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My warlock is not competitive at all! :(

slack83erslack83er Member Posts: 97 Arc User
edited December 2014 in The Nine Hells
Hail to you fellow players!

I'm in dire need of your experience: My 60-lev warlock keeps being punished. Matter is... I got almost 12k GS and I can't seem to bring it up. I've been doing several Dungeons but to no avail, nothing T2 found, only junk necklaces or the like.
I've tried changing my path and brought it to Fury.. no luck.
I find it difficult to kill things, and mobs always surround and kill me with ease.
I'll tell you what i got: Infernal diabolist set (T1), sadly no Ioun Stone...
A Pact Blade of the Dragon with damage up to 836..
My slotted powers are:
At-Wills: HoB / Dark Spiral Aura
Encounters: Killing Flames / Dreadtheft / Fiery Bolt (Change to Warlock's Bargain when needed)
Daily: Accursed Souls / Gates of Hell (Sorry I can't use TT, I really can't find a real use for it)
Class Powers: NPNM/ Flames of Empowerment.

Now... either I completely suck at playing warlock (which can easily be true...) or something is amiss.

Who can help me? I'll post a Nwcalc of my feats below:


Please help me, I really like this Char and want to raise him to be competitive!
Post edited by slack83er on


  • twilightwatchmantwilightwatchman Member Posts: 2,007 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Your gear and powers are similar to mine and I do OK - although I'm Soulbinder and not Hellbringer.

    Your feats are a mess. There are a couple of good Fury guides on this forum so rather than repeat what they say I'm just going to suggest reading the threads by kolatmaster and kattefjaes:



    Good quality information in both threads.
    Jenna Sunsoul - Justice Tankadin
    Aelar Hawkwind - Archer
    Karrin Feywinter - Mistress of Flame
    Errin Duskwalker - Executioner
    Darquess - Soulbinder
  • overdriver13overdriver13 Member Posts: 1,521 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    slack83er wrote: »
    Hail to you fellow players!

    I'm in dire need of your experience: My 60-lev warlock keeps being punished. Matter is... I got almost 12k GS and I can't seem to bring it up. I've been doing several Dungeons but to no avail, nothing T2 found, only junk necklaces or the like.
    I've tried changing my path and brought it to Fury.. no luck.
    I find it difficult to kill things, and mobs always surround and kill me with ease.
    I'll tell you what i got: Infernal diabolist set (T1), sadly no Ioun Stone...
    A Pact Blade of the Dragon with damage up to 836..
    My slotted powers are:
    At-Wills: HoB / Dark Spiral Aura
    Encounters: Killing Flames / Dreadtheft / Fiery Bolt (Change to Warlock's Bargain when needed)
    Daily: Accursed Souls / Gates of Hell (Sorry I can't use TT, I really can't find a real use for it)
    Class Powers: NPNM/ Flames of Empowerment.

    Now... either I completely suck at playing warlock (which can easily be true...) or something is amiss.

    Who can help me? I'll post a Nwcalc of my feats below:


    Please help me, I really like this Char and want to raise him to be competitive!

    12k in t1 gear with ? enchants, ? boons, ? artifacts is about expected, right? What enchants do you have? What artifacts? What boons? What you can do for free is grind the **** out of the boons. That alone will boost you. Follow a build guide, as above.
  • slack83erslack83er Member Posts: 97 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    enchants, ? boons, ? What enchants do you have? What artifacts? What boons?

    That's the problem man... I don't own an artifact, or good enchants or whatever... I can't find anything! As for the boons I'm
    T3 In Ring, Almost T3 in Sharandar and T3 in Tyranny..
  • leandreav1leandreav1 Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Learning how/when to use TT will boost your damage in dungeons, but there is no reason to be using T1 when T2 is only grinding dungeons until it drops.

    Start working on all campaigns for free GS boosts, btw.

    Personally I'm an Hellbringer Temptation so I cannot help you all that much, but these very same forums have guides. Most are geared for Hellbringer though.
  • caexarcaexar Member Posts: 355 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    I would suggest changing to Temptation until you get the hang of managing aggro control. Temptation will give you more survivability both single and group play.
    Threat level 60 Guardian Fighter
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    Wrath level 60 Great Weapon Fighter
    Jinx level 60 Scourge Warlock
  • overdriver13overdriver13 Member Posts: 1,521 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    slack83er wrote: »
    That's the problem man... I don't own an artifact, or good enchants or whatever... I can't find anything! As for the boons I'm
    T3 In Ring, Almost T3 in Sharandar and T3 in Tyranny..

    At a point rank 5 enchants are everywhere and these can be refined over and over again. The most basic artifact is a level 21 quest, and afaik the most basic, easiest thing to do is feed it all the garbage enchants people get as they progress to 60. So one purple artifact and a set of rank 7 enchants should be doable by level 60 and even with a t1 set should have you over 12k. Hope this helps.
  • sexwax45sexwax45 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    You need to get your T2's it will greatly increase your dps, also consider buying the ancient inquisitors weapon/offhand both around 150k ad each, will give you more damage and life steal to help you stay alive. Personally i use BoVA, WB, and DT as encounters, the blades can help you because i found that if you pull a lot of guys you can't really stand still and cast at wills without taking more damage then you get back in LS, so when you DT is on cool down you use BoVA to keep your LS ticking and at the same time you can be cursing or spamming at wills.

    TT is the best daily i think in the game, from a damage stand point, hit TT curse the biggest guys then WB and DT and you'll fell like your in the matrix with all those numbers, also i use the Accursed Souls daily as it's an extra heal in a pinch.

    Your feats could use work this is how i run http://nwcalc.com/sw?b=cn4:13ydj4:13ydj4,1f2iu2i:15z5z1:100000:100000&h=0&p=hlb. The Ioun Stone will really help as it will significantly increase your stats. I'm personally only sitting at 15k GS and out DPS 20k gs (insert class). As long as you doing good damage LS will keep you alive through any attack. I have no issues soloing dragons or any HE for that matter.
  • kragmaulkragmaul Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Here is what i rolled with as hellbringer as for as feats
    Encounters : Warlocks Bargain Dreadtheft and Wraith's Shadow
    Class Feats : No Pity, No Mercy and Prince of Hell
    Daily's are : Tyrannical threat and Brood of Hadar
    At-will are : Hand of blight and Dark Spiral Aura
    Gear is Accursed set from T2

    Edit... I am trying out soulbinder and i miss prince of hell and no pity lol but that is all
  • slack83erslack83er Member Posts: 97 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    sexwax45 wrote: »
    TT is the best daily i think in the game, from a damage stand point, hit TT curse the biggest guys then WB and DT and you'll fell like your in the matrix with all those numbers, also i use the Accursed Souls daily as it's an extra heal in a pinch..

    Problem is: Time. I cast TT, curses become slower to apply, TT expires, nothing done.

    I also wanted to add, that all the great guides in this site have A LOT of good stuff worth gazillions of ad which I currently can't afford. It's quite easy to be good by either shopping or farming like crazy... I just can't spend 6 hours a day farming... Guides don't cover that part of the game in which you're striving to get ad or can't find good equip... once your geared as you should... it's all fun and games!
  • uchupsjruchupsjr Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    My suggestion is join a guild who can help you find your sets when you got the set it will come along
  • slack83erslack83er Member Posts: 97 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    uchupsjr wrote: »
    My suggestion is join a guild who can help you find your sets when you got the set it will come along

    I already am in a most helpful guild! But every T2 dungeon I try, I don't find anything valuable. (Besides being punished like crazy)..
    I'm thinking of respeccing and try to put TT to good use, but need a solid choice, either to be healed or to survive.
  • leandreav1leandreav1 Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Either you have the time to grind andthen the gear is useful, or you don't have the time to grind and then you shouldn't need really high gear.

    Here is my advice:

    - Do dungeons. If you have a guild that takes you to the dungeons you need for your T2 then great, if not then join the Legit channel and try to hammer those T2 you need during Dungeon Delve hour. Remember that if you do the T2 dungeons outside Dungeon Delve hour then you need to pay 5k AD for the key for the last chest. It is that chest which usually contains the T2 gear you'll want (you can still salvage or sell what you got from the chest and recoup part of your loss).

    - Read the guides to get an idea of balanced stats. You will want some Recovery, at least 10% life steal, 24% armor penetration (remember each point in intelligence above 10 is 1% (so 12 int means 2% armor penetration), some defense (important, it's easy to go glass cannon and get splattered). For a more in-depth view check http://laggygamerz.com/forum/index.php?/topic/434-scourge-warlock-guide-bargaining-for-effectiveness/

    - Don't bother aiming for enchants above level 6 if you're short on cash. Upgrading enchants is a huge AD sink when we first begin the game. Remember to buy the cheap wards and use them, but *only* once you're using the 25k AD marks (they are sometimes cheaper on the AH).

    - Don't bother with artifacts right now. You should have one from a level 21 or so quest (I hope you picked the Lantern :p). Eventually you might want to level a Cleric and get their level 60 artifact but that's for the future.

    - Once you can run Valindra's Tower (be sure to unlock it in the Campaign) do so until you get both the main and off hand from it. Until you buy artifact weapons (which should be a looooooong time from now) they will be perfect for you.

    - Can I tempt you into trying Temptation? You'll do less damage than Fury, but you will be healing your party via pew pew. It is a very tanky path, especially when coupled with 1500p defense (on the other hand it is almost needed since healing *and* damage irritates the enemies and turns you into an agro magnet). Then again with Fury you will be doing lots of damage which your life steal will be turning into HP.

    - TT is a huge damage dealer, but it requires you to play with a less geared party or do content with enemies that have a lot of HP. With a well geared group everything dies so fast you can't use TT before everything is dead. If you were Hellbringer we can work around that by feating Flames of Empowerment which increases our damage when our AP is full. Best of both worlds IMO.

    - Grab an Ioun Stone when you can. They are currently going for 530k in the AH. These are very helpful to play with your stats since you can gear it to fill up what you are lacking.

    You will not need a huge lot of AD to be tanky, but you also cannot build glass cannon and expect to never die. Once you get some Defense under your belt (or at least 10% lifesteal), you will notice a difference.
  • twilightwatchmantwilightwatchman Member Posts: 2,007 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    If you want to focus on survivability then Temptation is the best tree. And going Soulbinder will boost that further with the downside of a reduction in DPS. My Fury Soulbinder is fairly tanky, although I do have a few more boons than you do.
    Jenna Sunsoul - Justice Tankadin
    Aelar Hawkwind - Archer
    Karrin Feywinter - Mistress of Flame
    Errin Duskwalker - Executioner
    Darquess - Soulbinder
  • wildwolf8wildwolf8 Member Posts: 161 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2014
    Some great advice so far. I'm 12.5k gs fury sw, though, and I've been doing T2 stuff along with VT, and I'll say that I have had no issues at all with staying alive. Perhaps be sure to pick a balanced party when going into the dungeon? I very rarely find myself getting swarmed, even when I go in with people of similar gear score to mine (meaning low), and when people are similar gear score, I'm always at or near the top of dealing damage along with not dying. I only say these things to let you know that doing well in most content is totally possible at 12k gs.

    I did pick the heroic feat to lower threat. Don't know if that actually helps, but I figured I wanted to minimize the swarm and used that just in case. Everything else in the feats, I chose for maximum damage output or health points at the beginning of the heroic stuff.

    What is your health, btw? Mind is 29k so far. If yours is much lower than that, it could be an issue for sure. Don't be afraid to kite mobs. You certainly don't want to toe to toe in dungeons like you can during dailies. During dreadtheft, I hardly ever stand still.

    And keep farming that accursed diabolist set. It definitely made a huge difference for me--especially with the daily mini dungeons like well of dragons stuff. Wow those things drop fast now. But mostly that helps with killing, not as much necessarily with surviving. For survival, your best investment in this game is to get an ioun stone, as someone else already stated. You could pve perfectly fine forever if the only real money you ever spent was on an ioun stone.

    So, main things are, make sure your health is good. Make sure your lifesteal is up over 2k. Make sure you pick a balanced party when going into dungeons. Most important classes to look for to help you would be a gf and cw. Both of those classes do extremely well at keeping the mobs off of you while also grouping them together for you to do maximum damage with your dread theft and TT.

    Then at bosses, do single target damage vs. the boss while constantly moving around. Do not try to take on the adds. You are not that kind of class, especially at lower gs.

    You will conquer.
  • slack83erslack83er Member Posts: 97 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Well guys,
    first of all let me thank you for your efforts in helping me.
    My health is 28k-ish atm, but drops really fast when aggroed. (i think this is normal..)
    So, just to be sure I get it right...

    1-Ioun stone is a MUST.
    2-Perhaps try tempt? I was before, I changed to fury because of low damage...so I'm bit confused about it..
    3-Get the Accursed Diabolist...hardest part..can't seem to drop a single piece of it.
    4-Learn to use TT.
    5-Start using BovA..as above, I used to. Changed to KF due to bad damage.
    6-Soulbinder insted of Hellbringer? Not sure... need more info...seems to lose quite a lot DPS-wise...more survivability is worth it?

    I've pretty much work to do it seems...hehe:)
  • sexwax45sexwax45 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    I don't know if this really works but from my experience it worked every time, and that is the DD chest i always try to be the 2nd person to open it, each time i did that i got a piece of T2. Might have just been coincidence but every time i was the first person to open the chest i wouldn't get anything but a crappy belt but when i started opening it second i got the T2 pieces. Good Luck!
  • wildwolf8wildwolf8 Member Posts: 161 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2014
    Hellbringer is more straightforward and probably higher damage, or at least easier to hit high damage. Fury is not an issue staying alive so far for me (similar gs to what you posted), so no reason to switch to temptation. Pieces will drop. Run those dungeons. Just be patient. I got my full set after a few runs of each dungeon. One dungeon took 5 times. (Going after avatar of war on my gwf took about 10 tries at karru for the bracers) Don't sweat it. Learn your class while you hunt for the pieces and when you get them you'll be even better.

    Oh, and I've been always trying to attack from maximum attack range. Don't know how you've been going after it, but basically, I hit from the farthest place possible that my skills will reach. I hope this helps some more. Good luck.
  • slack83erslack83er Member Posts: 97 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Yes Wildwolf, I too try to hit from the farthest place..
    I'm still unsure as to whether to change to tempt or not... I like healing Others during the run... referring to Kaelac's guid on Laggygamerz, the difference DPS-wise is not so high... I guess it's all about playstyle.
    Does any of you guys have different opinions on Fury Vs Tempt? I like to gather all the info I can get before respeccing...:)
  • leandreav1leandreav1 Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Just remember if you're doing T2 dungeons trying to get the T2 armor that you are opening the last chest. I'm just insisting to be sure, because it is too rare to do consecutive runs and not get the pieces to drop.

    I didn't try Fury so I can't say anything about it. I do know it is better damage than Temptation, which is as it should be. I went Temptation to make sure my party finishes the dungeon. 80% of the time this is not needed since everyone is geared and knows what to do. I do it for the 20% times in order to get 100% success than 80%.

    Soloing and such I kill things fast so I'm fine. It's not like pre-mod 5 DCs or anything.
  • slack83erslack83er Member Posts: 97 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    I got the key to the chest, if that's what you mean :)
    Do you recommend the ancient inquisitor set for me?
  • animalustanimalust Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 573 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2014
    slack83er wrote: »
    Yes Wildwolf, I too try to hit from the farthest place..
    I'm still unsure as to whether to change to tempt or not... I like healing Others during the run... referring to Kaelac's guid on Laggygamerz, the difference DPS-wise is not so high... I guess it's all about playstyle.
    Does any of you guys have different opinions on Fury Vs Tempt? I like to gather all the info I can get before respeccing...:)

    when i hit 60 i bought a bunch of blue gear really cheaply, as a Fury Spec i made sure to stacks My Defense, Lifesteal and HP right away. until you get the full T2 Accursed Diabolist Set, you will be shooting for these numbers:

    2000 to 2500 Life steal (this number can reduce as your Power, crit and HP raises)
    1800 to 2000 Defense
    As much Regen as you can get ;p
    Crit Rate no less than 35%

    as much HP as you can get your hands on.. Though for normal T2 dungeons 25 to 30k HP is fine. But for things like Epic Lostmouth and Epic Shores of Tuern you will want more, I found the sweet spot to be 36k, so you can survive almost any attack.

    Start working on your Sharandar, Dread Ring and Icewind Dale Campaigns, will help you out a lot.

    Even if you spec Fury, I recommend useing Hope Stealer from the Temptation Tree as it helps out with some of the hard to obtain Lifesteal Stat.

    Gate Keepers Empowerment, Flames of Empowerment, and Prince of hell are all completely Garbage and I do not suggest using them.

    Prince of Hell: % increase of your Armor Pen Stat = Useless at best
    Flames of Empowerment: Only useful if u plan to never use your Dailies.. which is a fail because you wont out dps anyone.
    Gate Keepers Empowerment, Well the Gate Daily is not very good and refer to my note on Flames of empowerment.

    Instead of Gate Keepers Empowerment, use Murderous flames.
  • slack83erslack83er Member Posts: 97 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Ok, I'm gathering your info!
    Now... I have a fair idea on how to spec Paragon feats. Can you also direct me with heroics? It's the worst part...:(

    Oh and one last thing: Killer Flames or BovA? Because I was going to put (according to Kaelac's build) my last 5 points in Compounded Soul, to also help my party survive. Is it worth it?
  • sexwax45sexwax45 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    animalust wrote: »
    Flames of Empowerment: Only useful if u plan to never use your Dailies.. which is a fail because you wont out dps anyone.

    You are crazy if you use this feated its 17% damage increase and used with the sigil of the devoted you can save TT for opportune moments pop it then sigil and sill be at full AP so ya TT +17% i out dps everyone!
  • lazaroth666lazaroth666 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,332 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    For a fury spec, 1.4k life steal is the soft cap, that's 10% if you get more you are losing more valuable defensive stats considering that is 3x when you get Endless Consumption, regen is useless for PvE, defense above 2k and hp 30k+, deflection is a waste 1.4k is 10% that's 5% DR when you can get much more benefit stacking HP. Gatekeeper's Empowerment isn't garbage, whoever says this doesn't have a good knowledge about the SW.
    ▄▀▄▀ Check out my blog for more information and cool videos: NWO-Battleground ▀▄▀▄
    Proud founder of the 'Primacy' alliance
  • slack83erslack83er Member Posts: 97 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    For a fury spec, 1.4k life steal is the soft cap

    That means that taking Hope Stealer is wrong?
  • lazaroth666lazaroth666 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,332 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    slack83er wrote: »
    That means that taking Hope Stealer is wrong?

    With 1.4k life steal if you use Hope Stealer, that's 600 more so from 10% it will go up to 12.43% for 4 secs, if you are going Fury it's all about dmg not looking for survivability using weak t1 feats.
    ▄▀▄▀ Check out my blog for more information and cool videos: NWO-Battleground ▀▄▀▄
    Proud founder of the 'Primacy' alliance
  • slack83erslack83er Member Posts: 97 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Uhm so... you recommend staying full Fury path? And to take the ancient inquisitor set?
    Yesterday I made another 4 runs in epic dungeons, but to no avail, just junk. I still can't find the T2...
  • wildwolf8wildwolf8 Member Posts: 161 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2014
    Accused Diabolist set DEFINITELY. No reason to take any other set. And as far as switching to tempt, that is totally your own personal decision.

    And if I were you, I'd try to do one piece at a time. I usually try to spam a particular dungeon until I have that gear and then move on to the next piece. Also, this might sound really dumb if you already mentioned it. I can't remember if you did. But, you only want to do Temple of Spider for the chest, Frozen Heart for the boots, Karrundax for the arms, and Spellplague for the head. Spellplague is probably the longest and most difficult so maybe save that for the end.

    I'm sure you already knew this, but if you're running those dungeons as much as you say, there's no reason you haven't hit any of the accursed diabolist pieces yet. I always find it very easy to find most pieces, but there is often one piece that gives me issues. So if that's the case for you, and you have been unlucky on a particular dungeon, then you should try one of the other 3 for a bit.
  • slack83erslack83er Member Posts: 97 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    So, Wildwolf, I've been trying FH 2 o 3 times, no luck. ToS 2 times and i got a T1 off hand piece, Karru 2 times and got nothing. PK i did it 2 times, no luck either. Either I'm the "most unluckiest" player in the world, or something is wrong.. :) When you say accursed diabolist, you also mean main and off hand?
  • animalustanimalust Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 573 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2014
    slack83er wrote: »
    So, Wildwolf, I've been trying FH 2 o 3 times, no luck. ToS 2 times and i got a T1 off hand piece, Karru 2 times and got nothing. PK i did it 2 times, no luck either. Either I'm the "most unluckiest" player in the world, or something is wrong.. :) When you say accursed diabolist, you also mean main and off hand?

    the T2 Armor Set, Accurse Diabloist has a 4 piece set bonus called Hellfire. Very Similar to Creeping death. teh set also Pushes a 2 piece bonus for Recovery, and has great stats overall on the gear itself.

    That set can be used for litterally anything, but can be replaced by Illianbruen Gear when fighting top tier Bosses, Tiamat, Dragons, etc. Because it does not have a damage limit like Hellfire does.

    in pvp its a whole different story though, Illianbruen is the worst pvp set possible lol

    I annihilated a 21.5k GS SW wearing Illianbruen (its from MC btw) while i was wearing my HP set with pots sitting at 45k HP (partial Corrupted/Purified set pieces)

    For a fury spec, 1.4k life steal is the soft cap, that's 10% if you get more you are losing more valuable defensive stats considering that is 3x when you get Endless Consumption, regen is useless for PvE, defense above 2k and hp 30k+, deflection is a waste 1.4k is 10% that's 5% DR when you can get much more benefit stacking HP. Gatekeeper's Empowerment isn't garbage, whoever says this doesn't have a good knowledge about the SW.

    Okay yah I know nothing about SW just having played one since July, just having been known for putting the most time into testing the SW on the preview server... yah no i know NOTHING about SW.

    the fact that you cant discuss facts without stooping low enough to "trash talk" someone makes your credibility drop, hit me with real ACT numbers rather than being a fool how about that?

    But hey, there are 100 ways to build an SW, I built mine to handle the Face Tanking and PVP. In My world, using my Daily, TT or Flames of Phleg* will greatly benefit me over the flame damage gain.

    But hey, I could just sit here and say, If you think 30k HP is enough,m then you must be a complete ******, or I could say that In the case of my particular Build and play Style, I would be stupid to have less than 36k HP.

    World of different kid, learn to respect people and forum rules.
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