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AZRAEL's AZ Build(Anti-Zerg)full reflect PVP/Open PVP Guardian Fighter Mod 4 build



  • azrael778azrael778 Member Posts: 86 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    emilemo wrote: »
    Hate to be the nitpicker but what exactly are you showing with that random PVP fight ? Was the other GF at your gear level ? Im loving how you are pot buffed to all heck and he isnt. This points to your min/max mentality and tells me you'd have no issues trying to prove youself versus a lesser GS player with total disregard of how "fair" such a fight would be. Btw you sure he was a Conqueror or was it all staged for the camera lol

    The part involving a clueless CW also proves nothing.

    Hello mate,

    Simple answer: Because @firstookamikaze on his previous reply on this thread requested a video of this build in action and you guys predicted that this build is dead after the patch. nothing more nothing less.
    Was the other GF at your gear level ?

    Probably not,My GF toon reached end game already. Not a lot of GFs I know that are at the on the 21K GS scale.But hes no pug either.Hes on his 19-20k-ish GS so if you played enough pvp you would know that belongs to the same tier.
    Im loving how you are pot buffed to all heck and he isnt.

    I knew you would say that. simple explanation is that he was the one who requested to fight me 1v1 when he saw me in IWD. I recently just finished my pvp dailies so that is why I was pot buffed but unfortunately all my pvp fights were just 12k pugs so nothing to show there.

    Also, after that 1v1 fight, I actually told the GF that I have an advantage so if he could wait like 6 minutes more, the pot buff will wear off and we can go at it again but he declined saying he needs to go and probably I would just tank my way out to win the fight since he didnt made my HP drop to 60% and im regenerating hp too quickly.
    This points to your min/max mentality and tells me you'd have no issues trying to prove youself versus a lesser GS player with total disregard of how "fair" such a fight would be

    You are presupposing and judging me too quickly mate, what a shame... That fight was without cockratice, Ioun stone , Galeb Duhr and blacksmith companions.The only active bonus im getting was the rust monster which left activated since it is essential to my build since it procs on Briar(again reflect build) and I told him that before the fight on this video.... he knows it.
    Btw you sure he was a Conqueror or was it all staged for the camera lol

    To be honest Ive watched the video again, I just realized it wasnt a conq spec gf. My apologies on that. I just thought I was debuffing him that why he doesnt hit that much and he didnt stun so hes not an tactitian either. He turned out to be a IV protector build.That im sure now. Still have doubts? If you would look closely at my status effect icon you would see only 3 -4 icons that is affecting my toon... The healing depression icon, The mark icon , The plague fire debuff icon and the Iron guard icon( blue shield) so, it is a protector gf. If it is a conq gf it would display the reckless attacker (gold) on his status bar and martial mastery if hes a tactician. If you knew that you would have told me already. I guess not.

    So dont take me as a fluke mate I know what I am talking about I didnt bought my stuff off thru zen or real money (and I have no issues with that either. its a game everyone wants to be strong),and I am not someone you can bully around with words & petty accusations of "staged fight" or " uneven gear score issues" and even if that is the case on this video, everyone knows its not a valid excuse for losing a 1v1 fight. If you dont pot up, its your problem, if you fight a higher gs player, its not his problem either its yours. Dont expect people to take pity on you because you are low geared. it rarely happens. Its what everyone had been doing since they started playing this game... to get better geared. So what you presented are not valid arguments sorry to say.

    And please dont make this thread a conq vs reflect protector issue, it is not the intention of this thread.Its like comparing apples to oranges both have their own strong points to consider, As I said before if your playstyle is more on attack and burst damage centric, you better off playing to conq spec. I am just providing a different avenue on how to play a GF and to contribute to the NWforum.

    oh and the cw on the video? it was nothing he just wanted a quick kill or thought it wasnt a 1v1... I dont blame him it was an honest mistake. But never did I mention anything about it and its irrelevant to talk about it.

    Good day to you mate!
  • emilemoemilemo Member Posts: 1,718 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    It was rhetorical - I knew he was another protector the moment I saw him, it was that obvious and you being unable to even tell what spec you are facing speaks volumes by itself. I stand by what I said previously, your video shows nothing but two turtles testing their shells, a fairly unspectacular fight, neither even tried to get behind for a BC, you unloaded Crescendo so many times on a raised shield... Alas I stop here and I wont be coming back to this thread, nothing to see

    PS: Regardless of what I may think if you as a person based on your actions and words these posts of mine are not meant as a personal attack. They simply are a testament of how fed up with people's bull$#it I am when it comes to Neverwinter pvp
    Row, row, row your boat, Gently down the stream.
    Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, Life is but a dream.
  • azrael778azrael778 Member Posts: 86 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    emilemo wrote: »

    PS: Regardless of what I may think if you as a person based on your actions and words these posts of mine are not meant as a personal attack. They simply are a testament of how fed up with people's bull$#it I am when it comes to Neverwinter pvp

    I dont mean to disrespect you or anything of that sort but if you say you are fed up when it comes to Neverwinter pvp... Just dont play it its that simple... play chess and that game is fair. Theres a right way to vent your frustrations to the game file a ticket or something ,make a thread regarding it if all I care and dont go around ridiculing other peoples build for the sake of venting your frustrations in the game.Show some respect as I am just reciprocating the respect that you are giving me. So dont be mad. Because as I keep saying on this thread, This is a build guide on what the current game has to offer, it was never intended to to defame anyone nor to spur or enflame any issues regarding how broken the mechanics of the game are. I keep on answering you guys and try diverting the discussion back to what the core of the build really is and you havent even questioned or debunk any single feat that you think is wrong or could have been better on its merits of being a reflect GF build. All you replied was question on how wrong Glyphs, cockratice, and now buff pots plus the uneven gear score dilemma which are invalid arguments.

    So to sum it up,If you think this build is dead based on the current changes on the change Im just saying it isnt.Wheter players follow it or not it is just a guide to help them to have choices.As for my game im enjoying everysingle minute of it since I really think its a viable build on the current game set up.

    So goodluck to you mate and I hope you get what you are looking for in the game and I mean it seriously. As for me, I'll still play whatever I want and enjoy the game.

  • benskix2benskix2 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 674 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    There haven't been any zergs in open PVP since 3 months before this guide was even posted. No one out there now has any gear or even wants to pvp, they are just trying to get their black ice harvesting done for the daily. Any one buying a bunch of purple pets and gearing up for Open PVP zerg attacks is going to be very disappointed unless they like smashing ants and kicking puppies.
  • aethanasaethanas Member Posts: 232 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    azrael778 wrote: »
    ... As for my game im enjoying everysingle minute of it since I really think its a viable build on the current game set up.


    I agree, this build is quite enjoyable if one wants to play its style. Thank you for your guide it gave me some ideas to tweak with my own build a bit, although I was already quite near this reflect kind of tank as I felt it is the most rewarding way of a tank right now.

    benskix2 wrote: »
    There haven't been any zergs in open PVP since 3 months ...

    This kind of build is also viable against fewer enemies or even in one versus one fights, so, no need to wait for big zergs.
  • azrael778azrael778 Member Posts: 86 Arc User
    edited October 2014
  • linkingirl86linkingirl86 Member Posts: 77 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Hi Azrael,

    Loved your build :D can i add it to mmominds.com???
  • azrael778azrael778 Member Posts: 86 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Hi Azrael,

    Loved your build :D can i add it to mmominds.com???

    Hi Linkinggirl86!

    Sure! :D
  • rain727rain727 Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited October 2014

    I saw you earlier at icewindale when you were fighting 6-8 Arcane Brotherhood players including me who's rushing at you and you singlehandedly manage to kill me and 4 others in the group while the rest ran away. I must say I was quite impressed with your toon.I am following the crixus conqueror build but it seems that not really a solid build and it doesnt really work for me atm. after reading your guide, Im excited to try it out.

    Just a couple of questions though

    1.Is this build good for pve too? because I think most of us will have to grind dungeons for a very long time or else spend a lot of cash to get where you at right now.

    2. Is the DC artifact also useful if PVE rather than using a bloodcrystal raven skull? I dont want to spend time leveling a DC to get the trinket if 50% of the time ill be doing PVE too

    3. What do you think about Pseudodragon and the wiil o wisp companions?
  • tuncdragomirtuncdragomir Member Posts: 39
    edited October 2014
    It seems not possıble to get Ioun Stone of Radıance any more any replacement?
  • azrael778azrael778 Member Posts: 86 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    It seems not possıble to get Ioun Stone of Radıance any more any replacement?

    Hi Mate!
    Thanks for your question.Yes I believe its difficult to get one nowadays but what I can advice in replacement of the Ioun Stone of radiance is just get the Ioun stone of might. Its almost the same as the radiance stone (same 3 offense slots, and ring,ring and a belt slots. the reason why I think its better now than allure is that you have more options and better stat to put on the 3rd slot which is a a belt rather than ioun stone of allure's icon slot. So if there are changes in the game you have wide aray of belts with stats to choose from rather than be limited on a few icon stats which is very few in game at the moment.

    Plus, the active bonus is not bad also since you get 5% Stamina Regeneration(on epic) which is good for your shield.As I have said. I am a using a human class so I needed to max out deflect. but if youre a halfling the Ioun stone of might is the best choice.
  • guille23mxguille23mx Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 340 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Hi Azrael,
    I used to ran a build like this back in Mod 1 and 2 ...Only with a few changes....

    I Used to ran Perfect Lifedrinker on my Weap Enchant and also prioritized Life steal...on some def slots and Silver enchants on every single offense slot to get your AP Gain Up.

    Also like u ran with Briartwine which is awesome for this reflect build. Also remember to ran it as a Tactician so everytime they hit everyone u intercepted those hit and procced some lifesteal out of them and get your HP back along with some AP...so you could practically spend all day refilling your daillyes one after another and keeping your HP bar at full.
    What's your thoughs on this...
    Would these modifications to your build still be in effect... do they still work? Could it help Improve this Build?
    I would love to hear your comments...
    Awesome initiative for postim your build bro btw... I respect that , its awesome ;)
  • linkingirl86linkingirl86 Member Posts: 77 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    azrael778 wrote: »
    Hi Linkinggirl86!

    Sure! :D
    Thank you a lot for letting me add your post to mmominds.com
  • silence1xsilence1x Member Posts: 1,503 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    rain727 wrote: »
    Just a couple of questions though

    rain - I'm in Az's guild. He posted on our forum that he will be on an extended vacation and won't be back until the end of the month. I saw your post and didn't want you to think he was ignoring your questions.
    I aim to misbehave
  • pilipino93pilipino93 Member Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    What happened to the pictures? Or is it just me that they aren't showing in your op? :O just wanted to look at the gear / stats / bis etc again :)
  • hbreed72hbreed72 Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Holy Guacamole now i know why

    I've met you a few times on my TR , i was a decent perma stealth and i remember you because u are the only GF i couldn't kill like ever, you know other GF's are hard to take down but eventually they all die but you? i remember fighting for over 20mins trying everything to take you down but whenever i got you on low HP i was going to have a bad time :))). Great build mate and great pvp skills also, you are one of the best out there, at least from my experience, i advise anyone that wants to be "immortal" while still being very, very dangerous as a GF to take this build/guide it is total <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>. Cheers mate keep up the good work!
  • xujloxujlo Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Hi,sory for this question,but i cant understand how u make this ability score,i ask for str and dex.When i choose 18+2 con always roll 13 str and 13 dex
  • krebreverkrebrever Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    I have the same question as xujlo. When you factor in stat increases for each level and the bonus from the plated belt of constitution the strength, constitution and dexterity scores still don't seem to match one of the available starting rolls. Are there additional bonuses to stats from equipment or other sources that I am missing?
  • matthiasthehun76matthiasthehun76 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,184 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Well another rich guy showing off!

    I personally like the builds where a normal GF player tells us about his or her experiences from scratch, not saying i have spent X dollars and see her i am, i got the bigger car lol. Playing this monster doesn't need any skill, man you are like a rock, pretty invincible. As the famous former F1 pilote, Niki Lauda used to say: this is so OP, that even a monkey could drive it. This is pure p2w!

    I am an old GF player, but yes this should be nerfed, it's the same <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> like the perma TR does, having all advantages of the world and no disadvantages. You are like a titan from old greek mythlogy.

    That's why i try to advocate with some other fellow forum members to introduce GS into PVP, imagine fighting against you, well pretty useless even to start and yet again we can have all skills of the world.

    My fear is the same as some others wrote too, that after Devs see such a monster, they will nerf us again and GF gets back to <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> status quo and it will hurt the average player more.

    Tried to write it many times, that all these goodies are fine, but they are game breakers, especially the Artifact Belt. Sure Cryptic loves it and so do rich gamers, cause this generates a huge money spending, but all others lose.

    At least some combinations shouldn't be allowed, but having everything available mixed together on a character breaks that balance, which is already non existent in PVP.
    The real honest man is honest from conviction of what is right, not from policy.
    Robert E. Lee

    I only believe in statistics that I doctored myself.
    Winston Churchill

    The human race is a herd. Here we are, unique, eternal aspects of consciousness with an infinity of potential, and we have allowed ourselves to become an unthinking, unquestioning blob of conformity and uniformity. A herd. Once we concede to the herd mentality, we can be controlled and directed by a tiny few. And we are.
    David Icke

  • notsheriffsrsnotsheriffsrs Banned Users Posts: 396 Bounty Hunter
    edited November 2014
    lol. Faced this guy before.

    This guy is not a threat at all and never will be.

    Just a lame annoyance and lagbot, nothing more.

    Would probably get zero kills in a true high-end premade, and a drag to his team too.

  • mrsax93mrsax93 Member Posts: 32
    edited November 2014
    But why he choose swordmaster to iron vanguard?
    isnt best iron vanguard for tank and with the mod Thiamat?
  • icyphishicyphish Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,255 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    I dont play GF, but I give you a lot of respect showing people your build and even the tactical side of it.

    A lot of new players does not realize the top notch gear is one thing, but putting them all together and synergy the skills is whats most important at the very end. There's plenty of people with rank 10 enchantment and perfect vorpals running around, but a lot of them get beaten by guys with similar gears consistently, and what makes the difference, obviously the build/synergy and the tactical side of it.

    For new players, I can assure you this build does not require those so-called Rank10 enchantments, you can still out perform many guys at your GS level even with rank 6~7 enchantments. Learn to appreciate what other ppl has shared, cus understanding your class and the synergy of it makes you only stronger.

    icydrake :)

    Author of GWF Speed Demon PvP Build (Mod 11) <- Click to reveal the Speedy Beast! >:)
  • mrsax93mrsax93 Member Posts: 32
    edited November 2014
    This is a kind of hybrid swordmaster is a tank that does not know if tanking or damage do those 5/5 points powerful attack are funny: /
  • azrael778azrael778 Member Posts: 86 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    guille23mx wrote: »
    Hi Azrael,
    I used to ran a build like this back in Mod 1 and 2 ...Only with a few changes....

    I Used to ran Perfect Lifedrinker on my Weap Enchant and also prioritized Life steal...on some def slots and Silver enchants on every single offense slot to get your AP Gain Up.

    Also like u ran with Briartwine which is awesome for this reflect build. Also remember to ran it as a Tactician so everytime they hit everyone u intercepted those hit and procced some lifesteal out of them and get your HP back along with some AP...so you could practically spend all day refilling your daillyes one after another and keeping your HP bar at full.
    What's your thoughs on this...
    Would these modifications to your build still be in effect... do they still work? Could it help Improve this Build?
    I would love to hear your comments...
    Awesome initiative for postim your build bro btw... I respect that , its awesome ;)

    Sorry for replying so late. I was off the game for a month since I needed to take a vacation and do some real life stuff

    I must say, You DO HAVE A VERY GOOD POINT THERE MATE!!! Thanks! I think its really good cant wait to test it. As you know, Lifesteal are one of those stats that are always good to have... the more the better... The question that we need to solve is how to get around 1600+ LIFESTEAL for it to really have a good effect without sacrificing too much on other stats like regen and AP gain. Hmmm. Im thinking of shaving off some points on defense because of the significant diminishing returns at 5000+and getting lifesteal on reiniforced armour kits (+400) and prolly use a a fallen dragon shield or something to get some lifesteal.

    Thanks a lot mate! Im really anxious to test it and with the advent of mod 5. Im sure there will be a lot more options for us to mix and match to get the best of the synergy of the build.

    Will update and do some test and let you guys know what I come up with.
  • azrael778azrael778 Member Posts: 86 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    rain727 wrote: »

    I saw you earlier at icewindale when you were fighting 6-8 Arcane Brotherhood players including me who's rushing at you and you singlehandedly manage to kill me and 4 others in the group while the rest ran away. I must say I was quite impressed with your toon.I am following the crixus conqueror build but it seems that not really a solid build and it doesnt really work for me atm. after reading your guide, Im excited to try it out.

    Just a couple of questions though

    1.Is this build good for pve too? because I think most of us will have to grind dungeons for a very long time or else spend a lot of cash to get where you at right now.

    2. Is the DC artifact also useful if PVE rather than using a bloodcrystal raven skull? I dont want to spend time leveling a DC to get the trinket if 50% of the time ill be doing PVE too

    3. What do you think about Pseudodragon and the wiil o wisp companions?

    Hi mate!

    I cannot comment on my fellow GF builds(Crixus build) since it wouldnt be right. I respect my fellow comrades and im pretty sure its an awesome build too (Honestly, I havent checked his build but ive seen it). It just a matter of finding your own playstyle with regards on playing a GF.Im also sure he spent a lot of time testing his build too. Its good to have lots of builds posted( I encourage that) in forums so you will know which one is better for you.And it doesnt really mean that if you find a good build youll be invincible... it boils down to the skill of the player itself. One thing I can assure you with regards to MY build is that you will find it very tanky without sacrificing too much dps. What you lack in the dps of a conq build you make up in reflect damage which is IMHO is the pretty much levels it up plus you get to have more HP and deflect for you to survive longer.

    I will answer your questions in the context of my build alone in terms of my personal experience and test and not in relation to other build that you are refering.

    for your questions:

    1. Yes its very good for PVE. Just use these: Fighters recovery, Villains Menace for dailies. Enhanced Mark and Shield Talent for class feats and Enforced Threat , Knights Valor and Into the fray for encounters.

    Enhanced mark and Enforced threat makes it easy to control the ads. Knights valor of course to protect your party. Ito the fray to buff your party. Shield talent for heavy mobs. Once your low on HP just use fighters recovery + Enforced threat and your HP will likely be full again then rinse repeat. You will be a valuable member of the party

    please see this video link below:


    2. DC artifact is better than BloodCrystal for primary artifact in my opinion since you get heals when you use and encounter + AP gain for 15 seconds. If you are a PVE player this is very useful for the fighters recovery + enforced threat combo that I mentioned above when you are in low health rather than using bloodcrystal raven which although gives you 10% max hitpoints say if you are 50k hp thats only 5k hp plus 90% as temporary hitpoints but it slowly depletes. If you are in PVP, you get to pop your dailies quite often than normal and gives you more offensive or defensive options rather than using a bloodcrystal raven which you will only probably use as a last resort or a trump card when you are low in health. Think of it like this, on a 1v1 match between 2 gfs with the same stats. The one using a DC artifact has already used 2 dailies first one for defensive (SOS for example to halt enemies on attacking you) and the last one for offensive (crescendo for example) rather than the GF using a raven skull which he will only use when he is low in HP.

    You see the DC artifact gives you more options and together with a BI puri set and good regen stats you get your hp back in no time.

    3.I have tested the Pseudodragon and the will o wisp companions. I mean its good but there are a lot more usefull companions such as rustmonster, pig, and galeb duhr that you can put on your limited companion slots. remember you are a GF, and most of your attacks are inclined to burst damage so might as well make it count and get debuffs and health on your companions.

    Hope it helps
  • discoricediscorice Member Posts: 371 Arc User
    edited November 2014


    Unlike most GF builds, I chose DEX over STR for survivability as a secondary attribute.What you should max out obviously is CON. This build will give you 33% deflect chance even if you are not a halfling.[/QUOTE]

    My question is: how did you roll a 17 str, 20 con, 15 dex? I can't seem to make that happen using a human or a half-orc.
    Fear Of A Disco Planet
  • davaryondavaryon Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Hi Azrael, gotta say im impressed with your maturity in dealing with a lot of criticism for what should be a viable build. Need more players like this in the game...

    I have a couple of questions for you regarding the cockatrice and knights valor.
    1. I heard the cockatrice is bugged in PVE, is that still true?
    2. If kv is activated and another player takes damage, is there a chance that monster will be rooted because of the damage directed to you?

    Thank you in advance
  • loboguildloboguild Member Posts: 2,371 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    discorice wrote: »
    My question is: how did you roll a 17 str, 20 con, 15 dex? I can't seem to make that happen using a human or a half-orc.

    He rolled 13(+2)/18/13/8/10/10, Potion of Heroism, Campfire = 17/20/15
  • azrael778azrael778 Member Posts: 86 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    loboguild wrote: »
    He rolled 13(+2)/18/13/8/10/10, Potion of Heroism, Campfire = 17/20/15

    Thats pretty much what it is :D Thanks @loboguild!
  • azrael778azrael778 Member Posts: 86 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Well another rich guy showing off!

    I personally like the builds where a normal GF player tells us about his or her experiences from scratch, not saying i have spent X dollars and see her i am, i got the bigger car lol. Playing this monster doesn't need any skill, man you are like a rock, pretty invincible. As the famous former F1 pilote, Niki Lauda used to say: this is so OP, that even a monkey could drive it. This is pure p2w!

    I am an old GF player, but yes this should be nerfed, it's the same <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> like the perma TR does, having all advantages of the world and no disadvantages. You are like a titan from old greek mythlogy.

    That's why i try to advocate with some other fellow forum members to introduce GS into PVP, imagine fighting against you, well pretty useless even to start and yet again we can have all skills of the world.

    My fear is the same as some others wrote too, that after Devs see such a monster, they will nerf us again and GF gets back to <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> status quo and it will hurt the average player more.

    Tried to write it many times, that all these goodies are fine, but they are game breakers, especially the Artifact Belt. Sure Cryptic loves it and so do rich gamers, cause this generates a huge money spending, but all others lose.

    At least some combinations shouldn't be allowed, but having everything available mixed together on a character breaks that balance, which is already non existent in PVP.

    Very funny, You see an end game guy who shares his build to help others have some knowledge on how GF works and you are quick to jump the gun and assume thats hes pay to win and showing off? What a lame alibi... you can do better than that haha! Its not my problem if your poor...so dont blame others if they worked hard enough and you didnt. Please dont give me that p2w excuse <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> because I aint taking it. you are grossly mistaken. Ive been playing a GF even before professions were introduced in the game and Ive been farming ads in CN since mod 1. You want proof? look at my last cn split spreadsheet below. I am updating it every 3-4 months or so for easy viewing.


    But to parry words with you... sharing a build is not showing off... This is showing off... lol


    See the difference? lol

    as you can see not all high end players are pay to win... some players just smart enough to work hard to farm and trade for profit instead of whining on forums the game is so unfair. I know a lot of players to who did the same like my friend Lazalia whos even richer than me and all he did was trade in PE and was also never p2w.

    As Ive said before I dont see any problem with p2w guys also... Its their money. its their choice not yours.If not for them we wont be playing this game... companies need to make a living too... NW aint charity.nuff said.

    This thread is not in any way to show off. It is only intended for those starting up on a GF or wanted to try other aspects of the gf class (which is a reflect build)and saving them time and effort not to metion ads on choosing what in my opinion are the best gears and enchants for this type of build. nothing more...
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