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Questions to Exe feats Shadow of Demise and Shadowborn

crystal892fcrystal892f Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 385 Arc User
edited November 2014 in The Thieves' Den
Hey guys,

first of all: yes, I know that SoD is bugged, and hopefully will get fixed correctly (I read the fixes itself on preview are bugged resulting now in lesser damage than supposed to be :eek:) and it's not really about that. I have a question of basic understanding of this feat.

The patchnotes describe it as:
Dealing damage from Stealth places ""Shadow of Demise"" on the target for 6 seconds. When Shadow of Demise end the target takes 35% of the damage the Rogue dealt as Piercing Damage.

First of all: 35% or 50% after 6 seconds? The ingame tooltip states 35%, but the patchnotes mention both percents.

Second and my main question: How is this supposed to work exactly?
Example: I hit Dis. Strike in stealth which hits for 3000 damage per tick times 10 ticks (I don't think this tick amount is correct, but I never counted them, and let's just assume it's 10 times for this example).
From my understanding of the feat description, it should be: For every of the 10 ticks with 3000 damage, after 6 seconds there should be this "echo" damage of 1500 (let's assume for this example it's 50% - easier to calculate). But what about other attacks during the time the Dis. Strike ticks apply SoD? Are those supposed to stack or not? Classic example: Path of the Blades. Let's say PotB hits one target also 10 times with like 300 damage per hit. That would mean after 6 seconds each hit echoes with 150 damage.
I'm simply confused about if it's supposed to stack and if yes, how. So some clarification would be appreciated.

Oh, and may it be that Shadowborn doesn't work correctly? I don't really notice a "double" damage Dis. Strike when I enter stealth.
Post edited by crystal892f on


  • izworizwor Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 238 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    After you activate SoD (any attack from stealth) you have 6 seconds to do as much damage as you can,
    because after 6 seconds 35%/50% of all your damage you delt within these 6s will be deliverd as piercing damage.
    Right now it stack multiple times and damage is affected by stealth, both are (possibly) not WAI.
    After todays patch, SoD will not stack on same target, which is meh.

    I wish it wont proc from the same source, but you could get SoD from different one,
    like encounters, at wills, enchantments, etc. it will be max 5-7 stacks.
    Still nice damage to compeete with SW, CW and HR classes,
  • crystal892fcrystal892f Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 385 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    izwor wrote: »
    After you activate SoD (any attack from stealth) you have 6 seconds to do as much damage as you can,
    because after 6 seconds 35%/50% of all your damage you delt within these 6s will be deliverd as piercing damage.
    Uuuhm, okay, but where is the difference (if there is no ICD on SoD)? I mean, back to my example. Let's say during 6 seconds there are 3 Dis. Strike ticks = 3 * 3000 damage = 9000. So after these 6 seconds, the feat echoes 9000 * 0,5 = 4500 damage. But then SoD is gone and the 4th tick of Dis. Strike should start a new SoD. In the end, the damage should be same as when EVERY tick echoes or where is my logical mistake?
  • mojoratmojorat Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 90
    edited November 2014
    The way its supposed to work is you hit him with a large single attack like a 30k lashing blade and 6s later tge target takes 50% of that or 15k. Te 15k is piercing. The feat was origonally designed around large single hits. When they solve tge stacking issue im ot sure how it will work with dots. Though i think poorly.
  • caexarcaexar Member Posts: 355 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    DoT's were currently stacking the effect which was the broken part of it. After this fix, you will see the damage output potential come back down to earth as right now it was way too much.
    Threat level 60 Guardian Fighter
    Gloom level 60 Control Wizard
    Dusk level 60 Trickster Rogue
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  • crystal892fcrystal892f Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 385 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    caexar wrote: »
    After this fix, you will see the damage output potential come back down to earth as right now it was way too much.
    And now it's way too low. It's bugged and only the FIRST attack gets echoed. Reported already, but I guess for THIS fix we gotta wait till Mod 6 or whatever...
    I think DoTs SHOULD stack SoD. As described by my examples. Maybe tone down the percentage to 35% again or something. But I don't think it would be OP this way. The buggy EXPONENTIAL stacking was the big problem, not the stacking in general.
  • wyndrarchwyndrarch Member Posts: 147
    edited November 2014
    Oh, and may it be that Shadowborn doesn't work correctly? I don't really notice a "double" damage Dis. Strike when I enter stealth.

    Looks like this part of your topic was somewhat overlooked.

    I only gave this a tryout today - I've been trepidatious about slotting feats in case I change my mind like I'm prone too - and I too didn't really notice a difference. It may be that I'm misinterpreting the wording (+100% to power likely means +100% to the power stat as opposed to outright double damage), but I'm not really noticing any difference at all.

    I'll test it a little more later, but can anyone else confirm or deny how it works currently?
  • mirlegrismirlegris Member Posts: 309 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Power is not Damages.

    Power is a part of all Damage Calculation components.

    +100% power = Power x2, but not Damages x2.

    Critical Damage Calculation in Pve for TR is :

    Damage = [C1* (1+(STR-10)/100)* ((1+WD*0.00846)* (0.9+rank/10)* (1+power*0.00006))] * (1+Σ crit severity %+ 0.15 + (1+(CHA-10)/100 ) * (1+ your RI% - enemy DR %)

    C1 = ability damages, a damage co-efficient unique to each ability

    STR = Strength

    WD = Weapon Damages ( Main hand + off hand )

    rank = the number of points invested in a skill ( 1, 2, 3 )

    power = your power at the moment of the attack.

    Σ crit severity % = your crit severity at the moment of the attack ( usually, 0.80 for a half orc, 0.76 for half-elf, 0.75 for others races + 0.15 from executionner first tier feat, + 0.50 if Lashing Blade. )

    RI% = your resistance ignored ( usually 24% for a pve TR = 2535 Armor Pen. )

    DR% = Damage Resistance of your ennemy ( usually, 24% for a Boss )

    CHA = Charisma.

    This calculation is a base, here, no Combat advantage bonus from artifacts, gear, boons, and no Weapon Enchant effect.

    Example :

    A human executionner TR with 20 points in Strength, 1006 max Weapon Damage from Draconic weapons set, Lashing Blade at rank 3, 5000 Power, 18 points in Charisma, and 24% Arp/Resistance ignored.

    Against a Boss with 24% Damage Resistance.

    Assuming Ability Damage of Lashing Blade is 367, data from Official Wiki.

    Maybe it really 367, maybe not.

    1) No points in Shadowborn.

    Damages =

    [367* (1+(20-10)/100)* ((1+1006*0.00846)* (0.9+3/10)*(1+5000*0.00006))] * (1+(0.75+0.15+0.50)+0.15+ (1+(18-10)/100 ) * (1+0.24 - 0.24)


    [367* (1.1)* (9.51)* (1.2)* (1.3)] * (3.63) * (1) = 21740.

    2) 5 points in Shadowborn.

    Damages =

    [367* (1+(20-10)/100)* ((1+1006*0.00846)* (0.9+3/10)*(1+10000*0.00006))] * (1+(0.75+0.15+0.50)+0.15+ (1+(18-10)/100 ) * (1+0.24 - 0.24)


    [367* (1.1)* (9.51)* (1.2)* (1.6)] * (3.63) * (1) = 26758.

    So, Shadowborn is not a X2 Damages buff. More Power, More Damage, but not X2.

    Thanks to Kaelac and devs for calculations.
  • dnn259dnn259 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Shadow of Demise is NOT working as intended. Instead of dealing 50% of the damage done for the whole 6 seconds of SoD effect, it only deals 50% of the FIRST damage done. This means if you have your Path of the blade or Smoke bomb activated and then you combo stealth + lashing blade, SoD will deal 50% damage of your initial hit/tick of Path of the Blade or Smoke Bomb. This feat is completely trash now.
    It's been 2 days. Please fix this **** ASAP. If it is actually working as intended, please change the feat description so anyone can avoid this trashy path.
  • wyndrarchwyndrarch Member Posts: 147
    edited November 2014
    mirlegris wrote: »
    Power is not Damages.

    Power is a part of all Damage Calculation components.

    +100% power = Power x2, but not Damages x2.

    Critical Damage Calculation in Pve for TR is :

    Damage = [C1* (1+(STR-10)/100)* ((1+WD*0.00846)* (0.9+rank/10)* (1+power*0.00006))] * (1+Σ crit severity %+ 0.15 + (1+(CHA-10)/100 ) * (1+ your RI% - enemy DR %)

    C1 = ability damages, a damage co-efficient unique to each ability

    STR = Strength

    WD = Weapon Damages ( Main hand + off hand )

    rank = the number of points invested in a skill ( 1, 2, 3 )

    power = your power at the moment of the attack.

    Σ crit severity % = your crit severity at the moment of the attack ( usually, 0.80 for a half orc, 0.76 for half-elf, 0.75 for others races + 0.15 from executionner first tier feat, + 0.50 if Lashing Blade. )

    RI% = your resistance ignored ( usually 24% for a pve TR = 2535 Armor Pen. )

    DR% = Damage Resistance of your ennemy ( usually, 24% for a Boss )

    CHA = Charisma.

    This calculation is a base, here, no Combat advantage bonus from artifacts, gear, boons, and no Weapon Enchant effect.

    Example :

    A human executionner TR with 20 points in Strength, 1006 max Weapon Damage from Draconic weapons set, Lashing Blade at rank 3, 5000 Power, 18 points in Charisma, and 24% Arp/Resistance ignored.

    Against a Boss with 24% Damage Resistance.

    Assuming Ability Damage of Lashing Blade is 367, data from Official Wiki.

    Maybe it really 367, maybe not.

    1) No points in Shadowborn.

    Damages =

    [367* (1+(20-10)/100)* ((1+1006*0.00846)* (0.9+3/10)*(1+5000*0.00006))] * (1+(0.75+0.15+0.50)+0.15+ (1+(18-10)/100 ) * (1+0.24 - 0.24)


    [367* (1.1)* (9.51)* (1.2)* (1.3)] * (3.63) * (1) = 21740.

    2) 5 points in Shadowborn.

    Damages =

    [367* (1+(20-10)/100)* ((1+1006*0.00846)* (0.9+3/10)*(1+10000*0.00006))] * (1+(0.75+0.15+0.50)+0.15+ (1+(18-10)/100 ) * (1+0.24 - 0.24)


    [367* (1.1)* (9.51)* (1.2)* (1.6)] * (3.63) * (1) = 26758.

    So, Shadowborn is not a X2 Damages buff. More Power, More Damage, but not X2.

    Thanks to Kaelac and devs for calculations.

    That was long and complicated, but very in-depth. Thank you for that. :D

    I notice you mentioned it was the formula for damage in PvE; does it differ much for PvP? (If it requires another long formula, don't worry about it :))
  • mirlegrismirlegris Member Posts: 309 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    does it differ much for PvP?

    Yeah, calculations for pve and pvp are differents. In pvp, the formula include Tenacity, Damage resistance and Resistance ignored are very variable, and buff/debuff interactions are different.

    There is a formula for Pve non-crit damage, a formula for pve crit damage out of stealth ( no Combat advantage situation ), a formula for pve Crit damage in stealth, a formula for deflect damage.

    Same for pvp : a formula for pvp non crit damage, for pvp crit damage out of stealth, for crit damage in stealth, and for deflect damage.

    Few things modify the formula, like Artifacts bonus ( ex : combat advantage bonus from Lantern ), pets bonus ( ex : Blink Dog bonus ), boons, gear bonus set etc...

    Me, for Lashing blade, i use the synergie between First Strike, Shadowborn, and Laughing Skull active bonus.

    In this case, for a first strike, damages = x2.
  • zebularzebular Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 15,270 Community Moderator
    edited November 2014
    Closing this as it is now out-dated following the patch to SoD. There's a thread in Bug Reports on the current SoD issue, post-patch.
This discussion has been closed.