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Community Guide: How to beat tiamat 101 (With Video!)

demonmongerdemonmonger Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,350 Arc User
edited April 2015 in PvE Discussion
How to beat Tiamat 100%
  • Grouping before battle
    It is important that you make a party as soon as you enter tiamats domain.
    This is only for party buffs / aide / communication
    (to let people know you dont have party)
    type "/e afk" this will make you sit down..
    Once in a party stand in your group.
    (make sure you setup an order of who is going to use their dragons defense item when)
    1 = you will use dragon soul gem first aoe
    2 = you will use dragon soul gem on second aoe
    3 = you will use dragon soul gem on third aoe

  • Killing the summoners

    Kill them asap from left to right as a 25 man group
    Half of you start on green / other half start on blue
    Once you kill the green (half of you jump down to black/half jump over to red)
    http://youtu.be/BsGusXQB5Po <--- video link showing how
    Once you kill blue (half of you jump to red / half of you jump to white)
    ***********(Special note)***********
    The only two dragon soul gems you need are:

    Green: if you will be fighting green / black / red
    Blue: if you will be fighting blue / white / red

  • defending the clerics
    (this is where lots of people lose time, because they defend poorly)
    make sure when defending the clerics that you are not standing so close to them that when monsters attack you they also hit the clerics!

    ****Precast your area dot skills in front of the clerics to make a barrier around them.
    http://youtu.be/kWxh6yc2vME <--- video demonstration
    (This will prevent the monsters from hitting them and slowing down their ritual.)

    -CW icy terrain on tab and camp near the edge of the lava pit (watch what happens)

    -All range players do the same (snipe off the monsters as they run to the clerics from edge of lava pit)

    -Melee players stand 5m in front of clerics to bash any monsters that the ranged players don't lure to the lava. (lightning enchants work well at this section)

    (hot tip) if you stand near the edge of the map the monsters that attack you will throw themselves into the lava and die
    (everyone to the edge!!!)

    ***Ultra Hot Tip (NEW)
    You can solo this part just by luring the monsters away from the clerics
    (DO NOT KILL THE MONSTERS or they will respawn and attack cleric)

  • killing tiamat heads

    Round 1 (all together)
    -Start at black head and move right one by one until all heads are at 95% defeated..
    It will take at least 2 rounds if done properly..
    *****stand as close to the head as possible it does not matter if you are range or melee****
    (when you use dragon defense auras you want everyone together so by default close to head is it)

    round 2 (divide and conquer)
    -Half of you
    start on green (kill it quickly and jump down to quckly kill black on the left and red on the right)
    Other half start on blue (kill it quickly and you can jump down on white and red)
    ***Speical Note*** If you cannot kill all the heads 100% leave them alive or they will regenerate more hp when dragon returns.

    Mission Complete!

********Top Reasons Why You Failed On Tiamat******
(red = reason why you failed)
(green = solution to problem)
We just lost by 4 seconds....
    Because people did not utilize the dragon platforms properly...
    -Left half of 25 man team
    Start on green dragon on final phase (kill it) should be 12 or 13 people
    Jump to black dragon (kill it)
    go back up to greens platforms
    Jump to red dragon (kill it)
    Now move to any other dragons and kill them!

    (You will get to heads faster this way)

    -Right half of 25 man team
    Start on blue dragon on final phase (kill it) should be 12 or 13 people
    Jump to white dragon (kill it)
    go back to blue platform
    Jump to Red Dragon (kill it)
    Now move to any other dragons and kill them!

    Failure to do it this way will results in failure to kill tiamat 75% of the time due to wasted time walking around or slow mounts
    (You will get to heads faster this way)

    [*]Because people did not defend the clerics properly and dragon timer ticked away too much
    (Make sure you are pre-casting your area DOT effects "BEFORE" the adds come to hit the clerics. Every time your cleric is knocked down, you are losing time to fight the heads!)

    [*]Because the people in your dragon area did not use the dragon defense items properly and most if not all of you died in dragon aoe!

    (call out numbers to say who will use dragon defense item 1st, 2nd, 3rd each time you walk up to the head)

    Casting all dragon soul defense same time like this means next aoe you are 100% defenseless! = you all die a horrible death!

    *Hot tip vs black dragon* Waters of elzad remove the black dragons 20k tick DOT!
    I hate paying taxes! Why must I pay thousands of dollars in taxes when everything I buy is taxed anyways!
    Post edited by demonmonger on


    • edited December 2014
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    • frishterfrishter Member Posts: 3,522 Arc User
      edited December 2014
      Please don't go as a 25 man group at the start, you're just wasting time, although not that much I guess. They don't take that long so ideally 5 should go to each but if unorganised, one group should go left and another should at least go right. Take a soul gem, but ideally different people will take different gems. The first 2 rounds, you need to focus on reducing the heads to low health while hopefully you can finish them all off on the 3rd run. Don't harm a head in the first 2 rounds that is <=30% hp or so, it will regen the next round. Debuffs help for the heads.
    • imm0rtalboyimm0rtalboy Member Posts: 76 Arc User
      edited December 2014
      You know the problem is not about protecting the clerics but about killing the dragon head most players have 10-11k gs inside not enough to dps the dragon and 10 players attacking red while blue and white resting
    • demonmongerdemonmonger Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,350 Arc User
      edited December 2014
      You know the problem is not about protecting the clerics but about killing the dragon head most players have 10-11k gs inside not enough to dps the dragon and 10 players attacking red while blue and white resting

      to protect the clerics... stand next to the edge of the map...
      when the monsters come to attack you they will teleport into the lava and die..
      problem solved..
      I hate paying taxes! Why must I pay thousands of dollars in taxes when everything I buy is taxed anyways!
    • cloud990plcloud990pl Member Posts: 16 Arc User
      edited December 2014
      All nice and sweet but:
      1. People either group before battle and are scattered across instances (bug) or don't group inside for other reasons (spamming "pt inv/lfg/etc. on /say did nothing for me)

      2. Actually people are doing that quite often (yet better solution would be to kill red summoner and then divide into 2 groups killing summoners on both sides simultaneously).

      Also you forgot to mention that everyone should take dragon soul gems; most important are blue&green since theese Tiamat heads are planting dots on wide area, red&black just spit AoE attack that can be dodged (didn't fight white one to know exactly what it does).
      But without proper communication no one knows if, and what, soul gems were taken.

      3. To defend clerics successfully only 2-3 players are required, more will ease the process and give everyone time to breathe, yet people (in my runs) seem to run from cleric to cleric usually leaving 1 person or none there.

      4. seems right (with enough power, killing one Tiamat head takes about 30-40 seconds) yet people still scatter and sometimes it seems that no one has dragon soul gems associated with Tiamat head they're fighting (I even saw few people using blue gems on red dragon or green on blue)

      15 people from my guild (me included) wanted to join together to fight Tiamat in a single instance (3 parties) yet when we entered (we waited until there was 1:30 left to enter and entered at the same time) 9 people were in same instance, 3 in another, 2 in separate (me included) instances and one crashed (and decided to give up on Tiamat today since it was 4th crash already).
      Guess what? Instance with 9 of my guildmates defeated Tiamat...

      PS seems like panderus decided to look into grouping problem:
      panderus wrote: »
      Hey guys, just to let you know, a few of us fought alongside you against Tiamat already and are taking notes on what we want to do to improve this fight. This includes party/instance logistics, received loot issues and difficulty.

      I plan to play at least one more time today and collect more feedback as well as a quick meeting to discuss our plan of action over the next couple weeks.

      Thanks for your patience and ill see you in the game!
    • qutsemniequtsemnie Member Posts: 419 Arc User
      edited December 2014
      You might be right. Argument in favor of full zerg on dragon heads is the way debuffs work in this game. They stack pretty nice.
    • mmm1001mmm1001 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 497 Arc User
      edited December 2014
      There is another problem, mostly for CWs, but not just them - Defend clerics requires AOE encounters, attacking heads requires Single target ones - switching them 5-6 times during 15 minute fight is really painful, and deadly sometimes.
    • demonmongerdemonmonger Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,350 Arc User
      edited December 2014
      with CW you can stand at the edge of the cliff.. and use at wills to lure the monsters to you...
      then push them off or let them throw themselves off...
      I hate paying taxes! Why must I pay thousands of dollars in taxes when everything I buy is taxed anyways!
    • qutsemniequtsemnie Member Posts: 419 Arc User
      edited December 2014
      mmm1001 wrote: »
      There is another problem, mostly for CWs, but not just them - Defend clerics requires AOE encounters, attacking heads requires Single target ones - switching them 5-6 times during 15 minute fight is really painful, and deadly sometimes.

      I have been wrestling with that as a GF. Enforced Threat is solid pure gold on clerics, but absolutely HAMSTER on tiamat.
    • cheesegromitcheesegromit Member Posts: 540 Arc User
      edited December 2014
      to protect the clerics... stand next to the edge of the map...
      when the monsters come to attack you they will teleport into the lava and die..
      problem solved..

      That should get fixed. It's in exploit territory.
    • demonmongerdemonmonger Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,350 Arc User
      edited December 2014
      That should get fixed. It's in exploit territory.

      no it's not.. we can fall off.. they can fall off..
      same as other dungeons
      I hate paying taxes! Why must I pay thousands of dollars in taxes when everything I buy is taxed anyways!
    • hustin1hustin1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,468 Arc User
      edited December 2014
      One thing I've tried (in admittedly only 2 runs) was to save Seismic Shot for when we're attacking the heads and when those Legion Devils decide to follow. When they teleport between the group and a dragon head, BAM! Off into the lava they go.

      Another thing I've observed is that there appears to be no warning as to where the blue dragon will breathe when you're defending the right-most cleric. You get electrocuted without warning.

      I was also thinking that it's better to make sure that someone from each group is at each of the summoners to get a gem. When you're attacking a head, you get nuked by at least 2 heads so you need to be able to defend against them.

      Another tip: don't use the Tymora's coin if you intend to get a gem: for the gem to actually work you have to slot it into a potion slot and use it every 2 minutes. Consider that before tying a slot up for 10 minutes. The gems cannot be used from inventory.
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      My Foundry playthrough channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/Ruskaga/featured
    • tickdofftickdoff Member Posts: 0 Arc User
      edited December 2014
      For a CW, Repel makes a come back as a useful power in this mission. It can be useful for clearing out mobs around the clerics, and when fighting the individual heads since the fight occurs on small platforms. Just push the adds off the side.
    • edited December 2014
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    • zebularzebular Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 15,270 Community Moderator
      edited December 2014
      Added this to the Guide Sticky! Thanks!

      Update: Added video in Subject and noted in guide sticky. Thanks!

      Safe travels,
      Archmage Zebular of Mystryl

      PWE Community Moderator
    • relativityrelativity Member Posts: 246 Arc User
      edited December 2014
      The only successful run I had today was where people stood next to braziers, indicating which head they were willing to focus on. Then groups went to their own summoner, so that everybody could get the gem of their colour, slot it in, and that way you know who is who. Kill mobs away from clerics, focus your head, and when it's nearly done, focus whichever one needs help (white most commonly for blue team, which I tend to stick to).
      Btw. the lag today was HORRIBLE. It was even worse then yesterday, where I didn't lag at all.
      Bids he then the spruces to singer him an anthems!
      And the Woodsie Lord binders them fleshes to stone!
    • whitemorailwhitemorail Member Posts: 62 Arc User
      edited December 2014
      here is my little suggestion:

      ONLY PARTY LEADER SHOULD CHAT IN ZONE CHANNEL (or say channel to even cleaner comunication)

      the rest of the party could comunicate in party channel.
    • demonmongerdemonmonger Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,350 Arc User
      edited December 2014
      here is my little suggestion:

      ONLY PARTY LEADER SHOULD CHAT IN ZONE CHANNEL (or say channel to even cleaner comunication)

      the rest of the party could comunicate in party channel.

      could work.. but not zone chat...

      maybe have one member of each party at each dragon for chatting with other dragon areas..
      I hate paying taxes! Why must I pay thousands of dollars in taxes when everything I buy is taxed anyways!
    • dnalyrdnalyr Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 138 Arc User
      edited December 2014
      Helpful to the community UP UP +1 :D
      Queven the Executor
    • effectensteineffectenstein Member Posts: 1,031 Bounty Hunter
      edited December 2014
      Isnt 5 players per head ?
      With 1 dc or gf in their group ?
      And evrryone dps their own head and use gem souls ?
    • demonmongerdemonmonger Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,350 Arc User
      edited December 2014
      Isnt 5 players per head ?
      With 1 dc or gf in their group ?
      And evrryone dps their own head and use gem souls ?


      You have to think about the entire picture... not just your individual group.
      If you see someone struggling on their head, help them.

      Notice that the platforms for green and blue dragon are higher up than white red and black.
      This will allow you to start on green or blue.. and quickly jump to another area to assist people.

      The key is don't be selfish... work as a team.
      I hate paying taxes! Why must I pay thousands of dollars in taxes when everything I buy is taxed anyways!
    • effectensteineffectenstein Member Posts: 1,031 Bounty Hunter
      edited December 2014

      You have to think about the entire picture... not just your individual group.
      If you see someone struggling on their head, help them.

      Notice that the platforms for green and blue dragon are higher up than white red and black.
      This will allow you to start on green or blue.. and quickly jump to another area to assist people.

      The key is don't be selfish... work as a team.

      The key is that at the final wave everryone attacks black,green,red,blue and white.
      Its far better and most efficient.
      Blue is the hardest dragon cuz he can wipe everyone.
      Indeed the ones that are green cand help the black. And the ones that are blue can help red or white.
      But by startin doing it like i said its more beteer.
    • demonmongerdemonmonger Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,350 Arc User
      edited December 2014
      The key is that at the final wave everryone attacks black,green,red,blue and white.
      Its far better and most efficient.
      Blue is the hardest dragon cuz he can wipe everyone.
      Indeed the ones that are green cand help the black. And the ones that are blue can help red or white.
      But by startin doing it like i said its more beteer.

      Yep this is it :)
      I hate paying taxes! Why must I pay thousands of dollars in taxes when everything I buy is taxed anyways!
    • rlrobrrlrobr Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
      edited December 2014
      The problem is that most of the people have very low gear and thus don't have the required DPS, even if it was possible to coordinate 25 random people (which is not). Besides, most are complete clueless that can't even avoid the red zones and keep dying all the time. So, until they make it possible to go with pre-formed groups or raise the minimum GS to a decent value (I'd say 16K, but 15K would be the bare minimum), 99.99% of the encounters will result in failures.
    • whitemorailwhitemorail Member Posts: 62 Arc User
      edited December 2014
      rlrobr wrote: »
      The problem is that most of the people have very low gear and thus don't have the required DPS

      right, it probably needs a 15k gs limit
      I did it 4 times, never won, but always get the gold rank.. and I'm just a 17k gs CW
    • lordwhitetigerlordwhitetiger Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 25 Arc User
      edited December 2014
      Demon and I teamed up just now and we destroyed Tiamat with the above mentioned strategy! Don't knock it til you try it folks. We still had plenty of time to spare! Thanks again Demon!
      Yea, though I walk through the Valley of the Shadow of Death, I shall fear no evil for *I* am the meanest entity in the Valley!
    • waylander007waylander007 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 17 Arc User
      edited December 2014
      no it's not.. we can fall off.. they can fall off..
      same as other dungeons

      Agreed, I don't know how many times Ive been forced over a cliff or into lava and died due to mob attack.
    • waylander007waylander007 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 17 Arc User
      edited December 2014
      right, it probably needs a 15k gs limit
      I did it 4 times, never won, but always get the gold rank.. and I'm just a 17k gs CW

      same here.. did it about 5 times at 18k gs always got gold rank but always failed instance.
    • demonmongerdemonmonger Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,350 Arc User
      edited December 2014
      Demon and I teamed up just now and we destroyed Tiamat with the above mentioned strategy! Don't knock it til you try it folks. We still had plenty of time to spare! Thanks again Demon!

      Good times, nice meeting you... See you in game
      I hate paying taxes! Why must I pay thousands of dollars in taxes when everything I buy is taxed anyways!
    • demonmongerdemonmonger Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,350 Arc User
      edited December 2014
      Demon and I teamed up just now and we destroyed Tiamat with the above mentioned strategy! Don't knock it til you try it folks. We still had plenty of time to spare! Thanks again Demon!

      No problem!
      It was nice meeting you, we came we saw we kicked tiamat butt.
      My gear score os about 15000-16000 and I feel just fine in this instance.
      10000 may be too low... But hey its a teaser for them i guess haha.
      I hate paying taxes! Why must I pay thousands of dollars in taxes when everything I buy is taxed anyways!
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