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Rogue's Gallery is now recruiting!

jjb828jjb828 Member Posts: 340 Arc User
Welcome to the official recruiting thread for Rogue's Gallery on the Xbox One.
We now have a website! Check us out! Rogue's Gallery Forum
A little bit about us:
We are a guild made on 4/1/2015 at 11:30 PM Eastern Time. We aim to be extremely helpful for new players, and for people needing groups for activities. Our main goal, however, is to reach 60 and begin that dungeon grind. We are currently made up of players with an extensive knowledge of MMO's. Our mind is set on PvE, but may play PvP for dailies and if one want's something from the shop. Once enough people in the guild reach 60, we will have scheduled runs for such activities. This will be a structured guild and community, built up by hardcore grinders, some casual players, and everybody in the guild should be friendly and helpful. We are becoming closer than most guilds, simply because we aren't picking up random people we see on the streets. All players have either filled out the application or spoke to me over XBL. Guilds are meant to become a community, not a glorified PUG-fest, and with the amount of guilds showing up who are said Pug-fests, our Guild is different in a way that we are a community, and not random players who've been sent invites while roaming the realm.

Onto the application FOUND ON OUR FORUM HERE > Guild Application process

Rogue's Gallery Rules and Code of Ethics
  1. We are to be extremely friendly within and away from the guild; Sarcasm is not not tolerated.
  2. There will more than likely be adult language going around; However, we do not wish to talk about one's drug addiction.
  3. Drama Free Zone. No internet dating within the guild. If you do, you may please not speak of it within the guild as we are here to play.
  4. No trolling within the guild, there is a difference between joking and trolling, so please become familiar with the term.
  5. To add to the above, nothing belittling a certain group of players. Racism, Sexism, or anything of the like is not tolerated. ONE warning will be provided before immediate dismissal from the guild.
  6. Please don't ask for handouts, we are a group of people who have obtained our stuff on our time. If a member wishes to give items away, said member will let everybody know.
  7. Whilst running a dungeon or skirmish with one's guild, one does not simply hit need or greed on every single item. We will discuss who gets what at the time of setting up. If you constantly hit greed or need when another player simply needs it more, you will be spoken to and held accountable. Public embarrassment will follow.
  8. Effective 5/31/2015- At this date, the level requirement will be raised to 60. We want everybody to know this is extremely reachable. We ask this so we can run dungeons and do high level content together. This is also for us to see who truly is active or not.
The Rank System is currently being reworked. Sorry about that!

Time off, vacation time, or away for long periods of time:[/CENTER]
If you plan on being away for a long period of time (2 weeks to 1 month or more) we would gladly appreciate it if you give one of the higher ranking members a heads up. It is best to do this via in game mail, or you may message one if they are on. If one is gone for 15 days with no heads up or a reason why, they will be considered inactive and be kicked. You may re-instate into the guild, rank removed.
How do I join this great institution?

To join our guild, please do one of the following:
  • Submitting an Application OR taking THIS quick and easy way of submitting! (after you Register, of course)
  • Message one of the officers or myself via xbox live. This would insure you get in the guild faster, as I have been less and less inclined to check this thread. It's the game's fault, as it's too fun.
  • Message myself or one of the officers in game
Killer Croc@zGnRz (Leader, me)
Narthose@oops42 (Co Leader)
MugiwaraChopper@MurderShowxHost (Co Leader)
Legolas@navycobra34 (Co Leader)
Check out the Neverwinter/ESO guild Rogue's Gallery! While you're at our forums, submit an application and join our glorious regime!
Post edited by jjb828 on


  • gaborik79gaborik79 Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Hey I just started playing yesterday rolling a cleric and would love to find a mature, active guild. Now for the questions....

    1) I'm at work but think I got to level 13 yesterday.

    2) I'm 35

    3) Central time -Go Wild!

    4) let's see I think I have played most MMOS (since Lotro) I have almost ten years of experience my main games were LOTRO, Age of conan, Swtor and WoW. I usually pick a healing class.

    5) I usually play most days from about 2:30-5pm and at least twice a night depending on what's going on. For guild events (raid nights ) as long as it's scheduled and not super late on week nights I can plan it and give the wife a heads up. During weekends any free time I'm usually golfing,watching sports/tv or playing Xbox so I'll be on quite a bit.

    Thanks for your consideration see you in-game!
  • jjb828jjb828 Member Posts: 340 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    gaborik79 wrote: »
    Hey I just started playing yesterday rolling a cleric and would love to find a mature, active guild. Now for the questions....

    1) I'm at work but think I got to level 13 yesterday.

    2) I'm 35

    3) Central time -Go Wild!

    4) let's see I think I have played most MMOS (since Lotro) I have almost ten years of experience my main games were LOTRO, Age of conan, Swtor and WoW. I usually pick a healing class.

    5) I usually play most days from about 2:30-5pm and at least twice a night depending on what's going on. For guild events (raid nights ) as long as it's scheduled and not super late on week nights I can plan it and give the wife a heads up. During weekends any free time I'm usually golfing,watching sports/tv or playing Xbox so I'll be on quite a bit.

    Thanks for your consideration see you in-game!

    Sounds like you'd fit in perfect! Would just need your XBL gamertag and we could get you in sometime soon. Cheers!
    Check out the Neverwinter/ESO guild Rogue's Gallery! While you're at our forums, submit an application and join our glorious regime!
  • goblinzbanegoblinzbane Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Hello i am looking for a active guild because if i wanted to play a MMO alone i would pop in Kingdoms of Amalur.
    1. My ingame level is 13.
    2. I am 21 years old.
    3. I live of the east coast so Eastern time
    4. My previous MMO experience consist of (dont laugh) Runescape, Fallensword (i can feel you laughing), Cabal and a bunch of stuff that is not worth remembering.
    5. I am a very active player.
  • gaborik79gaborik79 Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    jjb828 wrote: »
    Sounds like you'd fit in perfect! Would just need your XBL gamertag and we could get you in sometime soon. Cheers!

    Sounds good! Gamertag is CP FELONS...don't worry I'm not a felon lol!
  • jjb828jjb828 Member Posts: 340 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Hello i am looking for a active guild because if i wanted to play a MMO alone i would pop in Kingdoms of Amalur.
    1. My ingame level is 13.
    2. I am 21 years old.
    3. I live of the east coast so Eastern time
    4. My previous MMO experience consist of (dont laugh) Runescape, Fallensword (i can feel you laughing), Cabal and a bunch of stuff that is not worth remembering.
    5. I am a very active player.

    I've honestly never heard of Fallensword but I, too, started with RuneScape! If you want to go ahead and drop me your gamertag or message zGnRz on XBL i'll go ahead and get you into the guild!
    gaborik79 wrote: »
    Sounds good! Gamertag is CP FELONS...don't worry I'm not a felon lol!

    I'll go ahead and send you a message on xbox!
    Check out the Neverwinter/ESO guild Rogue's Gallery! While you're at our forums, submit an application and join our glorious regime!
  • jjb828jjb828 Member Posts: 340 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I'll be unavailable to recruit tonight and throughout much of tomorrow (work related) so contact one of the Co Leaders about getting into the guild if you are interested! Thanks!

    (P.S) you may still post here i just may not get to it for a couple days.
    Check out the Neverwinter/ESO guild Rogue's Gallery! While you're at our forums, submit an application and join our glorious regime!
  • tagmnbagm1tagmnbagm1 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    •Your in game level?: 24

    •Your Maturity/Age: 23

    •Your Timezone: centraltime

    •Past Experience: played a bunch of mmo's just gonna list a few, wow, tera, aion, 2moons.

    •Are you active?: ill be active, ranging from 1hr-10hrs a day of gameplay

    xbox live gtag Hi_iim_duke
  • shoebox747shoebox747 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2015

    Your in game level?: 18
    Your Maturity/Age: 24
    Your Timezone: East Coast
    Past Experience: have played mmo's for around a total of 8 years, very experienced.
    Are you active?: Yes very active

    gamertag: shoebox747

    look forward to the invite
  • rcethatsmercethatsme Member Posts: 79 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I have a TR I have been looking for a guild for.

    In game level will be 71 in mod 6.

    As for age 56 is not to old is it?

    I am in the Pacific time zone

    Never played anyother MMO before Neverwinter. All I ever do is run solo so PVE so working to help others will be fun.

    With a total of 9 Toons (3 inactive), I am on every day for at least 2 to 4 hrs and 8 to 20 hours on weekends. Working graveyards sucks

    My toon name is Hounder and I am a Trickster with alot of Rouge in me.
  • newshxtnewshxt Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Your in game level?: 19
    Your Maturity/Age: 22
    Your Timezone: East Coast
    Past Experience:i have been playing mmo's for a while now started with Runescape then moved onto World Of Warcraft been playing wow since wrath the lich till today also played Perfect World, Dragon Nest and alot more wanted to try Neverwinter on the Xbox thought it would be fun joining a guild. I am usually a Pvper but kinda want to try Pve still trying to learn the game.
    Are you active?: I am decently active i usually play for 4-5 hours depends my brother is also playing so we usually take turns.

    I am currently playing a Warlock called Jukemasterx
    Gamertag: Kokolul
  • jjb828jjb828 Member Posts: 340 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I am looking forward to contacting all of you who've posted above! You all look like you would make great additions to the guild and I will speak to you all ASAP.

    Also, updated the OP for some useful information. Cheers!
    Check out the Neverwinter/ESO guild Rogue's Gallery! While you're at our forums, submit an application and join our glorious regime!
  • tobandtoband Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Your in game level?: 26 at the time of this post. Rogue

    Your Maturity/Age: 39

    Time Zone: Eastern

    Past Experience: I have played all of the early MMORPGs, up to most of the modern MMORPGs, all the way back to the original Neverwinter Nights on AOL. If you aren't sure what I'm talking about, you should look it up. I played (in no particular order) UO, Everquest 1 & 2, Everquest Online Adventures (The FIRST consiole MMORPG), Dark Age of Camelot, Star Wars Galaxies... do you need more? I could do this all day!

    Are you active?: I tend to be able to play for at least a couple of hours everyday. Mostly in the mornings, but some evenings as well.

    Gamertag: Toban Drynthre@puckwall1219
  • dr6toesdr6toes Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Your in game level?: 25 GWW.
    Your Maturity/Age: 37
    Your Timezone: MST
    Past Experience: WoW, Shadowbane, guild wars, and various other MMOs
    Are you active?: I'll be on every chance I get.
    Gamertag: Doctor Six Toes
  • sakaweedsakaweed Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Hey I would like to join your guild...

    1) Level 32 warlock
    2) I am 30 yrs old.
    3) I live in Arizona so Arizona time. Right now we are considered Pacific time.
    4) I play all sorts of MMO's. Dungeons and Dragons Online, Star Trek Online, LOTRO.
    5) I would consider myself a casual gamer. I play everynight but with work and two small kids, I play mostly in the evenings after the kids go to bed (usually after 8pm). I'm the most active on weekends.
    6) Gamertag - sakaweed

    Thanks for the consideration! Hope to see you in-game!
  • jjb828jjb828 Member Posts: 340 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    All of these look great! i'll get in contact with you guys tomorrow as I must be going to work soon.

    Check out the Neverwinter/ESO guild Rogue's Gallery! While you're at our forums, submit an application and join our glorious regime!
  • theholocaust17theholocaust17 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 8
    edited April 2015
    hello i got a TR and im looking for a dedicate guild in this game!

    Your in game level?: 16

    Your Maturity/Age: 25

    Your Timezone: East Coast

    Past Experience: have played mmo's always on my pc and i was waiting for this one to be release on console i am very experience when it comes to MMO like Dcuo,FFXIV,raiderz,neverwinter pc,ect.....

    Are you active?: Yes very active i play after 5pm till midnight.

    Gamertag: King Titan 809
  • katamaster81899katamaster81899 Member Posts: 1,157 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Don't forget to post information about your guild in the official xbox guild roster!
    || Axios Guild Leader || Neverwinter Trade Forum Moderator || Infernal Paragons ||
    Check out my foundry, titled "Akro's Gone Wacko", featuring our ex-CM Akromatik!: NW-DL8J7BY5T
    Erza Moonstalker | Lara Moonstalker | Julie Marvell | Erza Moonhunter | Annie Hellangel | Jenn Moonstalker
  • tash8904tash8904 Member, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Your in game level?: 2 15's, 1 22
    Your Maturity/Age: 43! Yikes
    Your Timezone: EST
    Past Experience: Everquest, WoW, Guild Wars 2, Neverwinter PC, lots more MMO's, like 15 years worth haha
    Are you active?: I love MMO's so I can be pretty active around my work schedule, I plan on playing 2-4 hours a day but can play longer if people need help or want to team up for something
    Gamertag: Shortballs
  • lynaelynae Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Your in game level?:16
    Your Maturity/Age: Over 30
    Your Timezone: MST
    Past Experience: Not a lot. Played Defiance and this. I'm not a PC gamer.
    Are you active?: I can play a couple of hours each day. Weekends I can play more.
  • jjb828jjb828 Member Posts: 340 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    We sure are taking people, looking to take people up until we reach 40 players.

    You all look like perfect players, so drop me a message on XBL @ zGnRz or I'll message you guys tomorrow. Cheers!
    Check out the Neverwinter/ESO guild Rogue's Gallery! While you're at our forums, submit an application and join our glorious regime!
  • valtairivaltairi Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Your in game level?: 10 (Hunter ranger), 1(Control wiz), 1(Trickster rogue), just started today(played pc version to 29)
    Your Maturity/Age: 29
    Your Timezone: central
    Past Experience: have played mmo's for about a third of my life, and consoles 5/6ths of it. (= used to be a full time raider + pvper, but time has been split a wee bit due to having 2 children and having a third on the way.
    Are you active?: pretty active, 15+ hours a week. Like I said, I have children now but if we are going to raid as a guild i will set aside time to do so

    Gametag TheSilentKing86
  • jailbirdeyjailbirdey Member Posts: 33
    edited April 2015
    Lvl 26 Hunter ranger
    Older than all of you combined I bet :)
    USA EST zone
    5+ years playing FFXI MMORPG on Xbox 360
    Play daily, almost exclusively PVE, weekdays abut 3-5 hours, weekends vary
    Gamertag: Jailbirdy
    “The problem with both socialism and F2P games is that you eventually run out of other people's money.”
  • jjb828jjb828 Member Posts: 340 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Going to begin contacting you fine looking specimens. Prepare to be messaged
    Check out the Neverwinter/ESO guild Rogue's Gallery! While you're at our forums, submit an application and join our glorious regime!
  • jjb828jjb828 Member Posts: 340 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    lynae wrote: »
    Your in game level?:16
    Your Maturity/Age: Over 30
    Your Timezone: MST
    Past Experience: Not a lot. Played Defiance and this. I'm not a PC gamer.
    Are you active?: I can play a couple of hours each day. Weekends I can play more.
    Would love to have you join but it says "Couldn't find this person" when I search with my smartglass app!
    Check out the Neverwinter/ESO guild Rogue's Gallery! While you're at our forums, submit an application and join our glorious regime!
  • kainsanovakainsanova Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Your in game level?: Currently level 24.
    Your Maturity/Age: I'm 25, I own two cars and pay a mortgage, I have 2 children and work hard to support all I have just mentioned. Maturity check ^^
    Your Timezone: Boston, mass EASTERN TIME
    Past Experience: Ive played RPG/MMOs for about 10-13 Years ie(Runescape <- a good 10 years sunk into that,guild wars,neverwinter on pc,) to many others to mention.
    Are you active?: I work during week, However I can get in about 4 hours a day once the kids go to bed etc. weekend solid 8 hrs.
    Gamertag: IpB ThE LeGacy

    Thanks, looking forward to cleaning out dungeons! :)
  • leetomagnetoleetomagneto Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Your in game level?: Just hit 30 (pathfinder/trapper HR)
    Your Maturity/Age: 24
    Your Timezone: EDT
    Past Experience: I've played a veritable ton of MMOs from City of Heroes, Lineage 2, Runescape, GW 1/2, WoW, you name it I've probably at least given it a shot
    Are you active?: Quite, at least a few hours a day minimum but usually a good amount more than that. Headset and keyboard equipped so communication won't be an issue

    Gamertag: TelekineticYak

    Would love to join if you guys still have room!
  • jjb828jjb828 Member Posts: 340 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Hoping to get the two of you above into the guild today, after my workout routine. I've spoken to TelekineticYak
    Check out the Neverwinter/ESO guild Rogue's Gallery! While you're at our forums, submit an application and join our glorious regime!
  • jjb828jjb828 Member Posts: 340 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    A new rule has been added, so review before submitting.

    Check out the Neverwinter/ESO guild Rogue's Gallery! While you're at our forums, submit an application and join our glorious regime!
  • kainsanovakainsanova Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    jjb828 wrote: »
    Hoping to get the two of you above into the guild today, after my workout routine. I've spoken to TelekineticYak

    Sounds good, Ill be waiting for the invite :)
  • txhorns233txhorns233 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Your in game level?: Level 18 at the moment. Just started.

    Your Maturity/Age: 24

    Your Timezone: Central

    Past Experience: I have a lot of experience playing mmorpgs. My playstyle is very pvp oriented. I've played Asheron's Call(First ever mmorpg when I was like 11), Everquest, DAoc, WoW(Hardcore raiding and Arenas), Lineage 2(Member of one of the largest pvp alliances in NA), Guild Wars 1&2, and everything in between. I did play the closed beta for Neverwinter on PC, and played for about 3 months after release. I left due to RL taking priority and many of my guild mates also became uninterested. Now that it's on console, I'm giving it another chance and would love to find a good group to play with.

    Are you active?: I work full-time. The most I could put in per day would be 3-4 hours. My weekends are usually completely free so that's where i'd make up most of my time. it's not uncommon for me to put in 8 hours a day or so if my weekend allows it.

    Gamertag: Captainswift00
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