I dont really agree to this though. I actually REALLY like them removing 4 pc set bonuses. It allows you to:
1) Wear mix n match pieces of whatever gear you like as long as the stats are good - meaning there is NO 1 "BIS" setup.
2) Gear as you go - which is REALLY important. Instead of 3 of a 4 piece set being worthless to the player because they have random pieces that are better, NOT allowing set bonuses and buffing each individual set gives us FAR more options.
If you REALLY want these "unique Options" the BEST way to accomplish this is with Enchanting. We currently have "reinforcement kits right"
Well what they need to do is create an enchanting profession in a future module, similar to black ice where its ranked to either level 3 or 5 is the max.
You acquire rare materials from dungeons and can enchant 4 various pieces (or maybe just 3) with some unique build options for characters. Maybe create 3 for each class each buffing a certain paragon tree. Thus when you enchant 3-4 pieces with this enchant AND equip them all, it gives you the bonus.
THIS allows the best of both worlds, it can be unique and rare materials but I DONT like the though of forcing players into a 4 piece set for some UBER bonus that makes it good. As I said before, its either too good and makes everything else worthless which is a LOSS for the player base. Or its NOT good enough and players get mad it takes so much to get the full 4 piece and it does very little. Or MAYBE (cmon its Cryptic) they DO it right and actually balance everything and BEST case - its "on par" with other options but just offers a unique feel - well what value did they really add to the game for the time spent?
You have to think of this topic with resources in mind. Would you RATHER have 4 piece set bonuses or another PVE dungeon?
Would you RATHER have set bonuses or PVP maps/gametypes?
Would you RATHER have set bonuses over BUG fixes?
I mean its all a matter of resources/reward. Best case set bonuses offer a unique play style which is the BEST case, more than likely itll be too little or too much and cause more problems than its worth.
Still want to press the issue? Id rather have an open pallet to choose from for gear based on how I want to build my character, not forced into some set because the set bonuses are too good and then forced to make up for the LACK of stats with my other gear - which has been my experience in this game.
1. Good point. But that doesn't sound like an awful load of fun for me, and most likely for many other people who are playing the game. I like my set bonuses, specially those with effects I can never possibly hope to gain from stats. I'm playing the game to have fun, and having one of your toys taken away (case in point, the set bonuses) doesn't seem like fun. Unless of course, they replace it with something that could take its place like unique gear with effects that does not depend on set bonuses to be of use.
2. I see that you are worried that some sets may be better than others, which is valid. But I'm the type of person who looks at solutions rather than problems, so I guess that's where our viewpoints are conflicting. I'm up for simple solutions. There's the option of just making all sets good. It's possible, and very doable. But of course the question still remains, if it's THAT easy to do as I try to present it to be, why haven't they done it yet? Guess we'll never know. Could be time, not enough planning, but if an amateur like me can cook up some moderately fun and exotic HAMSTER within the span of minutes, I'm pretty sure pro game developers like Cryptic can do even better. I'm confident they can... given the time and proper planning, which coincidentally works wonders for most, if not all other things (though I'm a bigger fan of the latter as I believe the act of planning for basically everything is indispensable).
I'd be more than willing to suggest some effects if it's possible... I honestly think people would be fine seeing something basic like a 4 piece set bonus for, let's say, the GF that gives you a small percentage of your HP for every second you hold your guard up, or the TR which increases the Stealth regeneration of the TR instead of giving them a flat out Stealth duration bonus, or a 4 piece bonus for the GWF which increases the amount of Determination he receives from taking blows. Those are basic stuff but opens up a limitless number of possible builds and play styles. They don't have to be too good. They just have to have something to offer that stats can't ever give.
Those are effects that a player could not possibly hope to achieve without set bonuses or other similarly unique options of adding exotic effects you cannot gain by simply stacking stats. Stacking stats is not enough to satisfy those, such as myself, who play games to find unique play styles. Set bonuses are one of the best and most efficient ways of allowing players to create branching play style options via the use of gear, allowing us to build outside the constraints of merely stacking stats. Can't really call it a build if you're just stacking stats, though that is just one person's opinion.
3. Enchanting: Why not? I like it. I pretty much like anything that would further diversify what I can do with my characters. Anything that opens up better possibilities and not retrograde it (e.g, removing set bonuses as a lazy attempt to balance the end-game) would be terribly great.
4. Would you RATHER have 4 piece set bonuses or... : I'd choose both. Having one of the other doesn't necessarily mean we have to take out set bonuses. The devs can just make more content while making more set bonuses. They've been doing it all the time. They don't have to be grand, they just have to be set bonuses with effects which I cannot attain from stats. I just want new toys to play with, and not have them taken away.
5. Having an open pallet doesn't necessarily mean you have to retrograde the content of the game to achieve that. While the solution is logical, it's not necessarily the intelligent or proper solution.
Though, again, these are all merely opinions. I won't waste time speculating about the possible repercussions of allowing set bonuses to remain in the game, but one thing I can confidently say is that Neverwinter will be less interesting without them.
OK, well if it stays at 1 AD it's not a huge deal if it's consumable.
I know it keeps track of the reward caches for the "day" so you know when you qualify for another one (which is every 18 hours). So if it expires at the end of that time, I can live with another 1 AD if I can't manage to keep track of when I did what. Thx
Psst. Even better, the DMG works directly from the wondrous bazaar, just mouse over it without even making a purchase and you'll be able to discern the status of your daily bonus.
For most players the DMG is superfluous, if you run dungeons around the same time every day, give or take 6 hours, you'll be receiving your bonus without even thinking about it. But for those with more varied play times or those who simply want the visibility, we wanted you to have the convenience of being able to check the DMG in the bazaar or carry one around on your person.
What about the weapon and armor shards? Considering there won't be a Delve Chest, is the main source of those the Seal Vendor now?
Great question! These will now be purchasable for either Seals of the Elements or Seals of the Protector, depending on the shard, from the Seal Vendor in the Seven Suns Market or Caer-Konig.
You'll also continue to be able to exchange your old unicorn and drake seals for Astral Diamonds, and for those that don't already have him, you'll be able to purchase the Wererat Thief with Seals of the Elements as well.
In the same miscellaneous tab, you'll also be able to purchase item level 130 Alliance equipment that is bound on account which you may use to upgrade your alts, as others have already pointed out!
There is a known issue that will ship at launch that the Seal Vendor in Seven Suns Market still has "Unicorn and Drake" in his title—don't believe him! This is on the list of fixes for shortly after launch.
Loot in Cragmire's Crypt, Temple of the Spider, and Gray Wolf Den is item level 132.
To expand on Gman's original response, the item level 132 equipment that drops from these high tier (Cragmire, Temple of the Spider, Gray Wolf) dungeons is the same Elemental Alliance equipment that you may upgrade to from item level 130 Alliance equipment that drops in low tier dungeons (Valindra's Tower, Lair of Lostmauth, Malabog's Castle.)
If you're struggling in high tier dungeons, you'll be able to work to upgrade your equipment through Elemental Infusion via Black Ice crafting. Meanwhile if you're clearing high tier dungeons, you'll be earning seals used to purchase item level 135 equipment and obtaining item level 132 equipment from drops to fill in any spots that aren't already at that level.
Can you confirm whether or not it's indeed Black Ice Shaping that we need to utilize, or it that just placeholder for something unique to the Elemental Campaign?
We considered adding a new system or profession for Elemental Infusion, however not only is this significantly more development time, from the perspective of the player, a new profession is going to add even more assets and tools to keep track of. Since Black Ice Shaping already represents a system used to empower equipment, we decided to make it easier on players who had already invested their time in Icewind Dale, and also giving players new and old a reason to return to the region.
When you obtain a piece of equipment that may be upgraded via Elemental Infusion you'll automatically receive a quest that sends you to Caer-Konig, where Urgus Battlehammer will explain how Black Ice ties into the elements.
And on a final note, equipment upgraded via Elemental Infusion will automatically be dyed, giving it a distinctly unique appearance. We hope you enjoy the color variations! (And if you really don't, you'll be able to remove them with a dye remover.)
The PvE gear craftable from from Level 5 Black Ice Shaping was listed as BoE for a long time but was changd to BoP during last patch. I was prepared to craft and sell them but so much for that... oh well.
I wanted to answer a few questions, and it seems it got a little out of hand, here's a wall of text for you all!
To expand on Gman's original response, the item level 132 equipment that drops from these high tier (Cragmire, Temple of the Spider, Gray Wolf) dungeons is the same Elemental Alliance equipment that you may upgrade to from item level 130 Alliance equipment that drops in low tier dungeons (Valindra's Tower, Lair of Lostmauth, Malabog's Castle.)
If you're struggling in high tier dungeons, you'll be able to work to upgrade your equipment through Elemental Infusion via Black Ice crafting. Meanwhile if you're clearing high tier dungeons, you'll be earning seals used to purchase item level 135 equipment and obtaining item level 132 equipment from drops to fill in any spots that aren't already at that level.
So Just to confirm. The black ice gear that took 2+ months to get to max rank, then took many heroics / a zen purchase to get the bracers , upgrades into gear you can get dropped from an epic dungeon in your everyday play...
Can we please have the tier 5 black ice as a hybrid PVP/PvE set still, I get that the tier 4 one is. but its far far weaker than the Glory/seal set in both normal stats AND tenacity, and some Classes have a far worse time farming triumph seals / glory than others.
So Just to confirm. The black ice gear that took 2+ months to get to max rank, then took many heroics / a zen purchase to get the bracers , upgrades into gear you can get dropped from an epic dungeon in your everyday play...
Can we please have the tier 5 black ice as a hybrid PVP/PvE set still, I get that the tier 4 one is. but its far far weaker than the Glory/seal set in both normal stats AND tenacity, and some Classes have a far worse time farming triumph seals / glory than others.
join a guild that wins gauntlegrym. youl be fine. i dont want the bIS PVP sets nerfed thx
join a guild that wins gauntlegrym. youl be fine. i dont want the bIS PVP sets nerfed thx
I never suggested nerfing them, I suggested bringing the Black ice gear which was the whole focus of an entire module and has a campaign to do (which takes a Mandatory LONG TIME to get) have its upgrades still be great end game for PvP and pve , It's nice when theres more than one "BiS" Option and more than one way to get it. the tier 4 set is "okay" at best, as its tenacity is low and its over 1000 stat points lower than the elemental set. There should be a tier 5 PvP option also which is closer in strength, having the lower tenacity , but equivalent base stats.
Also I have a guild with a few friends and we are luskan. so winning usually Is'nt the problem (although gaunt never really felt fun with its usual extreme onesidedness one way or the other, I prefer to call it horse riding simulator), however as I have work commitments (as a lot of other players with full time jobs would) Sometimes I may only have an hour or so to play of a night, or my play sessions are broken up. so waiting for the next Gaunt PVP to come up sometimes isn't an option. I'm also thinking of newer players here, someone who leveled up 1-70 after mod 6 released who didnt have the benefit of alt account and such will be massively left behind and not have any sort of "gateway" set into PvP.
I wanted to answer a few questions, and it seems it got a little out of hand, here's a wall of text for you all!
Psst. Even better, the DMG works directly from the wondrous bazaar, just mouse over it without even making a purchase and you'll be able to discern the status of your daily bonus.
For most players the DMG is superfluous, if you run dungeons around the same time every day, give or take 6 hours, you'll be receiving your bonus without even thinking about it. But for those with more varied play times or those who simply want the visibility, we wanted you to have the convenience of being able to check the DMG in the bazaar or carry one around on your person.
Great question! These will now be purchasable for either Seals of the Elements or Seals of the Protector, depending on the shard, from the Seal Vendor in the Seven Suns Market or Caer-Konig.
You'll also continue to be able to exchange your old unicorn and drake seals for Astral Diamonds, and for those that don't already have him, you'll be able to purchase the Wererat Thief with Seals of the Elements as well.
In the same miscellaneous tab, you'll also be able to purchase item level 130 Alliance equipment that is bound on account which you may use to upgrade your alts, as others have already pointed out!
There is a known issue that will ship at launch that the Seal Vendor in Seven Suns Market still has "Unicorn and Drake" in his title—don't believe him! This is on the list of fixes for shortly after launch.
To expand on Gman's original response, the item level 132 equipment that drops from these high tier (Cragmire, Temple of the Spider, Gray Wolf) dungeons is the same Elemental Alliance equipment that you may upgrade to from item level 130 Alliance equipment that drops in low tier dungeons (Valindra's Tower, Lair of Lostmauth, Malabog's Castle.)
If you're struggling in high tier dungeons, you'll be able to work to upgrade your equipment through Elemental Infusion via Black Ice crafting. Meanwhile if you're clearing high tier dungeons, you'll be earning seals used to purchase item level 135 equipment and obtaining item level 132 equipment from drops to fill in any spots that aren't already at that level.
We considered adding a new system or profession for Elemental Infusion, however not only is this significantly more development time, from the perspective of the player, a new profession is going to add even more assets and tools to keep track of. Since Black Ice Shaping already represents a system used to empower equipment, we decided to make it easier on players who had already invested their time in Icewind Dale, and also giving players new and old a reason to return to the region.
When you obtain a piece of equipment that may be upgraded via Elemental Infusion you'll automatically receive a quest that sends you to Caer-Konig, where Urgus Battlehammer will explain how Black Ice ties into the elements.
And on a final note, equipment upgraded via Elemental Infusion will automatically be dyed, giving it a distinctly unique appearance. We hope you enjoy the color variations! (And if you really don't, you'll be able to remove them with a dye remover.)
if you are the one who handled the new gear system...well.. kudos
its one of the best changes for next mod.
the underlined gives me hope for fast fixes.
always about gear: have you considered giving new artifact sets something different from INT CHA?
I wanted to answer a few questions, and it seems it got a little out of hand, here's a wall of text for you all!
Psst. Even better, the DMG works directly from the wondrous bazaar, just mouse over it without even making a purchase and you'll be able to discern the status of your daily bonus.
For most players the DMG is superfluous, if you run dungeons around the same time every day, give or take 6 hours, you'll be receiving your bonus without even thinking about it. But for those with more varied play times or those who simply want the visibility, we wanted you to have the convenience of being able to check the DMG in the bazaar or carry one around on your person.
Thanks! Will definitely be able to make use of your tip, as well. I don't need any more inventory items to carry around. lol
ironzerg79Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,942Arc User
Great question! These will now be purchasable for either Seals of the Elements or Seals of the Protector, depending on the shard, from the Seal Vendor in the Seven Suns Market or Caer-Konig.
Quick clarification. Does this mean enchantment shards will not be dropping at all, including boss mobs in dungeons?
Get rid of set bonuses. PLEASE. It restricts gear layouts. Gear should be free and open ti mix n match gear. I remember hitting 60 for the first time and I was so torn on what gear to equip, I had too many options! Then I discovered Stalwart Bulwark set bonus was SUPER OP and was forced to gear in 4/4.
A) Nobody forced you to use these.
PLEASE, PLEASE PLEASEPLEASEPLEASE get rid of overload slots which require you to grind for another type of stuff on a regular basis and make annoying ugly splotches on those beautiful maps of yours, Crypic, Please, please prey please!!!
If they do, they'll get the uniformed adventurer, where everybody is wearing the same armor, even more so than they did with the bonuses. But ofc, all the GS-heads "feel restricted" in their gear layout by something they can easily opt out of. Meh.
PLEASE, PLEASE PLEASEPLEASEPLEASE get rid of overload slots which require you to grind for another type of stuff on a regular basis and make annoying ugly splotches on those beautiful maps of yours, Crypic, Please, please prey please!!!
If they do, they'll get the uniformed adventurer, where everybody is wearing the same armor, even more so than they did with the bonuses. But ofc, all the GS-heads "feel restricted" in their gear layout by something they can easily opt out of. Meh.
no its not that, for example i would like stats like crit, power armor pen and deflect.
without set bonuses i can do whatever i want and enjoy every new mod getting better and better.
with set bonuses i would probably wear a set with a good bonus but with defense, recovery and movement speed because sadly im not a cw.
with set bonuses we end up like now, with t2 being bis for 1 year and half and people not caring the slightest about new mods gears
1. Good point. But that doesn't sound like an awful load of fun for me, and most likely for many other people who are playing the game. I like my set bonuses, specially those with effects I can never possibly hope to gain from stats. I'm playing the game to have fun, and having one of your toys taken away (case in point, the set bonuses) doesn't seem like fun. Unless of course, they replace it with something that could take its place like unique gear with effects that does not depend on set bonuses to be of use.
2. I see that you are worried that some sets may be better than others, which is valid. But I'm the type of person who looks at solutions rather than problems, so I guess that's where our viewpoints are conflicting. I'm up for simple solutions. There's the option of just making all sets good. It's possible, and very doable. But of course the question still remains, if it's THAT easy to do as I try to present it to be, why haven't they done it yet? Guess we'll never know. Could be time, not enough planning, but if an amateur like me can cook up some moderately fun and exotic HAMSTER within the span of minutes, I'm pretty sure pro game developers like Cryptic can do even better. I'm confident they can... given the time and proper planning, which coincidentally works wonders for most, if not all other things (though I'm a bigger fan of the latter as I believe the act of planning for basically everything is indispensable).
I'd be more than willing to suggest some effects if it's possible... I honestly think people would be fine seeing something basic like a 4 piece set bonus for, let's say, the GF that gives you a small percentage of your HP for every second you hold your guard up, or the TR which increases the Stealth regeneration of the TR instead of giving them a flat out Stealth duration bonus, or a 4 piece bonus for the GWF which increases the amount of Determination he receives from taking blows. Those are basic stuff but opens up a limitless number of possible builds and play styles. They don't have to be too good. They just have to have something to offer that stats can't ever give.
Those are effects that a player could not possibly hope to achieve without set bonuses or other similarly unique options of adding exotic effects you cannot gain by simply stacking stats. Stacking stats is not enough to satisfy those, such as myself, who play games to find unique play styles. Set bonuses are one of the best and most efficient ways of allowing players to create branching play style options via the use of gear, allowing us to build outside the constraints of merely stacking stats. Can't really call it a build if you're just stacking stats, though that is just one person's opinion.
3. Enchanting: Why not? I like it. I pretty much like anything that would further diversify what I can do with my characters. Anything that opens up better possibilities and not retrograde it (e.g, removing set bonuses as a lazy attempt to balance the end-game) would be terribly great.
4. Would you RATHER have 4 piece set bonuses or... : I'd choose both. Having one of the other doesn't necessarily mean we have to take out set bonuses. The devs can just make more content while making more set bonuses. They've been doing it all the time. They don't have to be grand, they just have to be set bonuses with effects which I cannot attain from stats. I just want new toys to play with, and not have them taken away.
5. Having an open pallet doesn't necessarily mean you have to retrograde the content of the game to achieve that. While the solution is logical, it's not necessarily the intelligent or proper solution.
Though, again, these are all merely opinions. I won't waste time speculating about the possible repercussions of allowing set bonuses to remain in the game, but one thing I can confidently say is that Neverwinter will be less interesting without them.
Thank you for reading.
Psst. Even better, the DMG works directly from the wondrous bazaar, just mouse over it without even making a purchase and you'll be able to discern the status of your daily bonus.
For most players the DMG is superfluous, if you run dungeons around the same time every day, give or take 6 hours, you'll be receiving your bonus without even thinking about it. But for those with more varied play times or those who simply want the visibility, we wanted you to have the convenience of being able to check the DMG in the bazaar or carry one around on your person.
Great question! These will now be purchasable for either Seals of the Elements or Seals of the Protector, depending on the shard, from the Seal Vendor in the Seven Suns Market or Caer-Konig.
You'll also continue to be able to exchange your old unicorn and drake seals for Astral Diamonds, and for those that don't already have him, you'll be able to purchase the Wererat Thief with Seals of the Elements as well.
In the same miscellaneous tab, you'll also be able to purchase item level 130 Alliance equipment that is bound on account which you may use to upgrade your alts, as others have already pointed out!
There is a known issue that will ship at launch that the Seal Vendor in Seven Suns Market still has "Unicorn and Drake" in his title—don't believe him! This is on the list of fixes for shortly after launch.
To expand on Gman's original response, the item level 132 equipment that drops from these high tier (Cragmire, Temple of the Spider, Gray Wolf) dungeons is the same Elemental Alliance equipment that you may upgrade to from item level 130 Alliance equipment that drops in low tier dungeons (Valindra's Tower, Lair of Lostmauth, Malabog's Castle.)
If you're struggling in high tier dungeons, you'll be able to work to upgrade your equipment through Elemental Infusion via Black Ice crafting. Meanwhile if you're clearing high tier dungeons, you'll be earning seals used to purchase item level 135 equipment and obtaining item level 132 equipment from drops to fill in any spots that aren't already at that level.
We considered adding a new system or profession for Elemental Infusion, however not only is this significantly more development time, from the perspective of the player, a new profession is going to add even more assets and tools to keep track of. Since Black Ice Shaping already represents a system used to empower equipment, we decided to make it easier on players who had already invested their time in Icewind Dale, and also giving players new and old a reason to return to the region.
When you obtain a piece of equipment that may be upgraded via Elemental Infusion you'll automatically receive a quest that sends you to Caer-Konig, where Urgus Battlehammer will explain how Black Ice ties into the elements.
And on a final note, equipment upgraded via Elemental Infusion will automatically be dyed, giving it a distinctly unique appearance. We hope you enjoy the color variations! (And if you really don't, you'll be able to remove them with a dye remover.)
The PvE gear craftable from from Level 5 Black Ice Shaping was listed as BoE for a long time but was changd to BoP during last patch. I was prepared to craft and sell them but so much for that... oh well.
Sopi SW Youtube channel pvp brickabrack
So Just to confirm. The black ice gear that took 2+ months to get to max rank, then took many heroics / a zen purchase to get the bracers , upgrades into gear you can get dropped from an epic dungeon in your everyday play...
Can we please have the tier 5 black ice as a hybrid PVP/PvE set still, I get that the tier 4 one is. but its far far weaker than the Glory/seal set in both normal stats AND tenacity, and some Classes have a far worse time farming triumph seals / glory than others.
Drunken Goose of MidNight Express. - 3.3k Paladin , 3.6k GWF , 3.1k GF,
join a guild that wins gauntlegrym. youl be fine. i dont want the bIS PVP sets nerfed thx
I never suggested nerfing them, I suggested bringing the Black ice gear which was the whole focus of an entire module and has a campaign to do (which takes a Mandatory LONG TIME to get) have its upgrades still be great end game for PvP and pve , It's nice when theres more than one "BiS" Option and more than one way to get it. the tier 4 set is "okay" at best, as its tenacity is low and its over 1000 stat points lower than the elemental set. There should be a tier 5 PvP option also which is closer in strength, having the lower tenacity , but equivalent base stats.
Also I have a guild with a few friends and we are luskan. so winning usually Is'nt the problem (although gaunt never really felt fun with its usual extreme onesidedness one way or the other, I prefer to call it horse riding simulator), however as I have work commitments (as a lot of other players with full time jobs would) Sometimes I may only have an hour or so to play of a night, or my play sessions are broken up. so waiting for the next Gaunt PVP to come up sometimes isn't an option. I'm also thinking of newer players here, someone who leveled up 1-70 after mod 6 released who didnt have the benefit of alt account and such will be massively left behind and not have any sort of "gateway" set into PvP.
Drunken Goose of MidNight Express. - 3.3k Paladin , 3.6k GWF , 3.1k GF,
its one of the best changes for next mod.
the underlined gives me hope for fast fixes.
always about gear: have you considered giving new artifact sets something different from INT CHA?
Thanks! Will definitely be able to make use of your tip, as well. I don't need any more inventory items to carry around. lol
Quick clarification. Does this mean enchantment shards will not be dropping at all, including boss mobs in dungeons?
look like it will be the case.
Good point : you can only purchase the shard you want.
A) Nobody forced you to use these.
If they do, they'll get the uniformed adventurer, where everybody is wearing the same armor, even more so than they did with the bonuses. But ofc, all the GS-heads "feel restricted" in their gear layout by something they can easily opt out of. Meh.
without set bonuses i can do whatever i want and enjoy every new mod getting better and better.
with set bonuses i would probably wear a set with a good bonus but with defense, recovery and movement speed because sadly im not a cw.
with set bonuses we end up like now, with t2 being bis for 1 year and half and people not caring the slightest about new mods gears