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Official Feedback Thread: Guardian Fighter Cap Raise



  • wowowowowowowowowowo Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Meh, so it was hard but rewarding to go crit-vorpal with a conq GF, now I can't see myself having 4000 crit to have ... a whole 10% crit.
    Having more than 20% crit (not counting the Conq 2%x5 buff) we'll be really really hard and unrewarding with Vorpal beeing less desirable than other enchants arrogant.png

    And for PvP, Damage Reduction ... what's the point of playing a tank class when you still have piercing damage and with weapon enchant + buffed Armor Pen', it won't be that hard to reach 80% pen so .. yeah. Gotta wait for new patches to see if it changes.
  • wraithman40wraithman40 Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    romon22 wrote: »
    One question: have you actually played on the preview with GF? With the new changes we actually get better than we are atm. New passive with the extra rank in all power that we get will help you with extra dps. It gives 4% dmg stack for every attack that you block, stacks 5 times. Thats a 20% dmg boost which you can combine with conqueror capstone so thats 45% in total if my math is right.

    There are some other passives that benefit greatly from a extra level. Ferocious reaction? one min less CD and 7.5% more hp healing. Last but not least is my favorite: Guarded Assault. Thats a 20% dmg reflect on every cap, can palading match that? Can he block with 80% dmg reduction as GF do? All no, be proud of your class and make it work.
    In case you think that guarded assault is caped on HP, GF has and will have the higest HP pool of everybody. Paladin has not that much hp. With the extra levels and the added HP in lvl 70 gear we will have plenty of option out there to make it work.

    I do agree there are quite e few points we could use some upgrade but there are also a lot of good things about the new mod. Please stop doomsaying something thats just not true

    Don't get me wrong, GF's are in a better place than we were, we're just hoping to see our feats reworked to be somewhat comparable to other classes feats. Our abilities and lowered weapon damage stop us from being AOE destroyers, so it doesn't really make sense to give us a Dot feat which is 250% dmg/15 seconds vs Cleric who does 6 times more dmg/15 seconds with the exact same type of feat.

    Then again, being able to apply "guard" to temp. hp would make "Wrathful warrior" a fun and skill based dps boost.
  • hypervoreianhypervoreian Member Posts: 1,036 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Mod6 :

    Griffon's Wrath only uses one charge now and it is not recharged to 3 ,ever.

    Tide of Iron applies the OP aura of radiance?Extra damage shown separately at the log.

    Jagged Blades is unrewarding.250% of weapon damage is just plain small damage.That's about 3k damage over 15 secs.It is useless bith for pve/pvp.
    Either buff its damage or change it completely.

    Suggestion:When you crit you reduce your opponent's DR 2/4/6/8/10% for 15 secs.

    Crushing Shield is an attwill and GFs use the spesific att wiils for debuffing.I feel the damage increase is not worthy.Add not damage increase but a buff/debuff effect of your choise.Anything will be better than a 20% increase ton an extremely low damage debuffing att will.
    Known Bugs:

    Flourish although a series of indindual hits never gets benefitted by glyphs.

    Villain's meance CC immunity is pierced by deft strike,concussive strike.

    crescendo can be interrupted although tooltip states otherwise.

    Guard is unusable /unresponsible for 1-1,5 secs after soulforge proc.After any kind of daze or cc in general.

    Wrathfull warrior never procs.Never.Make it proc or just give out a flat damage increase.

    Bug:Steel defence does not protect against several player powers.Se is an example.
  • fenrir4lifefenrir4life Member Posts: 295 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Bug: New Feats
    Near as I can tell, all of the new feats for the GF require slotting as class features.
  • ctf4voidctf4void Member Posts: 187 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Feedback: 'Line Breaker Assault', all specs
    The new encounter 'Line Breaker Assault' makes the camera zoom in during the animation and thus is irritating as well as reducing the oversight. At a value of 100 for /gfxsetdefaultfov this gets very noticeable, but is also at lower values annoying, please remove this zoom-in.
  • ctf4voidctf4void Member Posts: 187 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Feedback: 'Commander's Strike', all specs
    I tested this new encounter versus a target dummy with 3 different players who I invited to party. None of these 3 players noticed any increased damage dealt against the target dummy. The buff of this encounter doesn't seem to work. Also the tooltip of this encounter should tell the player how high the buff is, please give us a percentage number. In addition I would like to know wether only the next attack of allies is supposed to get a buff or all attacks of allies during the time this encounter's buff is in effect.
  • ctf4voidctf4void Member Posts: 187 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Feedback: Capstone feat 'Martial Mastery', Tactician
    The capstone feat 'Martial Mastery' will be weaker with the arrival of module 6 because this capstone scales with the Tactician's Damage Resistance which will be lowered in module 6. I hope to see a tuning of 'Martial Mastery' to compensate for that loss in effectivity.

    The conqueror and the protector specs both enjoy a capstone that is clear and quantifies what it does by using numbers. In contrast to that, the Tactician capstone says: "Taking damage while now builds Action Points for yourself and allies within 50'.", and I ask myself: "while what?". Is the word 'while' just a typo, or does a special condition actually has to be met for this capstone to trigger? The Capstone reads further: "You gain a Bonus to this value based on your Damage Resistance". Will exclusively my AP-gain be higher with a higher Damage Resistance, or does the AP-gain bonus for my allies also scale with my Damage Resistance? There needs to be more clarity here. And we need numbers, numbers that tell us how high the AP-gain bonus is, and how it scales with the Damage resistance.

    Feedback: Tier 5 Paragon feats, Tactician
    The two tier 5 feats of the Tactician are too weak, especially from a PvE perspective. Since Tacticians don't have any feat that improves any daylies unlike the conqueror and the protector, I suggest to add buffs to dailies. I'd like to see CC-immunity and invulnerability during the casting animation of Fighter's Recovery. And give Indomitable Strength a strong buff, it is completely inferior to the new OP's Divine Judgement.

    Feedback: class feat 'Rousing speech', all specs
    The AP-gain buff is ok, the range is not, increase the range of this feat, minimum should be 50'. (I feel that unlike the tank OP, the GF is not so much a class that lives from beeing close to allies, that is one aspect where tank OP and GF are and should stay different.)

    Feedback: class feat 'United', all specs
    This feat lacks range, give it 50' range minium. Since this feat is in the Tactician tree, which I consider to be for a large part a party buffer tree, I suggest to give this feat additionally to what it does +1% run speed bonus for allies per point spent and it is good to go live.

    Feedback: class feat 'Unshakeable Line', all specs
    GFs are not ally magnets, heavy attacks get thrown at us and squishy classes don't like the heat. This class feat should have a minium range of 50' as well. If such a change requires balancing, tone down the stamina regen numbers.

    Feedback: class feat 'Devoted Protector', all specs
    'Devoted Protector' provides +1% Deflection Chance per point spent for six seconds after blocking an attack. I feel that this tier 3 class feat of the Protector tree should be at least as good as a tier 1 feat of this tree. But if you compare 'Devoted Protector' to the tier 1 class feat 'Plate Agility' which gives a flat +1% bonus per point spent on Deflection Chance, this is not the case. Please improve 'Devoted Protector' or rework it.
  • hypervoreianhypervoreian Member Posts: 1,036 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    the same devs that gave Gf conq a feat which gives him 3,5k damage over 15 secs,gave to an already uber DPS (cw) class an encounter that in 15 secs does roughly 120K damage to 15 secs.(based on ray's tooltip plus the +25% fourth tier.)
    That means a CW in a bridge in hotenow will do 80k damage to any toon while approaching.great!! :)

    Mod6 damage increases:To a staggering low dps class Conq Gf=3,5k over 15 secs.
    To an uber dps class =120k in roughly 15 secs
    3000% more damage :)


    It is hopeless :)

    Edit:i know it will be deleted :)
  • checkmatein3checkmatein3 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 525 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    ctf4void wrote: »
    Feedback: Capstone feat 'Martial Mastery', Tactician
    The capstone feat 'Martial Mastery' will be weaker with the arrival of module 6 because this capstone scales with the Tactician's Damage Resistance which will be lowered in module 6. I hope to see a tuning of 'Martial Mastery' to compensate for that loss in effectivity.

    The conqueror and the protector specs both enjoy a capstone that is clear and quantifies what it does by using numbers. In contrast to that, the Tactician capstone says: "Taking damage while now builds Action Points for yourself and allies within 50'.", and I ask myself: "while what?". Is the word 'while' just a typo, or does a special condition actually has to be met for this capstone to trigger? The Capstone reads further: "You gain a Bonus to this value based on your Damage Resistance". Will exclusively my AP-gain be higher with a higher Damage Resistance, or does the AP-gain bonus for my allies also scale with my Damage Resistance? There needs to be more clarity here. And we need numbers, numbers that tell us how high the AP-gain bonus is, and how it scales with the Damage resistance.

    Feedback: Tier 5 Paragon feats, Tactician
    The two tier 5 feats of the Tactician are too weak, especially from a PvE perspective. Since Tacticians don't have any feat that improves any daylies unlike the conqueror and the protector, I suggest to add buffs to dailies. I'd like to see CC-immunity and invulnerability during the casting animation of Fighter's Recovery. And give Indomitable Strength a strong buff, it is completely inferior to the new OP's Divine Judgement.

    Feedback: class feat 'Rousing speech', all specs
    The AP-gain buff is ok, the range is not, increase the range of this feat, minimum should be 50'. (I feel that unlike the tank OP, the GF is not so much a class that lives from beeing close to allies, that is one aspect where tank OP and GF are and should stay different.)

    Feedback: class feat 'United', all specs
    This feat lacks range, give it 50' range minium. Since this feat is in the Tactician tree, which I consider to be for a large part a party buffer tree, I suggest to give this feat additionally to what it does +1% run speed bonus for allies per point spent and it is good to go live.

    Feedback: class feat 'Unshakeable Line', all specs
    GFs are not ally magnets, heavy attacks get thrown at us and squishy classes don't like the heat. This class feat should have a minium range of 50' as well. If such a change requires balancing, tone down the stamina regen numbers.

    Feedback: class feat 'Devoted Protector', all specs
    'Devoted Protector' provides +1% Deflection Chance per point spent for six seconds after blocking an attack. I feel that this tier 3 class feat of the Protector tree should be at least as good as a tier 1 feat of this tree. But if you compare 'Devoted Protector' to the tier 1 class feat 'Plate Agility' which gives a flat +1% bonus per point spent on Deflection Chance, this is not the case. Please improve 'Devoted Protector' or rework it.

    +1 These are all great suggestions and can merge the GF and Pally in future content (raids where you need wide range tanks and smaller area tanks).
    LEVIATHAN--19.3k Metallic Dragonborn Guardian Fighter Swordmaster Loadouts

    Guild--And the Imaginary Friends

  • thestaggythestaggy Member Posts: 1,102 Bounty Hunter
    edited February 2015
    Bug: Griffon's Wrath
    When putting a fourth point in to Griffon's Wrath it resets to only 1 charge instead of giving you a fourth charge.
    PSA: You don't need to grind Spinward Rise for your Elemental artifact main hand if you have some AD lying around. You can craft it via the Tyranny of Dragon's campaign screen.
  • fenrir4lifefenrir4life Member Posts: 295 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    [not strictly on-topic, moved to new thread]
  • manipulosmanipulos Member Posts: 235 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Anyone try out the new encounters yet? I leveled to 61 and picked up Commander's Strike, asked a friend to attack a target before and after I used it to check for any "bonus damage" and he could not see a difference. Since the tooltip just says "bonus damage" I don't know how much it should be increasing, and I can't test it myself because it only boosts ally damage to the target.

    Both encounters look bad...
  • schweifer1982schweifer1982 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,662 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Feedback: We made some test in the new lvl 70 dungeon where we dont need any tank just healer and dps .
    So can we have now some DPS boost in conq path?
    DC can have awesome DPS why GF cant have ?

    Suggestion : to rework conq path ist total outdated most of they feat tree isnt working jagged balde is not even 1 % dps boost cuz GF have zero crit and with the new stat rework 10% crit stat is even harder to achive for GFs why? Becuz GF have no gear with critical stat.
    GWF 3700Ilvl Éjsötét & ProPala 3200Ilvl Menydörgés (main) & Szürkefarkas 2600 ilvl
  • gentlemancrushgentlemancrush Member, Cryptic Developer Posts: 445 Cryptic Developer
    edited February 2015
    We are making some changes to Guardian fighter weapons (and by extension, Paladin weapons).

    Tanks in general have far too little damage in comparison to their DPS brethren and this is making balancing threat output fairly difficult.

    Given that we are making the two following changes
    • One Handed Sword/Maces: Damage of these weapons has been increased across the board. Overall the increase varies from place to place but in some places this equates to a 50% buff in weapon damage.
    • Guardian Fighters: Passive bonus threat generation changed to 250% bonus threat on hit (up from 35%). This applies regardless of mark.

    These two changes together should open up far more options in Guardian Fighter toolkits because threat will be a much simpler thing to manage. Additionally it means that when tanking isn't something that is actively required, you can still feel like you are contributing.

    This buff will likely necessitate some nerfs to powers and/or feats, but we want to make the change and see where we have room to tweak them to better tune this damage change.

    Additionally we are looking at adding some new tank utilities to powers that did not previously have a place in a tank's action bar to improve power selection and, again, give you more tools to do that job. New versions of some dungeons that are built more around this paradigm should be available for testing soon (hopefully this week or next).

    Thank you all for your continued feedback!
    Chris "Gentleman Crush" Meyer
  • vteasyvteasy Member Posts: 708 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    starbigamo wrote: »
    Man, i LOVE you now, seriously.

    yeah for real, you just made a lot of frustrated GFs very happy. I might roll one myself
  • schweifer1982schweifer1982 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,662 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Feedback :
    One Handed Sword/Maces: Damage of these weapons has been increased across the board. Overall the increase varies from place to place but in some places this equates to a 50% buff in weapon damage.
    Guardian Fighters: Passive bonus threat generation changed to 250% bonus threat on hit (up from 35%). This applies regardless of mark.

    Just want to point somthing out this will be fine if CWs new rene feat abyss chaos is adjusted ,cuz currently now GF conq can do 1/5 dmg VS CW in mod 5 .
    But in mod 6 this new feat abyss chaos skyrocket CW dmg by x2 so CW can deal x10 more dmg then GF if this is not adjusted GF will lose the agro all time .
    SW agro generation vs GF agro generation is also a big issue cuz he deal also x10 dmg.
    Pally have good tools to still keep the agro cuz hard taunts.

    Another big issue i see with GF Crit chance cuz he have no tool to reach at least 40%
    we have no crit gear and even if i slot many azurs its still not enugh cuz it will give only 10 % this is total 23% what i can get from conq last feat + heroic feat .
    Can we have some rework in conq feat cuz its build too much around crit .
    Take measure /Jagged Blade are total usless with 23% crit chance and if i slot all on azure i will have no armor pen.
    GWF 3700Ilvl Éjsötét & ProPala 3200Ilvl Menydörgés (main) & Szürkefarkas 2600 ilvl
  • zvieriszvieris Member Posts: 1,261 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    We are making some changes to Guardian fighter weapons (and by extension, Paladin weapons).

    Tanks in general have far too little damage in comparison to their DPS brethren and this is making balancing threat output fairly difficult.

    Given that we are making the two following changes
    • One Handed Sword/Maces: Damage of these weapons has been increased across the board. Overall the increase varies from place to place but in some places this equates to a 50% buff in weapon damage.
    • Guardian Fighters: Passive bonus threat generation changed to 250% bonus threat on hit (up from 35%). This applies regardless of mark.

    These two changes together should open up far more options in Guardian Fighter toolkits because threat will be a much simpler thing to manage. Additionally it means that when tanking isn't something that is actively required, you can still feel like you are contributing.

    This buff will likely necessitate some nerfs to powers and/or feats, but we want to make the change and see where we have room to tweak them to better tune this damage change.

    Additionally we are looking at adding some new tank utilities to powers that did not previously have a place in a tank's action bar to improve power selection and, again, give you more tools to do that job. New versions of some dungeons that are built more around this paradigm should be available for testing soon (hopefully this week or next).

    Thank you all for your continued feedback!
    Chris "Gentleman Crush" Meyer

    And what about Sentinel GWF tanking abilities? Our threat generation is far worse.
  • schweifer1982schweifer1982 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,662 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Feedback :
    Little changes will make GFs super happy and will eliminate the crit chance problem:
    Take Measure now
    When you are Crit, gain Temporary Hit Points equal to 1/2/3/4/5% of your Maximum Hit Points. (50 second cooldown)

    Suggestion :
    When you strike a foe you have chance to apply 10/20/30/40/50% Take Measure and gain Temporary Hit Points equal to 1/2/3/4/5% of your Maximum Hit Points. (30 second cooldown)
    This will help a bit to survive massive dmg wave.
    This isnt life steal or regeneration but we can get somthing back cuz we lost 2 options GF have limited tools to gain life back but if we got some temp hp every 30 sec then mybe we can last longer.

    Jagged Blades now - When you critically strike a foe they begin bleeding. This bleed lasts 15 seconds and deals 50/100/150/200/250% of your weapon damage over its duration.

    Suggestion:When you strike a foe you have chance to apply bleeding 10/20/30/40/50%. This bleed lasts 15 seconds and deals 50/100/150/200/250% of your weapon damage over its duration.
    This will help a bit to keep the agro. As other sayd before this isnt any where dmg boost .

    Both suggestion are not owerpowered and will not make GF super DPS ,but GFs can now use those feats, 23% Maximum crit is nothing pls take this in considaration.
    GWF 3700Ilvl Éjsötét & ProPala 3200Ilvl Menydörgés (main) & Szürkefarkas 2600 ilvl
  • lococatt91lococatt91 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 162 Bounty Hunter
    edited February 2015
    The weapon and threat boost is nice.
    It always concerns me tho when they say it may necessitate nerfs to powers and feats. The devs seem to have a heavy hand.
    Dont want to end up with pally damage.
  • ghoulz66ghoulz66 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,748 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    lococatt91 wrote: »
    The weapon and threat boost is nice.
    It always concerns me tho when they say it may necessitate nerfs to powers and feats. The devs seem to have a heavy hand.
    Dont want to end up with pally damage.

    Can't think of anything that would need nerfed....
  • qutsemniequtsemnie Member Posts: 419 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    nm wrong thread
  • damnaciousdamnacious Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 354 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I'll keep this as simple as direct as possible as i'm really struggling to find the motivation to repeat myself.

    1. The 55+ GF bugs that were reported before Mod 5 really need to be fixed, particularly the numerous bugs related to Guard not working properly. If those bugs are fixed then you may find you do not need to make as many changes as you might think. By not fixing those reported bugs and creating new content instead, all you serve to do is simply compound your problems associated with creating a balanced and enjoyable game to play simply because the more bugs left unfixed + new content = old bugs + new bugs + unsatisfied consumers likely to leave the game and take their money elsewhere.
    2. The reported and identified problem that existed prior to Mod 5 still exists where increases in the survivability and damage of other classes is not properly and fairly balanced as an increase to the GF's survivability and damage. For example, when a DPS class has their damage capability increased the GF SHOULD automatically gain a proportional increase in it's survivability. Similarly, when a DPS class receives an increase in their survivability then the GF SHOULD automatically receive a proportional increase in their DPS. The problem that has been experienced by GFs now for a very long time is simply that DPS classes will regularly obtain increases in their DPS through patches, dev buffs, item upgrades etc. however, the GF has not and cannot receive a similarly proportional increase in their survivability. This is primarily the largest cause of imbalance between the GF and other classes. I anticipate the Paladin to also suffer the same problem. So, if you increase a class's DPS by 1% then increase the GF's survivability by 1% too. This will greatly assist in balancing the classes.
    3. Communication from you Crush is always welcomed and greatly appreciated. Thank you and keep it up!
    4. Powers, Feats and effects that increase the GF's self-healing such as Ferocious Reaction, Crushing Surge and Shielded Resurgence need to be increased by 25-30% of their current values as a result of the changes made to Regeneration and Lifesteal. This enables the GF to have some limited capacity to heal themselves in combat while not detracting from the need for a healer. In testing, the GF's capacity to self-heal is so small it is pathetic and completely useless. Take a long, hard look at Enduring Warrior and rework it please.
    5. I haven't tested the currently patching increase to weapon damage but i know for a fact that it will be a significant step in the right direction towards making the GF more balanced. I think there may be some need to re-balance some few powers that use weapon damage as additional damage as these may become too damaging yet i also think there will need to still be further increases in the GF's damage in addition to the weapon damage increases as, although +50% of current weapon damage is awesome, it is definitely not enough and hasn't been for a very long time now.
  • schweifer1982schweifer1982 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,662 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Feedback : so i made some tests after lvl 70 the GF have insance low Crit chance even with conq path i sacrificed huge amount of HP DEF deflect to manage at least 28 % crit chance this is a joke .
    We have no crit chance gear , no crit chance stat ,no( solid ) crit chance feats.

    Those feats Jagged Blades & Take Measure have no use to GF i ask you gentlemancrush if you have 5 min pls go to prev and test it out (i know you like tanks so mybe this isnt a problem for u) w/o crit chance gear/crit chance stat/( solid ) crit chance feat we must sacrifice insane amount of other stats to have at least 28-30 % crit chance ofc mobs/player s must hit us first 5 time.
    Pls i ask you agan look on my suggestions about those feats .
    Or give us solid options to get some crit chance .
    Stalwart was taken from us and pally got it on passive /with the old conq cap we can have now 70000 power = 175% more dmg just look on this what we have lost, and give us somthing in return .

    GWF 3700Ilvl Éjsötét & ProPala 3200Ilvl Menydörgés (main) & Szürkefarkas 2600 ilvl
  • lvl99looterlvl99looter Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 682 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Bug: Villain's Menace
    Villain's Menace no longer works correctly, in which allowing the GF too be immune too CC while the daily is active. This bug also currently alive in LIVE. GF's can be CC by several classes (TR's, CW, DC, & HR's).

    Bug: Guard
    GF's can no longer block the DC's Sunburst. This bug is causing a great imbalance.

    All of these bugs can be tested in LIVE PvP. You will especially notice the bug while being attacked by multiple players.
  • schweifer1982schweifer1982 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,662 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Feedback : tanking threat generation

    I made more test at lvl 70 also in my test i calculated all 3(inc sentinel) tanks vs all other classes lest say from the current dps can rate it from 1-100 so i just used all my existing char fully on dps spec.

    GWF insti DPS test rate around 50-55
    GWF destro DPS test rate around 90-100 (note he can draw brute threat with mark feature)
    GWF senti DPS test rate around 70-80 (this bit fals cuz those new updates are not hit prev ) so migth be lover later

    GF conq DPS test rate around 25-30
    GF tactic/prot DPS test rate around 15-17

    Pally DPS test rate around OMG 5-6

    HR DPS test rate archer 60-65
    HR DPS test rate combat 35-40
    HR DPS test rate trapper 70-80

    TR DPS test rate sab 60-65
    TR DPS test rate scound 50-60
    TR DPS test rate exe 70-80

    CW DPS test rate opp 50-60
    CW DPS test rate thau 70-80
    CW DPS test rate rene 100 or above no other class can do soo much dps.

    DC DPS test rate virtu/faith 20-22
    DC DPS test rate right 60-70

    SW DPS test rate fury 98-100
    SW DPS test rate dam 70-80
    SW DPS test rate temp 65-70

    All those dps test was with the best possible dps build with eq graded lvl 61 gear w/o any artifact. Time spend 30m each char captured with act .

    So the problem i see some classes like GWF SW CW dmg are more then x10 vs GF and almost x20 vs pally and only x2 vs sentinel.

    The way as i see GF can hold agro with the new update vs any other class but not vs CW rene /GWF destro /and SW furry. (with the new patch ofc)
    The way as i see GWF senti can hold agro with the new update vs any other class but not vs CW rene /GWF destro /and SW furry.(with the new patch ofc)
    The way as i see Pally cant hold agro with the new update vs any other class only if he use hard taunt . PS: now he can hold agro vs companions(with the new patch ofc).
    GWF 3700Ilvl Éjsötét & ProPala 3200Ilvl Menydörgés (main) & Szürkefarkas 2600 ilvl
  • schweifer1982schweifer1982 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,662 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Feedback: Commander's Strike & Line Breaker Assault
    General they recharge time are too high Line Breaker Assault have 20 sec omg how shoud i balance my GF if i must spend all my offensive slot on azurs to have at least 25-28 % crit chance also its looks like Figth on 10% recovery bonus dont apply on it also int recovery modifer dont work on it.
    Top gears of GF have no Crit stat or very low recovery stat.

    Commander's Strike dmg is too low even my at-will hit harder it must be at least around the dmg of lunging strike .
    Its a single target encounter .
    GWF 3700Ilvl Éjsötét & ProPala 3200Ilvl Menydörgés (main) & Szürkefarkas 2600 ilvl
  • gentlemancrushgentlemancrush Member, Cryptic Developer Posts: 445 Cryptic Developer
    edited February 2015
    We are improving several tanking utilities in an upcoming patch. These changes will not be going to preview today, but will be in a later build.
    • Lunging Strike: This power now grants 50% increased damage resistance for 3 seconds when activated.
    • Enforced Threat: This power now activates twice as fast.
    • Iron Warrior: This power now grants 30% damage resistance in addition to its other effects.
    • Bull Charge: This power now grants 50% increased damage resistance for 3 seconds when activated.
    • Villain's Menace: This power now grants 20% damage resistance in addition to its other effects.

    This should make these powers a little better when looking at what belongs in your tanking lineup as well as make them easier to use in cases where burst damage comes in more frequently.

    Thank you all for your continued feedback!
    Chris "Gentleman Crush" Meyer
  • schweifer1982schweifer1982 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,662 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    We are improving several tanking utilities in an upcoming patch. These changes will not be going to preview today, but will be in a later build.
    • Lunging Strike: This power now grants 50% increased damage resistance for 3 seconds when activated.
    • Enforced Threat: This power now activates twice as fast.
    • Iron Warrior: This power now grants 30% damage resistance in addition to its other effects.
    • Bull Charge: This power now grants 50% increased damage resistance for 3 seconds when activated.
    • Villain's Menace: This power now grants 20% damage resistance in addition to its other effects.

    This should make these powers a little better when looking at what belongs in your tanking lineup as well as make them easier to use in cases where burst damage comes in more frequently.

    Thank you all for your continued feedback!
    Chris "Gentleman Crush" Meyer
    Look nice but .

    Bull Charge: This power now grants 50% increased damage resistance for 3 seconds when activated.
    GFs dont use this for dungeons .
    Enforced Threat: This power now activates twice as fast. Ontop of the buff shoud have this too "This power now grants 50% increased damage resistance for 3 seconds when activated."
    GWF 3700Ilvl Éjsötét & ProPala 3200Ilvl Menydörgés (main) & Szürkefarkas 2600 ilvl
  • schweifer1982schweifer1982 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,662 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Mybe is was not clear enugh:
    Re-edit feedback:
    I dont say we dont need the " twice as fast" thing i just say we need this too on top of the cake " This power now grants 50% increased damage resistance for 3 seconds when activated." cuz it makes more sense you grab the agro then you need some DR boost . And i can have more succes with this then with Bull Charge change.
    It makes no sense after bull your target is proned. What benefit can we have from 50 % more dr if my opponent is down on the ground ?
    GWF 3700Ilvl Éjsötét & ProPala 3200Ilvl Menydörgés (main) & Szürkefarkas 2600 ilvl
  • jackedbrahjackedbrah Member Posts: 118 Bounty Hunter
    edited February 2015
    We are improving several tanking utilities in an upcoming patch. These changes will not be going to preview today, but will be in a later build.
    • Lunging Strike: This power now grants 50% increased damage resistance for 3 seconds when activated.
    • Enforced Threat: This power now activates twice as fast.
    • Iron Warrior: This power now grants 30% damage resistance in addition to its other effects.
    • Bull Charge: This power now grants 50% increased damage resistance for 3 seconds when activated.
    • Villain's Menace: This power now grants 20% damage resistance in addition to its other effects.

    This should make these powers a little better when looking at what belongs in your tanking lineup as well as make them easier to use in cases where burst damage comes in more frequently.

    Thank you all for your continued feedback!
    Chris "Gentleman Crush" Meyer

    ayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy lmao.

    thanks for these. Iron Warrior is my signature move on my protector (Not main) GF.

    Elitist dooshbag

    Guardian Fighter main. I will never switch to Paladin even if we're a dying breed. GF for ever!

    Main alts: Great Weapon Fighter, Control Wizard.
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