I'm not the only one who thinks this is too powerful, right? I have a Fury SW, 13.2k GS with high power, good crit and swap between normal PF and greater vorpal depending on party, and I can single-handedly melt giant mobs to the floor. While sometimes it isn't easy to get it working 100% optimally if you're getting CC'd by enemies a lot, when it does work it's incredibly OP. Even SW builds not meant to do DPS can do incredible damage with it, and for a temptation SW it means incredible party healing too.
So what would be a reasonable nerf that would keep it viable but not overpowering as to trivialize other classes' DPS? Lower amount of damage to linked targets? Make a cap on how many enemies can be damage linked? I'd probably lean towards the latter.
Just call me Rod. Member of Grievance! CW: Rodrant Turnbul TR: Rodran DC: Rodrat GWF: ROARdrant TurnBRAWL Other GWF: Shieldrant HR: Bowdrant SW: Wardrant Turnlock (my main!) OP: Paladrant (on Preview!)
So any concern the DEVS may have about it now, they would dismiss it as redundant because they already worked it twice. Laziness comes natural to people who code stuff. Just stating a fact from personal experience.
Yeah, there's no way this power will survive the first wave of SW nerfs, it's just too good as an AOE. Sure it takes timing and at least a little skill to use to it's full potential but with the damage it's dishing out. I expect this skill will be completely gutted and changed to some other, far less useful ability when the nerfs come.
Edit: LOL wow those DOT ticks are pathetic, like I said, they'll turn it into something different (what you can't even move? LOL) and, of course, totally useless, looks like it'll be back to FoP and GoH from now on.
mircalla83Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 36
edited August 2014
Dreadtheft is most likely also getting the axe, as will Creeping Death.
If this also happens then you can say goodbye to DPS warlocks, everybody will be temptation (PVE support) or damnation (PVP roaming).
Why not temptation for PvP too? Having the ability to sprint most of the time allows you to roam much faster and even just by a little any healing on your team mates will help probably just as much as a single annoying pet.
Why not temptation for PvP too? Having the ability to sprint most of the time allows you to roam much faster and even just by a little any healing on your team mates will help probably just as much as a single annoying pet.
No, you're probably right, most maybe are temptation, I honestly wouldn't know because SW doesn't have the mechanics to be competitive in premade PVP, at least, not yet. Hence, I do not PVP with my SW, nor do I plan to (unless something changes).
Meh, neither TT nor DT deserve a nerf. TT is fiddly in that you need at least two mobs that can survive for a while to really get things rolling. It does HAMSTER all against a single mob.
And DT locks out out of everything, dodging included (in that if you dodge DT stops), while channeling. And it can be ended prematurely by any kind of knockback etc.
the SW DPS is highly situational. You either end up with a bar full of single target DOTs that will melt a big bad in seconds, or you get a bar full of AOEs that require specific setup to shine. Anything in between and half the bar goes unused every other fight.
And DT locks out out of everything, dodging included (in that if you dodge DT stops), while channeling. And it can be ended prematurely by any kind of knockback etc.
That's more for a PvP thing other than specific boss fights that may have random stun / knocks or aoe circles that you'll need to shift out of the way of. I wouldn't really say that it is all too OP in PvP however in PvE it certainly is one of the "best things to have" on your bar.
Are you seriously as a warlock owner suggesting we get nerfed. I have a 15.5k Gs Fury Lock and in single target dps am an absolute melt machine monster. However our AoE as a class is very situational at best and yes you can rack up big numbers with TT DT combo but with the limitations clearly outlined by Hitmark above. I still get out dmged by equally geared and well played CW's and HRs. The last thing we need is people highlighting unnecessary nerfs to the Devs.
If this also happens then you can say goodbye to DPS warlocks, everybody will be temptation (PVE support) or damnation (PVP roaming).
BAH, knew I shouldn't have used that respec.....
Anyway I reallllllly hope they don't change current TT back to whatever THAT abomination is in the video above...
Why would a DPS warlock disappear just because of dreadtheft? I doubt dreadtheft is getting the ax, that's not what's causing the insane DPS. I know you live for PvP and such, but there are other things outside of that field, and even in PvP dreadtheft is hardly bread and butter.
DT has been worked over twice on Preview. Creeping death was BUFFED on Preview - it's intended to be the major damage contributor for a Fury 'lock.
There is currently nothing OP about the SW, and arguably it's UP for PvP.
This. SW feels pretty good in pve. TT only gets big numbers because it multiplies all damage. If you are running with lightweights it puts out far far less damage
It is not more OP than current Control Mage's powers so I hope it will not. Otherwise every other class will turn into CW's concubine which they choose from to run dungeons with. It's really near to this perspective already
Yeah I'm running a temptation build made for PvP too. Currently only on 12.7k gear score I havn't done many premades though, only a few with a single friend queing as a 2. I did come up against a few premades however. What I found is that a temptation warlock isn't good on it's own. Being targeted / CC locked and not having a team to back you up with "anti CC" will result if a quick death, I manage to sprint on a lot of the CC's against me however a lot of CC people use isn't easy enough to predict to resist it every time.
Too be honest I think the class makes a great roamer. Using temptation and if you end up with dots on you to stop you from mounting you can sprint for pretty much the entire time the dots are on you allowing you to get to another point faster than anyone else. My build is using Harrowstorm - Bargain - Dread. Harrowstorm is for the pretty nice prone, Bargain puts a curse that can't be removed on them and then Dread will stack up to 5 times to give you a nice damage reduction while also reducing their resistances so whoever you are with on your team can also put in more damage. Problem is when on your own with this combo is that harrowstorm has a cast time, in a 1v1 with a CW you'll get picked up and then stun locked into death against a HR you'll be dazed right away etc... Also Dread can leave you rather vulnerable.
I think it is too early to say they aren't viable to be competitive, I think a 48k HP temptation warlock would be nasty. (I'm at 36k so far )
I think it is too early to say they aren't viable to be competitive, I think a 48k HP temptation warlock would be nasty. (I'm at 36k so far )
Eh, it's PvP people will always say class X isn't as good as class Y because of big yellow numbers or whatever other reason, because people don't want to learn until the one day someone that has come and mastered the class comes in and starts doing things and dominates them then they say that class needs a nerf because of an unanticipated combo of powers.
Highly situational and depends on the party. I think the SW is in a good place right now. Not OP but at least you can get groups..... Should they relegate the SW to TR status?
Highly situational and depends on the party. I think the SW is in a good place right now. Not OP but at least you can get groups..... Should they relegate the SW to TR status?
Yeah I think they should make it a OP backcapper / team carrier in PvP too. :>
Highly situational and depends on the party. I think the SW is in a good place right now. Not OP but at least you can get groups..... Should they relegate the SW to TR status?
Agreed. Stop the nerf talk. It will happen soon enough once PvP'ers complain. I am still a Fury build and will continue to play as one until they change our stuff drastically. I see a lot of Temptation builds but I've never been one to join the crowd.
Agreed. Stop the nerf talk. It will happen soon enough once PvP'ers complain. I am still a Fury build and will continue to play as one until they change our stuff drastically. I see a lot of Temptation builds but I've never been one to join the crowd.
I enjoy the Fury way of things also good sir! *high five* :cool:
Highly situational and depends on the party. I think the SW is in a good place right now. Not OP but at least you can get groups..... Should they relegate the SW to TR status?
I've heard people that actually want that to happen. Mostly angry CW's.
If they were to nerf SW they will have to nerf allot of skills cause we can do great dmg with each and every one
Gang Busters PvP Guild Recruiting When Mod 6 goes live Pm Me for more Info If you have any Paladin question Message Me and i will get back to you ASAP
I'm not the only one who thinks this is too powerful, right? I have a Fury SW, 13.2k GS with high power, good crit and swap between normal PF and greater vorpal depending on party, and I can single-handedly melt giant mobs to the floor. While sometimes it isn't easy to get it working 100% optimally if you're getting CC'd by enemies a lot, when it does work it's incredibly OP. Even SW builds not meant to do DPS can do incredible damage with it, and for a temptation SW it means incredible party healing too.
So what would be a reasonable nerf that would keep it viable but not overpowering as to trivialize other classes' DPS? Lower amount of damage to linked targets? Make a cap on how many enemies can be damage linked? I'd probably lean towards the latter.
lol u guys must have a problem, CW's was op on pve and u all asked for nerfs, ok done, then it become even more op on both pve/pvp and u ask for more nerfs, now a class that doesn't have CC, low hp, no defense, no immunity, very slow movement, that relly on damage to keep alive u ask for nerfing the only skill that can make then survive red areas and be viable on pve??? realy???
lol u guys must have a problem, CW's was op on pve and u all asked for nerfs, ok done, then it become even more op on both pve/pvp and u ask for more nerfs, now a class that doesn't have CC, low hp, no defense, no immunity, very slow movement, that relly on damage to keep alive u ask for nerfing the only skill that can make then survive red areas and be viable on pve??? realy???
Slow movement? Doesn't have CC? No Immunity? Low HP? No Defense?
Sir, I think you really need to listen to Inigo Montoya, because it's clearly evidently A) you have not played the class and you listen to the complaints off others too much.
Warlocks do have CC, admittedly it might not be perma hold you to death that CWs can currently do, but they do have CC. They can also move quite fast, I can keep up with epic mounts, and we do get immunity to CC while using that speed. And our life steal is our defense and certain specs actually put more defense ontop of that defense. And quite a bit of our gear actually has more hit points, so like any other class, no we are not starved for HP.
now a class that doesn't have CC, low hp, no defense, no immunity, very slow movement, that relly on damage to keep alive
Their AOE CC is rather bad however you can certainly use Harrowstorm and Brood in a combo to have atleast a bit of CC going, CC isn't it's strong point at all however.
If you are looking to build right for PvP you want as much HP as you can. PvE it doesn't matter so much, you aren't a tank.
It DOES have low defense although the debuffs you can get from temptation and damnation help. It's sort of made up for by the large HP pool in PvP however once again in PvE it doesn't matter much you aren't a tank.
Immunity meaning CC immunity? It DOES have this and it's one of the best things about being a temptation Warlock that you can have sprint up for when you need it to counter CC in PvP if you time it right.
Slow movement? Doesn't have CC? No Immunity? Low HP? No Defense?
Sir, I think you really need to listen to Inigo Montoya, because it's clearly evidently A) you have not played the class and you listen to the complaints off others too much.
Warlocks do have CC, admittedly it might not be perma hold you to death that CWs can currently do, but they do have CC. They can also move quite fast, I can keep up with epic mounts, and we do get immunity to CC while using that speed. And our life steal is our defense and certain specs actually put more defense ontop of that defense. And quite a bit of our gear actually has more hit points, so like any other class, no we are not starved for HP.
lol i still dint found any sw that could get close to my performance, but yes sw have heavy CC skills, one that prone 1 target for 4sec, also doesn't do anything else if u do, other that can imobilize the target, also for 2 sec and 1 sec on players, ls is the same for everyclass, also HR has the best ls on game, up to 25% sw has 10% cap like all others so...
and sw are very slow, unless u sacrifice 17% damage bonus for 30% mov speed and only while using shadow sprint. and sw doesn't have immunity, even while sprint it only has 30% dr wich means any class can kill u sprinting or not, so far i can tell u the most dr we can get as sw is 60% - 24% ignored 36% dr on pvp, 60 on pve if stack lots of defense.
lol i still dint found any sw that could get close to my performance, but yes sw have heavy CC skills, one that prone 1 target for 4sec, also doesn't do anything else if u do, other that can imobilize the target, also for 2 sec and 1 sec on players, ls is the same for everyclass, also HR has the best ls on game, up to 25% sw has 10% cap like all others so...
and sw are very slow, unless u sacrifice 17% damage bonus for 30% mov speed and only while using shadow sprint. and sw doesn't have immunity, even while sprint it only has 30% dr wich means any class can kill u sprinting or not, so far i can tell u the most dr we can get as sw is 60% - 24% ignored 36% dr on pvp, 60 on pve if stack lots of defense.
I'll always suggest to everyone in any cryptic engine game and any future game on the engine to use LoS where possible. Warlock is a prime example of needing the LoS to be used especially on a temptation warlock and with all the DoTS. I'm sorry I didn't truly understand some of what you said however on a temptation build your stamina recharges by 5% every time you get hit meaning with a DoT on you shifting can be spammed to interrupt encounter self root and with the feature to move faster while using it you'll be able to sprint around the place behind LoS like a mad man. 17% you are talking about getting the combat advantage up after crits right? You should be using that one anyway, I don't see how switching any of the other ones out would cause 17% damage reduction.
And yeah by immunity we thought you meant CC immunity. No SW has no dodge mechanic to allow them to resist 100% of the damage just like GWF. Doesn't change the fact that it will resist CC's while sprinting, if you get your timing right you can fully resist any CC's people throw at you. It's really nice for countering GWF and GF's.
...on a temptation build your stamina recharges by 5% every time you get hit meaning with a DoT on you shifting can be spammed to interrupt encounter self root and with the feature to move faster while using it you'll be able to sprint around the place....
Just to chime in, I love that feat. If I was doing strict PvP, I'd have it for sure... hell even for PvE it seems awesome.
17% you are talking about getting the combat advantage up after crits right? You should be using that one anyway, I don't see how switching any of the other ones out would cause 17% damage reduction.
I'd almost say it was the same guy that I saw the other night in zone saying that taking critical chance was a small DPS increase (in fact I believe they said 15% crit chance at 100% severity was only a 3% DPS increase which just baffled me). But yea, when it comes to damage, No Pity, No Mercy is always on. If you take it off, just reroll, you don't get how warlocks play. In PvE I always use Prince of Hell, but if I PvP I am replacing that with Shadow Walk for 30% more speed.
It's not really hard rocket science, it's fairly obvious stuff that people seem to ignore because it's not a CW that has 50 hard controls that have no diminishing returns, evidently.
So any concern the DEVS may have about it now, they would dismiss it as redundant because they already worked it twice. Laziness comes natural to people who code stuff. Just stating a fact from personal experience.
Edit: LOL wow those DOT ticks are pathetic, like I said, they'll turn it into something different (what you can't even move? LOL) and, of course, totally useless, looks like it'll be back to FoP and GoH from now on.
If this also happens then you can say goodbye to DPS warlocks, everybody will be temptation (PVE support) or damnation (PVP roaming).
BAH, knew I shouldn't have used that respec.....
Anyway I reallllllly hope they don't change current TT back to whatever THAT abomination is in the video above...
Why not temptation for PvP too? Having the ability to sprint most of the time allows you to roam much faster and even just by a little any healing on your team mates will help probably just as much as a single annoying pet.
A Playlist of my CO PvP video's
No, you're probably right, most maybe are temptation, I honestly wouldn't know because SW doesn't have the mechanics to be competitive in premade PVP, at least, not yet. Hence, I do not PVP with my SW, nor do I plan to (unless something changes).
And DT locks out out of everything, dodging included (in that if you dodge DT stops), while channeling. And it can be ended prematurely by any kind of knockback etc.
the SW DPS is highly situational. You either end up with a bar full of single target DOTs that will melt a big bad in seconds, or you get a bar full of AOEs that require specific setup to shine. Anything in between and half the bar goes unused every other fight.
That's more for a PvP thing other than specific boss fights that may have random stun / knocks or aoe circles that you'll need to shift out of the way of. I wouldn't really say that it is all too OP in PvP however in PvE it certainly is one of the "best things to have" on your bar.
A Playlist of my CO PvP video's
Are you seriously as a warlock owner suggesting we get nerfed. I have a 15.5k Gs Fury Lock and in single target dps am an absolute melt machine monster. However our AoE as a class is very situational at best and yes you can rack up big numbers with TT DT combo but with the limitations clearly outlined by Hitmark above. I still get out dmged by equally geared and well played CW's and HRs. The last thing we need is people highlighting unnecessary nerfs to the Devs.
Why would a DPS warlock disappear just because of dreadtheft? I doubt dreadtheft is getting the ax, that's not what's causing the insane DPS. I know you live for PvP and such, but there are other things outside of that field, and even in PvP dreadtheft is hardly bread and butter.
There is currently nothing OP about the SW, and arguably it's UP for PvP.
Aelar Hawkwind - Archer
Karrin Feywinter - Mistress of Flame
Errin Duskwalker - Executioner
Darquess - Soulbinder
This. SW feels pretty good in pve. TT only gets big numbers because it multiplies all damage. If you are running with lightweights it puts out far far less damage
And we only feel underpowered for PvP because we don't have 50 bajillion CC powers that CWs have, and pretend don't matter.
Dreadtheft and Tryannical Threat are very good, but in no way need a nerf/fix/etc.
Having to use skill to maximize DPS, with positioning and accurate targeting, should be rewarded... And with these powers it is!
WTB Class Reroll please
Yeah I'm running a temptation build made for PvP too. Currently only on 12.7k gear score I havn't done many premades though, only a few with a single friend queing as a 2. I did come up against a few premades however. What I found is that a temptation warlock isn't good on it's own. Being targeted / CC locked and not having a team to back you up with "anti CC" will result if a quick death, I manage to sprint on a lot of the CC's against me however a lot of CC people use isn't easy enough to predict to resist it every time.
Too be honest I think the class makes a great roamer. Using temptation and if you end up with dots on you to stop you from mounting you can sprint for pretty much the entire time the dots are on you allowing you to get to another point faster than anyone else. My build is using Harrowstorm - Bargain - Dread. Harrowstorm is for the pretty nice prone, Bargain puts a curse that can't be removed on them and then Dread will stack up to 5 times to give you a nice damage reduction while also reducing their resistances so whoever you are with on your team can also put in more damage. Problem is when on your own with this combo is that harrowstorm has a cast time, in a 1v1 with a CW you'll get picked up and then stun locked into death against a HR you'll be dazed right away etc... Also Dread can leave you rather vulnerable.
I think it is too early to say they aren't viable to be competitive, I think a 48k HP temptation warlock would be nasty. (I'm at 36k so far
A Playlist of my CO PvP video's
Eh, it's PvP people will always say class X isn't as good as class Y because of big yellow numbers or whatever other reason, because people don't want to learn until the one day someone that has come and mastered the class comes in and starts doing things and dominates them then they say that class needs a nerf because of an unanticipated combo of powers.
Yeah I think they should make it a OP backcapper / team carrier in PvP too. :>
A Playlist of my CO PvP video's
Agreed. Stop the nerf talk. It will happen soon enough once PvP'ers complain. I am still a Fury build and will continue to play as one until they change our stuff drastically. I see a lot of Temptation builds but I've never been one to join the crowd.
I've heard people that actually want that to happen. Mostly angry CW's.
lol u guys must have a problem, CW's was op on pve and u all asked for nerfs, ok done, then it become even more op on both pve/pvp and u ask for more nerfs, now a class that doesn't have CC, low hp, no defense, no immunity, very slow movement, that relly on damage to keep alive u ask for nerfing the only skill that can make then survive red areas and be viable on pve??? realy???
Slow movement? Doesn't have CC? No Immunity? Low HP? No Defense?
Sir, I think you really need to listen to Inigo Montoya, because it's clearly evidently A) you have not played the class and
Warlocks do have CC, admittedly it might not be perma hold you to death that CWs can currently do, but they do have CC. They can also move quite fast, I can keep up with epic mounts, and we do get immunity to CC while using that speed. And our life steal is our defense and certain specs actually put more defense ontop of that defense. And quite a bit of our gear actually has more hit points, so like any other class, no we are not starved for HP.
Their AOE CC is rather bad however you can certainly use Harrowstorm and Brood in a combo to have atleast a bit of CC going, CC isn't it's strong point at all however.
If you are looking to build right for PvP you want as much HP as you can. PvE it doesn't matter so much, you aren't a tank.
It DOES have low defense although the debuffs you can get from temptation and damnation help. It's sort of made up for by the large HP pool in PvP however once again in PvE it doesn't matter much you aren't a tank.
Immunity meaning CC immunity? It DOES have this and it's one of the best things about being a temptation Warlock that you can have sprint up for when you need it to counter CC in PvP if you time it right.
It's shift makes it one of the fastest classes.
A Playlist of my CO PvP video's
lol i still dint found any sw that could get close to my performance, but yes sw have heavy CC skills, one that prone 1 target for 4sec, also doesn't do anything else if u do, other that can imobilize the target, also for 2 sec and 1 sec on players, ls is the same for everyclass, also HR has the best ls on game, up to 25% sw has 10% cap like all others so...
and sw are very slow, unless u sacrifice 17% damage bonus for 30% mov speed and only while using shadow sprint. and sw doesn't have immunity, even while sprint it only has 30% dr wich means any class can kill u sprinting or not, so far i can tell u the most dr we can get as sw is 60% - 24% ignored 36% dr on pvp, 60 on pve if stack lots of defense.
I'll always suggest to everyone in any cryptic engine game and any future game on the engine to use LoS where possible. Warlock is a prime example of needing the LoS to be used especially on a temptation warlock and with all the DoTS. I'm sorry I didn't truly understand some of what you said however on a temptation build your stamina recharges by 5% every time you get hit meaning with a DoT on you shifting can be spammed to interrupt encounter self root and with the feature to move faster while using it you'll be able to sprint around the place behind LoS like a mad man. 17% you are talking about getting the combat advantage up after crits right? You should be using that one anyway, I don't see how switching any of the other ones out would cause 17% damage reduction.
And yeah by immunity we thought you meant CC immunity. No SW has no dodge mechanic to allow them to resist 100% of the damage just like GWF. Doesn't change the fact that it will resist CC's while sprinting, if you get your timing right you can fully resist any CC's people throw at you. It's really nice for countering GWF and GF's.
A Playlist of my CO PvP video's
I'd almost say it was the same guy that I saw the other night in zone saying that taking critical chance was a small DPS increase (in fact I believe they said 15% crit chance at 100% severity was only a 3% DPS increase which just baffled me). But yea, when it comes to damage, No Pity, No Mercy is always on. If you take it off, just reroll, you don't get how warlocks play. In PvE I always use Prince of Hell, but if I PvP I am replacing that with Shadow Walk for 30% more speed.
It's not really hard rocket science, it's fairly obvious stuff that people seem to ignore because it's not a CW that has 50 hard controls that have no diminishing returns, evidently.