As a TR we've even been changed to work around having alot of deflection chance in mod 5, we need to re roll and change powers, all e got was a flimsy feat change? What about the warlocks? do they have to pay for their new paragon path too?
How cheap of them to just give us a silly feat respec.
As a TR we've even been changed to work around having alot of deflection chance in mod 5, we need to re roll and change powers, all e got was a flimsy feat change? What about the warlocks? do they have to pay for their new paragon path too?
How cheap of them to just give us a silly feat respec.
You're the cheap one. They gave you something for free. And now you want more? LOL
Oh, I get it: the company of hundreds of employees and thousands upon thousands of dollars in monthly bills giving you something for free still owes you more - because they gave you something for free you're angry at them for not giving you more.
NO ONE desrves a full respec token, especially and least of all: Warlocks. Clerics and Rogues only get feat respecs because their game would break without it. If you want to change powers around, then put your money where your mouth is. Or toss your toon and roll another (for free, by the way).
(DCs are supposed to have received a full forced Respec -- though maybe it changed to a feat reset instead at some point, which is what TRs are supposed to get.
I don't know that I don't care for the same reasons as angrysprite, but nevertheless, I don't. Between power points and enough consistent income in AD that 50K or so isn't really a burden, I really don't care or have any need to actually respec. If they radically changed the boons, I might take issue with that, but powers and feats... meh. My main character has all but a couple passives I don't expect to ever use at rank 3 anyway.
That said - hopefully it's fixed, but on mimic, the "feat and power reset" didn't work for my DCs and I had to use a respec to actually save my changes. respecs are free there, but it would be a problem if DC feats and powers were reset AND then a paid respec was required........
You can get a free respecs from the ZEN store if you exchange 150000 AD for 300Z.
Its not something that can not be achieved by a player within 8 days.
Imaginary Friends are the best friends you can have!
You're the cheap one. They gave you something for free. And now you want more? LOL
Oh, I get it: the company of hundreds of employees and thousands upon thousands of dollars in monthly bills giving you something for free still owes you more - because they gave you something for free you're angry at them for not giving you more.
NO ONE desrves a full respec token, especially and least of all: Warlocks. Clerics and Rogues only get feat respecs because their game would break without it. If you want to change powers around, then put your money where your mouth is. Or toss your toon and roll another (for free, by the way).
make ENOUGH from this game! Period! If they are going to change the way a class works they need to give players a change too. Enough said.
make ENOUGH from this game! Period! If they are going to change the way a class works they need to give players a change too. Enough said.
Yes I tend to agree, just because its free doesnt mean they do not have to give free respecs, or many other things . That said it really doesnt affect me as I already have respecs purchased anyway xD
May the RNG Gods smile on you today!
Adorable Temptress - 23.4k Temptation SW
Mara Angelbane - 22k Thaum CW, Vaya Con Dios 15.2k Dragon CW.
Mara Shadowskiss - 21.5k Destroyer GWF, Mara - 17.2k Sentinel GWF
Mara Duskwalker - 15.4k Healing DC
Mara Hawkeye -14.6k HR
Mara Spiritforge - 16.9k Tanky GF
Bad Religion - 14.7k Pew Pew DC
Mara Shadowstouch,Maara - TR's
NO ONE desrves a full respec token, especially and least of all: Warlocks.
I certainly don't agree with that and think that new paragon paths should trigger a free respec along with any fundamental changes or reworks to powers. Feat only changes and reworks should trigger a free feat respec. That's really just a difference in personal philosophy towards gaming. I put the onus on the game developers to minimise inconvenience to players when things are changed or added.
The problem, if viewed as such, is that respecing is tied to a f2p game economy. Forced respecing is also considered an annoyance by some of the player base. You can't please everyone.
Fortunately I knew what was coming and have planned accordingly, with the exception of the forced full respec for DCs which was mentioned in the AMA, though I don't think I "need" it if it has been downgraded to feat only. The game wasn't up and running before I left for work.
I certainly don't agree with that and think that new paragon paths should trigger a free respec along with any fundamental changes or reworks to powers. Feat only changes and reworks should trigger a free feat respec. That's really just a difference in personal philosophy towards gaming. I put the onus on the game developers to minimise inconvenience to players when things are changed or added.
The problem, if viewed as such, is that respecing is tied to a f2p game economy. Forced respecing is also considered an annoyance by some of the player base. You can't please everyone.
Fortunately I knew what was coming and have planned accordingly, with the exception of the forced full respec for DCs which was mentioned in the AMA, though I don't think I "need" it if it has been downgraded to feat only. The game wasn't up and running before I left for work.
Your comments are fair. In my comment, to which you quoted, the operative word is "deserves" - to which I reiterate: no one *deserves* a full respec. My DCs got full-blown respec - which makes sense because too much was changed (game-breaking without a respec), my TR got feat-only, but my SW got nothing and I never expected it because there isn't enough change in the existing paragon to warrant one.
So my argument to the SWs: you have a new freebie: the second paragon. If you want to play with it, then buy your token and respec. Expecting a free respec just because something new is added is entitlement-want of epic proportions. (I want a free new car every year they release a new one, too. But I know better than to hold my breath on that).
erm.. did DC get a chance to change their DO/AC paths in the respec coz i didnt get it???
No, DCs only got a feat respec. Trs also got the same. I do think with the extensive changes to both TRs and DCs that they should have received a full respec. Im a little annnoyed that I did not even get a feat respec on my Renegade CW. (Who was full Renegade including capstone prior to the patch today; and has been Renegade since mod2 was released.)
No one got a Full Re-Spec, although the DC was supposed to get one.
My four DCs have had all their FEATS and their POWERS reset, but not their Level-Up Attribute stats.
So it is not a FULL Re-Spec because the Paragon Path and the Attribute scores are the same.
A FULL re-spec resets the attribute stats to level 1 and removes the Paragon Path as well, just like a Free Re-Training Token.
So we cannot reassign STR, WIS, CHA and INT if we need to after the massively far-reaching overhaul and rebuild of our Clerics, most of which we did not want and did not ask for.
Like, if I should now make my attempted Dwarven AC DPS build a DO Righteous/Virtuous, I can't.
My two TRs have had their FEATS reset, but NOT their POWERS OR their Level-Up Attribute stats.
So it is just a Feat Re-Spec as the Paragon Path and the Attribute scores are the same AND the selected Powers are the same.
So we cannot reassign STR, DEX, CHA and INT if we need to if INT and Recovery-based Stealth Builds no longer work after the massively far-reaching overhaul and rebuild of our Rogues, most of which we did not want and did not ask for.
Like, if I should now make my MI a normal-INT, HIGH STR, HIGH DEX DPS Executioner, I can't.
Four DCs and two TRs are fully HALF of my level 60 characters.
I mentioned this in the feedback threads weeks ago, but for some unknowable reason it was "cleansed" into the Lower Depths.
I also PMd Akromatik at the same time about whether he could take it forward to the Devs on our behalf, but he did not reply.
I am not just massively disappointed, I think this is an absolute disgrace.
Shabby, Cryptic. Very, very shabby.
After all the money I have contributed to this game, am I REALLY being milked for 300 Zen x6 for a proper Re-Spec after these enforced changes?
Please give all DC and TR characters a full, Free Re-Training token. It is the only fair, reasonable and decent thing to do.
Where would I find those? They are not with the Patch Notes.
gorkzillaMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited November 2014
I wonder why would it kill cryptic to keep their end user happy, i mean this isn't a smooth running,exploit free, bug free cutting edge game. Any form of customer service/help is non existent here. I have over 50 email replies from cryptic over the past 8 months, almost all of them are worded exactly the same and out of those 50 zero are solved. They still haven't solved the invoke bug yet e.g
"Having reviewed the information you supplied, we’ve come to the conclusion that this may be the result of an unreported gameplay bug. Regretfully, we don’t have a resolution for the issue at this time.....!".
This is the exact message sent pre mod4, then few time mid mod4-mod5 and now about 5 days ago. Most people i would imagine are coming to neverwinter because of its D&D/forgotten Realms ties. Even after all the BS they find some way to alienate customers further.
I already regret putting $300+ into this game, and if they keep this up not many are going to stick around. I love playing mmos with friends, this is the only title that i have refrained from getting my wow and swtor buddies into. Shape up cryptic or Tiamat just might be the end of you.
Normally I'd be fine with just a feat respec but the changes to TR and DC are pretty fundamental and have significantly altered the preferred stat distribution so IN THIS CASE ONLY I feel that a full respec would have been the right thing to do. That said, I'm not going to get bent out of shape by it. I planned ahead and have some Zen put aside for full respec tokens if I feel I need them, and from my testing on Preview it looks like my TR build will transfer to the new feats OK anyway.
The issue with additional Paragon paths harks back to when the first batch were released. That time, everyone got a free full respec that allowed them to change to the new Paragons in they wanted to. By the time the Pathfinder was released for HR that policy had changed and no free respecs for new Paragons has been the policy ever since. I'm fine with that.
You're the cheap one. They gave you something for free. And now you want more? LOL
Oh, I get it: the company of hundreds of employees and thousands upon thousands of dollars in monthly bills giving you something for free still owes you more - because they gave you something for free you're angry at them for not giving you more.
NO ONE desrves a full respec token, especially and least of all: Warlocks. Clerics and Rogues only get feat respecs because their game would break without it. If you want to change powers around, then put your money where your mouth is. Or toss your toon and roll another (for free, by the way).
I don't know that I don't care for the same reasons as angrysprite, but nevertheless, I don't. Between power points and enough consistent income in AD that 50K or so isn't really a burden, I really don't care or have any need to actually respec. If they radically changed the boons, I might take issue with that, but powers and feats... meh. My main character has all but a couple passives I don't expect to ever use at rank 3 anyway.
That said - hopefully it's fixed, but on mimic, the "feat and power reset" didn't work for my DCs and I had to use a respec to actually save my changes. respecs are free there, but it would be a problem if DC feats and powers were reset AND then a paid respec was required........
Guilds: Greycloaks, Blackcloaks, Whitecloaks, Goldcloaks, Browncloaks, Spiritcloaks, Bluecloaks, Silvercloaks, Black Dawn
Tredecim: The Cloak Alliance
Its not something that can not be achieved by a player within 8 days.
make ENOUGH from this game! Period! If they are going to change the way a class works they need to give players a change too. Enough said.
Yes I tend to agree, just because its free doesnt mean they do not have to give free respecs, or many other things
Mara Angelbane - 22k Thaum CW, Vaya Con Dios 15.2k Dragon CW.
Mara Shadowskiss - 21.5k Destroyer GWF, Mara - 17.2k Sentinel GWF
Mara Duskwalker - 15.4k Healing DC
Mara Hawkeye -14.6k HR
Mara Spiritforge - 16.9k Tanky GF
Bad Religion - 14.7k Pew Pew DC
Mara Shadowstouch,Maara - TR's
Was never guaranteed.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
I think it was classes that they said would always be free , I'm pretty sure they didn't say races would.
I certainly don't agree with that and think that new paragon paths should trigger a free respec along with any fundamental changes or reworks to powers. Feat only changes and reworks should trigger a free feat respec. That's really just a difference in personal philosophy towards gaming. I put the onus on the game developers to minimise inconvenience to players when things are changed or added.
The problem, if viewed as such, is that respecing is tied to a f2p game economy. Forced respecing is also considered an annoyance by some of the player base. You can't please everyone.
Fortunately I knew what was coming and have planned accordingly, with the exception of the forced full respec for DCs which was mentioned in the AMA, though I don't think I "need" it if it has been downgraded to feat only. The game wasn't up and running before I left for work.
Your comments are fair. In my comment, to which you quoted, the operative word is "deserves" - to which I reiterate: no one *deserves* a full respec. My DCs got full-blown respec - which makes sense because too much was changed (game-breaking without a respec), my TR got feat-only, but my SW got nothing and I never expected it because there isn't enough change in the existing paragon to warrant one.
So my argument to the SWs: you have a new freebie: the second paragon. If you want to play with it, then buy your token and respec. Expecting a free respec just because something new is added is entitlement-want of epic proportions. (I want a free new car every year they release a new one, too. But I know better than to hold my breath on that).
No, DCs only got a feat respec. Trs also got the same. I do think with the extensive changes to both TRs and DCs that they should have received a full respec. Im a little annnoyed that I did not even get a feat respec on my Renegade CW. (Who was full Renegade including capstone prior to the patch today; and has been Renegade since mod2 was released.)
Murphster - SS CW | Jennsen Rahl - MoF CW
Taarna - GWF
Eowyn - Protector OP | Leela - Devoted OP
Mara Jade - TR
Leeloo - Tempt SW | Kahlan Amnell - Fury SW | Galadriel - Damnation SW
Sturm Nightblade - GF
My four DCs have had all their FEATS and their POWERS reset, but not their Level-Up Attribute stats.
So it is not a FULL Re-Spec because the Paragon Path and the Attribute scores are the same.
A FULL re-spec resets the attribute stats to level 1 and removes the Paragon Path as well, just like a Free Re-Training Token.
So we cannot reassign STR, WIS, CHA and INT if we need to after the massively far-reaching overhaul and rebuild of our Clerics, most of which we did not want and did not ask for.
Like, if I should now make my attempted Dwarven AC DPS build a DO Righteous/Virtuous, I can't.
My two TRs have had their FEATS reset, but NOT their POWERS OR their Level-Up Attribute stats.
So it is just a Feat Re-Spec as the Paragon Path and the Attribute scores are the same AND the selected Powers are the same.
So we cannot reassign STR, DEX, CHA and INT if we need to if INT and Recovery-based Stealth Builds no longer work after the massively far-reaching overhaul and rebuild of our Rogues, most of which we did not want and did not ask for.
Like, if I should now make my MI a normal-INT, HIGH STR, HIGH DEX DPS Executioner, I can't.
Four DCs and two TRs are fully HALF of my level 60 characters.
I mentioned this in the feedback threads weeks ago, but for some unknowable reason it was "cleansed" into the Lower Depths.
I also PMd Akromatik at the same time about whether he could take it forward to the Devs on our behalf, but he did not reply.
I am not just massively disappointed, I think this is an absolute disgrace.
Shabby, Cryptic. Very, very shabby.
After all the money I have contributed to this game, am I REALLY being milked for 300 Zen x6 for a proper Re-Spec after these enforced changes?
Please give all DC and TR characters a full, Free Re-Training token. It is the only fair, reasonable and decent thing to do.
Thank You.
Where would I find those? They are not with the Patch Notes.
"Having reviewed the information you supplied, we’ve come to the conclusion that this may be the result of an unreported gameplay bug. Regretfully, we don’t have a resolution for the issue at this time.....!".
This is the exact message sent pre mod4, then few time mid mod4-mod5 and now about 5 days ago. Most people i would imagine are coming to neverwinter because of its D&D/forgotten Realms ties. Even after all the BS they find some way to alienate customers further.
I already regret putting $300+ into this game, and if they keep this up not many are going to stick around. I love playing mmos with friends, this is the only title that i have refrained from getting my wow and swtor buddies into. Shape up cryptic or Tiamat just might be the end of you.
The issue with additional Paragon paths harks back to when the first batch were released. That time, everyone got a free full respec that allowed them to change to the new Paragons in they wanted to. By the time the Pathfinder was released for HR that policy had changed and no free respecs for new Paragons has been the policy ever since. I'm fine with that.
Aelar Hawkwind - Archer
Karrin Feywinter - Mistress of Flame
Errin Duskwalker - Executioner
Darquess - Soulbinder
Closing this thread down now as it's just turned into bickering and dissent.
Safe travels,
Archmage Zebular of Mystryl
PWE Community Moderator
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