On the Calendar, from Dec. 25 to Jan. 1, there appears to be a promotion for a "Companion Bundle" to suit your play style. I'm assuming they will be Zen Market purchases. Was this done last year, and I've simply forgotten about it? What companions are going to be offered in said bundles and what pray tell are the different type of play styles?
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ambisinisterrMember, Neverwinter ModeratorPosts: 10,462Community Moderator
edited December 2014
The only thing similar was a 'buy all companions' bundle. At that time it was $100 to buy every companion if I remember correctly which was a pretty good deal considering they would have cost at least $200 if purchased individually. However it has been quite a long time so the exact numbers are quite fuzzy.
Based on what you are saying (I haven't seen what you are referencing personally) it does not sound like that is what they are offering this year...or at least that won't be the only option.
After all a large part of the feedback last year was that people liked the deals but didn't want to spend such a large amount at one time. Perhaps this year they will offer more themed purchases in addition or instead of a buy all feature.
*note there have been several new companions in the last year so just because it was ~$100 last year does not mean the price for a buy all bundle will remain the same.
zekethesinnerMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 805Arc User
edited December 2014
Was not last year iirc. Somthing new, probably all those old companion bundles set toegether, maybe some new. Well we will see.
ambisinisterrMember, Neverwinter ModeratorPosts: 10,462Community Moderator
edited December 2014
Here is a reference to the companion bundle which was a limited time promotion released with the permanent companion price reductions Dec 27 of last year.
However it does not state how many companions were in the bundle nor how much the bundle cost so unless somebody has a less fuzzy memory than me (not a major achievement, really) I do know it was around ~100 and I believe that was less than half price even after the all around 60% price reductions when you looked at all the companions à la carte prices.
Mildly interested. But as soon as it considers anything beyond active bonus, I am out. There is still no companion worth considering as summoned, other than augments. And after that, it just comes down to what each character needs. I cannot see them putting together effective bundles that are good for the masses.
bioshrikeMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,729Arc User
edited December 2014
Given how many companions have been added since they last ran that promotion, my guess is that they'll probably offer it in tiers - like any 5 companions for X, any 10 for Y, or any 20 for Z - with the discount being greater the higher tier you go.
OTOH, the trend also seems to be that any such packs will be premade - so maybe something like a "Beasts Pack" that contains various animal companions, and a hirelings pack that contains humanoid ones.
<::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::)xxxxxxxx(:::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::> "Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark Official NW_Legit_Community Forums
ambisinisterrMember, Neverwinter ModeratorPosts: 10,462Community Moderator
OTOH, the trend also seems to be that any such packs will be premade - so maybe something like a "Beasts Pack" that contains various animal companions, and a hirelings pack that contains humanoid ones.
That's kind of what I was thinking.
Particularly since it could cater to players who like to check off collections.
Honestly I don't think that "event" is worth mentioning on the calendar. Sound more like another promotion to me unless there will be some bundles for companions outside the Zen store which indeed would be something interesting.
I was expecting companions with a set of runestones and xp to get them to level 30. Either way I'm not sure I'll be interested personally.
I also thought this is what was meant by companion bundle. I wasn't around for last year's promo but I hope it's not the same. I only need 1 zen market companion for my last toon (Honey Badger). Cba about any others and I see no point in them selling Beast/Hireling/Undead etc bundles. I cannot see Cryptic making much money off of it this year tbh if they go the same route again.
Our pain is self chosen.
The most important thing in life is to be yourself. Unless you can be Batman. Always be Batman.
Yah im almost at cap also. I do wish they would open up add another inventory bag, open more bank/shared bank and tradeskill/companion slots. At some point as they introduce more companions you won't be able to own them without deleting another.
onecoolscatcatMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 575Arc User
Here is a reference to the companion bundle which was a limited time promotion released with the permanent companion price reductions Dec 27 of last year.
However it does not state how many companions were in the bundle nor how much the bundle cost so unless somebody has a less fuzzy memory than me (not a major achievement, really) I do know it was around ~100 and I believe that was less than half price even after the all around 60% price reductions when you looked at all the companions à la carte prices.
IIRC the bundle cost 11k zen. Every single zen store pet released to date was included along with enough slots to hold them all. I think there were 20 pets? I still have one bundle lying around in someone's bank. I'll take a screenshot showing bundle contents later.
This content may change significantly before it is introduced into the game, etc.
This may be the case (the type of package, I mean) - though I was hoping for more of the "Epic Packs" like the Ghost and Deva and whatnot. Those really interested me; Epic versions of the Blue or Green level companions.
So, my in-game reminder came up that this promotion just went live. But, can't find anything regarding it. The weekly sales items changed. Maybe it's just a bit behind in being posted?
zekethesinnerMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 805Arc User
edited December 2014
Hmm, nohing i bazaar, nothing in zenstore, if u would force me to guess, its just reminder from last year. Dev's just forgot to turn somthing off. Or on.
All prise the devs!
forumnamesuxsMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 490Arc User
Based on what you are saying (I haven't seen what you are referencing personally) it does not sound like that is what they are offering this year...or at least that won't be the only option.
After all a large part of the feedback last year was that people liked the deals but didn't want to spend such a large amount at one time. Perhaps this year they will offer more themed purchases in addition or instead of a buy all feature.
*note there have been several new companions in the last year so just because it was ~$100 last year does not mean the price for a buy all bundle will remain the same.
However it does not state how many companions were in the bundle nor how much the bundle cost so unless somebody has a less fuzzy memory than me (not a major achievement, really) I do know it was around ~100 and I believe that was less than half price even after the all around 60% price reductions when you looked at all the companions à la carte prices.
Even more interested if they can be sold individually.
OTOH, the trend also seems to be that any such packs will be premade - so maybe something like a "Beasts Pack" that contains various animal companions, and a hirelings pack that contains humanoid ones.
"Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark
Official NW_Legit_Community Forums
That's kind of what I was thinking.
Particularly since it could cater to players who like to check off collections.
WTB Class Reroll please
I also thought this is what was meant by companion bundle. I wasn't around for last year's promo but I hope it's not the same. I only need 1 zen market companion for my last toon (Honey Badger). Cba about any others and I see no point in them selling Beast/Hireling/Undead etc bundles. I cannot see Cryptic making much money off of it this year tbh if they go the same route again.
The most important thing in life is to be yourself. Unless you can be Batman. Always be Batman.
Got it.
Well... looks like I'll have to wait more to get an Ioun Stone of Radiance
Pack B: Barbarian Shaman, Cantankerous Mage, Ghost, Hawk, Sprite, Will-O'-Wisp
Pack C: Acolyte of Kelemvor, Astral Deva, Cave Bear, Honey Badger, Leprechaun, Wolf
This content may change significantly before it is introduced into the game, etc.
IIRC the bundle cost 11k zen. Every single zen store pet released to date was included along with enough slots to hold them all. I think there were 20 pets? I still have one bundle lying around in someone's bank. I'll take a screenshot showing bundle contents later.
This may be the case (the type of package, I mean) - though I was hoping for more of the "Epic Packs" like the Ghost and Deva and whatnot. Those really interested me; Epic versions of the Blue or Green level companions.
Hence only time will tell, I suppose.
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IIRC they cost 15k zen. Hopefully this year's packs are cheaper.
All prise the devs!
I wouldn't expect to hear anything today on account of the Christmas holiday.
so... I received this notification but I can't see anything in the ZEN Market.
Glitch or not we could have some kind of answer...