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Server outage 8/28/14



  • than007ththan007th Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited August 2014
  • miramolinmiramolin Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    damnacious wrote: »
    I won the game. That is the reason the game no longer works. I WIN!

    Go start playing another game but first give me all your stuff as loot for winning ;)

    Did you pay to win? Because if you did then it doesn't count.
  • gerbilhurdlergerbilhurdler Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 418 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2014
    ladyfret wrote: »
    The fact they bound them without giving warning on the ones made before the summer fest or since it started and were being made, or the ones that even dropped in the past and present, is still wrong to do the player base.

    These items that were being crafted or dropped, were not hurting anyone. They should ALL become unbound again. That represents many hours of farming the items to make the final product, not to mention ranking up the profession itself, to do this with.

    I for one am not happy that there are too many new stealthy changes to this game, such as deciding one day to bind all foods made or dropped, that are never even warned of or discussed with the players. These type of items are not hurting anyone or the economy.

    Most other Player made items are not being swept into being bound. Why should food items? It is just not the right thing to do to people who play either for free and/or financially support your game product.

    I agree with you 100%. All this BoP nonsense does is make content useless once you get your item you are looking for.
    If people can sell it on AH they will surely grind that area. If not they will leave and never go back when they finish area.
  • nevawinnanevawinna Member Posts: 422 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    damnacious wrote: »
    I won the game. That is the reason the game no longer works. I WIN!

    Go start playing another game but first give me all your stuff as loot for winning ;)

    What did you win, an invisble t-shirt that crashes the game?
  • thesensaithesensai Member Posts: 637 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    I agree with you 100%. All this BoP nonsense does is make content useless once you get your item you are looking for.
    If people can sell it on AH they will surely grind that area. If not they will leave and never go back when they finish area.

    IMO there should be No 'character bound'. All such items should be 'bind to account'.

    The only reason for anything to bind at all is to protect the economy. However if you earned it you should be able to use it, reguardless of which character.
  • ariakaituariakaitu Member Posts: 75
    edited August 2014
    le sigh. and i so wanted to play to take my mind off the excruciating pain of dental work.....


  • hustin1hustin1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,468 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Someone finished Pac-Man level 255.
    Harper Chronicles: Cap Snatchers (RELEASED) - NW-DPUTABC6X
    Blood Magic (RELEASED) - NW-DUU2P7HCO
    Children of the Fey (RELEASED) - NW-DKSSAPFPF
    Buried Under Blacklake (WIP) - NW-DEDV2PAEP
    The Redcap Rebels (WIP) - NW-DO23AFHFH
    My Foundry playthrough channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/Ruskaga/featured
  • edited August 2014
    This content has been removed.
  • sentinel1946sentinel1946 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    This and the one about the janitor unplugging the server is usually closer to the truth. "THEY SWAPPED OUT WHAT?!?!??"
  • lusfolgenalusfolgena Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    brun2000 wrote: »
    I was... doing a boss... he had like... 20% hp left... QQ

    Lawdy I hate when that happens! :(
  • miramolinmiramolin Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    greyloche wrote: »
    not really a battle. more like pvp dom with both of us rushing to get points before time runs out.

    And does the loot chest open before? Or after?
  • ariakaituariakaitu Member Posts: 75
    edited August 2014
    incidentally... i have 4 gerbils i will sell to PWE/CRYPTIC for the servers since the hamster died... for an account wide epic mount
  • veditoaveditoa Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    lycragirl wrote: »
    Dailies not done? check.

    Aqua Reglia ready to collect? Check.

    Dragon, IWD, Sharander and dread ring to grind? Check.


    It's ok. I don't need sleep anyway.....

    Ah HAMSTER! I forgot I still need to pick flowers, herd chickens, have water fights and kill trolls too!

    Grind, who has time to grind 5+ characters? I just grab the minimum which is the midsummer event right now.
  • hustin1hustin1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,468 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    These downtimes are really bad for my bank account. I find myself drifting over to eBay and looking at the newest Intellivision postings. I still need to score a CIB 1978 demo cart (though I'm *drooling* over the Blue Whale up for sale).
    Harper Chronicles: Cap Snatchers (RELEASED) - NW-DPUTABC6X
    Blood Magic (RELEASED) - NW-DUU2P7HCO
    Children of the Fey (RELEASED) - NW-DKSSAPFPF
    Buried Under Blacklake (WIP) - NW-DEDV2PAEP
    The Redcap Rebels (WIP) - NW-DO23AFHFH
    My Foundry playthrough channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/Ruskaga/featured
  • yokki1yokki1 Member Posts: 451 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    capkoko wrote: »
    And if they are looking for it its much to ask if they can change the store ítems to a 999 format? If not all at least the dragon coins and the festival petals and flowers. Just saying.

    i second that. this must be done ASAP. right now. couldnt happen fast enough.
  • altaweiraltaweir Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Great. Still Down. Ready to lose all celestial coins, everyone?
  • aerfonaerfon Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    what's the bet we get an announcement that Neverwinter log in server was attacked by a DDOS hacker group, lots of well known MMO's have had their log in servers and forums targeted in the last week :(
  • ariakaituariakaitu Member Posts: 75
    edited August 2014
    12:30 pm PST (Moses Lake, WA, USA no luck logging into server. Outlook bleak. will check back soon. Should note, if this is found without me, i have died of boredom

    12:35 pm PST (Moses Lake, WA, USA Still no luck. I fear i hear the empty howling of the Boredom circling outside. I don't know how much longer i can keep it at bay. It sounds huge. Terrifying when it runs it's massive appendages over my door. The only thing that will keep it at bay indefinitely is the message on my screen changing. The login server is what can save me from this terrifying beast. Will keep you updated if i can.

    12:40 pm PST (Moses Lake, WA, USA The beast, Boredom, has managed to break a small shard of my sliding glass window. It keeps trying to thread one of its appendages through the hole it's made, but i have been forcing it back outside with a broom handle. It's starting to get smart though. I fear it's learning. It almost got the lock once, when i looked away to grab something to drink. Right now, its between me, and Boredom. I must win this one. Im cooking Pot Roast for dinner. Can't die without having Pot Roast. Will check back soon.

    12:45 pm PST (Moses Lake, WA, USA I have placed the wooden rod from my closet in the door track. It broke the lock and was slowly forcing the door open. It doesn't appear to have any massive strength, more like a droplet of water bearing down on the same exact spot countless times. It seems to wear away at things. The rod should hold the door in place for a while, though i fear the hole in the glass has gotten larger. Someone, Anyone, if you find this, tell my Boyfriend i love him.

    12:50 pm PST (Moses Lake, WA, USA) Boredom seems to have disappeared for the moment. I think it lays in wait, hoping i will go outside to check. I'm smarter than that. I will stay here and update my journal. For fun, i went and measured the hole in the glass. it has gotten bigger, didn't need to measure it to tell. Before i could barely fit my finger into the hole, now, my palm barely covers it. There's a decaying, fetid odor outside, coming on the breeze. I believe that's wafting off Boredom. If i press my face against the glass and look to the right, i can almost see it pressing against the side of the house, like it's trying to enter the living room through osmosis. Thank god Physics apply to it.

    12:55 pm PST (Moses Lake, WA, USA) I keep an eye on the spare screen i hooked up. The message is unchanging. "Connecting to the login server. Please wait ..." Other than having to type my access code in, that is the constant. Boredom is worrying at the hole again. If i concentrate hard enough, i swear it has eyes and a mouth... or what could pass as a mouth. Perhaps its like those dementers i read about in those Potter books. Perhaps the Boredom sucks your soul out with its maw, leaving you alive, but devoid of happiness, cheer, and any thought process beyond basic life giving functions.
  • akromatikakromatik Member Posts: 1
    edited August 2014

    We're on it, sit tight folks!

    Thank you for your patience.

    *grabs fire extinguisher*

  • nwnplayer1nwnplayer1 Member Posts: 15
    edited August 2014
    Is the game perma broken? Or perma stunned? Or did the game go perma stealth? I don't know what happened, but I can not login.
  • lusfolgenalusfolgena Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    All those wires! LOLOL love it!
  • edited August 2014
    This content has been removed.
  • mablus25mablus25 Member Posts: 65 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    I lost internet as well soo your not the only one.
  • hekino1hekino1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    I'm sure the developers are doing their best at solving this issue and we'll be back online in no time. This is still okay, only the server crashed, but if the whole internet crashed, then i'm sure it'll be a lot worse than this =d
  • nevawinnanevawinna Member Posts: 422 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    They found a way to remove all the gold spam. Too bad it will be back when the server goes back online.
  • glaviousthemadglaviousthemad Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    aerfon wrote: »
    what's the bet we get an announcement that Neverwinter log in server was attacked by a DDOS hacker group, lots of well known MMO's have had their log in servers and forums targeted in the last week :(

    LOL...Is that a confession? :cool:
  • nwnplayer1nwnplayer1 Member Posts: 15
    edited August 2014
    Has the server been down for a few days so far?
  • yomliguidonyomliguidon Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    hustin1 wrote: »
    Someone finished Pac-Man level 255.
    Elminster did. Twice.
    Yomli, Shadovar of Clariburnus
    Gegnar, Alaghor of Clangeddin

    « Le Tombeau de Damara » - NW-DM9LR2G42
  • damnaciousdamnacious Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 354 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    The servers are actually located in Donetsk, Ukraine and are now under Russian control.
  • lusfolgenalusfolgena Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    thesensai wrote: »
    IMO there should be No 'character bound'. All such items should be 'bind to account'.

    I agree!!
This discussion has been closed.