Moderator Update:
Some updates and clarification:
The fix on Preview makes it so you can open the Pack and get the Dragon Hoard bag on that character in addition to the account wide one that you might already have or will get with the Dragonborn Legend pack. Claim it on the character you want the Dragon Hoard bag on, as it is Bind on Pickup to the Character, not account.
If you've deleted your Dragonborn Legend pack's bag in order to claim the Dragon Hoard bag from this Enthusiast's Pack, you'll be able to reclaim the Dragon Hoard bag from your Dragonborn Legend Pack in the Reward Claims Agent when the fix goes live. If you are still unable to claim your DH bag from your DL pack on the Claims Agent, please file an in-game GM Help Request on that character.
*bro fist* :cool:
"Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark
Official NW_Legit_Community Forums
Not everyone purchased the legendary Dragonborn pack. it's a good gift for the many, many, many others who don't have this. Don't look a gift horse in the mouth. Be happy you got anything at all. I suspected it was all BoP and the "unique" items has always been that way since alpha/beta days. Simply empty and toss the Dragonhoard bag on the toon you want to claim this stuff, then claim it and use (or discard to reclaim another) Dragonhoard bag. It's not rocket science.
And since I'm posting on the subject: Thank you Cryptic for a nice unexpected gift.
"Here's a free reward for your loyalty, oh wait you bought it already, never mind just keep playing and buy stuff."
Exactly this!! Pls cryptic help us out in here. We supporters would like to enjoy this gift as well!! Pls do something about it
My guess is that you had to buy and spend a certain amount of zen in the game, and I'm thinking high numbers.
Yes, that is the real mystery here...
Probably had to spend during a certain time. *shrug*
What's inside?
That seems odd to me. I haven't spent money since before mod4 launched and I got one.
Well unless we get something concrete we can only speculate