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[Community] Community QoL Suggestions & Requests



  • jenacydejenacyde Member Posts: 30
    edited September 2014
    I am fairly new to the game but here are my suggestions.


    1.) Matchmaking: It is silly that you can't play with friends or my husband in my case. As soon as you queue up with someone it automatically puts you up against a team which is usually a fully decked out team. That is no fun for either side. Fix it so gear score has some say in matchmaking. I know people say that won't work because of the scaling difference in classes and scores. That is a somewhat easy fix. Class X is rank level 1 between GS <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> and GS <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>, etc. Give every class a gear score ranking. Then all rank 1 are put into a match. Rank 2 etc. If you queue up with lets say 3 people and 1 is ranked as 5 and two at 1, then it would take the average of all three players. And put you in rank 2 or 3. Yes the one well geared person would do well but overall the team would have two doing not as well, which would help balance the team. I know people also say GS is not the solution but all you have to do is lock the gear in so they can't change gear while in queue or during the match. I know the GS is not supposedly does not effect outcome of PVP due to the objectives, but if your entire team is in 10k to 13k gear against a team that is in all 18k to 22k GS you all will be one or two shotted with no chance to accomplish getting a node well perhaps one or two if they are asleep at the wheel but not enough of them to win.

    2.) Gear: I mostly pvp and as I said before I am new only been playing about a month or two. But there seems to be alot of people wearing all PVE gear in PVP. I know I have almost all epic pvp gear a mixture between Grim and Profound. And my GS is barely 13k. Going up against 22k players in pve gear. Perhaps I am missing something but there seems to not be enough gear to match that in pvp gear. I know I don't have all maxed out enchants and artifacts but it still seems off. Perhaps have tier pvp gear and make the tenacity a bigger part of surviving in pvp.

    3) Leaderboard and people leaving a game: I understand everyone wants to have a good record, but there should be a penalty for people leaving a game. They queue up with people, make the entire team go up against a impossible stacked team we are sitting at under 100 points then the leave so they don't get bad record on the leaderboard. Add a Left the game ranking, or make so they can't queue for x amount of time or something. PVP bots and not sure why people do this but fire campers should be able to be removed from the game.

    I know this all probably has been said before, they are pretty obvious problems, but I couldn't stand it anymore and had to vent it out.

  • mareatlanticummareatlanticum Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 202 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2014
    1) I feel you, but what could be done here? Nobody certainly wants to see premade groups come back to random que, where the random party has about as much chances of survival than egg under a band of panzer. Mostly I think the new matchmaking works, although there are some cases when the other side is utterly crushed, but it is much better than before and it was at one point based on GS mostly.
    jenacyde wrote: »
    2.) Gear: I mostly pvp and as I said before I am new only been playing about a month or two. But there seems to be alot of people wearing all PVE gear in PVP. I know I have almost all epic pvp gear a mixture between Grim and Profound. And my GS is barely 13k. Going up against 22k players in pve gear. Perhaps I am missing something but there seems to not be enough gear to match that in pvp gear. I know I don't have all maxed out enchants and artifacts but it still seems off. Perhaps have tier pvp gear and make the tenacity a bigger part of surviving in pvp.

    I have seen only GWF go over 22k GS and CW to reach 20k GS. The CW used pieces of 2 set, 2 legenday artifact items and probably any other possible way to increase his GS and GWF can pump GS with few feats. PvE gear doesn't have that much difference in GS from PvP gear, only black ice set (half pvp gear), Dragon set and very few others have higher GS than (Profound) pvp set. I have CW with 17k Profound set GS, so the difference comes mainly from higher ranking artifacts, feats and higher ranking enchants. Just play and when you are above 15k GS, you should be able to compete against anything, although depends much about your class and skills to play.
    jenacyde wrote: »
    3) Leaderboard and people leaving a game: I understand everyone wants to have a good record, but there should be a penalty for people leaving a game. They queue up with people, make the entire team go up against a impossible stacked team we are sitting at under 100 points then the leave so they don't get bad record on the leaderboard. Add a Left the game ranking, or make so they can't queue for x amount of time or something. PVP bots and not sure why people do this but fire campers should be able to be removed from the game.

    There is 30 minutes leaver penalty from joining any que and nowadays it also registers as defeat if you leave. What more can you want?

    I have no time nor patience to stand in a losing match, when I am there simply to upkeep my 1 mil raw AD reserve or trying to pump fast PvP equipment to my alts. Idea about being forced to stand watch opposing crusher team camp outside the base for 10+ minutes for just one daily quest point and 50 glory is beyond me and I don't understand why would anyone else be forced to do this if I wouldn't do it in a hundred years.

    I can únderstand the frustration when people leave after few minutes when there would still have been chance to win with little strategy changes, which seems to be out of the capacity of too many people, who try just to rush and if it won't work, they leave. Still I do understand people who leave when the defeat is clearly obvious.
    I think there is nothing to be done in here anymore as there are already enough negatives in place.
    Give us 4 or more power/item bar profiles so we can change powers and items with one click that are suited for the situation.
  • mareatlanticummareatlanticum Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 202 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2014
    There should be a NPC in protector where we would be able to exchange our Medallions of Battle for items of previous CTA events, even if it's for double or triple cost.

    Yes. The medallions to Refiner's Cahches merchant should be at very least added to the Moonstone Mask as permanent member.
    Give us 4 or more power/item bar profiles so we can change powers and items with one click that are suited for the situation.
  • r10999r10999 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    I'd like to see some new pvp modes instead of just domination. GG is just regular domination with more points, people, and some npcs and catapults. Icewind Dale is domination with companions and a little more open-worldness feel. However I think it would be great fun to have a deathmatch. Or a capture the flag where whoever has the flag cannot use their tab ability. Or a defend/attack the objective where each team has to protect an object while at the same time destroy the enemy's object and the objects health could be based on the total gear score of the opposing team to help balance the game some. Domination is fun but when that's all there is it can start to feel old when you're after glory.
  • asthazarfasthazarf Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 167 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Inventory: Pages of Arcane Lore

    Their only use is for the Dragon Campaign boons. After that, everything we get extra from quests such as Common Cause or Shores of Tuerin weekly will fill our inventory. (stacks of 100) Please implement them in the crafting sessions of the campaign, or allow us to discard them.

    Thank you.
  • tabasqtabasq Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Serve not know why they have changes that have been introduced on the server test.
    Currently, TR can maintain invisibility virtually without hitting mobs for 24 / h to the
    the Gloaming Cut does not remove the invisibility and it adds. These changes weaken again in PVE making TR
    that the TAB is useless because at-will power (without Gloaming Cut) reduce the level of invisibility to 2-3 sec.
    A further weakening of the PVE TR is to remove feats increasing power Duelist Flurry and Critical Teamwork.
    This reduces the chance of criticism by 5% and the power of criticism by 15% (Tr under the invisibility is guaranteed criticism). Another weakness is
    nerf impossible to Catch up to 50%. Of course I understand that TR is increased Dps, but what good is that if Tr under PVE
    lose almost completely invisibility, a lot of criticism, and the ability with which increases its survival for PVE.
    All these changes would be good if they enter them only on PVP because if you will be introduced also for PVE
    instead strengthen the TR only weaken it. In exchange for slightly increased Dps, TR receives less criticism, lack of invisibility and a lower survival rate for PVE.
    TR PVE play for over a year and I ask you do not do this to me .... it will destroy TR PVE
  • szaoszao Member Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Raise the drop rate for dragon boon books in elite skirmish/dungeon! Lower the items need for a book in shop!

    Thats the 2nd thing i gave up in this game. The 1st 1 was the black ice gloves. Already farmed it for months and nothing, wont do again with the books.
    The other way to get the books more pathetic: day by day kill 5 dragon with 5-10 min afk time for waiting them for around 2 months ? Yeah, thats the way i imagine an action mmorpg play style :)

    Give a better drops from foundry chests!!! 20 min - enchant,30 min - purple item, 1 hour - RAD, enchant etc
    There are lots of real good foundries, but not worth to do next to or instead of the dailies. That could be 1 of the main part of the game.
  • yandac6444yandac6444 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    i ll just say something that i would like to see in the game, this gave has a poor pvp system, even the pvp sytems we have in the game it is unfaired balance, i would like to see more active pvp system cuzz i dont wanna keep dungeoning in the game. i wanna say an excample system.. I used to play a game in the past and it had a openworld pvp area like icewind, and there were bosses over there and they would drop on the pvp area every some period, guilds or ppl who know each other would organize a party ( even single players used to go there and could play single or join another party that they dont know ) and go there for fight for bosses or go for pvp, and bosses would drop realy good items so every body used to go there and pvp area were always busy.. if you make a system something like this pvp players will not be bored, bosses doesnt have to drop like a top items but something make ppl go to pvp area.. i dont just wanna pve in this game, i want some action also fighting against other players when ever i want to, i dont wanna stuck in domination area with full geared ppl, and has no chance, this is not real pvp that u r just fighting against 5 pvp one person can fuel all the domination fight period.. you are the game holder and you probably seee that many ppl moan about the pvp system.. if u dont find a good solution for pvp i guess u ll lose alot of player who doesnt want to ( i love the grafics of the game, i really enjoy but when it is the pvp time, i find it useles thinking that when i finish all gears wht is then ? ) i hope u take some attantion, sorry for my english it is not perfect

    kind regards
  • grac3n77grac3n77 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 234 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Make an NPC that we can gamble for items and AD... like a baccarat system or left or right choice only...
  • bunnyboogsbunnyboogs Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    I honestly think that the guild bank needs some serious love and improvement to make it easier for "casual" guilds. Specifically, I do not believe that the option to open up new repositories should be a one time AD dump left up to one member. Instead, all guild members should be able and allowed to contribute whatever they can, whenever they can. I do not see the point in making it a single member purchase, especially because there is no way to transfer AD amongst friends (another great idea that should be considered and explored). Just my $0.02

    Jay Pegg [GWF] BunnyBoogers [DC] Ash Williams [GF] Tara Boobhammer Sunny Black [SW] Angela Gossow [CW]
    Thia Queen

    -Fear the Bunny (I'm not "just a bunny rabbit")
  • snef3rusnef3ru Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    js3b wrote: »
    I havent seen it, sorry but ill put them in here if you dont mind!

    How about making town portal a little cheaper>>>>>
  • tsokushintsokushin Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Can you guys add Glory Boosts into the Zen Shop or the Wondrous Bazaar?

    It's a shame you can only get them twice through the PvP campaign.

    It would be a boon to new people that want to spend $ and gear up for pvp.
  • alucard#9522 alucard Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Plz me and my guild we kept talking abt why legendary gear doesn't have pvp tenacity plz can u add some tenacity
  • martialrevmartialrev Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    is there a way i can just buy all of the corrupted black ice gear for my trickster rogue with real money if so how much would that cost, if not can someone add me on steam and explain the stuff i got to go through b/c i know its alot, and is this the best pvp gear if not what is im trying to have thee besstt stuff
  • bunnyboogsbunnyboogs Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Please, for the love of all that is holy, let us skip cut-scenes! I understand being forced to watch a cut-scene once because there are individuals that worked their butt off to make it come to life, but players do not want to see the same cut-scene every day.

    Jay Pegg [GWF] BunnyBoogers [DC] Ash Williams [GF] Tara Boobhammer Sunny Black [SW] Angela Gossow [CW]
    Thia Queen

    -Fear the Bunny (I'm not "just a bunny rabbit")
  • d3mmiand3mmian Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    create open pvp zone(icewind is quite limited) and new arenas, so we are not bored. not all people are satisfied by dungeons and dailies. this game is very good but the lack of imagination in pvp is obvious.
  • praxxepraxxe Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Fix pvp so that queuing is based off of gear score and remove the ability of players, once in a match, to remove their gear and change into higher gs items.

    90% of all matches, you are either against a far far stronger opponent or a far far weaker opponent. The matches aren't as fun as they could be with some type of weighting system.

    Ranking suggestions.
    Adjust the ranking system so it relies less on points and more on how you did overall vs your opponent team. Ie, you lead the losing team, you should get more credit. It encourages leadership and not quitting vs. a better team.
    This could be done by giving greater weight to kills and scoring when you are in the top 2 of your team by the end of the match.

    At least 2 or 3 new maps need to be added.
  • gurneyhalgurneyhal Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Balancing pve shouldn't be so hard. Here is a great suggestion to aid devs in knowing which classes need buff or nerf. Simply capture the number of each class going into instances or, better still, the number of times classes are requested in lfg. After watching about 10 screens of lfg scroll up during a dd it is painfully obvious that CW is too powerful. No other classes are being sought after. Your current method of gathering user feedback is obviously a biased and dumb way to balance classes. CW has always been the most powerful class and therefore it has attracted all the people who really really care about being powerful. When you ask users for feedback you can't expect reasoned objectivity from a concentrated group of egomaniacs (the control wizards).
  • yilaryilar Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    I have a suggestion about the Foundry. It already happened to me on 4 nights in a row that right at the end or near the end of a foundry quest, I would get kicked off the server. I would log back on and then be all the way at the start of the foundry quest again. =/ I love the foundry, but this way I really do not want to play those quests anymore. Can't something be done so that you at least port in at the step of the quest and the location where you got kicked off?
  • grac3n77grac3n77 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 234 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Can the Devs make an NPC which we can Gamble AD like double or nothing?
  • harumenharumen Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Hi all.
    My request may be more simple to write than to be done, but here is it:
    Can the mail service include a maximun number of recievers of 5? (the usually party members that in guild will divide the rewards of the AH) Maybe the names can be separated with ';' as usual.
    Thank you.
  • proxiehunterproxiehunter Member Posts: 15
    edited December 2014
    grac3n77 wrote: »
    Can the Devs make an NPC which we can Gamble AD like double or nothing?

    It could be done as an astral diamond sink, the house takes say ten percent. Player A bets 1,000 AD Player B takes their bet and ponies up another 1,000 AD winner walks away with 1,800 AD. The high rollers would bleed astral diamonds out of the economy at an astronomical rate. Even if you cut it down as low as a 1% cut to the house (winner of the above bet takes 1,980 AD) the high rollers would be bleeding out impressive amounts.
  • davyddcdavyddc Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    I suggest allowing newly registered users to start threads on these forums, in case they need help (they are currently restricted from doing so).

    As for my question (or suggestion), is there a Refer-a-friend deal with any rewards for Neverwinter, and where can I find a link for mine?

    Also, is there a way to get continuous in-game music (on loop for places with music that plays only once through), and/or turn on music for some of the places that are just silent? If not, I suggest.
  • hawkfrhawkfr Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 38 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Hi, I have a suggestion about pvp. Many time, I'd like to train with a friend, try new powers and tactics on a real players, and we can't unlock open-world pvp until lvl 60. So, why not make an arena in the Enclave, where a group could go and fight there without getting injured and train. It could work as a free for all if there are more than 2 players in the team. And why not enable some group making inside the arena. This arena could also enable visitors to watch a duel against players and learn few technics, and the opponent would choose if players can watch or not.
  • katbozejziemikatbozejziemi Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 856 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Make the profession inventories shared across all characters on an account. Or at least the resource one. Having to mail a on of stuff around every time I open a bunch of leadership boxes is a huge pain.
  • nazghul22nazghul22 Member Posts: 407 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Make your current char set (belt content, class feats, powers, gear) bindable to a key. Allow three keys for that. For instance, a player will be able to have

    1st set: pve single target
    2nd set: pve AOE
    3rd set: pvp

    and the player will be able to switch from one set to another in no time, instead of having to switch manually, one by one, by drag and drop, each piece of gear then each power then each class feat then the belt.
    ToD = ..........
    Tired of Dailies/Tyranny of Dailies/Timers of Doom/Tricked Or Duped/Tremendously Obnoxious Dailies/Try Otherwise, Devs
  • nassoohnassooh Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    i have a suggestion regarding pvp system

    create a system that allows you to have two sets of abilities one is used when out of domination and the other for in domination this will be much better and easier for the permanent use its like you set your pvp abilities once and for all so that when you enter domination your pre set abilities are automatically set and you wont have to worry about arranging your abilities all the time
  • pteriaspterias Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 661 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    One very simple QoL addition I'd like to see is a teleporter/exit like they have in the Protector's Garden placed at the end of the pool in front of Lord Neverember (above the invocation area, where you get dumped if you switch instances in PE). I think that would just be great!
  • lewel555lewel555 Member Posts: 616 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Balance the pvp

    [Zone] : but TR can just hide forever..
    [Zone]: öç
    [Zone] : perma stealth
    [Zone] : naaice
    [Zone] : AOE Daze
    [Zone] : way too OP
  • zhammerzzhammerz Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Bring life back to existing content;

    1) Equipment Modifiers; Similar to the armor kits and jewelry kits.
    - Add equipment modifiers that allow an additional slot to be added to existing armor pieces. They need to be specific to an armor set, thus providing a need to acquire the older armor sets. GWF examples
    o Avatar of War Defense Slot Expansion Kit
    o Destroyer's Profound Offense Slot Expansion Kit
    o Black Ice Utility Slot Expansion Kit
    o etc
    - These modifiers are not made through skills but received as drops
    - Allowing these older sets to be more competitive with the newer equipment through a structured drop ratio outlined below

    2) Access to these drops would require all boons complete in IWD, to reward those who have worked hard to get through the grind.
    - A new weekly or daily quest would be added with the above added requirements for access. New quest opens a new zone within IWD
    - Suggested drop rates ratios for GWF are as follows;
    o Titan's - 50:1
    o Avatar's - 70:1
    o Grim - 50:1
    o Proufound - 70:1
    o Dread - 100:1
    o Iliyanbruen - 100:1
    o Black Ice - 200:1
    o Draconic - 400:1
    o Draconic Templar - 500:1

    Thus giving more frequent drops for lower end T2 armors in an attempt to help revitalize the need to run those dungeons.
This discussion has been closed.