Yea it is a good idea and I have it in my mind :)but... personally i like long pvp, you know what i mean- some skills some dodges some interesting situations, and what we have now it is powerful dmage + glyphs and who first hit you for 30k dmg is winner, and this artifact make it easier so pvp last in some situations 5/6 second becouse another player take your HP in one rotation. Daily skill on begining of any pvp for me is just stupid idea, thats why i am asking another players on this forum about they opinion .
Look at little example lets say CW with DC artifact vs CW without DC artifact but this same GS- icy rays which we can't still avoid ( there was already patch which have to change it?) and we get 25k dmg from ice knife on good morning and both good night becouse it means just dead, this is not funny pvp, this is just who deal first one shot 30k dmg like i said earlier.
Sound much like "he has a bigger gun than me. I also want a bigger gun. But I don't wanna buy it, so nerf his big gun so my gun is again bigger than his".
I wonder why people stay in this game to play PvP. PWE must be doing a lot of stuff right!
Imaginary Friends are the best friends you can have!
Sound much like "he has a bigger gun than me. I also want a bigger gun. But I don't wanna buy it, so nerf his big gun so my gun is again bigger than his".
I wonder why people stay in this game to play PvP. PWE must be doing a lot of stuff right!
He is actually right about the damage though. It is way too much. Make 2-3 mistakes and you're dead, and sometimes you're dead without making any mistake, as it's the case when you get Icy Rayed and Ice Knifed afterwards for 50K worth of damage, or you dodge all that an HR throws at you and you die from from Piercing Blade and glyphs alone.
However, destroying the DC artifact is not the solution. The issue is with stupid powers and feats design.
He is actually right about the damage though. It is way too much. Make 2-3 mistakes and you're dead, and sometimes you're dead without making any mistake, as it's the case when you get Icy Rayed and Ice Knifed afterwards for 50K worth of damage, or you dodge all that an HR throws at you and you die from from Piercing Blade and glyphs alone.
However, destroying the DC artifact is not the solution. The issue is with stupid powers and feats design.
Which is a totally separate issue and is in no way dependent on having a DC artifact.
And as someone else said this artifact has been around since mod 3 came out. If it needed a nerf it would have gotten one by now. Also you are exaggerating - the AP gain takes 15 seconds, so by that alone the dailys are probably at least 5 seconds apart probably more - after all even assuming awesome AP gain you would still be hard pressed to totally fill AP in 5 seconds. Hardly back to back given the damage that is currently in pvp. Fyi - this is not the first time this has been posted. But most pvpers are not ones to let logic creep into their nerf rants! xD By your logic artifacts should give only stats - then none would be OP or UP.
May the RNG Gods smile on you today!
Adorable Temptress - 23.4k Temptation SW
Mara Angelbane - 22k Thaum CW, Vaya Con Dios 15.2k Dragon CW.
Mara Shadowskiss - 21.5k Destroyer GWF, Mara - 17.2k Sentinel GWF
Mara Duskwalker - 15.4k Healing DC
Mara Hawkeye -14.6k HR
Mara Spiritforge - 16.9k Tanky GF
Bad Religion - 14.7k Pew Pew DC
Mara Shadowstouch,Maara - TR's
He is actually right about the damage though. It is way too much. Make 2-3 mistakes and you're dead, and sometimes you're dead without making any mistake, as it's the case when you get Icy Rayed and Ice Knifed afterwards for 50K worth of damage, or you dodge all that an HR throws at you and you die from from Piercing Blade and glyphs alone.
However, destroying the DC artifact is not the solution. The issue is with stupid powers and feats design.
Exactly, most people will still die in 1-2 rotation without the DC artifact coz everyone is doing so much damage these days. It's all about who has better timing and ping to get the 1st CC in for their rotation.
Have the gear and skills, but lack the friends to play with? Come and apply for Essence of Aggression. We have been here and strong since beta. (Immature, rude, and arrogant people will not be accepted)
And if they decide to nerf the DC artifact, it will be the DC's that suffer in PVE cause of everybody complaining about it in PVP, wonderful. Getting so tired of this, that when people complaining about things in PVP, PVE has to suffer for it. This is again one of those time.
Considering it takes 15 seconds to refill your way can any do 2 "back to back instant dailies". (granted a few seconds less since I am sure they are still attacking.)
Considering it takes 15 seconds to refill your way can any do 2 "back to back instant dailies". (granted a few seconds less since I am sure they are still attacking.)
Near every CW i meet in PvP,Crashed me down with 2 Ice-Knife instantly.
I need to quote this fantasy theme post...
It's the perfects example of how things happen in Neverwinter, making it a worse game for us.
- dude dies in PvP
- dude thinks he saw stuff
- dude comes to forums and says "I got INSTANT 2 Ice Knives on me from a single CW" - stuff that doesn't need nerfing and people invested time, AD and RP is nerfed to oblivion
you can't instance double ice knife... you get 100% ap after 15 seconds. It is most likely he started with ice knife, used artifact, kept hitting you to build ap + he's still getting ap from the artifact, so many after 10 seconds he's 100% again and uses it again. That's not 2 instanct ice knifes.
Everyone has access to the ability to roll a cleric as an alt for the class artifact. Just get it yourself and stop moaning because you don't have one. The zen to buy 2 extra character slots is well worth it if you just level a toon to 60, and just focus on getting third boon + 10k gear score (which really isn't hard anymore) just to unlock the artifact. Whether you play the character or not after is up to you.
This post got me cracking I burst out laughing in class... LOL
Agree with what magiquepurse pointed out.
The TS has the mindset that 'the game is only fun if my character is OP', I bet if he dies to an Imp sufficient times in PVE, he'll come to the forum and ask for Imps to be nerfed... Cause the IMP IS OP!!
Now dailies across different classes do different things and are not entirely about throwing out big damages (some provide CC, some heal and buff, some boost survivability, etc), just because you got nuked by CWs in PVP does not justify the nerfing of the DC artifact.
It's the perfects example of how things happen in Neverwinter, making it a worse game for us.
- dude dies in PvP
- dude thinks he saw stuff
- dude comes to forums and says "I got INSTANT 2 Ice Knives on me from a single CW" - stuff that doesn't need nerfing and people invested time, AD and RP is nerfed to oblivion
Compare it to everything else then yeah, it's kind of OP. People have said that since before it was released. Though without it I wouldn't have managed to solo the first 3 bosses in CN . Wasn't good enough for draco unfortunately.
Hi, I think DC artifact bonus is just OP especially in pvp, and why? Look: for example GWF artifact - deals 4700 dmg, Valindra artifact deals 1700 dmg ( omg valindra...:P), water? heal 8,5k hp- nice but stil lame, banners? hmmm...+ 400 power and life steal for example and -7% enemy's dmg resist but try to use it on distance class- it make no sense. And now DC artifact- free daily. If you will meet good CW, GWF or TR with p. vorpal it's mean 20-25k dmg on start (probably less dmg on more tankiest class), eventually premade 3x CW with this artifact and 3x oppresive force with crit from EotS in the middle = practically enemy team is dead. I think this bonus is a little to big compared to another artifacts, and need to be changed maby half of this bonus for example?
Yet another cry... "I dont have it", "i dont know how use it", "i died - other class OP".
As usual, from non-exp PvP players. DC artifact it's not real problem (like glyphs bugs etc.).
it's really annoying. Instead "i died - need change my behavior" guys cry - "i died - need change others".
Yet another cry... "I dont have it", "i dont know how use it", "i died - other class OP".
As usual, from non-exp PvP players. DC artifact it's not real problem (like glyphs bugs etc.).
it's really annoying. Instead "i died - need change my behavior" guys cry - "i died - need change others".
You are nothing less than flippant, i said it is no problem for me to make this artifact, but its effect is incomparable to every another artifact and it is op in pvp when you can deals 20-30k dmg on the beggining of pvp, so i dont like it and i am asking another gamers to their opinion and some "guy" like you is comming here and call me crying so please stop that kind of stupid reply and be serious, thank you.
I find ice knife OP. Since the nerf of my Hammer of Fate I have no daily to dish out damage any more.
please nerf ice knife. Ice knife has nothing to do with control magic, it is pure damage dealing and should not be in the CWs arsenal.
Why is it always when a DC or GF have something useful "OP"? Are they really the scum and victims of the DPS classes?
PS: Hammer of Fate once was a useful daily. Whiners destroyed it. Guess who called for a nerf ... was it PvP players or PvE players? Stalwart Bulwark set once was a useful set. Guess again.
You are nothing less than flippant, i said it is no problem for me to make this artifact, but its effect is incomparable to every another artifact and it is op in pvp when you can deals 20-30k dmg on the beggining of pvp, so i dont like it and i am asking another gamers to their opinion and some "guy" like you is comming here and call me crying so please stop that kind of stupid reply and be serious, thank you.
Why don't you be serious? We have already explained how two ice knives one after the other "instantly" is impossible even with the dc artifact. Basically you died and are now whining here about it. Yes whining I call it what it is. You are clearly exaggerating facts to support your claims here.
May the RNG Gods smile on you today!
Adorable Temptress - 23.4k Temptation SW
Mara Angelbane - 22k Thaum CW, Vaya Con Dios 15.2k Dragon CW.
Mara Shadowskiss - 21.5k Destroyer GWF, Mara - 17.2k Sentinel GWF
Mara Duskwalker - 15.4k Healing DC
Mara Hawkeye -14.6k HR
Mara Spiritforge - 16.9k Tanky GF
Bad Religion - 14.7k Pew Pew DC
Mara Shadowstouch,Maara - TR's
Why don't you be serious? We have already explained how two ice knives one after the other "instantly" is impossible even with the dc artifact. Basically you died and are now whining here about it. Yes whining I call it what it is. You are clearly exaggerating facts to support your claims here.
I am tired of this kind of babbling like this. This is new fasion on this forum you know? When you look of any topic in this forum there are people like you who speak: " You died and now you are crying". YES i am dying often, i am CW so i am squishy, but i am not crying that i can die in pvp. I start this post becouse in my opinion DC artifact bonus which loads full daily is more powerful than any of other artifacts in this game.
daflashaeMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 26Arc User
I am tired of this kind of babbling like this. This is new fasion on this forum you know? When you look of any topic in this forum there are people like you who speak: " You died and now you are crying". YES i am dying often, i am CW so i am squishy, but i am not crying that i can die in pvp. I start this post becouse in my opinion DC artifact bonus which loads full daily is more powerful than any of other artifacts in this game.
Exactly. and somewhere in this thread some dummy posted that it only works if you are DC... FALSE. I use it on all my chars in pvp. It works like this...
1 match starts
2 run to flag 2
3. while running pop artifact
4 wait 15 seconds or a little longer so you have enemy players at lower health
5 do daily get triple kills!
6 other team gives up because they just got rofl stomped in first 20 seconds of game
7 win
8 get no glory
9 curse at self
10 go to next match telling yourself "I won't use that arti"
Unless you meet the same team in both matches, I suspect the culprit of the results is not the DC artifact but the skills and/or GS gaps of the teams. The DC arti is useful but it does not change the tide because you do not use it. No single person is just that good! I have taken down top pvp leaderboard with 1 or 2 friends. Also, I have played many matches where I get slaughtered by teams that do not use DC artifact in main slot. It is better to use realistic and probable facts than hyperbole to convince others. Fact of the matter is that the matching system right now is terrible. You can get matched with a very good team and you get slaughtered in 20 seconds. I have been in matches with 6k to 10k members when Chocolate Shoppe and Absolute are on the opposite side.
Exactly. and somewhere in this thread some dummy posted that it only works if you are DC... FALSE. I use it on all my chars in pvp. It works like this...
1 match starts
2 run to flag 2
3. while running pop artifact
4 wait 15 seconds or a little longer so you have enemy players at lower health
5 do daily get triple kills!
6 other team gives up because they just got rofl stomped in first 20 seconds of game
7 win
8 get no glory
9 curse at self
10 go to next match telling yourself "I won't use that arti"
Unless you meet the same team in both matches, I suspect the culprit of the results is not the DC artifact but the skills and/or GS gaps of the teams. The DC arti is useful but it does not change the tide because you do not use it. No single person is just that good! I have taken down top pvp leaderboard with 1 or 2 friends. Also, I have played many matches where I get slaughtered by teams that do not use DC artifact in main slot. It is better to use realistic and probable facts than hyperbole to convince others. Fact of the matter is that the matching system right now is terrible. You can get matched with a very good team and you get slaughtered in 20 seconds. I have been in matches with 6k to 10k members when Chocolate Shoppe and Absolute are on the opposite side.
I am speaking from first hand experience so.....ya. It gives you a full daily bar and you can use it even before the gate opens. It is especially good on my TR and CW. Triple kills bro on the free.
The DC artifact needs to be altered a bit yes. Maybe reduce the AP gain on it and add a different bonus to it that would be useful to the DC class (I have a high level DC). A small tweak with it will ensure it works more in line with the new Black Ice artifact gear coming out. The fact that so many people are defensive about this, tells me that it may actually be a good idea.
This game needs a severe damage reduction considering dailies make up a whopping 30-40% of total damage in the game as a whole. If the DC artifact is going to stay the way it is, then the artifact gear needs to change in order to come up with more creative bonuses instead of power, power, power, AP gain, etc...
Don't get me wrong I love my DC artifact and its only at epic :P, its indispensable on all my toons. Makes my TR full out perma and deadly, makes my HR do constant disruptive shot (great on CW's in pvp), healing or ghost, get constant Hallowed Ground from my DC, on my SW its ridiculous with tyrannical threat... well, you get the picture. The numbers don't lie when parsing data. Dailies make up a huge portion of damage.
One poster commented about 2 ice knives in a row. That's completely embellished obviously :P, but I understand what he/she is intending to say. With the DC artifact at epic, I can have a daily ready almost at every mob (if they don't melt first). In fact, on my SW I can have my daily up in 10 seconds; hit my artifact, and one rotation (this is with my artifact at epic only). Consider the fact that CW's have a higher action point gain anyhow... its not unfeasible to think that number could be down to as little as 8 seconds with a legendary DC artifact. This will always make content too easy as the gear creep will increase with dungeon "difficult" (i.e. dungeons get harder, well we get boons and weapons that deal more damage, thereby increase our daily's damage).
Before everyone jumps on me as only talking about pve, I do pvp as well. In pvp utilizing the DC artifact is basically a must for most players because it gives too much of an advantage if you aren't. When something is that much of a "must", then I have to wonder a bit if it really is over-powered?! I would be ok if every class artifact gave that specific class something special instead, for example at legendary the DC artifact would give the DC 100% action points in 15 seconds, for everyone else it would only be raw stats. You could give other class artifacts useful bonuses specific to that class (i.e. GWF would using his/her class artifact would get a free prone for 3 seconds when activating it, other classes using it wouldn't... just get raw stats, etc..). This is just an idea so please don't read much into it.
The simple fact is nobody complains about it because it helps make their characters so much better. It's a selfish argument and I totally get it. However, a hard look at it will reveal that there may be some legitimacy to the OP's post. As far as another poster saying that the DC artifact will be obsolete with the 4% action gain from the new artifact equipment. No it won't (in fact its the opposite). It will now allow more dailies than before as when you are out of combat you can just pop the DC artifact to get your daily back. In combat just replenish it through staying in combat. This is like getting rewarded all the time... so why wouldn't you use it this way?! I know I would, especially as a TR who relies on stealth, the DC artifact and the black ice set will be a ticket to safety all the time.
GG dc arti is now absolete
Yea it is a good idea and I have it in my mind :)but... personally i like long pvp, you know what i mean- some skills some dodges some interesting situations, and what we have now it is powerful dmage + glyphs and who first hit you for 30k dmg is winner, and this artifact make it easier so pvp last in some situations 5/6 second becouse another player take your HP in one rotation. Daily skill on begining of any pvp for me is just stupid idea, thats why i am asking another players on this forum about they opinion
Look at little example lets say CW with DC artifact vs CW without DC artifact but this same GS- icy rays which we can't still avoid ( there was already patch which have to change it?) and we get 25k dmg from ice knife on good morning and both good night becouse it means just dead, this is not funny pvp, this is just who deal first one shot 30k dmg like i said earlier.
I wonder why people stay in this game to play PvP. PWE must be doing a lot of stuff right!
However, destroying the DC artifact is not the solution. The issue is with stupid powers and feats design.
Which is a totally separate issue and is in no way dependent on having a DC artifact.
And as someone else said this artifact has been around since mod 3 came out. If it needed a nerf it would have gotten one by now. Also you are exaggerating - the AP gain takes 15 seconds, so by that alone the dailys are probably at least 5 seconds apart probably more - after all even assuming awesome AP gain you would still be hard pressed to totally fill AP in 5 seconds. Hardly back to back given the damage that is currently in pvp. Fyi - this is not the first time this has been posted. But most pvpers are not ones to let logic creep into their nerf rants! xD By your logic artifacts should give only stats - then none would be OP or UP.
Mara Angelbane - 22k Thaum CW, Vaya Con Dios 15.2k Dragon CW.
Mara Shadowskiss - 21.5k Destroyer GWF, Mara - 17.2k Sentinel GWF
Mara Duskwalker - 15.4k Healing DC
Mara Hawkeye -14.6k HR
Mara Spiritforge - 16.9k Tanky GF
Bad Religion - 14.7k Pew Pew DC
Mara Shadowstouch,Maara - TR's
Exactly, most people will still die in 1-2 rotation without the DC artifact coz everyone is doing so much damage these days. It's all about who has better timing and ping to get the 1st CC in for their rotation.
Have the gear and skills, but lack the friends to play with? Come and apply for Essence of Aggression. We have been here and strong since beta. (Immature, rude, and arrogant people will not be accepted)
Mostly used by CWs!,
Instant double Ice-Knife
Near every CW i meet in PvP,Crashed me down with 2 Ice-Knife instantly.
I need to quote this fantasy theme post...
It's the perfects example of how things happen in Neverwinter, making it a worse game for us.
- dude dies in PvP
- dude thinks he saw stuff
- dude comes to forums and says "I got INSTANT 2 Ice Knives on me from a single CW"
- stuff that doesn't need nerfing and people invested time, AD and RP is nerfed to oblivion
Everyone has access to the ability to roll a cleric as an alt for the class artifact. Just get it yourself and stop moaning because you don't have one. The zen to buy 2 extra character slots is well worth it if you just level a toon to 60, and just focus on getting third boon + 10k gear score (which really isn't hard anymore) just to unlock the artifact. Whether you play the character or not after is up to you.
Agree with what magiquepurse pointed out.
The TS has the mindset that 'the game is only fun if my character is OP', I bet if he dies to an Imp sufficient times in PVE, he'll come to the forum and ask for Imps to be nerfed... Cause the IMP IS OP!!
Now dailies across different classes do different things and are not entirely about throwing out big damages (some provide CC, some heal and buff, some boost survivability, etc), just because you got nuked by CWs in PVP does not justify the nerfing of the DC artifact.
BlackberryCheesecake CW
CheeseCake House
Imps are not OP. They should not be nerfed.
Now kobolds on the other hand... they totally have it coming.
As usual, from non-exp PvP players. DC artifact it's not real problem (like glyphs bugs etc.).
it's really annoying. Instead "i died - need change my behavior" guys cry - "i died - need change others".
Diana (15,4 DC)
BigHalf (15,5 GF)
There is always a "best path" to spec your toon.
By nerfing the DC arti you get another arti being BiS, will you demand a nerf for that too until the one you have at legendary atm is BiS?
Different dailies do different damage ... nerf them all until my Hallowed Ground can insta-kill everyone who steps on it!
You are nothing less than flippant, i said it is no problem for me to make this artifact, but its effect is incomparable to every another artifact and it is op in pvp when you can deals 20-30k dmg on the beggining of pvp, so i dont like it and i am asking another gamers to their opinion and some "guy" like you is comming here and call me crying so please stop that kind of stupid reply and be serious, thank you.
please nerf ice knife. Ice knife has nothing to do with control magic, it is pure damage dealing and should not be in the CWs arsenal.
Why is it always when a DC or GF have something useful "OP"? Are they really the scum and victims of the DPS classes?
PS: Hammer of Fate once was a useful daily. Whiners destroyed it. Guess who called for a nerf ... was it PvP players or PvE players? Stalwart Bulwark set once was a useful set. Guess again.
Why don't you be serious? We have already explained how two ice knives one after the other "instantly" is impossible even with the dc artifact. Basically you died and are now whining here about it. Yes whining I call it what it is. You are clearly exaggerating facts to support your claims here.
Mara Angelbane - 22k Thaum CW, Vaya Con Dios 15.2k Dragon CW.
Mara Shadowskiss - 21.5k Destroyer GWF, Mara - 17.2k Sentinel GWF
Mara Duskwalker - 15.4k Healing DC
Mara Hawkeye -14.6k HR
Mara Spiritforge - 16.9k Tanky GF
Bad Religion - 14.7k Pew Pew DC
Mara Shadowstouch,Maara - TR's
I am tired of this kind of babbling like this. This is new fasion on this forum you know? When you look of any topic in this forum there are people like you who speak: " You died and now you are crying". YES i am dying often, i am CW so i am squishy, but i am not crying that i can die in pvp. I start this post becouse in my opinion DC artifact bonus which loads full daily is more powerful than any of other artifacts in this game.
Exactly. and somewhere in this thread some dummy posted that it only works if you are DC... FALSE. I use it on all my chars in pvp. It works like this...
1 match starts
2 run to flag 2
3. while running pop artifact
4 wait 15 seconds or a little longer so you have enemy players at lower health
5 do daily get triple kills!
6 other team gives up because they just got rofl stomped in first 20 seconds of game
7 win
8 get no glory
9 curse at self
10 go to next match telling yourself "I won't use that arti"
11 someone on enemy team uses arti.
12 lose
I am speaking from first hand experience so.....ya. It gives you a full daily bar and you can use it even before the gate opens. It is especially good on my TR and CW. Triple kills bro on the free.
This game needs a severe damage reduction considering dailies make up a whopping 30-40% of total damage in the game as a whole. If the DC artifact is going to stay the way it is, then the artifact gear needs to change in order to come up with more creative bonuses instead of power, power, power, AP gain, etc...
Don't get me wrong I love my DC artifact and its only at epic :P, its indispensable on all my toons. Makes my TR full out perma and deadly, makes my HR do constant disruptive shot (great on CW's in pvp), healing or ghost, get constant Hallowed Ground from my DC, on my SW its ridiculous with tyrannical threat... well, you get the picture. The numbers don't lie when parsing data. Dailies make up a huge portion of damage.
One poster commented about 2 ice knives in a row. That's completely embellished obviously :P, but I understand what he/she is intending to say. With the DC artifact at epic, I can have a daily ready almost at every mob (if they don't melt first). In fact, on my SW I can have my daily up in 10 seconds; hit my artifact, and one rotation (this is with my artifact at epic only). Consider the fact that CW's have a higher action point gain anyhow... its not unfeasible to think that number could be down to as little as 8 seconds with a legendary DC artifact. This will always make content too easy as the gear creep will increase with dungeon "difficult" (i.e. dungeons get harder, well we get boons and weapons that deal more damage, thereby increase our daily's damage).
Before everyone jumps on me as only talking about pve, I do pvp as well. In pvp utilizing the DC artifact is basically a must for most players because it gives too much of an advantage if you aren't. When something is that much of a "must", then I have to wonder a bit if it really is over-powered?! I would be ok if every class artifact gave that specific class something special instead, for example at legendary the DC artifact would give the DC 100% action points in 15 seconds, for everyone else it would only be raw stats. You could give other class artifacts useful bonuses specific to that class (i.e. GWF would using his/her class artifact would get a free prone for 3 seconds when activating it, other classes using it wouldn't... just get raw stats, etc..). This is just an idea so please don't read much into it.
The simple fact is nobody complains about it because it helps make their characters so much better. It's a selfish argument and I totally get it. However, a hard look at it will reveal that there may be some legitimacy to the OP's post. As far as another poster saying that the DC artifact will be obsolete with the 4% action gain from the new artifact equipment. No it won't (in fact its the opposite). It will now allow more dailies than before as when you are out of combat you can just pop the DC artifact to get your daily back. In combat just replenish it through staying in combat. This is like getting rewarded all the time... so why wouldn't you use it this way?! I know I would, especially as a TR who relies on stealth, the DC artifact and the black ice set will be a ticket to safety all the time.