need a way to sort by
@handle in the guild interface.
I can't even explain how irritable everybody in my guild gets at the lack of this.
People do not run guilds based on individual character contributions except in extremely rare circumstances. A member of a guild is almost always a member as a player/person, not as a character. This means more often than not if a guild member gets promoted or removed from the guild all of their characters get promoted or removed.
Trying to sift through all of the members of the guild to find all of a player's alts is beyond tiring and frustrating.
I guess this system is designed with Roleplay Guilds in mind or something but I can say this has to be the most common complaint I deal with regarding the guild interface from members of my guild and every discussion I have about the guild interface.
And this goes above and beyond just dealing with guild management. There are so many times relationships are formed based on character names rather than
@handles in the game but this is not how guild member relationships are built outside of, perhaps, roleplaying guilds. Guild leaders want players to be able to say 'I have no idea who that character is, let me check the Guild Roster and find out what other characters he plays.'
The current guild interface does not assist in making those bonds seamless. It's not uncommon for people to have no idea who other people are in the guild because they have formed bonds based on character name but the guild roster offers absolutely no aid in connecting the characters to
@handles. It's a giant list of character names which frankly is next to useless both from a management and user perspective.
Guild members should be able to easily connect a character to a specific player and that can not happen until the Guild Interface starts looking at the
@handles as well as the character names.
[ Support Center • Rules & Policies and Guidelines • ARC ToS • Guild Recruitment Guidelines | FR DM Since 1993 ]
(Some come up with really cool names. Some don't. Some end up on my ignore list just because their names are so ridiculous. And if you are in a guild with a name like LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOK, then know that you are already ignored by default. LOL) (AFAIK, there is no guild by that name. But there are two guilds with names that long that have a lot of 'O's'. All the members of both of those... yeah. Bye.)
I tend to address people by their @names in game. So if your @name is @cj3cpaslgmcve, I likely won't be addressing you. =D
And if your name is something I don't want to explain to my 12 year old grand daughter.. well.. it is probably a good thing we likely won't meet. I won't be palling around with you.
Roland Mac Sheonin GF | Tarron Direheart SW |
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Performing ritual pony sacrifices to Tiamat to earn favor with the RNG Gods since 2014.
Is this so that its easier to kick people from a guild?
I was kicked from my guild today, roughly the same time you made this post.
No warning, nothing. Just out.
Very few people have actually been kicked out of my guild but on the few occasions that is has happened, yes it is not overly enjoyable to rush through the guild roster trying to remember all of that person's character names especially if they have additional access to the guild bank or other guild tools.
This is more to do with everyday situations...
When we bring new people in they are Rank 1 for a short period of time almost as a probation period which length varies depending on how active and interactive the person is. Trying to promote all of their characters, especially since they are new and we may not have had the time to remember all of their characters, is the main cause for this thread.
But even promoting long standing members is tiresome. In fact some of my own characters are not promoted because the guild leaders did not find every one and I just never bothered them about it.
This is a frustration which has been brought up nearly every week I have ever played the game but to the best of my knowledge nobody has ever voiced on the forums. Way to jump to the worst possible conclusion.
But if there's really plans to work on the Guild UI I am sure there's a lot more than just the @handle issue players could bring up as a desire. In fact I find a lot of it lacking intuity but I would rather spend a longer time making it a bit more constructive than a list of complaints.
But that goes back to the purpose of this thread, somebody may be extremely active but never play that character.
After I get my dailies done I will look through the guild interface and compile a list of things which I feel need to be improved. As you said though it's a lot of little things ranging from inconsistencies to outright missing options. I honestly can't say there's any one big thing other than sorting by @handle.
I'll then add all of the information that I compile and any notes from players into my opening post and/or reference their posts from there.
P.S. - I only realized the ability to check last played times a few weeks ago. It was as big of a gripe to me as the sortation issues so I am greatly appreciative that it has been incorporated in game.
Activity Log - Default to newest news rather than oldest news.
Message of the Day Belongs under News
Add a Bulletin Board based on Guild Permissions
Please either make this tab a calendar or have it coincide with the game calendar. The linear text only is very bland, hard for players to understand at a glance and unpolished in general.
This feature works and I can't think of many ways to improve it but it really needs a visual overhaul so players can know what they are interested in a a glance like the Developer Calendar and Home Screen has.
Please remove the Leave button from the Roster Tab. Leave Guild options should not be in a highly used location and roster is currently the most useful and used part of the Guild UI. The Settings Tab would be a much better location.
Please remove the Member Pages. I would much rather have a scroll and/or a Filter with online characters prioritized just like the Friends List.
Add a Search Roster Button!
Add an @handle Column
Make the Guild and Friends Tab bottom options coincide when possible
- Send Tell
- Invite to Party
- Inspect
- Change Rank Drop Down (Apply to all checkbox next to it)
- Kick From Guild
- Send Mail Icon
Try to keep the layout between the two as similar as possible. Additionally please remove the invite button and include the same text bar the social window has to send friend requests.Rename "Invite" to "Invite to Guild."
Just improve the layout and visuals please. It has a quality I would expect from a setting page more than a display page.
Also please add some fun facts such as how many members the guild has, records of how much time the guild members have played cumulatively...etc. Basically make this tab useful or interesting for existing members.
Like Information, this screams "not supposed to be seen." As it is this Tab should be removed and combined with the Information Tab. In truth this is more informational for current members than the "Information" Tab even though to standard members it looks like they accidentally walked into the Teacher's Lounge (induces the feeling you are not supposed to look at the tab)
That's all I have for now. I hope others will agree with my list of minor grievances with the Guild UI. Very few of these are truly major concerns and most work well enough as it is but need a bit of polishing to look like a Power Point Presentation rather than a Notepad Text Document.
If you disagree with anything I said, feel free to voice it...
And of course if you want to bring up anything I overlooked let me know.
Also useful would be to see when a member joined the guild.
The other thing that I have often seen requested is the option to sort members by last-logged-in using the game interface. You can do this in Gateway, which has no officer functions, which means if you're at the stage of needing to remove inactives, you need to go back and forth between the two.
Edit: Being able to see logins is an improvement, at least.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
Being able to promote with just the @handle would be absolutely welcome. Also, unfortunately, the flipside to that as well.
If leaving a guild, a Global Leave via @handle would also be welcome too. Some players have numerous characters in a guild and it can be quite the chore to take every character one has out of a guild.
If I may: I would also like to see the addition of a "Take Ownership" come into play. Many times in here in NW and these forums I have come across players and posters who speak of guild leader/founder inactivity. Not the guild members themselves, but the leaders, the ones with the permissions.
Sometimes even Guild leaders/founders decide to quit playing leaving the members without any means to manage the guild. Maybe there could be some way for these members to be able to communicate that to Cryptic and have the guild 'reset' so to speak.
I'd also like to see the ability to allow members to contribute AD for more repositories.
1 more: I'm glad we can inspect from dofferent zones, but I'd like to see my guildmates stats too, so I know which upgrades they need.
We need a way to schedule guild events in the guild interface too. Well, not need persay, but it'd be a nice feature.
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Performing ritual pony sacrifices to Tiamat to earn favor with the RNG Gods since 2014.
This feature already exists but is only available if no max rank members have logged in to the game in over 30 days.
There's no vote kicking guild leaders. Unfortunately they can be as inactive as they want as long as at least one max rank player logs in within 30 days. In this case if the guild leader is not kind enough to appoint other leadership or step down it might be a no win situation for members of that guild.
But on the other side of the coin a vote feature could easily be abused so I'm not sure I would want it either. Any suggestions on how such a feature could be implemented to allow players to remove inactive guild leaders without allowing players to 'steal' guild ownership?
I forgot about that! Thanks for the reminder. I will add then when I overhaul the thread.
It would need to be done in a way that the AD cannot be withdrawn so it doesn't open the door for Player AD transferring. Just make a DOUBLE confirmation when depositing.
For example, when depositing AD into the Guild Bank, the first pop-up confirmation:
"You're depositing 200,000 AD into the Guild Bank. You won't be able to withdraw it once deposited! Are you sure?" --> YES/NO
Then followed by a second pop-up confirmation:
"You've chosen to deposit 200,000 AD into the Guild Bank and have acknowledged that this deposit is PERMANENT! Are you sure? (Clicking YES will Complete this Transaction. Click NO if you've changed your mind!)" --> YES/NO
What would be needed then is either a CAP on how much AD can be deposited, meaning members cannot deposit more AD than the cost of the remaining repositories available to buy.... or, better yet, implement a "Special Vendor" where those with guild permissions can also use Guild AD on things other than the Repositories like future Guild Features/Unlocks/Items.
[ Support Center • Rules & Policies and Guidelines • ARC ToS • Guild Recruitment Guidelines | FR DM Since 1993 ]
Everybody seems to agree so far that right now it's in a location that just begs to be clicked on. Frankly I don't care where it goes but it can't stay there. Settings would be the best tab for it to go as it is right now or if they don't remove the Settings Tab. If they do remove the Settings Tab and combine it with Information then Information would be the best location for it.
The first screen that opens is the News Tab. I don't think it belongs there even thematically.
As for the Change Rank Drop Down, I meant it as a drop down option as you stated, not as a drop rank button. I hated having to spam the news feed with a bunch of promotions for the same character because a leader or officer made a new alt. A drop down would be much more intuitive. Right now it feels like I am answering what is 3 + 2 with 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1. Let us just set the rank to 5.
Agreed on the checkbox for Kick from Guild.
We have a vibrant, generous, guild, and the idea of pooling AD for guild use is very attractive. We had one player switch our Gauntlgrym affiliation a while back, and that was a big chunk of AD for one person to pay. We have already bought out all our tabs, but the variety of items in the game make these tabs fill up awfully quickly.
I agree with all of the proposed suggestions for making finding alts easier with the in-game UI. The Officers in my guild are getting tired of asking our members to put their @ name in their Member Comments section. They all want to write silly notes in that area, instead. As it should be. ;-)
Thanks for a great thread!
An alternative would be something along the lines of the projects for the various fleet holdings in STO. Those already cap contributions automatically.
The Silver Sword - NW-DEIPWYISA - Daily Qualified
A Relaxing Stay - NW-DEEYNZYZ9 - Daily Qualified but going to be updated