All my characters are experiencing the same issue. 2 of 3 of the "Assist the Order of the Gauntlet" tasks completed. Went to get the dailies from Harper Boward in Protector's Enclave and Preceptor Theraclast. <!> over Harper but nothing over Preceptor. Accept Common Cause from Harper and still nothing over Preceptor. Look in Journal and the Common Causes is for NEVERDEATH tasks not EBON DOWNS tasks which probably explains why Preceptor never gets tickled to give the NEVERDEATH tasks. Basically at a dead end though I suppose technically a scroll and a coin from NEVERDEATH would work to advance the EBON DOWNS tasks...
I did the NEVERDEATH tasks (though screwed up by doing Ghost Stories before accepting Common Causes) and was able to use the scrolls and coins from NEVERDEATH to advance my tasks in EBON DOWNS so not a total dead end. We will see what happens when the next set of tasks come around.
The same. If you go to Ebon Down you will see nothing on the map but the character who give you the tasks is here.
I have this bug too - you get the dragon +1 other when you speak to him, but not the 'container quest' like Common Cause in Neverdeath. I can do the campaign progression task without the container quest, but I'm going to have resource issues down the track.
beckylunaticMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 14,231Arc User
edited August 2014
Common Cause is Boward randomly sending you to aid any one of the groups (that you have unlocked). You can go talk to other area questgivers for more dailies if you want more coins and secrets. Only one lair per day which is determined by Common Cause, as far as I can tell. I'm still figuring it out.
Common Cause is Boward randomly sending you to aid any one of the groups (that you have unlocked). You can go talk to other area questgivers for more dailies if you want more coins and secrets. Only one lair per day which is determined by Common Cause, as far as I can tell. I'm still figuring it out.
AH, if that's the case - then the bug is different, but something is still askew, but in my favour for once . First day I was sent to Ebon Downs I got the container quest (sorry I don't remember the name) and Common Cause.
adinosiiMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,294Arc User
edited August 2014
Even after you have unlocked the Icespire part, you only get the "extra" quests there the first time....after that it is just Ghost Stories in the graveyard every day.
Hoping for improvements...
theskymovesMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 60Arc User
Even after you have unlocked the Icespire part, you only get the "extra" quests there the first time....after that it is just Ghost Stories in the graveyard every day.
This. ^^^^^
Already sick to death and bored to tears with Ghost Stories. Never ever want to see it again. Nope. Nope. Nope.
This doesn't seem WAI to me, given that I'm constantly doing Neverdeath even while my Campaign progression shows assisting the other groups. And yes, very sick of Ghost Stories.
"We have always been at war with Dread Vault" ~ Little Brother
I utterly loathe "Ghost Stories" and honestly will not do it anymore. Yes I know I'm stopping myself from progressing at a decent rate. I just hate that instance that much.
It would be really nice if the Devs would confirm if the campaign progression is meant to have us doing Ghost Stories (repeatedly) even though according to the campaign tracker I have already progressed onto Ebon Downs.
adinosiiMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,294Arc User
I utterly loathe "Ghost Stories" and honestly will not do it anymore. Yes I know I'm stopping myself from progressing at a decent rate. I just hate that instance that much.
It would be really nice if the Devs would confirm if the campaign progression is meant to have us doing Ghost Stories (repeatedly) even though according to the campaign tracker I have already progressed onto Ebon Downs.
Well, I'm at Icespire and the same thing happened there as with Ebon Downs- the first day I got 4 or 5 quests there - the second day it's just two quests from the quest giver there -kill the dragon and one other. The quest giver in PE has nothing to say to me- all is quiet there, just like in Ebon Downs. It's just the the Ghost Stories quest over and over again.
Im quoting what i posted in my thread that was inn gameplay (now movved here)
Ok the bug seems to be snowballing.
Today, second day in icespire peak i get the following:
in PE:
Comon cause given by the harper (first area)
barrow raid (second area) given by the perceptor
nothing from montgomery (3rd area guy in pe)
As always the scroll missions from every guy in its according area. (6 scrolls total)
the funny thing is that i went first to ebon downs to do the borrow raid and on my way did the acolyte missions. So when i went back to pe Those missions counted as the comon cause quest from neverdeath.....
Ive got one question though, The peole who are not bugged by this, can they get 3 sigils and 12 arcane lore per day righ now? or they can still only do one comon cause (or its equivalent) + 1 minidungeon per day?
Coz like this it seems its gona take for ever to open lostmauth dungeon.
Btw i do know some people are doing normal progresion coz i did do the barrows before it was available to me, joining in party someone who did have it.... no chest ofc
What i do want to know is if they are being able to do more than one minidung a day though, he told me yes but id need further confirmation as he was just one random guy.
I cant even complete the dam quest "Ghost Stories". I have reported this in game and out. I get the dragon and one other quest plus Ghost Stories.
Only I cant do the quest Ghost Stories, I cant progress thru the quest, it doesn't lead me to anywhere but the quest giver. No, trail, no blue area, nothing. 3 days in a row now on all my characters.
UPDATE: Apparently you have to go back to Harper Broward and you get the quest Ghost Stories which tells you to go back to Neverdeath and disrupt cult of the dragon Activities. Then once in Neverdeath again you can go to the instance "Ghost Stories" which is called Soldiers Memorial.
Nowhere does this quest "Common Cause" tell you to do any of the following. Nor does it lead you to where you need to go....
Life is full of drains, I prefer to be a fountain
grogthemagnifMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,651Arc User
edited August 2014
I got the quest 3 different ways: HR on first try, DC on second try and GW after I completed Icespire. Choose one - you'll get one of the other 2. (O'Hara'a corollary)
I'm actually shocked to see that this thread isn't HUGE by now. The quest progression in this campaign is completely fubar.
- Major Peachy Bottom * Gutbuster's Brigade -
"Last request - microtransactions for alllll old skins for zen/weapon appearance changes, 500 zen to make ur wep glow the color/enchant you want it... You will make more off that one item than any other zen item ever made." freshour
"beckylunatic" Gateway AH should have column headers to sort by buyout, bid, end time, quantity, etc. These disappeared iirc with the module launch. It's obnoxious.
I'm having these troubles also. It's character by character also, it's different for each one. My HR can't get "common cause" done because "ghost stories" never works. And it seems that even when I do the one that asks you to kill the white statues in graveyard, and it says I did it, it never seems to complete somewhere in the I can't progress to ghost stories. I've been stuck here for 3 days now.
I've tried returning to the quest givers in PE, I've deleted the quest and tried taking it again the next day....nothing is working.
I utterly loathe "Ghost Stories" and honestly will not do it anymore. Yes I know I'm stopping myself from progressing at a decent rate. I just hate that instance that much.
It would be really nice if the Devs would confirm if the campaign progression is meant to have us doing Ghost Stories (repeatedly) even though according to the campaign tracker I have already progressed onto Ebon Downs.
I can confirm that this is not the normal repeatable quest for Neverdeath at least. I have the same problem as those in previous posts: Only the Harpers "container quest" can be logged, sending me to Neverdeath (and only Neverdeath). I was able to log the "container quest" from Preceptor Theraclast ONE time, sending me to Ebon Downs to kill the dragon there, as well as one or two other quests, but Preceptor no longer gives me the container quest, and thus no longer gives me Arcane seals as a reward for completing the two sub quests that I log in Ebon Downs itself (only Cult Secrets are received from the sub quests in Ebon Downs).
I have 2/3 on Assisting the Order of the Gauntlets, so we'll see if I'm able to progress to the third dragon in Icespire, which currently is not available. I am working on the assumption that this quest will become available once I finish my 3rd Order of Gauntlets bar, and I have indeed finished all the other quests in that area that may possibly act as a trigger for a third "container quest" in CE (near Harper?)
I can confirm that this is not the normal repeatable quest for Neverdeath at least. I have the same problem as those in previous posts: Only the Harpers "container quest" can be logged, sending me to Neverdeath (and only Neverdeath). I was able to log the "container quest" from Preceptor Theraclast ONE time, sending me to Ebon Downs to kill the dragon there, as well as one or two other quests, but Preceptor no longer gives me the container quest, and thus no longer gives me Arcane seals as a reward for completing the two sub quests that I log in Ebon Downs itself (only Cult Secrets are received from the sub quests in Ebon Downs).
I have 2/3 on Assisting the Order of the Gauntlets, so we'll see if I'm able to progress to the third dragon in Icespire, which currently is not available. I am working on the assumption that this quest will become available once I finish my 3rd Order of Gauntlets bar, and I have indeed finished all the other quests in that area that may possibly act as a trigger for a third "container quest" in CE (near Harper?)
After doing a lot of research and talking to various players, I have discovered how the progression is supposed to work, and that it is indeed functioning correctly (for me).
*Note: This guide is specific to only the first three tasks in the series of the Tyranny of Dragons campaign (because that's all I have done so far.)
1. Must complete 3/3 tasks in the series before the quests for the next area/dragon become available. Later in the series, as noted in the campaign log, the amount of repeats increases to 5 for certain level 60 tasks.
2. Harper Boward in PE is the only NPC that offers daily/weekly [container] quests. You can tell by talking to her and seeing the quests "Common Cause" (daily) and "Culling the Cultists" (weekly) as "grayed out"/not selectable. The other two NPCs near her do not have "grayed out" quests, because after you complete them the first time, they are no longer offered at all - ever (the exact same system as every other non-daily quest in the game: When you complete a quest, that NPC no longer shows that quest in the chat log... unless it's repeatable.)
3. The NPCs for "Order of the Gauntlet" and "Lords' Alliance" only offer their container quest the FIRST time (their container quest becomes available by starting the next task in the campaign progression, after finishing 3/3 from the previous.) After that, you must return to their respective zones each day in order to log the daily quests to fight the dragon as well as the second quest for that area.
*Note: The FIRST time you do each container quest you will have more than two quests to complete. However, after completing the container quest the first time, the NPC in the zone will only have two for you.
4. Harper Boward's quest "Common Cause" will send you to a random zone (either Neverdeath, Ebon Downs, or Icespire), but in my experience, Neverdeath is the most... common. I'm assuming that "Culling the Cultists" works the same way, but because it's a weekly quest, and I have only been on the campaign for a little over a week, I can't say for sure.
5. Because the container quest is the one that rewards "Arcane Lore," Harper Boward is the only NPC that rewards you with "Arcane Lore." The daily quests that are logged separate from the container quest, and found within the zone itself, will only reward "Cult Secrets" and "Dragon Hoard Coins."
6. DHC are farmable from dragons whether you have that zone's individual/daily quests logged or not, but ACL is only available from doing Harper Bowards' daily or weekly container quest. She gives you 3 ACL per daily quest, or 10 ACL per weekly quest.
3. The NPCs for "Order of the Gauntlet" and "Lords' Alliance" only offer their container quest the FIRST time (their container quest becomes available by starting the next tier in the campaign progression.) After that, you must return to their respective zones each day in order to log the daily quests to fight the dragon as well as the second quest for that area.
Hope this helps.
Does this mean that each zone (Neverdeath, Ebon Downs, Icespire, etc.) after the first time has only 2 daily quests, but the only way to get those quests is to physically travel to those zones to find the NPCs?
I had problem with progress stuck in one of quest. I think problem is related to going in party and one of party members have quest different that yours. I personally play with 3 chars, 2 of them are very high DPS, so I avoid parties, and I never had any problem with them. 3rd one is lower DPS TR, so i tried to go easier and joined party. Same day progressing was bugged, and i had to cancel all quests and wait for next day to continue.
Does this mean that each zone (Neverdeath, Ebon Downs, Icespire, etc.) after the first time has only 2 daily quests, but the only way to get those quests is to physically travel to those zones to find the NPCs?
Yes. Whichever zone Harper sends you to will give you a quest path to the NPC within that zone. The other two zones will not have a quest path, so you will have to go to the zone and talk to the NPC there. They are the same NPCs that the original container quest for that zone brought you to. Again, the quests from the two zones NOT in the daily container quest will not award "Arcane Lore," but they will award "Cult Secrets" and "Dragon Hoard Coins," which are important resources as well. You will need a lot of them for tasks later in the campaign.
beckylunaticMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 14,231Arc User
edited September 2014
Others have touched on this, but I'll try to elaborate since so many people still seem confused.
The more you unlock in the campaign, the more choices you have as to what to do in a given day. Common Cause from Boward points you to a specific zone on a given day, selected from whichever ones you've unlocked and done the intro for. This also determines your lair of the day (level 60s only); the lair quest only spawns after you accept Common Cause, since it is determined by the chosen zone, but is picked up in PE.
Common Cause will be the same every day for all characters that have unlocked the campaign to a given point, but if you have multiple characters with staggered campaign progression, they may be directed all over the place since the selection seems to be otherwise complex. Or they could all get sent to Neverdeath and you might decide to just, um, skip Common Cause that day because Ghost Stories.
Once you have unlocked the Tyranny of Dragons questing in a given area, the contact in that area will always have two quests per day every day which you can use to obtain extra Cult Secrets (Neverdeath, Ebon Downs, Icespire) and Dragon Sigils (Rothe, Whispering), and even more of those insufferable coins, bless them. These quests are one daily dragon battle and one rotating "fetch" quest.
Because the fetch quest rotates (seems to be on a simple every other day rotation eg. Windle has Grave Swapping and Dead Men in Neverdeath), if you pick up Common Cause for an area one day but don't go to the area to pick up quests until the next day, Common Cause will often glitch out because it wants you to complete a quest you don't have. Either wait til the next day or drop it and retake it before you do anything else, because if you already did your dragon kill or lair, the newly taken Common Cause doesn't know that.
There is nothing stopping you from doing all the quests you have access to, or as many as you can reasonably handle, in order to obtain more currency, regardless of where Common Cause points you. Other than the missed currency, there is nothing demanding that you finish Common Cause every day... just remember to drop and retake it before you run off and do all your dragon killing in order to be able to complete it some of the time.
With all daily quests unlocked, you have access to a maximum of 4 sigils and 6 secrets per day, without completing the lair/Common Cause. Just go to the zones and talk to the contact.
I noticed that the lair quest takes 10 seconds or more sometimes to "appear" above Harper Boward's head after you have accepted the "common cause" quest. This delay caused me to miss out on the lair quest on the first couple of days. Be warned.
This causes me some confusion each time because for the other quest givers before it always updated to show the new quest as a selection instead of you having to close and talk to the them again. Its an inconvenience but is easily missed if you don't see the ! on the minimap or above their head before leaving the area.
I noticed that the lair quest takes 10 seconds or more sometimes to "appear" above Harper Boward's head after you have accepted the "common cause" quest. This delay caused me to miss out on the lair quest on the first couple of days. Be warned.
Seems bugged for mee too. Got Rothe Valley and LvL 60 today and noticed now, that I never got any Ini Quest (like Ghost Stories).
Or do I have to unlock something in the campaign to get the Solo-Dungeons?
None of the Agents in PE had any Ini-Quest for me. Just Boward with the Cultists and the Common Cause. And neither of them had anything to do with an Ini. Just "Kill cultists" and "Help the contact" and "kill Dragon xxxxx".
Does this mean that each zone (Neverdeath, Ebon Downs, Icespire, etc.) after the first time has only 2 daily quests, but the only way to get those quests is to physically travel to those zones to find the NPCs?
I have 3 chars going through the campaign and 2 have progressed far enough to get the Artifact Weapon. The 3rd char is not so fortunate. That char finished Assist the Harpers (Neverdeath), box is green and checked. Campaign progression stopped there and every day the char is sent to Neverdeath, this has been going on about 2 weeks now. I made a bug report and also asked for GM help, both of these don't generate a reply it seems. Not trying to be a wet blanket, but buying flowers or candy for the NPC won't convince her to send me to Ebon Downs. Kidding aside, there is a bug and it appears that it is random, affecting some chars and not others.
I have 3 chars going through the campaign and 2 have progressed far enough to get the Artifact Weapon. The 3rd char is not so fortunate. That char finished Assist the Harpers (Neverdeath), box is green and checked. Campaign progression stopped there and every day the char is sent to Neverdeath, this has been going on about 2 weeks now. I made a bug report and also asked for GM help, both of these don't generate a reply it seems. Not trying to be a wet blanket, but buying flowers or candy for the NPC won't convince her to send me to Ebon Downs. Kidding aside, there is a bug and it appears that it is random, affecting some chars and not others.
I decided to go to Ebon Downs to see if the quest NPC Acolyte Heiron would give me the quests I needed since Harper Boward was just going to keep sending my char to Neverdeath. Acolyte Heiron offered all the quests except the Barrow dungeon. I did all the quests he offered and then he gave me the quest to deliver his report to Preceptor Theroclast back in Protector's Enclave. That made the next series of quests unlocked in the campaign tracker and campaign is back on track. If you are having trouble with Harper Boward not sending you to the next campaign zone and she is in a loop forever sending you to do what you have already done countless times, bypass her and go to the zone where she should send you and talk to the appropriate NPC.
Good luck and and success in the game.
beckylunaticMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 14,231Arc User
edited November 2014
Harper Boward does not send you to Ebon Downs for the first time. Preceptor Theraclast does, for an initial intro quest line, which culminates in the report. You have to do this before you can continue doing your "assist the" tasks, which was changed in a patch a while after the module launched.
Every new toD zone now hs the same requirement to do the intro before you can progress the campaign, so watch for those.
@ post a few up
The lairs are only available at level 60 and are given out by NPCs in PE immediately after you accept Common Cause. Since you are just now level 60, you've not had them before. The Rothe one (Forged in Fire) comes from a ranger sitting on a crate a bit away from where the other NPCs stand.
Sci-fi author: The Gods We Make, The Gods We Seek, and Ji-min
I do daily quests in neverdeath but only did it once in ebon down and since then nobody gives me quests to do here.
I have this bug too - you get the dragon +1 other when you speak to him, but not the 'container quest' like Common Cause in Neverdeath. I can do the campaign progression task without the container quest, but I'm going to have resource issues down the track.
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Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
AH, if that's the case - then the bug is different, but something is still askew, but in my favour for once
What Class Are You?
This. ^^^^^
Already sick to death and bored to tears with Ghost Stories. Never ever want to see it again. Nope. Nope. Nope.
Friday - Neverdeath Quests & Ghost Stories (Campaign Task = Assist Harpers)
Saturday - Neverdeath Quests & Ghost Stories (Campaign Task = Assist Harpers)
Sunday - Neverdeath Quests, Ebon Downs Intro Quest, Ghost Stories (Campaign Task = Assist Order of the Gauntlet)
Monday - Ebon Downs Quests, Barrow Busters (Campaign Task = Assist Order of the Gauntlet)
Tuesday - Ebon Downs Quests, Neverdeath Quests & Ghost Stories (Campaign Task = Assist Order of the Gauntlet)
Wednesday - Neverdeath Quests, Icespire Peak Intro Quest & Ghost Stories (Campaign Task = Assist Lords)
This doesn't seem WAI to me, given that I'm constantly doing Neverdeath even while my Campaign progression shows assisting the other groups. And yes, very sick of Ghost Stories.
I utterly loathe "Ghost Stories" and honestly will not do it anymore. Yes I know I'm stopping myself from progressing at a decent rate. I just hate that instance that much.
It would be really nice if the Devs would confirm if the campaign progression is meant to have us doing Ghost Stories (repeatedly) even though according to the campaign tracker I have already progressed onto Ebon Downs.
Well, I'm at Icespire and the same thing happened there as with Ebon Downs- the first day I got 4 or 5 quests there - the second day it's just two quests from the quest giver there -kill the dragon and one other. The quest giver in PE has nothing to say to me- all is quiet there, just like in Ebon Downs. It's just the the Ghost Stories quest over and over again.
Btw i do know some people are doing normal progresion coz i did do the barrows before it was available to me, joining in party someone who did have it.... no chest ofc
What i do want to know is if they are being able to do more than one minidung a day though, he told me yes but id need further confirmation as he was just one random guy.
Only I cant do the quest Ghost Stories, I cant progress thru the quest, it doesn't lead me to anywhere but the quest giver. No, trail, no blue area, nothing. 3 days in a row now on all my characters.
UPDATE: Apparently you have to go back to Harper Broward and you get the quest Ghost Stories which tells you to go back to Neverdeath and disrupt cult of the dragon Activities. Then once in Neverdeath again you can go to the instance "Ghost Stories" which is called Soldiers Memorial.
Nowhere does this quest "Common Cause" tell you to do any of the following. Nor does it lead you to where you need to go....
"Last request - microtransactions for alllll old skins for zen/weapon appearance changes, 500 zen to make ur wep glow the color/enchant you want it... You will make more off that one item than any other zen item ever made." freshour
"beckylunatic" Gateway AH should have column headers to sort by buyout, bid, end time, quantity, etc. These disappeared iirc with the module launch. It's obnoxious.
I've tried returning to the quest givers in PE, I've deleted the quest and tried taking it again the next day....nothing is working.
I can confirm that this is not the normal repeatable quest for Neverdeath at least. I have the same problem as those in previous posts: Only the Harpers "container quest" can be logged, sending me to Neverdeath (and only Neverdeath). I was able to log the "container quest" from Preceptor Theraclast ONE time, sending me to Ebon Downs to kill the dragon there, as well as one or two other quests, but Preceptor no longer gives me the container quest, and thus no longer gives me Arcane seals as a reward for completing the two sub quests that I log in Ebon Downs itself (only Cult Secrets are received from the sub quests in Ebon Downs).
I have 2/3 on Assisting the Order of the Gauntlets, so we'll see if I'm able to progress to the third dragon in Icespire, which currently is not available. I am working on the assumption that this quest will become available once I finish my 3rd Order of Gauntlets bar, and I have indeed finished all the other quests in that area that may possibly act as a trigger for a third "container quest" in CE (near Harper?)
After doing a lot of research and talking to various players, I have discovered how the progression is supposed to work, and that it is indeed functioning correctly (for me).
*Note: This guide is specific to only the first three tasks in the series of the Tyranny of Dragons campaign (because that's all I have done so far.)
1. Must complete 3/3 tasks in the series before the quests for the next area/dragon become available. Later in the series, as noted in the campaign log, the amount of repeats increases to 5 for certain level 60 tasks.
2. Harper Boward in PE is the only NPC that offers daily/weekly [container] quests. You can tell by talking to her and seeing the quests "Common Cause" (daily) and "Culling the Cultists" (weekly) as "grayed out"/not selectable. The other two NPCs near her do not have "grayed out" quests, because after you complete them the first time, they are no longer offered at all - ever (the exact same system as every other non-daily quest in the game: When you complete a quest, that NPC no longer shows that quest in the chat log... unless it's repeatable.)
3. The NPCs for "Order of the Gauntlet" and "Lords' Alliance" only offer their container quest the FIRST time (their container quest becomes available by starting the next task in the campaign progression, after finishing 3/3 from the previous.) After that, you must return to their respective zones each day in order to log the daily quests to fight the dragon as well as the second quest for that area.
*Note: The FIRST time you do each container quest you will have more than two quests to complete. However, after completing the container quest the first time, the NPC in the zone will only have two for you.
4. Harper Boward's quest "Common Cause" will send you to a random zone (either Neverdeath, Ebon Downs, or Icespire), but in my experience, Neverdeath is the most... common. I'm assuming that "Culling the Cultists" works the same way, but because it's a weekly quest, and I have only been on the campaign for a little over a week, I can't say for sure.
5. Because the container quest is the one that rewards "Arcane Lore," Harper Boward is the only NPC that rewards you with "Arcane Lore." The daily quests that are logged separate from the container quest, and found within the zone itself, will only reward "Cult Secrets" and "Dragon Hoard Coins."
6. DHC are farmable from dragons whether you have that zone's individual/daily quests logged or not, but ACL is only available from doing Harper Bowards' daily or weekly container quest. She gives you 3 ACL per daily quest, or 10 ACL per weekly quest.
Hope this helps.
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Yes. Whichever zone Harper sends you to will give you a quest path to the NPC within that zone. The other two zones will not have a quest path, so you will have to go to the zone and talk to the NPC there. They are the same NPCs that the original container quest for that zone brought you to. Again, the quests from the two zones NOT in the daily container quest will not award "Arcane Lore," but they will award "Cult Secrets" and "Dragon Hoard Coins," which are important resources as well. You will need a lot of them for tasks later in the campaign.
The more you unlock in the campaign, the more choices you have as to what to do in a given day. Common Cause from Boward points you to a specific zone on a given day, selected from whichever ones you've unlocked and done the intro for. This also determines your lair of the day (level 60s only); the lair quest only spawns after you accept Common Cause, since it is determined by the chosen zone, but is picked up in PE.
Common Cause will be the same every day for all characters that have unlocked the campaign to a given point, but if you have multiple characters with staggered campaign progression, they may be directed all over the place since the selection seems to be otherwise complex. Or they could all get sent to Neverdeath and you might decide to just, um, skip Common Cause that day because Ghost Stories.
Once you have unlocked the Tyranny of Dragons questing in a given area, the contact in that area will always have two quests per day every day which you can use to obtain extra Cult Secrets (Neverdeath, Ebon Downs, Icespire) and Dragon Sigils (Rothe, Whispering), and even more of those insufferable coins, bless them. These quests are one daily dragon battle and one rotating "fetch" quest.
Because the fetch quest rotates (seems to be on a simple every other day rotation eg. Windle has Grave Swapping and Dead Men in Neverdeath), if you pick up Common Cause for an area one day but don't go to the area to pick up quests until the next day, Common Cause will often glitch out because it wants you to complete a quest you don't have. Either wait til the next day or drop it and retake it before you do anything else, because if you already did your dragon kill or lair, the newly taken Common Cause doesn't know that.
There is nothing stopping you from doing all the quests you have access to, or as many as you can reasonably handle, in order to obtain more currency, regardless of where Common Cause points you. Other than the missed currency, there is nothing demanding that you finish Common Cause every day... just remember to drop and retake it before you run off and do all your dragon killing in order to be able to complete it some of the time.
With all daily quests unlocked, you have access to a maximum of 4 sigils and 6 secrets per day, without completing the lair/Common Cause. Just go to the zones and talk to the contact.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
I noticed that the lair quest takes 10 seconds or more sometimes to "appear" above Harper Boward's head after you have accepted the "common cause" quest. This delay caused me to miss out on the lair quest on the first couple of days. Be warned.
D&D Home Page - What Class Are You? - Build A Character - D&D Compendium
Or do I have to unlock something in the campaign to get the Solo-Dungeons?
None of the Agents in PE had any Ini-Quest for me. Just Boward with the Cultists and the Common Cause. And neither of them had anything to do with an Ini. Just "Kill cultists" and "Help the contact" and "kill Dragon xxxxx".
How can it be still bugged?
I have 3 chars going through the campaign and 2 have progressed far enough to get the Artifact Weapon. The 3rd char is not so fortunate. That char finished Assist the Harpers (Neverdeath), box is green and checked. Campaign progression stopped there and every day the char is sent to Neverdeath, this has been going on about 2 weeks now. I made a bug report and also asked for GM help, both of these don't generate a reply it seems. Not trying to be a wet blanket, but buying flowers or candy for the NPC won't convince her to send me to Ebon Downs. Kidding aside, there is a bug and it appears that it is random, affecting some chars and not others.
I decided to go to Ebon Downs to see if the quest NPC Acolyte Heiron would give me the quests I needed since Harper Boward was just going to keep sending my char to Neverdeath. Acolyte Heiron offered all the quests except the Barrow dungeon. I did all the quests he offered and then he gave me the quest to deliver his report to Preceptor Theroclast back in Protector's Enclave. That made the next series of quests unlocked in the campaign tracker and campaign is back on track. If you are having trouble with Harper Boward not sending you to the next campaign zone and she is in a loop forever sending you to do what you have already done countless times, bypass her and go to the zone where she should send you and talk to the appropriate NPC.
Good luck and and success in the game.
Every new toD zone now hs the same requirement to do the intro before you can progress the campaign, so watch for those.
@ post a few up
The lairs are only available at level 60 and are given out by NPCs in PE immediately after you accept Common Cause. Since you are just now level 60, you've not had them before. The Rothe one (Forged in Fire) comes from a ranger sitting on a crate a bit away from where the other NPCs stand.
Neverwinter Census 2017
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