I fell asleep during a pve run yesterday. Why? Because i was tired and only holding my mouse button down since i was lying in a good position on my chair. Its not like i needed anything else then my mouse.
Its not like any encouters are required to clear content anymore., or dailys for that matter. I can agree that there were some challenges a year ago when MC was released and our GS was arround 11k max. But hey, its not like it dident get cleared on the first day....or did it? Yes, it always does.
The dungeons are so easy now, and so rewardless that i am lost for constructive words. Yes. What am i supposed to do with me and my guild who are all between 16 and 20k gs. There are so many little sisters in the world to put infront of your keyboard to smash buttons. And i want to start playing myself soon, but the challenge of staying awake during a PVE run is bigger then the run itself.
So what else to do with geared charrs. PvP. Yeah, cryptic are putting so much effort in domination there is like a two weeks window before a module when all the bugs are fixed and you can only play the domination game. If you ignorere mod2 and 3 ofc....those were buggy all the way to the next mod. And in mod4 im sure they will fix the bugs soon so we can finnaly play the only 2 mapped content left in the game.
I stopped playing the Mod4 PvE content; not because it was too easy (some of it was surprisingly hard) but because it was simply much too boring and repetitive. I will not play the same quest day after day. EVER. Especially not such boring quests as "kill HAMSTER" and retrieve HAMSTER." I'll stick to the foundry, thank you very much, until there is some content worth my time.
Lair of Lostmauth has some interesting mechanics. But I cleared it with pugs, who all had rank 6/7 enchants, on the first day it came to preview. It just took 1 wipe to figure out the mechanic of the dragon.
But if you double the mobs' HP (incl. the bosses'), triple their recharge speed (they still spend too much time just looking at you before they go for the next attack), and double their damage output, it could be a decent dungeon to have fun with.
I came here for epic PvE and found none. I remained for PvP.
If you are looking for such epic PvE content, such as raids, extremely hard bosses, very good rewards, complex mechanics...
... you will never find these things here, i can assure you.
- they cannot give you decent rewards, because you will farm, get rich, never buy Zen. Subscription games give you good rewards that make you want to farm. Will never happen here. And who will play hard content for the usual rank 5 and a 0.01% chance at an artifact?
I came here for epic PvE and found none. I remained for PvP.
If you are looking for such epic PvE content, such as raids, extremely hard bosses, very good rewards, complex mechanics...
... you will never find these things here, i can assure you.
- they cannot give you decent rewards, because you will farm, get rich, never buy Zen. Subscription games give you good rewards that make you want to farm. Will never happen here. And who will play hard content for the usual rank 5 and a 0.01% chance at an artifact?
I don't care about farming & I only minimally care about my gear. I am much more interested in a fun and interesting adventure to go on. There's plenty of that in the Foundry, (even if nowhere else) so I'll spend my time there, even with its shortcomings.
I don't care about farming & I only minimally care about my gear. I am much more interested in a fun and interesting adventure to go on. There's plenty of that in the Foundry, (even if nowhere else) so I'll spend my time there, even with its shortcomings.
I can understand and respect your choices, yet a fact still remains:
There won't be any truly epic, truly rewarding PvE content here.
Well one good start would be to make CWs first AoE CC class and only support DPS in PvE, and end the CW dominion that plagued PvE since...more than one year now. Then change the mobs composition with some more hard hitting, CC-immune minibosses to force the need of a sinergy between CCing, tanking/ protecting/ healing, and dealing damage.
Force coordination inside the group.
Also, i'd add "legendary" versions of the dungeons with stronger mobs for those who already outgear the current content. Legendary dungeons could give a higher % of good drops and artifacts in the chest.
I was thinking about that topic in general for some time now.
This game got stuck - everything is easy as hell for people 13k+ - also levelling is easier with levelling gear and artifacts - Classes recieved buffs. Everything changed but the difficulty didnt.
Also, i'd add "legendary" versions of the dungeons with stronger mobs for those who already outgear the current content. Legendary dungeons could give a higher % of good drops and artifacts in the chest.
Legendary versions would be nice - with regular T2 / T1 gear with more stats / overload slots etc. That may not require too much work.
When the GF was redesigned lots of people mentioned this game doesnt need a tank and that so true in my oppinion. It's just about how quick a run can be not if you are able to do it at all.
MC 3/3 completed 3 times during DD? Saw it happpen and i think there are more extrem examples. Skirmishes? CTA? *yawn*
I like Ghost Stories on my DC solo finnally a challenge but i can play better less repetitive single player games instead...
The problem is every time something new and challenging is created, people come here and cry their eyeballs out. Im so annoyed by this - it may be a community problem and i just have to look for a game where challenge is wanted by the community.
Well one good start would be to make CWs first AoE CC class and only support DPS in PvE, and end the CW dominion that plagued PvE since...more than one year now. Then change the mobs composition with some more hard hitting, CC-immune minibosses to force the need of a sinergy between CCing, tanking/ protecting/ healing, and dealing damage.
Force coordination inside the group.
Also, i'd add "legendary" versions of the dungeons with stronger mobs for those who already outgear the current content. Legendary dungeons could give a higher % of good drops and artifacts in the chest.
I am getting bored with this CW stuff already.
Can you not speak of anything else?!?
This is a completely different topic.
Some people squeeze some "hint" about CWs in every post they do. It's beyond disgusting already.
I think you CAN say that nerfing specific classes will make dungeons harder BUT this is not the right answer as we recently saw. Nearly every party composition in Mod 4 with 15k GS can finish dungeons ridicolously easy. Also additional nerfing will just create 100 pages + threads where people fight each other and the devs over it.
Do this important thread the favour and add something creative, something new!
Some people squeeze some "hint" about CWs in every post they do. It's beyond disgusting already.
Agree with every thing yu say. It pretty darn disgusting on how low people will go with cw topic. Enough is enough. I my self get tired of seeing the same old thing. People are so use to bashing on every class they got a chance to just to do it. There a line to everything you do but yet it pathetic the things you see on forums. Every time there any change learn to adapt.
Its not like i needed anything else then my mouse.
You must be a CW then. Ghost Stories for instance is just yet another daily quest, still the chats are full of LFG b/c many non-CW classes find it uneasy, even with the two buttons of the mouse and even a whole keyboard.
Agree with every thing yu say. It pretty darn disgusting on how low people will go with cw topic. Enough is enough. I my self get tired of seeing the same old thing. People are so use to bashing on every class they got a chance to just to do it. There a line to everything you do but yet it pathetic the things you see on forums. Every time there any change learn to adapt.
Thing is we have a chance to speak in this topic about BIG, EPIC PvE. Usually this means RAIDS.
Almost by default, raids require diverse composition to overcome challenges. So this means that Tanking, Healing and Physical DPS would be required next to Magic DPS.
It is a shame if we would allow a promising topic to turn into yet another "X class stole my lunch money" one. There are enough of these already, all open for posting and tear shedding.
Well one good start would be to make CWs first AoE CC class and only support DPS in PvE, and end the CW dominion that plagued PvE since...more than one year now. Then change the mobs composition with some more hard hitting, CC-immune minibosses to force the need of a sinergy between CCing, tanking/ protecting/ healing, and dealing damage.
Force coordination inside the group.
Also, i'd add "legendary" versions of the dungeons with stronger mobs for those who already outgear the current content. Legendary dungeons could give a higher % of good drops and artifacts in the chest.
i did a karr run with guild on my cw, i did really low dmg cause 2 gwfs and a warlock just sprinted and killed everything before cw in his stupid crabwalk could get there cw isnt the problem its that ppl are overgeared and can just zerg the content, ppl with most move speed do most dmg
i did a karr run with guild on my cw, i did really low dmg cause 2 gwfs and a warlock just sprinted and killed everything before cw in his stupid crabwalk could get there cw isnt the problem its that ppl are overgeared and can just zerg the content, ppl with most move speed do most dmg
Errr? Given that /LFG is again totally dominated by requests for CWs I really don't think the problem with your CW is a class thing.....
Power creep is the primary reason, but another major one why many dungeons are so face-roll is that certain classes are way out of line in PvE, and the dungeons were designed (I hope) so that any class can complete them.
If they make all the classes within around, say, 20% of each others DPS then they can create new challenging dungeon without totally excluding everyone who isn't a CW. Anyone who truly wants a challenging dungeon should understand this is likely to only be achievable once classes are decently balanced.
i did a karr run with guild on my cw, i did really low dmg cause 2 gwfs and a warlock just sprinted and killed everything before cw in his stupid crabwalk could get there cw isnt the problem its that ppl are overgeared and can just zerg the content, ppl with most move speed do most dmg
Then do a Karru run with random pugs from LFG chat during DD hour. (And NOT the ones advertising "16k++ exp only plz", the ones who are actually gearing up.) I will tell you, the experience will be a lot different. But you have to be willing to be a team player yourself and proceed with the pace of the group, and not zerg ahead yourself to kill things. A lot of people struggle to this day with the harder T2's like Karru (1st and 2nd bosses) and ToS (final boss).
If people are really concerned about new players not being able to catch up with the veteran players at all, adding this hugely difficult raid (I am not sure what a "raid" really is) that only the top 1% of players can even complete at all before the content becomes obsolete seems counterproductive.
I can agree that there were some challenges a year ago when MC was released and our GS was arround 11k max. But hey, its not like it dident get cleared on the first day....or did it? Yes, it always does.
MC was bugged on the first day with terrain exploits that certain guilds knew about from testing on preview, but never told anyone and thus they were able to farm it easily.
Also MC was "bugged" with the ability to interrupt Valindra without killing her; most people didn't think it was a "bug" at the time, but the devs later "fixed" it, so I guess it was a bug.
I would say 99% of the players completing MC within the first month of release did so using one of these two methods to do so. Virtually no one did it the way it was intended to be done, i.e. actually DPSing Valindra down.
So no, MC as it was intended to be run was not "faceroll easy" the moment it came out. Please stop with the revisionist history.
Also MC was "bugged" with the ability to interrupt Valindra without killing her; most people didn't think it was a "bug" at the time, but the devs later "fixed" it, so I guess it was a bug.
Something needs to be done to PvE. PvE is supposed to be the main point of a D&D game. However, many players at here said they have given up PvE.
Despite the game title Dungeon & Dragon: Neverwinter, we probably only have 1% if not 0% quests which has some D&D feel. There is no need to further explain the problem of quests such as "kill or retrieve 5 bla bla bla" as we all know their styles are too repetitive and aren't D&D-ish. And general dungeon-typed quests such as campaign lairs are too easy and lack D&D elements. As for large dungeons, they still lack D&D feel as all we need to do is following a sparky trail and killing our way to bosses, and that's no different from contents of non-D&D action games.
The dungeons are fine for normal players. Not everybody is 20k BiS. It's not the game's fault som people are overgeared. For all the 12-14k people, which are the majority of the people out there, the content is fine. Even for a CW. Drop rates is another discussion.
I wouldn't mind some more intelligent AI and a bit more random spawns when it comes to mobs though. Even spawns based on the party composition would be an improvement. DPS/heal based threat only is pretty boring. So is knowing what's waiting for you around the corner.
I agree. I think some people here don't realize how much of a minority they are in the game. I would hazard to guess that probably 80-85% of the current players right now probably wouldn't be able to complete CN because it is such a challenging dungeon. People who can 2-man Draco represent the top 0.01% of the bell curve; it doesn't mean the content is "faceroll easy".
The problem is overgearing, there's no dungeon that can be hard for 17-20kgs players.
To me there are 2 solutions I can think now, either dumb down all equipment stats (for instance making all equipment give half of its current stats) or actually rise the level cap, and make the new content harder for everyone (make old equipment obsolete too)
although the problem isn't really equipment, but enchants/artifacts/etc, there's where the most difference in players is. And that's what's causing the big imbalance.
The dungeons are fine for normal players. Not everybody is 20k BiS. It's not the game's fault som people are overgeared. For all the 12-14k people, which are the majority of the people out there, the content is fine.
Creating new, difficult content, with better rewards doesn't mean the normal difficulty content has to go.
For those overgeared and skilled people, PvE should offer something. Challenging raiding would be great to fill the role. It works great in other MMOs and it would work here.
Back in the days I played Warhammer online (which no longer exists), there were truly hard PvE content despite that was a PvP game. People were standing at vendors looking at those Tyrant and Sovereign sets and thinking "wooow", no, "WOOOOOOW!!!!!111". I remember how we couldn't kill the first top dungeon boss for months (first out of eight).
Why am I saying this? People must look at new gear and be truly amazed by it's awesomeness, they must want it. What we have now? Draconic gear? F*** it, it worse then 1.5 year old T2 gear. Artifact belts and weapons? No thanks, I don't have enough time or money (or both) to lvl them, it'll take me ages and it discourages me to even try to get them.
All new dungeons are on the farm status on the first day of release. Why? Because every handicapped player must have his gear. Not only Cryptic but every developer nowadays makes their games a stupidly easy no braining button smasher. This is the trend.
Another extremely huge mistake is separating PvP from PvE. GOD WHY????!!!! WHY ON EARTH WOULD YOU DO THAT??!! I lost all interest in PvE after Tenacity update, I have never been in a dungeon since then. In my opinion, PvE should be for gear, PvP should be for fun and competition (just my position). The biggest chunk of the game does not exist for me.
This is why M3 is my favorite, it gave me new gear, PvP campaign and the zone where I can have some fun dueling or doing GvG events.
I doubt anything will force me to PvE again.
M6 almost drains your soul given how boring it is. (c) joocycuzzzzzz
You must be a CW then. Ghost Stories for instance is just yet another daily quest, still the chats are full of LFG b/c many non-CW classes find it uneasy, even with the two buttons of the mouse and even a whole keyboard.
Sorry i dident make myself clear. When i say PvE content, i dont mean quests or daily quests for that matter. I mean dungeons.
I am aware that its not as easy for everyone, but unlike that guy that said its not cryptics fault some people are overgeared. it totally is. I am overgeared. my guild is overgeared. and we are bored. Why dont you give the overgeard people a real challenge, while the "normally" geared people can struggle with their t2s and t1s.
Maybe brings us some content that the rank 10s and the top gear is equal to. I mean whats the point of even gearing up when you cant use it for anything other then PvP, which is totally ignored
I mean they clearly make dungeons so easy that the mass wont feel left outside, and they can have the feeling of accomplishment. But seriously comeon guys. There is no accomplishment after doing it 50 times.
even the new dragons are grinded by players of all gearscore. if you made a dragon hard to kill with rewards equal to the struggle of killing it, it would be so much better. why are you so desperate for approval of every scrub player out there.
With great combat system comes great responsibility. so plz. give us something to wipe at, try hard for, strive for. It would be any geared players dream to have something new to try to get that dosent require refining points and dosent require killing the same dragon 500 times. BUT maybe a harder dragon that cant be killed by random players, and you need organisation, teamspeak, orientation, tanks, healers, dpsers, crowd controllers, singel target dps. where is the imagination.
Creating new, difficult content, with better rewards doesn't mean the normal difficulty content has to go.
For those overgeared and skilled people, PvE should offer something. Challenging raiding would be great to fill the role. It works great in other MMOs and it would work here.
Actually, there's no reason they should. It's obvious the game doesn't have content for say 15k+ GS. Overgearing is your problem, not the game's. It's your choice if you want to go running around with 20k BiS gear, but you can't expect the game to keep up with the 300 people that have the money/resources/botted stuff while the remaining 150k people aren't even halfway. So overgear if you must, but expect to be bored till the game catches up with you. That's how every game works.
New content with higher rewards will come. IWD brought an alternative to T2 gear, ToD brought artifact gear. Slowly but certainly the game will start to get harder and harder. But I see no reason to start making a T4 dungeon now when the majority of the people don't even have T2 gear.
Don't get me wrong, I have no objection to world bosses and raiding. But catering the minority means by definition no or less attention and time to create content for the majority of the players.
And the scaling trick is a lame way for the majority to "participate" in higher difficulty events and should be abandoned. It doesn't work. It didn't work at IWD and it won't work with dragons. When you have 9 20k people on a dragon/HE there's no way a 10-14k player is going to get a drop. And guess what all the overgeared people are doing? Exactly. Dragon/HE camping. I think the game caters the 20k BiS people more than enough in this manner. They get all the drops while the rest of us might as well abandon the campaign except for the boons and pray we get the AD next year to buy your overpriced drops.
what the hell man seriously. new gear should not be purchasable. you should also not need to grind the same dragon 500 times to get it. you should only be able to obtain it by entering a dungeon with a really skilled team of players that are able to kill a boss that drops it.
The loot table of that boss is lets say 5 different BoP epics that are BIS, and only drops 1 each kill. The next boss in that dungeon has also 5 different epics that only drops 1 at a time.
To the people like you that dont want to be BiS, go farm you t2 dungeons and what not. but there are people that want some more. And its NOT their fault they are overgeard. If its a possibility to aquire that gear, players will do it no matter if the game is "up to date" or not.
This is getting boring, very boring.
But if you double the mobs' HP (incl. the bosses'), triple their recharge speed (they still spend too much time just looking at you before they go for the next attack), and double their damage output, it could be a decent dungeon to have fun with.
If you are looking for such epic PvE content, such as raids, extremely hard bosses, very good rewards, complex mechanics...
... you will never find these things here, i can assure you.
- they cannot give you decent rewards, because you will farm, get rich, never buy Zen. Subscription games give you good rewards that make you want to farm. Will never happen here. And who will play hard content for the usual rank 5 and a 0.01% chance at an artifact?
I can understand and respect your choices, yet a fact still remains:
There won't be any truly epic, truly rewarding PvE content here.
PvE in this game sucks big time.
Force coordination inside the group.
Also, i'd add "legendary" versions of the dungeons with stronger mobs for those who already outgear the current content. Legendary dungeons could give a higher % of good drops and artifacts in the chest.
This game got stuck - everything is easy as hell for people 13k+ - also levelling is easier with levelling gear and artifacts - Classes recieved buffs. Everything changed but the difficulty didnt.
Legendary versions would be nice - with regular T2 / T1 gear with more stats / overload slots etc. That may not require too much work.
When the GF was redesigned lots of people mentioned this game doesnt need a tank and that so true in my oppinion. It's just about how quick a run can be not if you are able to do it at all.
MC 3/3 completed 3 times during DD? Saw it happpen and i think there are more extrem examples. Skirmishes? CTA? *yawn*
I like Ghost Stories on my DC solo finnally a challenge but i can play better less repetitive single player games instead...
The problem is every time something new and challenging is created, people come here and cry their eyeballs out. Im so annoyed by this - it may be a community problem and i just have to look for a game where challenge is wanted by the community.
I am getting bored with this CW stuff already.
Can you not speak of anything else?!?
This is a completely different topic.
Some people squeeze some "hint" about CWs in every post they do. It's beyond disgusting already.
I think you CAN say that nerfing specific classes will make dungeons harder BUT this is not the right answer as we recently saw. Nearly every party composition in Mod 4 with 15k GS can finish dungeons ridicolously easy. Also additional nerfing will just create 100 pages + threads where people fight each other and the devs over it.
Do this important thread the favour and add something creative, something new!
Agree with every thing yu say. It pretty darn disgusting on how low people will go with cw topic. Enough is enough. I my self get tired of seeing the same old thing. People are so use to bashing on every class they got a chance to just to do it. There a line to everything you do but yet it pathetic the things you see on forums. Every time there any change learn to adapt.
You must be a CW then. Ghost Stories for instance is just yet another daily quest, still the chats are full of LFG b/c many non-CW classes find it uneasy, even with the two buttons of the mouse and even a whole keyboard.
Thing is we have a chance to speak in this topic about BIG, EPIC PvE. Usually this means RAIDS.
Almost by default, raids require diverse composition to overcome challenges. So this means that Tanking, Healing and Physical DPS would be required next to Magic DPS.
It is a shame if we would allow a promising topic to turn into yet another "X class stole my lunch money" one. There are enough of these already, all open for posting and tear shedding.
i did a karr run with guild on my cw, i did really low dmg cause 2 gwfs and a warlock just sprinted and killed everything before cw in his stupid crabwalk could get there
Errr? Given that /LFG is again totally dominated by requests for CWs I really don't think the problem with your CW is a class thing.....
Power creep is the primary reason, but another major one why many dungeons are so face-roll is that certain classes are way out of line in PvE, and the dungeons were designed (I hope) so that any class can complete them.
If they make all the classes within around, say, 20% of each others DPS then they can create new challenging dungeon without totally excluding everyone who isn't a CW. Anyone who truly wants a challenging dungeon should understand this is likely to only be achievable once classes are decently balanced.
Then do a Karru run with random pugs from LFG chat during DD hour. (And NOT the ones advertising "16k++ exp only plz", the ones who are actually gearing up.) I will tell you, the experience will be a lot different. But you have to be willing to be a team player yourself and proceed with the pace of the group, and not zerg ahead yourself to kill things. A lot of people struggle to this day with the harder T2's like Karru (1st and 2nd bosses) and ToS (final boss).
If people are really concerned about new players not being able to catch up with the veteran players at all, adding this hugely difficult raid (I am not sure what a "raid" really is) that only the top 1% of players can even complete at all before the content becomes obsolete seems counterproductive.
MC was bugged on the first day with terrain exploits that certain guilds knew about from testing on preview, but never told anyone and thus they were able to farm it easily.
Also MC was "bugged" with the ability to interrupt Valindra without killing her; most people didn't think it was a "bug" at the time, but the devs later "fixed" it, so I guess it was a bug.
I would say 99% of the players completing MC within the first month of release did so using one of these two methods to do so. Virtually no one did it the way it was intended to be done, i.e. actually DPSing Valindra down.
So no, MC as it was intended to be run was not "faceroll easy" the moment it came out. Please stop with the revisionist history.
Despite the game title Dungeon & Dragon: Neverwinter, we probably only have 1% if not 0% quests which has some D&D feel. There is no need to further explain the problem of quests such as "kill or retrieve 5 bla bla bla" as we all know their styles are too repetitive and aren't D&D-ish. And general dungeon-typed quests such as campaign lairs are too easy and lack D&D elements. As for large dungeons, they still lack D&D feel as all we need to do is following a sparky trail and killing our way to bosses, and that's no different from contents of non-D&D action games.
I agree. I think some people here don't realize how much of a minority they are in the game. I would hazard to guess that probably 80-85% of the current players right now probably wouldn't be able to complete CN because it is such a challenging dungeon. People who can 2-man Draco represent the top 0.01% of the bell curve; it doesn't mean the content is "faceroll easy".
To me there are 2 solutions I can think now, either dumb down all equipment stats (for instance making all equipment give half of its current stats) or actually rise the level cap, and make the new content harder for everyone (make old equipment obsolete too)
although the problem isn't really equipment, but enchants/artifacts/etc, there's where the most difference in players is. And that's what's causing the big imbalance.
Creating new, difficult content, with better rewards doesn't mean the normal difficulty content has to go.
For those overgeared and skilled people, PvE should offer something. Challenging raiding would be great to fill the role. It works great in other MMOs and it would work here.
Why am I saying this? People must look at new gear and be truly amazed by it's awesomeness, they must want it. What we have now? Draconic gear? F*** it, it worse then 1.5 year old T2 gear. Artifact belts and weapons? No thanks, I don't have enough time or money (or both) to lvl them, it'll take me ages and it discourages me to even try to get them.
All new dungeons are on the farm status on the first day of release. Why? Because every handicapped player must have his gear. Not only Cryptic but every developer nowadays makes their games a stupidly easy no braining button smasher. This is the trend.
Another extremely huge mistake is separating PvP from PvE. GOD WHY????!!!! WHY ON EARTH WOULD YOU DO THAT??!! I lost all interest in PvE after Tenacity update, I have never been in a dungeon since then. In my opinion, PvE should be for gear, PvP should be for fun and competition (just my position). The biggest chunk of the game does not exist for me.
This is why M3 is my favorite, it gave me new gear, PvP campaign and the zone where I can have some fun dueling or doing GvG events.
I doubt anything will force me to PvE again.
Sorry i dident make myself clear. When i say PvE content, i dont mean quests or daily quests for that matter. I mean dungeons.
I am aware that its not as easy for everyone, but unlike that guy that said its not cryptics fault some people are overgeared. it totally is. I am overgeared. my guild is overgeared. and we are bored. Why dont you give the overgeard people a real challenge, while the "normally" geared people can struggle with their t2s and t1s.
Maybe brings us some content that the rank 10s and the top gear is equal to. I mean whats the point of even gearing up when you cant use it for anything other then PvP, which is totally ignored
even the new dragons are grinded by players of all gearscore. if you made a dragon hard to kill with rewards equal to the struggle of killing it, it would be so much better. why are you so desperate for approval of every scrub player out there.
With great combat system comes great responsibility. so plz. give us something to wipe at, try hard for, strive for. It would be any geared players dream to have something new to try to get that dosent require refining points and dosent require killing the same dragon 500 times. BUT maybe a harder dragon that cant be killed by random players, and you need organisation, teamspeak, orientation, tanks, healers, dpsers, crowd controllers, singel target dps. where is the imagination.
Totally agreed.
what the hell man seriously. new gear should not be purchasable. you should also not need to grind the same dragon 500 times to get it. you should only be able to obtain it by entering a dungeon with a really skilled team of players that are able to kill a boss that drops it.
The loot table of that boss is lets say 5 different BoP epics that are BIS, and only drops 1 each kill. The next boss in that dungeon has also 5 different epics that only drops 1 at a time.
To the people like you that dont want to be BiS, go farm you t2 dungeons and what not. but there are people that want some more. And its NOT their fault they are overgeard. If its a possibility to aquire that gear, players will do it no matter if the game is "up to date" or not.