I have a 24k hr 24k gwf 21 k gwf 19k dc and 18k sw and I pvp with all but sw whish is a pure pve toon for obvious reasons.
Thing is that i can kill alot trs on my 24k hr but if I face a 20+ k tr with as much pvp experiance as me am dead unless i get help.
Tr picks when to attack and when to run I have to survive and kill him/make him run on his/her conditions.
What happens against the good Trs is daze, itc, bloodbath reset encounters, itc duelist fury dead.
Even the best of the best of Hrs has no chanse against equal trs and dies to 5-kgs less Trs with the right build knowing what they do.
With gwf gf dc(dps build) its not even a fight unless i get the jump on the tr with my dc.
If you find hr unstoppable in 1-1 situations as a tr you lack either the right build, skill or are just outgeared with 6+kgs simple as that.
Now go find out why there are 4+ trs in all matches and not 4+ hrs it has its reasons if one is not to blind to look....
Listen to the words of experience.
Listen to the words of experience.
grobb1Member, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 34
simple as easy answer: you say youve enough defesive stats for pvp but you seems not to know that "tenacity" is one of the most important stats for pvp and you not even mention that.
simple as easy answer: you say youve enough defesive stats for pvp but you seems not to know that tenacity is one of the most important stats for pvp
Unless you have hide+itc+4 dodges that takes you half across the map that is....
As a Tr trying to teach others how to fight and stack tenacity while your damage go right through tenacity and all other form of defence + a cc that ignores resist you are so utterly cluless and frankly nabish that if I where you I would not post more stuff as nobody knows who the idiot is until he open his mouth and says something... (in your case it to late but dont make it worse)
simple as easy answer: you say youve enough defesive stats for pvp but you seems not to know that "tenacity" is one of the most important stats for pvp and you not even mention that.
all your post are misinformation and lag of basic knowledge about your own class (even as a not TR i can see that)
so funny, you are really a shining star in the TR-firmament, go on please
(HR trapper here)
haha, when i read the posts by marnival, i have a strange feeling that i wanna upload one screenshot i made once in pug pvp (after pug pvp), xd
My TR has 11,5k GS and it's neither sab, nor scoundrel... More to say, i didn't use ITC in PVP, xD. Pity but I got bored playing it after 5 days - trolling people and getting insults is not what I like, xD. You guys are mistaking, it's not 6k gap between TR and :any other toon: it's actually 6-10k, if TR is OK (and notice that I'm nab TR, because I failed to kill e.g. 21k rene CW in open PVP zone... but hell, my TR had no companions, no boons, no vorpal, lol)
Later I posted "legit request" about TR on forums, which, despite of being absolutely "legit" (according to rules ), was ignored directly the same way as all similar ones. I can say even more: I was kidding when I told my friends that HR was completely OK, but if CRYPTIC wanted to ruin everything, it should have done only one thing - add 2 sec daze to roots... Imagine my surprice when i got to preview (~2weeks ago) and found that HR then HAD 4 seconds DAZE ON ROOTS. I told myself :"omg, the devs fuk1in' luv HRs again - spring time is coming..." xD
If you haven't yet started complaining about HRs, it's time to start, xD
Now seriously: I found a great solution for fighting TRs - if you know that you cannot kill THIS TR in 1 on 1, don't be a freaking idiot and don't go for him alone - you need to win the match, not to own THIS TR in 1 on 1. If you have wasted his team (or your team was wasted), suggest him 1 on 1, if you wanna show him, that regardless of his opness, you still rock, xD. And another great tip: when you have a feeling that you want to insult your opponent or teammate, just press "ESC" and then press exit button - it's the game and it must bring joy, not rage.
GWF is the class that has to suffer most atm, beside Warlock that i used to play most time
but in ur first post you say you "have no problems with TR´s at all"... this is just a statement that u have to reconsider
if i play my DC faithfull i don´t have to care about most TR, i can´t kill him, he can´t kill me in most cases, except dazing sort of who knows how to play, smokebomb dazing etc. , sometimes u can´t build divinitiy , can´t cast ur invincible AS, can´t heal etc
if grobb1 gets killed by an equal geared faithfull DC, as he wrote, he has a problem playing his TR
if i go rightous solo vs TR it looks different, sure i have my chance more than other classes but...again
what exacty is ur counter against beeing oneshooted by an invisible target i didn´t get it? there is nothing to do against these 40-50k hits, ok dodging sure sometimes works sometimes not
the permasteralth TR 15k, no tenacity, 12k power etc. no def, he don´t needs it, lol
i don´t like these post from people who think they can do better than other, since there are 1000 threads about problems with TR´s, the whole mod 5 is a fail and causes a big lose of PVP base, even veterans quit game caused by this complete fall out, consequence is u queue for long, u are mixed with 8k player, u play against premade 24k groups
most of these things are caused by broken classes like faithfull DC and some TR builds, so why do you think people have to believe that ur personal universe is ok in PVP
i even don´t like posts from people who think they have seen everything and pretend knowing every class but can´t differ a faithfull DC and a rightous one
btw be sure i killed enough TR´s but as i wrote, most of these were not scilled TR´s
and to be honest DC is OP, thats why i sufer most of the time with playing my warlock in PVP, but since a few days reading about mod 6 i just decided to do something else than playing neverwinter and than hoping this mess will be corrected one day
and as u can see the game is develloped by people who don´t know and don´t care about PVP
You need to read what I said again. At no point did I say TRs can't kill me or cause me problems. I simply said, of the 3 classes I play in PVP my Righteous DC has a better chance against them and that that particular path may be the answer to TRs.
My original comment;
15k GS and I can't say I am having too much trouble with most TRs if I can get them in a 1v1.
I did not say I am having no trouble at all, simply that between my GWF, GF and DC I feel more comfortable facing them with my DC. I further said that TRs can still one-shot my DC like they do to my GF.
In a nut-shell: The class needs some work, my Righteous DC copes better than my GF and GWF when fighting TRs.
PSA: You don't need to grind Spinward Rise for your Elemental artifact main hand if you have some AD lying around. You can craft it via the Tyranny of Dragon's campaign screen.
Now seriously: I found a great solution for fighting TRs - if you know that you cannot kill THIS TR in 1 on 1, don't be a freaking idiot and don't go for him alone - you need to win the match, not to own THIS TR in 1 on 1.
What strategy do you propose against 5 TRs? For starter, what class composition (excluding TR) do you propose (assuming everyone is BiS)? We'll need to start practising early before the PvP tournament...
.. my Righteous DC copes better than my GF and GWF when fighting TRs..
There is a perfectly good reason for that, or many reasons to be precise. I experienced the same thing while leveling up my DC sigil mule ( also went for the dps path ).
Firstly the cleric can dodge. After playing vs rogues for awhile you start to hear them coming. SE especially can be dodged with pretty good success rate, LB not so much. Its the Sprint users who are ****ed even if they hear it coming.
Then the Cleric has sunburst on pretty low cooldown.
Then comes the high ranged damaged - you only need to see the rogue once to place the dot atwill on him enough times to score a crit and let fire of the gods do its job.
Then you can also chain cast break the spirit for a stun lock + more dot. This playstyle can beat a rogue even without empowered AS.
GWFs and GFs have none of the above. Ergo DC is much better suited to fight a rogue than fighters are.
Row, row, row your boat, Gently down the stream.
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, Life is but a dream.
What strategy do you propose against 5 TRs? For starter, what class composition (excluding TR) do you propose (assuming everyone is BiS)? We'll need to start practising early before the PvP tournament...
Honestly, I cannot answer this question, due to I have never been in match against 5TRs:-)
But I saw this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7i0tkCfrL4I which demonstrates that it's doable.
Also, I assume that party with 2TRs, 2DCs and whoever will win a match against 5xTRs. But again, i have no personal experience. Those are only my thoughts.
Listen to the words of experience.
yeah wth... nerf HR (xD)
Unless you have hide+itc+4 dodges that takes you half across the map that is....
As a Tr trying to teach others how to fight and stack tenacity while your damage go right through tenacity and all other form of defence + a cc that ignores resist you are so utterly cluless and frankly nabish that if I where you I would not post more stuff as nobody knows who the idiot is until he open his mouth and says something... (in your case it to late but dont make it worse)
all your post are misinformation and lag of basic knowledge about your own class (even as a not TR i can see that)
so funny, you are really a shining star in the TR-firmament, go on please
haha, when i read the posts by marnival, i have a strange feeling that i wanna upload one screenshot i made once in pug pvp (after pug pvp), xd
My TR has 11,5k GS and it's neither sab, nor scoundrel... More to say, i didn't use ITC in PVP, xD. Pity but I got bored playing it after 5 days - trolling people and getting insults is not what I like, xD. You guys are mistaking, it's not 6k gap between TR and :any other toon: it's actually 6-10k, if TR is OK (and notice that I'm nab TR, because I failed to kill e.g. 21k rene CW in open PVP zone... but hell, my TR had no companions, no boons, no vorpal, lol)
Later I posted "legit request" about TR on forums, which, despite of being absolutely "legit" (according to rules
If you haven't yet started complaining about HRs, it's time to start, xD
Now seriously: I found a great solution for fighting TRs - if you know that you cannot kill THIS TR in 1 on 1, don't be a freaking idiot and don't go for him alone - you need to win the match, not to own THIS TR in 1 on 1. If you have wasted his team (or your team was wasted), suggest him 1 on 1, if you wanna show him, that regardless of his opness, you still rock, xD. And another great tip: when you have a feeling that you want to insult your opponent or teammate, just press "ESC" and then press exit button - it's the game and it must bring joy, not rage.
You need to read what I said again. At no point did I say TRs can't kill me or cause me problems. I simply said, of the 3 classes I play in PVP my Righteous DC has a better chance against them and that that particular path may be the answer to TRs.
My original comment;
I did not say I am having no trouble at all, simply that between my GWF, GF and DC I feel more comfortable facing them with my DC. I further said that TRs can still one-shot my DC like they do to my GF.
In a nut-shell: The class needs some work, my Righteous DC copes better than my GF and GWF when fighting TRs.
What strategy do you propose against 5 TRs? For starter, what class composition (excluding TR) do you propose (assuming everyone is BiS)? We'll need to start practising early before the PvP tournament...
There is a perfectly good reason for that, or many reasons to be precise. I experienced the same thing while leveling up my DC sigil mule ( also went for the dps path ).
Firstly the cleric can dodge. After playing vs rogues for awhile you start to hear them coming. SE especially can be dodged with pretty good success rate, LB not so much. Its the Sprint users who are ****ed even if they hear it coming.
Then the Cleric has sunburst on pretty low cooldown.
Then comes the high ranged damaged - you only need to see the rogue once to place the dot atwill on him enough times to score a crit and let fire of the gods do its job.
Then you can also chain cast break the spirit for a stun lock + more dot. This playstyle can beat a rogue even without empowered AS.
GWFs and GFs have none of the above. Ergo DC is much better suited to fight a rogue than fighters are.
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, Life is but a dream.
But I saw this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7i0tkCfrL4I which demonstrates that it's doable.
Also, I assume that party with 2TRs, 2DCs and whoever will win a match against 5xTRs. But again, i have no personal experience. Those are only my thoughts.