A few days ago, I accidentally abandoned the Cult Prison quest. But I finished all the other 2 dailies. The thing is, since then i have not been given any of the 3 daily quests by ANY NPC in WoD. THe only quest i get the the weekly reclaiming the hoard. This makes me unable to progress the campaign. Any solution to this?
I have not heard of this but since it is a game play issue, I'd open a support ticket. They should be able to reset it for you.
I aim to misbehave
beckylunaticMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 14,231Arc User
edited November 2014
Did you abandon the prison quest on the very first day? I can see how that might have bugged out because it's not a normal daily at that point, but part of the introductory chain, and not finishing the intro chain could prevent the campaign from progressing. It would also possibly not be re-offered until completed, which is what happens with most quests you abandon.
Not that it helps you specifically, but it might help with a fix to keep it from happening to others.
Exact thing happened to my husband. He submitted a ticket, but their reply was just that they couldn't do anything about it. So now he can't do the new content, ever.
seniorpartnerMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 3Arc User
edited November 2014
Exact same problem. Abandoned the quest during the introductory quest line because I couldn't solo the warden boss at the end, and then suddenly none of the NPCs has any quests for me and I can't get the quest back either.
beckylunaticMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 14,231Arc User
edited November 2014
Is it possible to find someone who has not started their Well of Dragons questline to attempt to share it with you to see if the whole thing resets? I would be willing to try this as I have characters I've not taken there at all yet due to time constraints.
Is it possible to find someone who has not started their Well of Dragons questline to attempt to share it with you to see if the whole thing resets? I would be willing to try this as I have characters I've not taken there at all yet due to time constraints.
My in-game handle is the same as my forum name.
That's a really nice offer. But, we already tried that a couple times, it can't be shared. He also ran the prison instance with a friend to see if completing it would kick it back in. Nothing worked.
beckylunaticMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 14,231Arc User
edited November 2014
Well, that's certainly sucky.
It does sound like the kind of thing that they'll get a fix in for though, as it's really not in their interest to have players locked out of content indefinitely. Just a matter of how long it'll take.
Use the in-game bug-reporting tool if you haven't already (as opposed to the CS ticketing system already tried). It's a bit more direct line than the forums.
Exact same thing happened on one of my toons. Backed out of Cult Prison on the first day and now I can't get any of the WoD dailies. Tried running Cult Prison with others. I've submitted 5 in-game bug reports but no response.
Exact same thing happened on one of my toons. Backed out of Cult Prison on the first day and now I can't get any of the WoD dailies. Tried running Cult Prison with others. I've submitted 5 in-game bug reports but no response.
Ingame bug reports will NOT get a response, unless more information is needed.
Great Weapon Fighter: Because when is today not a good day to die?
PC and PS4 player. Proud Guildmaster for PS4 Team Fencebane. Rank 5 Officer for PC Team Fencebane. Visit us at http://fencebane.shivtr.com
seniorpartnerMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 3Arc User
edited November 2014
I also only have the weekly 'Reclaiming the Hoard' quest from Elminster, but none other from NPCs. Is it like this for the others?
I also only have the weekly 'Reclaiming the Hoard' quest from Elminster, but none other from NPCs. Is it like this for the others?
Yes, my husband was able to pick up the "Reclaiming the Hoard" weekly quest when we went back out there together, the first time he realized he couldn't pick up any other quests.
I am having the same issue, abandoned the cult prison quest because I could not solo and now no dailies on one of my toons. I received the weekly's but no dailies. Hope this is resolved soon I cannot advance in the campaign, and my other toon just got to 60 so its going to be a while before he is done with TOD.
ichimaruginxMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 230Arc User
edited December 2014
Newest patch:
The day one quests can no longer be dropped to help prevent issues where players could get stuck on their progress.
It says patch makes the quest undroppable but how does it affect those who had dropped it?? Still not fixed on that char *sighs* We'll just have to wait till after maint then... Posted support got the same reply and ingame bug asked me to post in forums
I'm also still having this problem with my warlock. I haven't done a bug report for this, though. Would I need to do one if this is an issue that seems to be affecting multiple players and has already been reported by other people?
My CW, who has most of the boons, dropped it somehow. Now I have the same problem. I'd hoped the maintenance would reset it, so I checked with Sgt Knox and Harper Boward.....no luck. I went to WoD.....no luck. Very depressing when there seems to be no service in so-called Customer Service. I've sent in tickets, tried calling on a GM, sent mails.....no luck. I understand they're busy, but this is ridiculous and frustrating.
yep having the same problem. I tried to fill out a ticket but didn't get a response. guess we'll have to wait till they fix it.
but it's very frustrating!!
Hey guys is there any chances that this bug might get fixed in the near future? Are the devs aware of this bug? I've submitted a ticket a few weeks back. Still waiting thou. Gonna wait more thou. Gonna go cray cray thou.
im pretty new in neverwinter (or any other online rpg). so i thought everything was as it should be, until a friend showed me that there was more to 'well of dragons' than i knew.
i started solo 'well of dragons'on relese day. and until jail it went fine, but a newbee like me had no chance VS. the 'warden' and i could not find a way out...so stupid me i abandon the quest to get out(worked before in foundery)
Now im kind of relieved to see im not alone, with the missing daily quests. but it brings some new issues along....
1#i made an ingame bugreport... where do i find the answers on that? (nothing in that Arc-ticket thing)
2#by not to be able to make well of dragons dailys...what will i miss (beside dragon tooth) i mean any super epic items or so?
3#what was that about not to expect a patch to fix it, can that be true!?
the major reason why im irritated is not only the €145 (173USD) i spend on refinment and upgrade for my GWF but also the time it took me to make a character that could survive more than 10 seconds in lvl 60 dungeons.
it's one of those thing that makes you consider to leave perfectworld's lag of service policy,
i have never seen a bug like this in Tera online (GameForge) that wasn't dealt with immediately.. (one of the few other online games i tried out).
because when i use Real Money i like a guarantee that my "binary pet" dont break
I've also got the same problem with one of my characters (an SW). I went to WoD, got the dailies, went out to do them and got my butt handed to me. Repeatedly. I dropped the quests without finishing any of them figuring that in a few weeks when I was better geared, I'd go back and pick them up again. Only now I can't. I still get that Reclaiming the Hoard quest from the wizard dude, but that's it. I've submitted a bug report and a report to customer service but haven't heard anything back on either yet. I also know that as of last night (Jan. 7/15), I was still unable to pick up the dailies in WoD.
As an update, I just now got a message/response from Customer Service as follows:
<<Do not repost CS responses, per Rules of Conduct.>>
Obviously, the Customer Service people don't have any contact with the in-game bug people or they'd know that I did report the bug since I copied the info into both places. They'd also know that this isn't an unreported issue and that others are having the same problem with dropped quests in the WoD since judging by this thread, I'm not the only one having this particular problem. If they've fixed it so that you can't drop the quests anymore once given, I'm hoping that they're looking at doing something to allow those of us who did drop the quests to pick them back up again so we can continue on with the content of the game.
after i realized that it was a bug, i asked arround and as musch as i can understand we talk manny thousands victims of that bug.
what i dont get: 1. why the game publisher dont rush to make a patch (as mentioned earlier. i wont put 1 more cent in that account before i know if my char will stay 'broke') and i cant be alone with this decision.
2. they can integrate an event, like The Siege of Neverwinter, halloween, winter-fun.... so how difficult can it be to make one little patch for us "Lost In WoD"
Same issue for me. Abandoned the cult prison, never saw the dailies again. I've also submitted a bug report; haven't heard anything back. They're announcing the next module. Maybe they'll correct it in that release... or maybe that's too much to hope for.
They are well aware of this bug but I think there's nothing that they can do. Basically they have to track each and every account that encountered this bug and reset their progress so that the quest will be available again. Now think of it this way, Malabog's Castle graphical bug (the one where you have to change the setting to Directx9 or it will lag like crazy) have not been fixed or mentioned anywhere, and that bug was months ago. I don't think they will fix this, considering the ones with the WOD quest bug are like 1% of their players database. So say your byebye to that character and create a new one. Paladin, perhaps?
Not that it helps you specifically, but it might help with a fix to keep it from happening to others.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
Join Now! - Infernal Paragons , The Infernal Alliance
[UGC] Kolde Acres (Discontinued)
My in-game handle is the same as my forum name.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
That's a really nice offer.
[UGC] Kolde Acres (Discontinued)
It does sound like the kind of thing that they'll get a fix in for though, as it's really not in their interest to have players locked out of content indefinitely. Just a matter of how long it'll take.
Use the in-game bug-reporting tool if you haven't already (as opposed to the CS ticketing system already tried). It's a bit more direct line than the forums.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
Ingame bug reports will NOT get a response, unless more information is needed.
Great Weapon Fighter: Because when is today not a good day to die?
PC and PS4 player. Proud Guildmaster for PS4 Team Fencebane. Rank 5 Officer for PC Team Fencebane. Visit us at http://fencebane.shivtr.com
Yes, my husband was able to pick up the "Reclaiming the Hoard" weekly quest when we went back out there together, the first time he realized he couldn't pick up any other quests.
[UGC] Kolde Acres (Discontinued)
The day one quests can no longer be dropped to help prevent issues where players could get stuck on their progress.
It says patch makes the quest undroppable but how does it affect those who had dropped it?? Still not fixed on that char *sighs* We'll just have to wait till after maint then...
Join Now! - Infernal Paragons , The Infernal Alliance
but it's very frustrating!!
i started solo 'well of dragons'on relese day. and until jail it went fine, but a newbee like me had no chance VS. the 'warden' and i could not find a way out...so stupid me i abandon the quest to get out(worked before in foundery)
Now im kind of relieved to see im not alone, with the missing daily quests. but it brings some new issues along....
1#i made an ingame bugreport... where do i find the answers on that? (nothing in that Arc-ticket thing)
2#by not to be able to make well of dragons dailys...what will i miss (beside dragon tooth) i mean any super epic items or so?
3#what was that about not to expect a patch to fix it, can that be true!?
the major reason why im irritated is not only the €145 (173USD) i spend on refinment and upgrade for my GWF but also the time it took me to make a character that could survive more than 10 seconds in lvl 60 dungeons.
it's one of those thing that makes you consider to leave perfectworld's lag of service policy,
i have never seen a bug like this in Tera online (GameForge) that wasn't dealt with immediately.. (one of the few other online games i tried out).
because when i use Real Money i like a guarantee that my "binary pet" dont break
<<Do not repost CS responses, per Rules of Conduct.>>
Obviously, the Customer Service people don't have any contact with the in-game bug people or they'd know that I did report the bug since I copied the info into both places. They'd also know that this isn't an unreported issue and that others are having the same problem with dropped quests in the WoD since judging by this thread, I'm not the only one having this particular problem. If they've fixed it so that you can't drop the quests anymore once given, I'm hoping that they're looking at doing something to allow those of us who did drop the quests to pick them back up again so we can continue on with the content of the game.
what i dont get: 1. why the game publisher dont rush to make a patch (as mentioned earlier. i wont put 1 more cent in that account before i know if my char will stay 'broke') and i cant be alone with this decision.
2. they can integrate an event, like The Siege of Neverwinter, halloween, winter-fun.... so how difficult can it be to make one little patch for us "Lost In WoD"
They don't even mention it