Why should I, or anyone else for that matter, ever spend another dime on this game?
The value of a real dollar in this game has been trashed by another unpunished market inflation.
Why should anyone spend their real money just to compete with people who created theirs out of thin air?
Not me.
Never again.
Thanks, i'll just play for free now, or I wont at all.
adinosiiMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,294Arc User
edited August 2014
This thread will probably be closed, but the fact is that Cryptic must be realizing that their repeated failures to ban exploiters (the nightmare mounts, radiant stones, and stat exploits are the three biggest post-Caturday) have really annoyed many people and discouraged their spending of real $$$.
I do not think they will make that mistake this time. Also, the massive AD pile cuts into their profits - if the AD gets sold by someone else on a 3rd party site.
It would just be a sensible business decision to do something drastic now......but we'll have to wait and see.
I have personally spent a quite significant sum of money on this game, but ...
Honestly, I only spent money to buy 3k zen back in my early post 60 days. Now, I think, I'd only spend money for some packs which are always a good deal no matter what happens to AH. Thinking about purchasing feywild atm. The dragonborn is trash, IMHO.
I wanted too spend more money on this game, but it just feels like such a poor investment now. I cant help it.
I dont post here hardly ever. If they remove this thread then so be it, but its the realist question i can ask.
Of course it will. A legitimate suggestion thread got closed because they didn't want troll posts. I thought a moderators job was to clean the board of negative posts rather than go overdrive and inhibit fair discussion. Anything can be trolled so why not just close down the whole freaking forum?
First, the value of a dollar in the game has not changed. It's still 10 zen to 1 dollar. And 1 zen is still 500AD/zen max, except to the people who want more and use shortcuts to do so. People have to stop making this game about money and actually PLAY the game.
Second, the reason is the same as anything you spend money on at the movies. Comfort, food, drinks.. And you can still go to the movies and have a good time even if the popcorn is not to your taste or when the vendor forgot to put ice in your drink.
Some people like me like making ad. MMOs are meant to be about progression after all. Nothing wrong with having goals.
First, the value of a dollar in the game has not changed. It's still 10 zen to 1 dollar. And 1 zen is still 500AD/zen max, except to the people who want more and use shortcuts to do so. People have to stop making this game about money and actually PLAY the game.
Second, the reason is the same as anything you spend money on at the movies. Comfort, food, drinks.. And you can still go to the movies and have a good time even if the popcorn is not to your taste or when the vendor forgot to put ice in your drink.
Its a bit more complicated than the value if the dollar, just being about whatever the zax is imo. When you spend cash you are investing in this game more than the items you obtain.
Its hard to explain that value is just as important as the items you receive with it.
I picked up the pack with the spider mount and have no real need to put money into zen store. Got a fast mount and there's no extra space for more so why bother clogging my inventory with others.
With the current state of the exchange and overblown prices on the AH I'm just sitting on whatever AD I refine as there's nothing I feel is worth spending it on. I wont be coerced into enchants above rank 7 due to the stupid amounts of time required to taken them higher for a small increase, just not worth it.
I do have some zen sitting in NW but it won't be going anywhere near the exchange as doing so would, to me, be like admitting that cryptic/pwe are handling their side of the economy well. They're not!
And most ends can also be accomplished without AD. You need gear? Farm the dungeons. You need enchantments? farm during profession hour. Play the game. The quality of the game is not depending on the items in the AH alone.
This is completely incorrect. There is no feasible way to farm gear in dungeons right now due to the chest bug. That leaves buying the gear on the AH as the only option.
Even though I agree with most of what you have been saying in terms of this general exploit, I have to disagree, the last 3 weeks give or take has seen broken DD's , so in one aspect, they HAVE stopped working, been trying to get my AOW set for my GWF in that time frame and ITs not working at all, Im about 40 runs into both SP and Karrundux and all I ever get is the same 3k salvage belt or a 5k amulet.
This isnt working and its a widely know issue, whatever they did to the loot tables isnt fixed. So in this aspect the DDs ARE not working and haven't for quite awhile.
And like me any my guild, you have another option. Go outside and enjoy some sunshine. It's summer. When the chests get fixed, there's more than enough time to start farming again.
Yes the bug is bloody annoying. But it's not the end of the world. It's a game. We're not junkies who'd die if we don't get our daily share of Neverwinter or fail to make 500mil AD a day.
Now THAT is excellent wisdom/advice that many players need to heed. Listen up, one and all!
myles08807 said, "Back in my day, we didn't have any of this fancy Mulhorand gear while we were leveling . . . we walked uphill both ways while dying once every five seconds while leveling, and we liked it fine!" . . . Now, get off my lawn, you kids!" pointsman said, "I don't rue the game. In fact I don't feel any regret for the game at all." looomis said, "I don't like people changing to alts and then bragging about their mains like schizophrenic role players."
Absolutely true. With no goals this game has nothing to offer. But gaining AD isn't the goal of this game. It's a means to an end.
And most ends can also be accomplished without AD. You need gear? Farm the dungeons. You need enchantments? farm during profession hour. Play the game. The quality of the game is not depending on the items in the AH alone.
The thing is I've done every dungeon and to progress I've been doing CN many hundreds of times and sell the loot between the five of us. It's a great way to earn while playing the game and we're rewarded all of the time. Now for a while now I've not really been dungeon anything important gameplay wise. CN is dull, the refinement system is a pain above epic level with not much need in anything above rank 7/8s when any gain is kind of minimal. The new dungeons are highly unrewarding so what else is there for me to do? Crafting and making AD through the AH while waiting on mod 4 to come. If it wasn't announced early I would have most likely left just because there's little now to keep me playing. At least with making AD I have some form of progression that I can save up/reinvest.
CN gets boring if you have done it so many times and I'm not wanting to do any of the other unrewarding or stale content.
This company don't deserve any of our money, not even a cent. the only thing that can save this game is a complete change of management, a new customer service and trasparency with the playerbase and most important a good economist to fix the in game broken economy system. also, the fascist mentality of the forum moderation is absolutely not good, i'm really tired of it
Even if you do a dungeon you will likely suffer what I did earlier (and again for like the 100th time). Get to the end and have some cheap thief start the vote kick until he gets enough of his guild in to kick everyone else out. Of course one can report this when they do it, but after they do it again a few more times for weeks running you start to realize that the reporting probably doesn't do any good.
I don't ever see them take any strong actions against those that do things wrong and that is never healthy for a game. I suppose they are thinking that they will profit more from keeping these people but all they will do is lose the rest and end up with a bunch of thieves playing -- and do they really expect thieves to pay them?
This company don't deserve any of our money, not even a cent. the only thing that can save this game is a complete change of management, a new customer service and trasparency with the playerbase and most important a good economist to fix the in game broken economy system. also, the fascist mentality of the forum moderation is absolutely not good, i'm really tired of it
Ouch! That's a thread-closing statement right there . . .
myles08807 said, "Back in my day, we didn't have any of this fancy Mulhorand gear while we were leveling . . . we walked uphill both ways while dying once every five seconds while leveling, and we liked it fine!" . . . Now, get off my lawn, you kids!" pointsman said, "I don't rue the game. In fact I don't feel any regret for the game at all." looomis said, "I don't like people changing to alts and then bragging about their mains like schizophrenic role players."
Ouch! That's a thread-closing statement right there . . .
this thread will be closed anyway so it really doesn't matter, and "the can" is where 90% ot the comments are going theese days lol the only thing they can do to stop me from giving really bad review of the current state of the game is making my laptop explode and erase me from the internet
Given the prices, the wrecked economy, the frequent exploits and the crippling bugs, you'd be mad to spend much money on this game right now. However, sadly, in order to enjoy it to its fullest and not be "gimped", you now either need to spend extraordinary amounts of money, or cheat- that simple. New players face a stark choice.
This hasn't been the case in other MMOs that I have played; maybe I have been lucky. It may be just the impetus that some people need to take their discretionary spending elsewhere. It's a shame, underneath is a good game, somewhere.
Until Cryptic can show they took firm action against people who took advantage of the recent issue I simply cannot justify spending any more money on Neverwinter , it seems that hundreds of people cheated millions of AD which will be converted to free zen and nothing seems to be done against them ,yet people like myself who have never taken advantage of any cheat grind for hours every day and spend real hard earned money on the game and cannot compete with cheaters , this recent problem is the final straw for me unless it is shown permanent bans were handed out not only to the idiots who used the cheat the day it was revealed but also high level fully kitted out people who have played the game since closed beta who took advantage of the cheat and have tried to launder the AD using the AH and alts.
Three day bans or any other temporary ban will in no way cut it this time , these people need to have everything linked to them and their accounts stripped , they have wrecked the games economy.
adernathMember, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited August 2014
I would like to see this huge backlog dropping first and actions taken so that the ZEN exchange rates will be back to reasonable values before I spend more money. And IMO the feywild pack is the only pack you get enough for the money. Spending another 99€ just for 1 race and a few gimicks isnt worth it IMO.
In my opinion everyone who purchased at least one pack should have free access to all other or following expansions (so founder should have access to the feywild as well for example, it was expensive enough). Its not like these ppl wont spend some money for other things. Or these should get the option to enlarge their pack to another one with only a few bucks.
Suggestions to improve NW:
- Dualspec
- Better rewarding foundry and foundry pvp maps
- Custom PvP leagues with leaderboards instead of the current 'matchmaking'.
- Armory
- make jumping cost stamina (to reduce hopping in pvp)
Pvp on this game can be played and you can beat people even without spending money, but high end pvp is almost impossible to win against a player who has a maxed char if you dont. They are just way stronger than you and I have tested the difference on the preview shard with my friend, from being able to have a very close fight I killed him in 3 hits and hes 18k gs, so all the maxed gear increases your char by a large amount.
If people can just cheat to get there char this strong then it will make the pvp side of the game fully broken and many people who play just for pvp will have no reason to spend money or really put time into it anymore. The people who use exploits to get advantages over other players should be banned.
If it was my choice all the people who cheat for AD should have all there items taken from them, given a peasant tunic, 1 AD and forced to wear the permanent title "I am a cheat".
Crixus - PVP GF
silverkeltMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,235Arc User
Even if you do a dungeon you will likely suffer what I did earlier (and again for like the 100th time). Get to the end and have some cheap thief start the vote kick until he gets enough of his guild in to kick everyone else out. Of course one can report this when they do it, but after they do it again a few more times for weeks running you start to realize that the reporting probably doesn't do any good.
I don't ever see them take any strong actions against those that do things wrong and that is never healthy for a game. I suppose they are thinking that they will profit more from keeping these people but all they will do is lose the rest and end up with a bunch of thieves playing -- and do they really expect thieves to pay them?
Dude join legit, just be prepared to 1. run the actual dungeon , without speed running , bypassing content with exploitation outside of landscape (you know finding glitch paths) and 2. most runs are greed all. (the very worst moment of my entire time here was due to a bugged CN run, worst time ive had in game, which made me seek out a different playerbase to run with and thats when I found legit and I would add 3. have a good attitude, dont do things commonly considered rude, or out of bounds in most other mmos you have played.
If you dont want to do those things, ya, your out of luck probably.
silverkeltMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,235Arc User
Pvp on this game can be played and you can beat people even without spending money, but high end pvp is almost impossible to win against a player who has a maxed char if you dont. They are just way stronger than you and I have tested the difference on the preview shard with my friend, from being able to have a very close fight I killed him in 3 hits and hes 18k gs, so all the maxed gear increases your char by a large amount.
If people can just cheat to get there char this strong then it will make the pvp side of the game fully broken and many people who play just for pvp will have no reason to spend money or really put time into it anymore. The people who use exploits to get advantages over other players should be banned.
If it was my choice all the people who cheat for AD should have all there items taken from them, given a peasant tunic, 1 AD and forced to wear the permanent title "I am a cheat".
I think there are really 3 different divisions of pvp.. the first time player, who gets to 60 and wham , doesnt know what happened, the middle class who knows how to gear up for most pug matches and the top end pvp players.
Generally speaker the average middle class pug group of the 14-16k gear score, is probably like 50-60% of the pvpers, there are lots ot pvp in this general gear score range and if the groups are in this range against each other, the matches are fun.
It gets bad when either too many of group A, the newbie low gear score, wearing lvl 1 shirts and the C. top end pvpers get into the middle class division.
I still think there might be need of a seperate queu's for everyone. Class A, below certain gear score/tenacity, Class B , above A but Below C gear score range + tenacity gating and C. Those 5% top end that deserver thier own queue.
I reasonable cannot tell you how to make this happen , or if it can hapen, but I think as the game ages, WE Cannot have 22k behemoths sitting on node two fighting a entire team by itself while eating icecream with one hand.
myles08807 said, "Back in my day, we didn't have any of this fancy Mulhorand gear while we were leveling . . . we walked uphill both ways while dying once every five seconds while leveling, and we liked it fine!" . . . Now, get off my lawn, you kids!" pointsman said, "I don't rue the game. In fact I don't feel any regret for the game at all." looomis said, "I don't like people changing to alts and then bragging about their mains like schizophrenic role players."
You are a great example of the point I made in another thread last night. You aren't playing NW anymore. You spend your time playing on a virtual market. And educational as that may be, I wouldn't be playing Neverwinter if that was all I had left to do. There are more profitable exchanges that could offer me real money if I spend that much time and effort on it.
Personally I still enjoy dungeons. I also don't do 150 runs a week or do speedruns. But when I do dungeons, I run with different people, playing different ways and by doing so they bring variation and unforeseen challenges with them. But once that become stale to you, I think it's time to say goodbye to Neverwinter.
Don't get me wrong. I'm not telling you to leave, nor do I want you to in particular. But if you lose joy in a game you shouldn't be playing it. I know I wouldn't.
Well the thing is it isn't really my fault. I've played the game and they've failed to release decent content that is worth redoing. I should probably stop playing at this point, but I'm a little stubborn. We'll have to see how mod 4 plays out and if that will give me reason to keep playing. There's a new dungeon and class to be interested in, I'd just need to see how long term it is. If it's not as replayable it could be my last module. The artifact belts and weapons look nice for progression though the rng of the drops with it being bound sucks and when it requires more rp than normal artifacts yet you can only drop equipment 1 at a time, it could be a pain that's not worth doing. Epics are weirdly worth only a little more rp than rares which is odd since even salvaging the cheapest boe epic items and buying even 2 blues would give you more rp.
I think there are really 3 different divisions of pvp.. the first time player, who gets to 60 and wham , doesnt know what happened, the middle class who knows how to gear up for most pug matches and the top end pvp players.
Generally speaker the average middle class pug group of the 14-16k gear score, is probably like 50-60% of the pvpers, there are lots ot pvp in this general gear score range and if the groups are in this range against each other, the matches are fun.
It gets bad when either too many of group A, the newbie low gear score, wearing lvl 1 shirts and the C. top end pvpers get into the middle class division.
I still think there might be need of a seperate queu's for everyone. Class A, below certain gear score/tenacity, Class B , above A but Below C gear score range + tenacity gating and C. Those 5% top end that deserver thier own queue.
I reasonable cannot tell you how to make this happen , or if it can hapen, but I think as the game ages, WE Cannot have 22k behemoths sitting on node two fighting a entire team by itself while eating icecream with one hand.
yeah I totally agree with this.
The main problem is that all 3 of those groups get in the same games so its always unfair, and either a new player or a decent one they wont be able to do much against a high end pvper mainly because of his gear not so much the skill since a guy with 13-16k can have much skill. Now with these cheats getting so much AD they can get maxed gear and it will make pvp even more unbalanced.
I think anyone who uses these cheats knowing what they are doing, should be banned or have some sort of punishment, not just a 3 day ban or something.
Crixus - PVP GF
hiukulimusMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 117
Of course it will. A legitimate suggestion thread got closed because they didn't want troll posts. I thought a moderators job was to clean the board of negative posts rather than go overdrive and inhibit fair discussion. Anything can be trolled so why not just close down the whole freaking forum?
this thread is another "rage, quit, threat" topic... for sure will be closed they closed my bacon topic without even explaning the violations (it was about bacon)
If it was my choice all the people who cheat for AD should have all there items taken from them, given a peasant tunic, 1 AD and forced to wear the permanent title "I am a cheat".
I do not think they will make that mistake this time. Also, the massive AD pile cuts into their profits - if the AD gets sold by someone else on a 3rd party site.
It would just be a sensible business decision to do something drastic now......but we'll have to wait and see.
I have personally spent a quite significant sum of money on this game, but ...
WTB Class Reroll please
I dont post here hardly ever. If they remove this thread then so be it, but its the realist question i can ask.
Of course it will. A legitimate suggestion thread got closed because they didn't want troll posts. I thought a moderators job was to clean the board of negative posts rather than go overdrive and inhibit fair discussion. Anything can be trolled so why not just close down the whole freaking forum?
Some people like me like making ad. MMOs are meant to be about progression after all. Nothing wrong with having goals.
Its a bit more complicated than the value if the dollar, just being about whatever the zax is imo. When you spend cash you are investing in this game more than the items you obtain.
Its hard to explain that value is just as important as the items you receive with it.
With the current state of the exchange and overblown prices on the AH I'm just sitting on whatever AD I refine as there's nothing I feel is worth spending it on. I wont be coerced into enchants above rank 7 due to the stupid amounts of time required to taken them higher for a small increase, just not worth it.
I do have some zen sitting in NW but it won't be going anywhere near the exchange as doing so would, to me, be like admitting that cryptic/pwe are handling their side of the economy well. They're not!
This is completely incorrect. There is no feasible way to farm gear in dungeons right now due to the chest bug. That leaves buying the gear on the AH as the only option.
Even though I agree with most of what you have been saying in terms of this general exploit, I have to disagree, the last 3 weeks give or take has seen broken DD's , so in one aspect, they HAVE stopped working, been trying to get my AOW set for my GWF in that time frame and ITs not working at all, Im about 40 runs into both SP and Karrundux and all I ever get is the same 3k salvage belt or a 5k amulet.
This isnt working and its a widely know issue, whatever they did to the loot tables isnt fixed. So in this aspect the DDs ARE not working and haven't for quite awhile.
This should be a top priority fix IMO.
Now THAT is excellent wisdom/advice that many players need to heed. Listen up, one and all!
myles08807 said, "Back in my day, we didn't have any of this fancy Mulhorand gear while we were leveling . . . we walked uphill both ways while dying once every five seconds while leveling, and we liked it fine!" . . . Now, get off my lawn, you kids!"
pointsman said, "I don't rue the game. In fact I don't feel any regret for the game at all."
looomis said, "I don't like people changing to alts and then bragging about their mains like schizophrenic role players."
The thing is I've done every dungeon and to progress I've been doing CN many hundreds of times and sell the loot between the five of us. It's a great way to earn while playing the game and we're rewarded all of the time. Now for a while now I've not really been dungeon anything important gameplay wise. CN is dull, the refinement system is a pain above epic level with not much need in anything above rank 7/8s when any gain is kind of minimal. The new dungeons are highly unrewarding so what else is there for me to do? Crafting and making AD through the AH while waiting on mod 4 to come. If it wasn't announced early I would have most likely left just because there's little now to keep me playing. At least with making AD I have some form of progression that I can save up/reinvest.
CN gets boring if you have done it so many times and I'm not wanting to do any of the other unrewarding or stale content.
I don't ever see them take any strong actions against those that do things wrong and that is never healthy for a game. I suppose they are thinking that they will profit more from keeping these people but all they will do is lose the rest and end up with a bunch of thieves playing -- and do they really expect thieves to pay them?
Ouch! That's a thread-closing statement right there . . .
myles08807 said, "Back in my day, we didn't have any of this fancy Mulhorand gear while we were leveling . . . we walked uphill both ways while dying once every five seconds while leveling, and we liked it fine!" . . . Now, get off my lawn, you kids!"
pointsman said, "I don't rue the game. In fact I don't feel any regret for the game at all."
looomis said, "I don't like people changing to alts and then bragging about their mains like schizophrenic role players."
this thread will be closed anyway so it really doesn't matter, and "the can" is where 90% ot the comments are going theese days lol the only thing they can do to stop me from giving really bad review of the current state of the game is making my laptop explode and erase me from the internet
This hasn't been the case in other MMOs that I have played; maybe I have been lucky. It may be just the impetus that some people need to take their discretionary spending elsewhere. It's a shame, underneath is a good game, somewhere.
Three day bans or any other temporary ban will in no way cut it this time , these people need to have everything linked to them and their accounts stripped , they have wrecked the games economy.
In my opinion everyone who purchased at least one pack should have free access to all other or following expansions (so founder should have access to the feywild as well for example, it was expensive enough). Its not like these ppl wont spend some money for other things. Or these should get the option to enlarge their pack to another one with only a few bucks.
- Dualspec
- Better rewarding foundry and foundry pvp maps
- Custom PvP leagues with leaderboards instead of the current 'matchmaking'.
- Armory
- make jumping cost stamina (to reduce hopping in pvp)
If people can just cheat to get there char this strong then it will make the pvp side of the game fully broken and many people who play just for pvp will have no reason to spend money or really put time into it anymore. The people who use exploits to get advantages over other players should be banned.
If it was my choice all the people who cheat for AD should have all there items taken from them, given a peasant tunic, 1 AD and forced to wear the permanent title "I am a cheat".
Dude join legit, just be prepared to 1. run the actual dungeon , without speed running , bypassing content with exploitation outside of landscape (you know finding glitch paths) and 2. most runs are greed all. (the very worst moment of my entire time here was due to a bugged CN run, worst time ive had in game, which made me seek out a different playerbase to run with and thats when I found legit and I would add 3. have a good attitude, dont do things commonly considered rude, or out of bounds in most other mmos you have played.
If you dont want to do those things, ya, your out of luck probably.
I think there are really 3 different divisions of pvp.. the first time player, who gets to 60 and wham , doesnt know what happened, the middle class who knows how to gear up for most pug matches and the top end pvp players.
Generally speaker the average middle class pug group of the 14-16k gear score, is probably like 50-60% of the pvpers, there are lots ot pvp in this general gear score range and if the groups are in this range against each other, the matches are fun.
It gets bad when either too many of group A, the newbie low gear score, wearing lvl 1 shirts and the C. top end pvpers get into the middle class division.
I still think there might be need of a seperate queu's for everyone. Class A, below certain gear score/tenacity, Class B , above A but Below C gear score range + tenacity gating and C. Those 5% top end that deserver thier own queue.
I reasonable cannot tell you how to make this happen , or if it can hapen, but I think as the game ages, WE Cannot have 22k behemoths sitting on node two fighting a entire team by itself while eating icecream with one hand.
myles08807 said, "Back in my day, we didn't have any of this fancy Mulhorand gear while we were leveling . . . we walked uphill both ways while dying once every five seconds while leveling, and we liked it fine!" . . . Now, get off my lawn, you kids!"
pointsman said, "I don't rue the game. In fact I don't feel any regret for the game at all."
looomis said, "I don't like people changing to alts and then bragging about their mains like schizophrenic role players."
Well the thing is it isn't really my fault. I've played the game and they've failed to release decent content that is worth redoing. I should probably stop playing at this point, but I'm a little stubborn. We'll have to see how mod 4 plays out and if that will give me reason to keep playing. There's a new dungeon and class to be interested in, I'd just need to see how long term it is. If it's not as replayable it could be my last module. The artifact belts and weapons look nice for progression though the rng of the drops with it being bound sucks and when it requires more rp than normal artifacts yet you can only drop equipment 1 at a time, it could be a pain that's not worth doing. Epics are weirdly worth only a little more rp than rares which is odd since even salvaging the cheapest boe epic items and buying even 2 blues would give you more rp.
yeah I totally agree with this.
The main problem is that all 3 of those groups get in the same games so its always unfair, and either a new player or a decent one they wont be able to do much against a high end pvper mainly because of his gear not so much the skill since a guy with 13-16k can have much skill. Now with these cheats getting so much AD they can get maxed gear and it will make pvp even more unbalanced.
I think anyone who uses these cheats knowing what they are doing, should be banned or have some sort of punishment, not just a 3 day ban or something.
this thread is another "rage, quit, threat" topic... for sure will be closed
you are a genius.. i approve 100% the new Title