Everything now is tough for me especially i cant even do dread dailies if i was surrounded by those little zombies. I had to bait 3 to 4 to kill each time instead of the old "group all and aoe them" playstyle. It is so boring and slow doing all these old content and you have to do more questing to get to level 70, or else you cant use your gear and get both artifact weapon and offhand. Actually i quite dislike doing pve content, but now it is the only reliable way to get to lvl 70.
I have 3/4 Burning Elemental set and lacks glory for the last one because i didnt purposely farm glory before Mod 6. GG pvp and Dom pvp gives so less glory now and i wonder how long should i take to get the last piece of Burning Elemental. Preparing Black ice is even worse. That 150k BI really makes me mad and really waste my time mining and mining and mining.
So finally, can i ask is there something for me to do to avoid these bored stuffs? Looks like everything starts at level 70, but the work done to get into 70 is huge and boring...
Any idea to help me??
and I dont even hate pve.. but this sort of pve is just silly boring, repeated quests, no story arcs, boring , boring, BORING! No flow at all.
and it so slow, thats the worst part.. by far, it needs to be sped up, they are killing me with boredom.
Ive done about ten matches on both gg and dom and again.. too slooooooW, there is no benefit to winning for exp either, appears I get 3k either way.
What were they thinking?
(The only quests that seem to give over the 2k is old TOD ones, portal is a quick once a week hit, wish I could do it every day.)
cryptic, are you just trying to drive us out of the game?
I dont mind doing leveling and questing, but I cant even get into your storyline, due to how HAPhazard the arcs are and the repeating quests.. omg!!!!
Increase experience per quest now please! Triple it.
It was kinda fun whilst it lasted but the fun factor just went the way of the dodo...
I get a level a day with doing like 50 quests or some silly # like that and a few dom matches.
Im not rewarding them with money for releasing boring content..
im not paying another dime for this lazyness. i mean they make a sloth look like an Olympic sprinter.
Ive asked as well.. Ive even ran some 3 mans , skirms anything to see if I can level another way. 3 mans do not seem terrible, you get 3-4 k in kill experience, but it takes just as much time as the solo pve stuff, so its not faster.
Trickster Rogue
The quickie intro quests with Minsc became repeatable though I didn't check that out to see if they scale now or what, or if they're now dailies or hourlies.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
there are dds and pvp to do still.. get new sets and level other alts and paladin.
There is plenty to do, they didnt have to time gate leveling to this extent, it was a major pain the but on preview, and I was able to copy tomes.
Yes, I agree not having at least one new DD kind of sucked.
it's just like Cryptic wanna give longer content for us to do in 1 map but to lazy create quality content
i miss the good content when we progressing from lv 1-30 not to repeat in and out zone again and again.. just to do similar things
with the nerf of exp we got from quest it's like we been force to get the exp from doing boring grind and not from progressing the story.. even i think just hit every mob we can see is more way faster to leveling up than go back and forth to report to npc..
when cryptic decide to delay it to 7th April for quality content.. it's raise my hope.. well i should not hoping much
my last hope for PVE is new dungeon.. but still need to grind my way to get there
by the way i appreciate Dev work with awsome new map and auto pick on hoard and fey bless drop.. thank you so much for this
O_o fey drops are also supposed to be auto-picked? Coz my bound R5's aren't being automatically put to my inv
I was in the same situation like you. So I went looking to find the right quest path but got lost. I was expecting a story arc like those from 1 to 60 and could not find it. So I asked on the forums for help. Eventually somebody explained that it is 16 quest you have to make and then get to proceed into a new area with another 16 and so on (196 quests in total according to someone who did the math). I then took my first char, a GF, which I use to play defensively and ground mobs like never before in this game. I do not like grinding, but it is not my first game and I can sustain some grinding if necessary. Now that I have reached level 65 did I stop and switched to my second char, a CW. She is for offensive playing and with that is she utterly stuck and only keeps dying against simple mobs. It is not that she is powerless. I could even clear a couple 5+ encounters with her (13k GS), but it is gotten so difficult and has become a matter of sheer chance that it is not enjoyable in anyway. All it needs is a tiny lag spike, a bit of rubber banding, Windows doing something in the background or something else that is not quite right, and suddenly a power will not trigger or too late. Usually this would only cost me some life, but now it means I am getting send back to the fireplace. Even when I use potions and stock-pile injury kits and race back on my epic mount is the difficulty simply too chaotic for me to handle.
So then I have stopped playing for now. It is a nice game and I do not want to ruin my joy with it by actually playing on the current difficulty. I do not think this is all actually meant to be, but there is a misconception somewhere and something was forgotten by the devs. Most game makers do design their games to be easy so that it draws in as many players as possible and from a wide range of ages, and not do the opposite by turning it into a hardcore grind for an elite few players. I can only imagine how the managers at PerfectWorld must be steaming over what the devs did with mod 6 *lol*. According to some players are entire instances empty with players just sitting at the fire. I am pretty sure this situation will get rectified by the devs soon. I have been reading the feedback/issues thread and it is full of very similar posts like yours and mine. Many are on the edge of quitting, but at the same time want to hold on. I guess this is all just going to look funny in a couple of weeks.
You can try doing all these things that I did or go straight to playing some other game until this mess got sorted out. I am actually going to get me Elder Scrolls Online now and give it a go. Been a fan of both, the entire Baldur's Gate/Neverwinter series as well as the Elder Scrolls series. Not sure when I will be coming back though. The devs can blame themselves for all I care.
..... actually playi the content they worked so hard to give u
Knock off your white knight routine, it's getting old. People are allowed to be upset with this train-wreck.
Speaking of grind fest, how funny would it be if role players would see their role playing as a grind fest? "Oh no, again the same role over and over again. Role play is such a grind fest ..." *lol* :rolleyes:
Seriously, if you think the game is nothing but a grind fest to you then you are doing something wrong. It is quite nice to have the dailies as a routine, running dungeons with guild mates for party play and fun with friends. Oh and the daily PvP Domination is nothing less than a ritual.
I am sure you will agree by now that the game is not a grind fest...
Right now I am only leveling my CW (my main), not anyone else.
I did all 3x16 Vigilance quests in the Drowned Shore. That was kind of a pain. But, that got me to lvl 64, with enough XP to start Reclamation Rock. By time I finished the first set of 16 Vigilance quests in Reclamation Rock, I had already reached lvl 65, so that made me eligible to start Fiery Pit.
Since the Vigilance quests are a bit tedious and dull, my current plan is to do a few in each zone, Reclamation Rock and Fiery Pit, advancing to each zone's next set of 16, until I have enough XP to start Spinward Rise, at which point I'll probably have to finally ditch the High Vizier and put on some of the leveling gear (*sob*).
Also I found that you have to pick your Vigilance Quests carefully. Some give ~4k XP, some give only half of that. The super-easy ones, like "kill this one dude", are the small XP quests. The more tedious grindy ones, like "collect 700 explorer journals" are the large XP ones. So I always get the large XP ones unless there are no others left for me to get.
But I am definitely worried about my other chars, as my CW is by far the best geared of all of them. I will probably have to get a lot more defensive stuff for them, and loan out my CW enchants to them.
I feel this platform, the PC was just only a milestone to reach the ultimate goal, namely XBox.
As long as they didn't reach it, we had a fantastic game, Devs had unique and brilliant ideas, a top notch action combat system.
Since the management reached it's goal to get on Xbox, i see the game without any new ideas, the entire game and this Mod only feels as a bad patchwork, everything thrown together.
Are we the PC players important anymore, i doubt it...
Robert E. Lee
I only believe in statistics that I doctored myself.
Winston Churchill
The human race is a herd. Here we are, unique, eternal aspects of consciousness with an infinity of potential, and we have allowed ourselves to become an unthinking, unquestioning blob of conformity and uniformity. A herd. Once we concede to the herd mentality, we can be controlled and directed by a tiny few. And we are.
David Icke
Also , you need to look at quests, dont just take random ones, there are some that give 4k.. when you get to the end of the line, you can earn like 14k with a couple of the end quests. Its still pathetically slow and boring with repeated content way too high.
I also stopped flubbing around and spent the 100k for the elemental leveling set.. Im not even going to use epics on my others now.
I just pulled the entire sea hag hold at 64 with my dc.. feels much nicer tbh. I think this all will help and I will pass all my azures around to each of my alts.
ug to this though, why make repeated boring content so necessary to leveling.
Lvl-70-fighting all those jam-packed sea trolls e.g. - doesn't really qualify for what I'd see as my favourite pastime.
I love this. The obvious answer is buy xp boosts from zen market. Now you are going to exclaim how you are free to play, won't invest money in this HAMSTER, etc. My rebuttal will be to remind you that if you really are free to play, you don't get to complain, about any of it, it's free. If you do invest more than your voluntary time, then stop buying companions and mounts to make measly 200k, and get the xp boosts!!! Saw one that jumps like 450k?? Dno price but if it's too slow for you, that is THE only answer you are going to get from cryptic.
Aelar Hawkwind - Archer
Karrin Feywinter - Mistress of Flame
Errin Duskwalker - Executioner
Darquess - Soulbinder