hrs but right now there just aren't enough hours in my day to keep up it seems.
Tbh I really don't want to be a hindrance and run content with legit if I don't feel I can contribute adequately. So I slip in and out of queue pugs, time permitting, but mainly focus on the grind for now although the legit tab always stays open and I do keep an eye on the discussions. But after (painfully) running Kessel's last night since the reboot I definitely feel my toon needs a ton of work to be in the spot where I want her to be and a lot of that work can be accomplished solo at this point.
When tiamat ended nothing left except for restrictions and rules, that's why.
silverkeltMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,235Arc User
edited April 2015
Still there, still better then LFG and still playing, its not chatty, nor do people give bad advice that Ive seen, if there are mistakes, they are usually quickly pointed out in channel.
Not exactly sure what your issues are. No one wants to run HEs, becuase there is no reason to do any of them, except herald per se. Do you see LFG asking for hes? Not really, those zones , poeple solo as quickly as possible to leave them.
You want to run t1s/t2s, start your own, plenty of those are being run all the time.
in the old days, before they screwed pvp up so much a typical hour of legit would be
t2 requests,
pvp dom get togethers.
requests for pvp dels or luskan groups.
Then tiamat came , and only thing worth running was tiamat. so everyone ran tiamat, thats not legits fault, there were several disagreements on how to handle tiamat, it came down to some rather harsh disagreements with , stop broadcasting outside of channel and those who believed, legit should stop being a tiamat channel at all. So a compromise of sorts was placed, we set a official timer and left it at that.
What it sounds like you want is a closer knit guild , with people you run stuff with every day, thats not really legit per se, its a get together to try to run the game without obvious exploits. Its a fun channel, I have a blast in it. Basically what it sounds like the OP wants , is people just asking to run game content and no discussion , or banter. Makes for a boring channel imo. Heck last night we had like a hour discussion on current state of DC, feedback, skills, uses (inculding gaes) ect. Is that what you are looking for, because there is plenty of that as well.
You get what you put in sometimes.
silverkeltMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,235Arc User
edited April 2015
Bah.. its ok to make disagrements, in fact.. go to the legit forums and post away, things can be tweaked you know.
But its a game community, no different then anywhere else, many of us are gearing up several toons to run t2s with and waiting on the paladin population to catch up so we have tanks to run them.
Doesnt mean its dead, nor is it overly harsh, most of the same rules have been there for a long time.
Bah.. its ok to make disagrements, in fact.. go to the legit forums and post away, things can be tweaked you know.
Someone who disagrees, isn't going to go to some random 3rd part forum and make an account. In the hope that someone will give their opinion a single thought. They will simply leave the channel.
Removed the channel bashing posts. For the record, Cryptic has no control in the day-to-day affairs of the Legit channel, as implied by some. At some point one of the forum mods here have served (or currently serve) as Legit channel mods, but this is of their own volition, and as all community moderators are volunteer personnel and not employees of Cryptic, this is allowable. Don't forget that mods are just players like the rest of you.
Do not respond or reply to this post, but use the PM system to address your concerns.
Great Weapon Fighter: Because when is today not a good day to die?
PC and PS4 player. Proud Guildmaster for PS4 Team Fencebane. Rank 5 Officer for PC Team Fencebane. Visit us at http://fencebane.shivtr.com
I suspect many people don't realize the focus of the channel is supposed to be legitimate play. lately I hear people talking about exploits and stuff. Many of the people that use it as a LFG channel bring you into a dungeon where they are intentionally exploiting.
Exploits are not allowed in legit, and never have been. Next time you see this behavior, please screenshot it and either fill out the violation form on the legit forums, or send a moderator a message on these forums, in-game, or on legit's forums.
Thanks! @katamaster81899 NW Legit Community Channel and Forum Moderator
I get more results from LFG or Queue so I have abandoned Legit. Nowdays it's more like Facebook with people telling you how tired they are and what they are eating, and such.
I get more results from LFG or Queue so I have abandoned Legit. Nowdays it's more like Facebook with people telling you how tired they are and what they are eating, and such.
Bedlam: Creating chaos as a MI Exec TR Avariel Merilwen: Burn baby, MoF/Rene Aejun The Silver: Devoted to Healing, DevOP/Justice Mina Rosepetal: Super Natural, Pathfinder/Melee Frost: Benchwarmer, Soulbinder/Fury
aulduronMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,351Arc User
edited April 2015
It seems that the "join legit" motto turned it into a beggar's lair of people expecting to be carried through the content,
Actually, that was Tiamat.
I'm sure things will pick up, once more people hit 70 and have figured out the dungeons. I suspect most DD groups are being made up in private as to insure proper party make up. Also, there being so few tanks and healers in the game, we can't make too many parties. I hit 70 on my main, but haven't run anything yet because A) I'm not a tank or healer, and I have no ambition to trudge through this stuff for little to no rewards.
As Kata said, if you see anyone talking about exploits, let us know about it. Even the moderators are trying to level and don't keep as close an eye on cat as we normally do.
I am a member of a legit guild. When we don't have enough Guild ppl to fill a party, we recruit from legit. Several ppl in the guild are active on the channel.
The guild has not been running dungeons lately though. Lots of ppl in different states of leveling. Lots of people changing their focus on what they want to do at the moment. Example: I see lots leveling alts instead of doing dungeons.
I'm still finding groups on there. While it's not a lot, I understand that people are still leveling. Not everyone is going to power level to 70 in a week. That is fully understandable. It was my own decision to get to 70 ASAP still knowing that groups will still be slim.
While there has been a lot of chatter lately, it doesn't mean people aren't willing to do content in that channel. I know that requests, questions, etc can get lost when chatter is high. I've asked questions before and it goes completely ignored like I never typed it, but it could be because no one knows, whatever. Doesn't ruin my day.
People can feel free to make their own groups if they can't find one. There are enough players that are looking to go if someone creates. Normally spots fill up fast, that is why it's common to see the GF/OP/DC messages. While it's not necessary to have those classes in T1, it certainly helps. I have yet to see someone say, no, we don't want a HR.
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
- Dylan Thomas
bioshrikeMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,729Arc User
edited April 2015
I rolled an OP the day Mod 6 launched. Just yesterday I hit level 69, (and that's with inscribed garments an XP booster, and several of the old post-60 XP tomes). I tried a teeny bit of Sharandar once I hit level 67, and it was brutal, so back I went to grinding vigilance tasks.
People are still reeling from what Mod 6 did to their characters, and for me at least, trying to get used to the rate of progression from 60-70 is a bit disheartening.
While I can understand the OP's annoyance at not being able to find teammates, I do not think it is fair to place the blame on the Legit channel itself. I can only hope that Cryptic turns this fiasco around, and returns Neverwinter to the, IMO, greater game it was prior to Mod 6, (I still love the OP, though).
<::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::)xxxxxxxx(:::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::> "Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark Official NW_Legit_Community Forums
I've asked for things ranging from doing heroics and leveling to doing T1 dungeons or skirmishes.
Legit used to always have people up for something and now its a ghost town except there is still the noise of chatter going on. Its like a place to just sit and talk not so much a place to go to find people to group with.
Levelling, skirmishes and HEs aren't popular. T1s do work but it's easier if you start your own team.
For example am one of those who wont help with any active play, no matter if i want or not, simply because the game is currently unplayable (or almost, for quite a lot of ppl) due to insane rubberbanding, thus i wont even respond in the channel. Then there is way too many bugs/issues, which on top of it probably made lots of players either to postpone playing somewhere after 23rd, leave completely or simply stick to things that are for them somehow playable. Last time, if i remember correctly (ehm), i simply abandoned VT run when after disconnection ppl were moved (with RTI) directly to the last campfire (to Val) instead of the last reached or to the original spot. Wondering how many ppl "farm Val" skipping all the VT content.
Also right, as mentioned, some ppl tend to flood the channel with "their" chitchat, but honestly i even noticed the channel being sometimes silent for a while lately.
The most important thing in life is to be yourself. Unless you can be Batman. Always be Batman.
"...I grab my wiener and charge!" - ironzerg79
The justification is the new content is not doable without exploiting. *shrug*
As someone who has seen your requests and normally might help, I'm still levelling. I'm down to 2 toons (from 4) active and just made 70 last night on 1 of them (still not finished with the campaign). I suspect a lot of people are not rushing the levelling. Plus at least for me, I see little point to farming/running the dungeons until the bugs get beat back a bit. Hopefully I can finish the campaign on my first toon this weekend.
Avariel Merilwen: Burn baby, MoF/Rene
Aejun The Silver: Devoted to Healing, DevOP/Justice
Mina Rosepetal: Super Natural, Pathfinder/Melee
Frost: Benchwarmer, Soulbinder/Fury
Bio and a couple of ppl went thru all the hassle to start the forum site, so use it, moderating/operating that and the channel for the aforementioned very reason. Again, no matter what "my" rules would be (for example am all against prohibiting exploit/hack discussions on the forum, for a couple of reasons), being the owner, it is not general purpose channel. Also, our forum works fine with a couple of ppl willing to share their experiences or discuss anything within the set borders, guess ppl could try to look for CP (constant parties) even for HEs or so, timing their activities or whatever. But that seems to be of too much work for almost everyone.
Plenty of ppl are just "lurkers", plenty joined just because of tiamat or any reason but the real channel purpose. It was an easy shot for anyone who wanted a tour (tourists to be taken thru dungeons for easy equip/drop) and only few old players remember the difficulty running dungeons in blue or t1 sets whilst being forced to quit 80% of pugs because vast majority of players refused to even try it without an exploit. Thats why bio started the channel. Some joined "after" they got everything already just because "oh am bored exploiting it all the time". Some joined simply for the "join legit" note in a forum thread unrelated to this matter.
So yes, there are still some kind, old or not so old, good, dedicated players, but sometimes it cant be seen thru a curtain of chitchat of others in the channel. Majority of us cant help or do much of anything for the various already mentioned reasons (level, playability, bugs, experience...).
I think the game change (if all the issues get fixed) will actually work for the channel "quality", because ppl might find out "legit run" is not "granted victory", for the difficulty, and those not actually interested in the "philosophy" leave (well sooner or later it will be granted victory if i have a word in it ^^).
Yes I've had difficulties finding reasonably skilled players to queue for dungeons lately. It seems that the "join legit" motto turned it into a beggar's lair of people expecting to be carried through the content, but with module 6, it's not really possible anymore, and when you dare asking for skilled players ready to tackle a specific challenge, there's always a few minutes of rage because some people thought legit was a charity channel.
Kinda in the same boat. I've joined plenty of legit groups in the past but with this mod I just got my main to 70 and still trying to get the mainhand. I'm at least gonna get my GF to the same spot and maybe one of my Hrs but right now there just aren't enough hours in my day to keep up it seems.
Tbh I really don't want to be a hindrance and run content with legit if I don't feel I can contribute adequately. So I slip in and out of queue pugs, time permitting, but mainly focus on the grind for now although the legit tab always stays open and I do keep an eye on the discussions. But after (painfully) running Kessel's last night since the reboot I definitely feel my toon needs a ton of work to be in the spot where I want her to be and a lot of that work can be accomplished solo at this point.
Not exactly sure what your issues are. No one wants to run HEs, becuase there is no reason to do any of them, except herald per se. Do you see LFG asking for hes? Not really, those zones , poeple solo as quickly as possible to leave them.
You want to run t1s/t2s, start your own, plenty of those are being run all the time.
in the old days, before they screwed pvp up so much a typical hour of legit would be
t2 requests,
pvp dom get togethers.
requests for pvp dels or luskan groups.
Then tiamat came , and only thing worth running was tiamat. so everyone ran tiamat, thats not legits fault, there were several disagreements on how to handle tiamat, it came down to some rather harsh disagreements with , stop broadcasting outside of channel and those who believed, legit should stop being a tiamat channel at all. So a compromise of sorts was placed, we set a official timer and left it at that.
What it sounds like you want is a closer knit guild , with people you run stuff with every day, thats not really legit per se, its a get together to try to run the game without obvious exploits. Its a fun channel, I have a blast in it. Basically what it sounds like the OP wants , is people just asking to run game content and no discussion , or banter. Makes for a boring channel imo. Heck last night we had like a hour discussion on current state of DC, feedback, skills, uses (inculding gaes) ect. Is that what you are looking for, because there is plenty of that as well.
You get what you put in sometimes.
But its a game community, no different then anywhere else, many of us are gearing up several toons to run t2s with and waiting on the paladin population to catch up so we have tanks to run them.
Doesnt mean its dead, nor is it overly harsh, most of the same rules have been there for a long time.
All this is channel bashing, for no good reason.
Someone who disagrees, isn't going to go to some random 3rd part forum and make an account. In the hope that someone will give their opinion a single thought. They will simply leave the channel.
Do not respond or reply to this post, but use the PM system to address your concerns.
Great Weapon Fighter: Because when is today not a good day to die?
PC and PS4 player. Proud Guildmaster for PS4 Team Fencebane. Rank 5 Officer for PC Team Fencebane. Visit us at http://fencebane.shivtr.com
Exploits are not allowed in legit, and never have been. Next time you see this behavior, please screenshot it and either fill out the violation form on the legit forums, or send a moderator a message on these forums, in-game, or on legit's forums.
NW Legit Community Channel and Forum Moderator
|| Axios Guild Leader || Neverwinter Trade Forum Moderator || Infernal Paragons ||
Check out my foundry, titled "Akro's Gone Wacko", featuring our ex-CM Akromatik!: NW-DL8J7BY5T
Erza Moonstalker | Lara Moonstalker | Julie Marvell | Erza Moonhunter | Annie Hellangel | Jenn Moonstalker
Thaumaturge's Time To Shine: A Complete Guide
Avariel Merilwen: Burn baby, MoF/Rene
Aejun The Silver: Devoted to Healing, DevOP/Justice
Mina Rosepetal: Super Natural, Pathfinder/Melee
Frost: Benchwarmer, Soulbinder/Fury
Actually, that was Tiamat.
I'm sure things will pick up, once more people hit 70 and have figured out the dungeons. I suspect most DD groups are being made up in private as to insure proper party make up. Also, there being so few tanks and healers in the game, we can't make too many parties. I hit 70 on my main, but haven't run anything yet because A) I'm not a tank or healer, and
As Kata said, if you see anyone talking about exploits, let us know about it. Even the moderators are trying to level and don't keep as close an eye on cat as we normally do.
The guild has not been running dungeons lately though. Lots of ppl in different states of leveling. Lots of people changing their focus on what they want to do at the moment. Example: I see lots leveling alts instead of doing dungeons.
While there has been a lot of chatter lately, it doesn't mean people aren't willing to do content in that channel. I know that requests, questions, etc can get lost when chatter is high. I've asked questions before and it goes completely ignored like I never typed it, but it could be because no one knows, whatever. Doesn't ruin my day.
People can feel free to make their own groups if they can't find one. There are enough players that are looking to go if someone creates. Normally spots fill up fast, that is why it's common to see the GF/OP/DC messages. While it's not necessary to have those classes in T1, it certainly helps. I have yet to see someone say, no, we don't want a HR.
When Im leveling I pay like -10 attention to any chat typically.
Sorry I shall try to level faster.
Fox Stevenson - Sandblast
Oh Wonder - Without You
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
- Dylan Thomas
People are still reeling from what Mod 6 did to their characters, and for me at least, trying to get used to the rate of progression from 60-70 is a bit disheartening.
While I can understand the OP's annoyance at not being able to find teammates, I do not think it is fair to place the blame on the Legit channel itself. I can only hope that Cryptic turns this fiasco around, and returns Neverwinter to the, IMO, greater game it was prior to Mod 6, (I still love the OP, though).
"Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark
Official NW_Legit_Community Forums