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My opinion/FeedBack regarding Mod 6 (curve/rng/economy)

pufy2010pufy2010 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 301 Arc User
Hi guy's A.A here.

IL try make it short..wall of text can and will be booring sometimes.

Introduction :

1) RNG Combined with new Curve.
2) The Curve (power , % creep) and the high Status Boost
3)The economy/ad and rp usage.

1) RNG combined with new Curve.

RNG has always been EVIL.
IT always ignored my HIGH % chances and im not the only one.
Exemple : 51-61% crit chance (Mod 5 my chars have 61 % crit chance).
RNG totaly ignores my high chance and i barely do 1/3 of encounters as CRIT (rarely)
Point is , IF RNG it's so bad while running around with 50-60% crit chance, COmbined with LOWER % chances Will be Worste then ever.
Try Crit or deflect with 10%-20% (because of curve), combined with an RNG that easy ignores 60% chances = even lower success
FeedBack : if you keep the low curve and hard diminish , Totaly remove and destroy this abomination called RNG .

2)The Curve (power , % creep) and the high Status Boost :

Tehnicaly the more you level ,the more you lose in % chances.
For that we have Higher status to gain BACK the lost.
SO basicaly We gona Spent On Higher rank's to Gain BACK status % we already Have.
AND it's a high chances that those status due Curve EVEN with high Status From ranks , will be even lower.
So in few words , we PAY to lose.
In my opinion ,to waste a lot , just to be close to your old self status ,and not EVEN close ,not that appealing.
The idea is to Improve , not to get Downside and stack a lot just to be ,Under limit ?

Feedback : Remove the power and status Creep.
PvP : add CAP to status (Only a certain ammount will work in pvp)
PVE: Remove Cap.

3)Economy and AD.and RP usage.

For a rank 12 u will need : 1 rank 10 , 1.600.000 RP , 10 Epic Mark of Potency , 2 Coalescent ward , Blue marks.
As it is 1.600.000 RP worth 4.5 millions ad (if you use peridots) , 10 Epic marks worth 1 million , 2 coalescent worth 1 million , blue's 100 000 ad.
Doing this will burn 7.500.000 AD ( if 10 000 ZEN = 100$ (5.000.000 ad).
In total we have 22 Enchants to use ( 19 radiant slots (with pet to) , and 3 RuneStones for Pet ( same ammount of rp/ad for bonding).
this is over 100 Millions AD to do a fully updated Char (a Legendary one that is , full rank 10, perfects).
it took me in this ammount of ad to do MAX x3 chars legendary/ranks 10 + Huge waste on random :Fashion mounts race rerolls, Zen market ,and still have some left.
Point is :To invest again 100 millions, for ONE char only (and legendary already) , not rezonabile.

FeedBack : ......Increase the RP DROP,quality, lower CD , Reduce the ammount used for rank 12 , make dungeon drop more marks.

In my perfectworld if you ask me , Cutting ONE zero only from all this prices Would do just fine.
Instead of 100 000 ad a Potency..to be 10 000 ad, instead of 2500 $ to do a full rank 12/transcended , to be 250 $ will be tolerabile and farmable , Instead of 10 000 Zen to be 100$ make it 10$.
All you need is One Zero Drop.

I respect and understand the fact that money are needed , but not at this outrageous ammount.
As i see are 2 ways :

1) incredible ammount of $ required ,only few will pay that ,Big gain But big unrest and unhappy/decimated community.
2) affordable decent ammount of $ < everyone will afford to pay that ,bit lower gain in short time ,but long term Way more gain ,A more steady community ,active and growing ,Open for both new players and veterans.

Please dont troll this post ,i just state my honest opinions and try offer feedback as well.

This game it's awesome but it needs some real love.

Dont make it a forsaken World ( hah....talking of Fw....nvm :S)

May the Bacon Bless.
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • nel2acenel2ace Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    i totally agree... even i have 5.2k defense and and 32% deflection chance yet i take dmg like i have 2k defense and 2% deflection chance. i am a witness to A.A frustration about the crit chance since we dual often.
  • tsokushintsokushin Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I agree with what you say about the RP to begin with, but I'm of the opinion that they never should have produced new ranks of enchantments to begin with.

    We're already dealing with high level artifacts in addition to more levels on artifact equipment.

    A simple rework of the enchantments to include test-server transcendent effects into perfect effects and scale it down would be a better idea for the players since we're already looking at MILLIONS OF RP NEEDED ALONE FOR ARTIFACTS AND ARTIFACT EQUIPMENT. The players don't need any other burdens on that, because that will drive players away.
  • pufy2010pufy2010 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 301 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Curve/RNG/RP/ammount of ad , all is a vicious circle.
  • zephyrpillar1zephyrpillar1 Member Posts: 125 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I agree with a lot of what you are saying, however, dropping a zero off the price of everything isn't the way to go. My vote would be to halve it. For instance a greater mark of potency is 50k instead of 100k. that is both reasonable and achievable. 500z for a coalescent ward instead of 1000z etc.. and I agree with the logic, it would gain a steady community of both veterans and newcomers.
    As for the crit ratio, I have a char with 51% crit chance and crit maybe 20% of the time, so yes I believe its broken and should be fixed.
    Many hands make light work. In the same respect, many voices will be heard. Rise up neverwinter!
  • rayrdanrayrdan Member Posts: 5,410 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    rng is evil. OK
    40% - 60% makes no difference. OK i m saying this from at least 5 months.
    increase drop rates of some things. OK sure why not.
    Cut prices?? NO.

    Im for a reduction of zen prices for RP.
    Im for lowering the cost of GMOP to 70k down from 100.
    Im for a reduction of at least 1/3 of RP globally needed.

    This would help everyone without making stuffs too easy to obtain.

    personally i like the super-uber-perfect enchant idea....not the rank 12 one so much. As now i have to sell everything on my bis TR to reach new BIS level on my hr.
  • henry404henry404 Member Posts: 690 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I'm just hoping that we will still be able to self-heal in most cases (lifesteal, regen, potions).
    It will be a right b-ache if we always need to have a healer with us.
  • fatgunsfatguns Member Posts: 410 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    3,2% deflect on my CW.......LBs hit me for 12kwithaut shield not complaining C: luv <3
  • imaginaerum1imaginaerum1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 378 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    There seems to be an assumption here that it should be relatively fast and painless (and sometimes even cheap) to get a character maxed out.
    Why shouldn't it be difficult/expensive to max out a character? Why should you be able to do it quickly?

    I have never been on an mmo before where it is so easy to level up characters, and so relatively easy to max out your gear. And yet any time they add another power level, we get massive complaints about how now it's going to take more time/effort/ADs/money/whatever to get there.

    Maxed out should be a goal to strive for, not a right to attain.
  • myowmyowmyowmyow Member Posts: 1,923 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    There seems to be an assumption here that it should be relatively fast and painless (and sometimes even cheap) to get a character maxed out.
    Why shouldn't it be difficult/expensive to max out a character? Why should you be able to do it quickly?

    I have never been on an mmo before where it is so easy to level up characters, and so relatively easy to max out your gear. And yet any time they add another power level, we get massive complaints about how now it's going to take more time/effort/ADs/money/whatever to get there.

    Maxed out should be a goal to strive for, not a right to attain.

    I tend to agree with you. The last MMO I played for a while took YEARS to max out, with significant playing time involved and LOTS of grinding!
    SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! (repeat indefinitely)

    myles08807 said, "Back in my day, we didn't have any of this fancy Mulhorand gear while we were leveling . . . we walked uphill both ways while dying once every five seconds while leveling, and we liked it fine!" . . . Now, get off my lawn, you kids!"
    pointsman said, "I don't rue the game. In fact I don't feel any regret for the game at all."
    looomis said, "I don't like people changing to alts and then bragging about their mains like schizophrenic role players."
  • oldbaldyoneoldbaldyone Member Posts: 1,840 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    There seems to be an assumption here that it should be relatively fast and painless (and sometimes even cheap) to get a character maxed out.
    Why shouldn't it be difficult/expensive to max out a character? Why should you be able to do it quickly?

    I have never been on an mmo before where it is so easy to level up characters, and so relatively easy to max out your gear. And yet any time they add another power level, we get massive complaints about how now it's going to take more time/effort/ADs/money/whatever to get there.

    Maxed out should be a goal to strive for, not a right to attain.

    Nobody wants a vendor created with the items for free...thats what is always said in these cases and its about as useful as a rock. Another unhelpful comment - "You don't need it".

    Most MMO's you do X for some number of times, and bang, you got your BiS gear. Yes, it may take you a long time to get there because thats specifically how they are designed (NW is far more casual than most).

    That said, most MMO's have a FUN way to progress toward getting your BiS gear. Ok, so running that same dungeon 500 times to get that BiS helmet maybe wasn't real fun, but it wasn't mind numbingly boring and there was some challenge to it.

    Here, to get BiS, you have to first get the artifact item - fairly straight forward now, was way to RNG based at first but I can live with it now. Once you get it, you need to level it. I'm perfectly fine with everything so far. Here is where the train jumps the rails: To level it, you need to feed it items 5 at a time, by dragging and dropping them into the item. These items are easy to find, there is 0 challenge in getting them...you just have to get a LOT of them.

    So you have most MMOs that when you get the BiS gear, you get it and you are done. Here, you get it, and THEN the easy to perform but incredibly long and boring process of leveling it begins.

    The only challenge in getting BiS gear here is the challenge of defeating carpal tunnel and boredom. A shame really and I don't think that is what they really wanted to have happen.
  • linoge63linoge63 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 373 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    myowmyow wrote: »
    I tend to agree with you. The last MMO I played for a while took YEARS to max out, with significant playing time involved and LOTS of grinding!

    What happened to that MMO ...and if it still exists, why are you here?
  • rashylewizzrashylewizz Member Posts: 4,265 Bounty Hunter
    edited February 2015
    myowmyow wrote: »
    I tend to agree with you. The last MMO I played for a while took YEARS to max out, with significant playing time involved and LOTS of grinding!

    Did the BIS gear from your last MMO also come from the zenstore/auction house?

    Probably why you quit that.
  • thedemienthedemien Member Posts: 830 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    rayrdan wrote: »
    rng is evil. OK

    Im for a reduction of at least 1/3 of RP globally needed.

    This would help everyone without making stuffs too easy to obtain.

    personally i like the super-uber-perfect enchant idea....not the rank 12 one so much. As now i have to sell everything on my bis TR to reach new BIS level on my hr.

    I already gave up any idea of many chars. New pal will be rolled up to one more monkey while it is still shiny and crispy and will be forgotten second day after nerf wave will hit it or it will start require more then 10k AD investments.

    Also all new and shiny rework they do sounds like it is only partially done. Not all Dungeons, postponed campaigns and so on - so only one char.

    On more topic note - They need to get rid evil thing as RND!. This is <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> that started in IWD. They want RND play - lockboxes. That is it. nothing more then that can or should be random. No aspect of core gameplay can be random.

    Im totally agree on reduce amount needed for RP refinements as long as some other places.
    Same thing is about Tiamat as example - over 150 wins just to get some gear and boons. Not including enchants.

    Keep Marks prices, keep Coal prices. Decrease amount needed in RP. Or increase drop of RP x2.
    OR make XP => RP conversation possible as stable way of getting RP. Getting RP must not be random as so low as it is now.
  • barq3tbarq3t Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 165 Bounty Hunter
    edited February 2015
    About your RP usage calculation for making rank 12 enchant

    You don't use peridots, or any rp stones to refine enchantments. Cost of making rank 12 from rank 10 in todays economy will be 2.5-3 milions (not 7.5), in new mod less than 2 millions.

    So its gonna be around 30 mlns to upgrade them all, still a lot but not a ONE HUNDRED MILLIONS AD (that number is really scary :D )
  • burkaancburkaanc Member Posts: 2,186 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    this mod6 sounded so good, such a nice chance to start over and leave failed designs in the past, but instead they not only bring them back, but they bring them back as bis and with even more refining, on top of that adding even more RNG in combat...

    if at the beginning it seemed like the best mod ever, now it starts feeling like worst mod ever
    Paladin Master Race
  • emilemoemilemo Member Posts: 1,718 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    "Pay to lose", haha aint that the truth. Currently I have my main toon at 24k which isnt bis even on LIVE cause I aint got no rank 10s. So in Mod 6 I will literally lose the power I have spent all this time ( and money ) to build and will have to start again with even larger investments ( of time and money ).. Where's the fun in all this? You know, games = fun, right ?

    Personally I will not spend another dime on Neverwinter from this point on. I'll try the new Paladin once live, I'll get my GWF to lvl70 etc. and if I can enjoy it I'll stick around as a free player. If not, well, I can return to ESO for free this March
    Row, row, row your boat, Gently down the stream.
    Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, Life is but a dream.
  • emilemoemilemo Member Posts: 1,718 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    barq3t wrote: »
    About your RP usage calculation for making rank 12 enchant

    You don't use peridots, or any rp stones to refine enchantments. Cost of making rank 12 from rank 10 in todays economy will be 2.5-3 milions (not 7.5), in new mod less than 2 millions.

    So its gonna be around 30 mlns to upgrade them all, still a lot but not a ONE HUNDRED MILLIONS AD (that number is really scary :D )

    Only this game no longer has reliable ways to make AD thru playing it. You are either forced to buy zen or you are one of the remaining players of old who still have tons of AD left. I can spend money but in a reasonable fashion. In sub games you get bis status for 15 bucks every month and for time spent playing. Here you get bis for hundreds if not thousands and time spent playing. I like games, I like this game but I aint crazy yet
    Row, row, row your boat, Gently down the stream.
    Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, Life is but a dream.
  • silence1xsilence1x Member Posts: 1,503 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I am struggling getting anything to legendary NOW along with Rank 8s. I will never see R12s or level 120 artifacts. However, I'm not too concerned as I don't PvP (at least not any more) and I don't have to have BiS to enjoy the game. I just wish the power creep and refinement bloat would, if not stop, at least slow down. One mod introduces TWO new enchant ranks? Wow.

    @emilemo - well said sir.
    I aim to misbehave
  • piejalpiejal Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 403 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    About stat decrease when lvling up..
    my prediction in positive way is that % stat is work for same lv
    for example if you are lv 70 and have 20% DR when lv 70 hit you then you will reduce damage 20% if lv 69 hit you there will be another calculation so higher lv give difference not just stat
    but this just my prediction.. if we become weaker when level up than there is something wrong with this game
  • emilemoemilemo Member Posts: 1,718 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    piejal wrote: »
    About stat decrease when lvling up..
    my prediction in positive way is that % stat is work for same lv
    for example if you are lv 70 and have 20% DR when lv 70 hit you then you will reduce damage 20% if lv 69 hit you there will be another calculation so higher lv give difference not just stat
    but this just my prediction.. if we become weaker when level up than there is something wrong with this game

    Whether its wrong or right, that is for people to decide for themselves. The premise is clear: we lose our power in order to gain it again.. by investing into the game again. For example, thats like saying " - Hey, thanks for that 1000EUR and 100 game hours you put in, now its all void so if you want to be bis again you'll have to put forward another 1000EUR and few hundred more hours ".

    In normal games ( sub ) increasing level cap, gear quality etc is fine, its normal. Here however, we have no legitimate means to amass the millions of AD needed to reach the new bis levels in reasonable amount of time. So, we either pay to be competitive or we dont compete. Personally I've always understood Neverwinter needs our money to stay online and from day 1 I've treated it as a sub. Upon starting I bought ZEN equal to a new game purchase ( around 60 EUR ). Then I'd make a single 45EUR zen purchse every 3 months or so. That was my contribution and what I got to show for it is one main character of 24k GS, legendary artifacts and upto rank 9 enchants. Thats it and I was happy with it. But now..now they spit in my face, they remove the value I paid for with my money and time and they are insolent enough to ask for more. Well, enough is enough I say.
    Row, row, row your boat, Gently down the stream.
    Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, Life is but a dream.
  • barq3tbarq3t Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 165 Bounty Hunter
    edited February 2015
    emilemo wrote: »
    Only this game no longer has reliable ways to make AD thru playing it. You are either forced to buy zen or you are one of the remaining players of old who still have tons of AD left. I can spend money but in a reasonable fashion. In sub games you get bis status for 15 bucks every month and for time spent playing. Here you get bis for hundreds if not thousands and time spent playing. I like games, I like this game but I aint crazy yet

    Oh I just wanted to point out OP calculations were wrong (because of taking peridots as RP source). I agree with you completely, and personally stopped paying for this game at the beginning of mod 2, and will start again only if they bring more stuff to actually play (pvp mods, maps, new dungeons), not just more stuff to grind/buy...
  • overdriver13overdriver13 Member Posts: 1,521 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I can't wrap my head around the idea that through hundreds of dollars and a ton of grinding, you reach a certain degree of power at level 60 and then at level 61 you have to pay hundreds more just to remain at exactly the same power level.

    I don't get how any company could even think that would work at all. I mean are they simply incompetent?

    This is the kind of thing that would not only kill the game and give Neverwinter a really bad name, but also its parent company. As in "I won't ever play a game from that company again, they ripped me off for hundreds of dollars"...and even beyond that, this could give WoTC a bad name as well for putting their stamp of approval on this kind of scam.

    I'm shocked that anyone involved in this project could be ok with this.

    Maybe we are wrong and just don't know it yet, but apparently this is all from preview and I don't see them going as far as putting such wide ranging changes on preview to only scrap them. Doesn't look good :(
  • charononuscharononus Member Posts: 5,715 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I can't wrap my head around the idea that through hundreds of dollars and a ton of grinding, you reach a certain degree of power at level 60 and then at level 61 you have to pay hundreds more just to remain at exactly the same power level.

    I don't get how any company could even think that would work at all. I mean are they simply incompetent?

    This is the kind of thing that would not only kill the game and give Neverwinter a really bad name, but also its parent company. As in "I won't ever play a game from that company again, they ripped me off for hundreds of dollars"...and even beyond that, this could give WoTC a bad name as well for putting their stamp of approval on this kind of scam.

    I'm shocked that anyone involved in this project could be ok with this.

    Maybe we are wrong and just don't know it yet, but apparently this is all from preview and I don't see them going as far as putting such wide ranging changes on preview to only scrap them. Doesn't look good :(

    They're not getting rid of anything. Your precious arti-equipment is still BiS and will continue to ruin the game.
  • thestaggythestaggy Member Posts: 1,102 Bounty Hunter
    edited February 2015
    There seems to be an assumption here that it should be relatively fast and painless (and sometimes even cheap) to get a character maxed out.
    Why shouldn't it be difficult/expensive to max out a character? Why should you be able to do it quickly?

    I have never been on an mmo before where it is so easy to level up characters, and so relatively easy to max out your gear. And yet any time they add another power level, we get massive complaints about how now it's going to take more time/effort/ADs/money/whatever to get there.

    Maxed out should be a goal to strive for, not a right to attain.

    The rapid progression and fast action playstyle has been this game's selling point. Why change it into a costly grind fest now?

    Looking at all of this, my appetite for this game is dwindling as the new Mod approaches. PVP is going to be an even bigger joke as BiS players will now be even further ahead. As a 19k Rank 8/Greater player I stand a chance against 20 - 22k players, but with my Greaters and Rank 8s I'll be murdered by players using Transcendents and Rank 12s.
    PSA: You don't need to grind Spinward Rise for your Elemental artifact main hand if you have some AD lying around. You can craft it via the Tyranny of Dragon's campaign screen.
  • emilemoemilemo Member Posts: 1,718 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    thestaggy wrote: »
    The rapid progression and fast action playstyle has been this game's selling point. Why change it into a costly grind fest now?

    Looking at all of this, my appetite for this game is dwindling as the new Mod approaches. PVP is going to be an even bigger joke as BiS players will now be even further ahead. As a 19k Rank 8/Greater player I stand a chance against 20 - 22k players, but with my Greaters and Rank 8s I'll be murdered by players using Transcendents and Rank 12s.

    Well, on the bright side even being 24k on Live doesn't guarantee me a fun PVP match or even a win thanks to our lovely elo system and our lovelier 12-15k rogues who can troll anyone. So, overall the PVP scene wont change much even with the new power creep. Frustration will still be the name of the (pvp)game.
    Row, row, row your boat, Gently down the stream.
    Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, Life is but a dream.
  • icyphishicyphish Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,255 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I agree, gears and enchantments should probably be revised to not be overpowered, but CLASS BALANCE is the bigger picture imho. :)

    emilemo wrote: »
    Well, on the bright side even being 24k on Live doesn't guarantee me a fun PVP match or even a win thanks to our lovely elo system and our lovelier 12-15k rogues who can troll anyone. So, overall the PVP scene wont change much even with the new power creep. Frustration will still be the name of the (pvp)game.

    Author of GWF Speed Demon PvP Build (Mod 11) <- Click to reveal the Speedy Beast! >:)
  • pufy2010pufy2010 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 301 Arc User
    edited February 2015
  • lerdocixlerdocix Member Posts: 897 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    So throwing money won't make you automatically win anymore.

    How is this a bad thing?
  • burkaancburkaanc Member Posts: 2,186 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    lerdocix wrote: »
    So throwing money won't make you automatically win anymore.

    How is this a bad thing?

    where does it say that ? now throwing money will make you even stronger with transcendent, r12's, lvl 165472347646 artifacts.

    they are also keeping artifact equipment as bis... what was the point of rising level cap ? number 7 instead of number 6 ? still same boring old RP gear without any point of doing dungeons ?

    the whole point of new lvl cap is making old gear obsolete and allow ppl to start getting new gear, not bringing all the old gear with you
    Paladin Master Race
  • overdriver13overdriver13 Member Posts: 1,521 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    charononus wrote: »
    They're not getting rid of anything. Your precious arti-equipment is still BiS and will continue to ruin the game.

    So you are saying that there is a not a dramatic drop off in character power from level 60-61?

    As in, at level 61 my character will be exactly as powerful as it was at level 60, without getting new gear?
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