If they wanted to eat up all the ADs floating around, then they should have added the blueprints to the Wondrous Bazaar and make the doohickey something that is bought w/ the R7 item and make it BtA.
Agree, but it's possible it's aimed to reduce both AD and ZEN reserves, and at the same time generate new income.
I head Gond's pack is bugged and it only gives you mount/leadership packs -.-
I got a professions pack, a greater stone of the union (bound to character of course) and rank 5 cog, wasn't worth while. Considering I spent about 550 zen to get a 300 zen item (without a sale coupon), it was a complete waste of time and money.
Another thing to consider, the high investment and short duration may be aimed to clear out AD and ZEN (AD to ZEN hording)
Readily paying customers will continue to pay real ZEN so they simply continue to contribute to earnings. And the event is likely more an AD sink than for casual players to earn any of the top rewards.
I'm not even doing the event, but that's just a personal preference to spend my time and money.
But it will not sink AD, will only transfer to other people part of the amount. AND ZEN, the deficit climbed to 10m, not think it worked well.
Haven't read through all of the posts but I am wondering approx how much AD it would take to get all the components and grind all of the pieces just using the professions and the lvl 6 sprocket tasks. If you have the AD to finish the tasks right after they are started you could grind it all out that way and am wondering the approx cost of such...brain too tired to put it all down on paper to compute it now.
I grew tired of the event as I did not feel like learning other professions. I simply auction my cogs now, but at the amount shown when entering it so many people can afford them. I even break them up so they are not all en masse.
grogthemagnifMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,651Arc User
edited August 2014
7 Professions, not 5 are able to make sprockets. SBT.
grogthemagnifMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,651Arc User
edited August 2014
I've found it more a Gold, than an AD sink, but I did see on Crowing about getting 1.9 mill AD selling wool sraps -do able if 50 toons selling 999s at 90k.
Yes and no the ah does take a 10% cut out of each transfer. But overall I agree it's not a good sink and probably wasn't meant to be.
grogthemagnifMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,651Arc User
edited August 2014
The developers still haven't figured out that there is a real cap at 1,000,000n AD/Zen or 100mill AD = 100 Zen. Until the 500 AD/Zen cap is lifted and the Zen buyers and Zen sellers decide what they'll sell or buy Zen for, the amount of Zen for sale will only continue to increase.
While AD is being removed so is Zen. Coupled with an increased demand for Zen...it's caused the complete opposite of an AD sink.
For an AD sink to be effective the AD being removed can't drive additional demand for Zen. This event does.
Just removing AD isn't enough.
To give you an example, an effective AD sink would put a hole at the bottom of a bucket of water so it leaks. Well that's what we have now...except the faucet is putting more water into the bucket then the hole leaks. And this event more or less did cause the hole to expand but also caused the faucet to pump more water into the bucket...and as the ZAX changes show, the faucet has a bigger increase in flow than the hole.
The AD sink is working fine. Every bit of zen that is bought with money to sell blueprints is in turn cutting 10% from the Auction House.
And PWE is making a bundle. But unless you get AD from some of the profession tasks (i haven't checked em out really)it isn't bringing more AD into the game.
I completely agree with you that an event where you have to grind for 4 days OR buy blueprints with zen is an awful idea with a backlog already in the zax. Any effects of getting rid of AD won't be felt due to hugely increased demand for zen from non spending players.
I guess i was trying to look on the bright side of things. I actually picked up a few pointers from this thread and bought some iron ore low and made a quick 50k but i was in no way trying to defend the event or company :P
Also completely different topic. I timed about 50 drops in a row, and was not getting em every 30 seconds, but only every 45 seconds. So maybe the 28 hours estimate of solid grinding with machinelike timing to maximize drops should be estimated upward? I don't know if anyone else has timed it?
ambisinisterrMember, Neverwinter ModeratorPosts: 10,462Community Moderator
edited August 2014
Cutting 10% of the AD out means nothing when 100% of the Zen is lost and large portions of the AD which gets transferred through ends up right back on the ZAX.
An AD Sink has to dump more AD out of the system than it causes to rise in demand.
It may be taking out 10% but it is raising prices more than it is sinking currency.
EDIT - To make this concept pointedly clear, the definition of an AD sink it not just taking money out of the system, it has to take money out without causing a depreciation in value. The fact the ZAX backlog keeps rising is cold hard inarguable evidence it is making the situation worse, not better. It is not sinking cash, it is causing inflation.
The point of an AD sink is to raise the value of AD. That is the only reason they need to exist.
If AD values are decreasing (which they are) the AD is not being sunk even if it is, with technicallity being taken out of the game.
A sink is called a sink because of the draining action. If you recycle 90% of the water you put down the drain but add more than 10% of water into the system every day it will, and has, overflowed the sink. The solution is to drain more than 10%. Repeatedly saying 10% is being drained so it's good is narrow minded. Sorry. But that's the truth.
flambridgeMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 191Arc User
edited August 2014
Seriusly, guys.
Two days of grind (BI and DG), various negotiation attempts, hours and more
hours of professions. And nothing, not even a blue.
There's no way to do this event (realistically) with one character.
It may not even be "impossible", but it is impracticable due to the drop rate.
I'll sleep and decide what will do tomorrow to recover 150000 AD which lost by mistake. But I know, will not get even the altar.
Good idea, badly executed.
Two days of grind (BI and DG), various negotiation attempts, hours and more
hours of professions. And nothing, not even a blue.
There's no way to do this event (realistically) with one character.
It may not even be "impossible", but it is impracticable due to the drop rate.
I'll sleep and decide what will do tomorrow to recover 150000 AD which lost by mistake. But I know, will not get even the altar.
Good idea, badly executed.
Is the mechanical altar a temporary consumable item? or is it permanent, multiple unlimited use?
Personally i think the whole event is a waste of every players time. When you have devs that bring out event like this, that is a very good event. But don't have a drop rate of grommets or even the first 3 parts of it dropping like stated or a drop rate to where you are killing 8 guys at once and maybe 1 grommet drops at a time out of 8 guys. seems to me a very wrong way to get players to like a event. Now to me this is second failed event inside of a month. What happen to the good old event like mid summer event. where it was all able to be accomplished in the amount of time?. If devs are looking for sink holed they might want to consider putting coal wards up in wondrous bazar for 400 ad bet they get more ad out of game ,than this event. Maybe even putting preservation wards in it to get ad out of game.
I mean no matter what you do the mount is not able to be gotten by the average player. with out buying parts or getting the blue print which right now most players wont be able to get zen out of the zax until after event. To me its a pretty HAMSTER poor way to bring out a new event that has so much good things in it. that 75% of the players will never even have a chance at with all the things i pointed out thats wrong with the event. So devs and pwi how about making a event that players can actually have fun at that gives everyone playing a chance or multiple of chances to get . Cause even if you get doohickey there is no 100% chance you are going to be able to get the mount and wont be able to even try a second time if you are a grinding fool and did it first time. I have no complaints about grinding for good stuffs but in reasonable drop rate and time. just my 2 cents
Cutting 10% of the AD out means nothing when 100% of the Zen is lost and large portions of the AD which gets transferred through ends up right back on the ZAX.
An AD Sink has to dump more AD out of the system than it causes to rise in demand.
It may be taking out 10% but it is raising prices more than it is sinking currency.
EDIT - To make this concept pointedly clear, the definition of an AD sink it not just taking money out of the system, it has to take money out without causing a depreciation in value. The fact the ZAX backlog keeps rising is cold hard inarguable evidence it is making the situation worse, not better. It is not sinking cash, it is causing inflation.
The point of an AD sink is to raise the value of AD. That is the only reason they need to exist.
If AD values are decreasing (which they are) the AD is not being sunk even if it is, with technicallity being taken out of the game.
A sink is called a sink because of the draining action. If you recycle 90% of the water you put down the drain but add more than 10% of water into the system every day it will, and has, overflowed the sink. The solution is to drain more than 10%. Repeatedly saying 10% is being drained so it's good is narrow minded. Sorry. But that's the truth.
Sorry but the truth is the players said this would happen with the new refinement systems plus all the changes to bind to account with coal wards + keys.
Now everyone can see what the majority of people said would happen. Maybe next time someone will listen
ambisinisterrMember, Neverwinter ModeratorPosts: 10,462Community Moderator
edited August 2014
It has nothing to do with that and everything to do with a lack of AD sinks.
Events like this, though, are just making it worse. Player's aren't always right. Too many of them focus on too many specifics. In this case everything you said wouldn't matter at all if there were functioning AD sinks.
Basically most players look at the result and call it the cause. It's not.
This could have been the ultimate AD sink for the game, if you had only put the blueprints up for like 70-80k in the wonderous bazar, this could imo more or less have cleared the backlog of zen offers... Instead you made the ultimate get richer than you already are for all the people with the Means to buy stuff and flip it on the AH! I made around 3-4 million ad myself just selling blueprints, they more or less sold faster than i could put em up, so guess i cant complain...
Actually I think the Blueprints would still sell very well even if priced at 150K...
Cutting 10% of the AD out means nothing when 100% of the Zen is lost and large portions of the AD which gets transferred through ends up right back on the ZAX.
Not entirely accurate. If you're using zen to make doohickeys and selling them on the AH, then you're pretty much using a separate exchange except instead of a complete transfer, some is lost. Just because it's not done via the exchange doesn't mean it's lost, unless they're using it for themselves... It's a shame the prints weren't available for AD to clear the backlog which it could very well do, or at least a lot of it and it's a shame the reward % weren't a little higher and that grinding it isn't efficient. But at least it meant it was out of reach for some who can't exchange zen and I managed to profit from it ! I made way too much from this event...
Yep. This event is the nail in the coffin of the economy.
Instead of making an AD sink they made a ZEN sink.
Whoever is responsible for that can be considered the ruiner of the game.
It would have been sooo easy to make this event a solution for the backlog. I cant understand. With all due respect but therr must be some people at cryptic who are either brainless or trying intentional to sabotage this game.
Or of course, it could be the last cash milk before PWE releases their next cash grab… oh wait
degraafinationMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Yep. This event is the nail in the coffin of the economy.
Instead of making an AD sink they made a ZEN sink.
Whoever is responsible for that can be considered the ruiner of the game.
It would have been sooo easy to make this event a solution for the backlog. I cant understand. With all due respect but therr must be some people at cryptic who are either brainless or trying intentional to sabotage this game.
Or of course, it could be the last cash milk before PWE releases their next cash grab… oh wait
Cryptic does not want an AD sink and it's in their best interest to keep the economy the way it is.
1) Backlogged ZEN means the only other way to get it is through real money.
2) 500:1 maxed out ZAX means cash buyers are getting more AD for their real money.
3) High prices on the AH means real money buyers must spend more to max out their characters.
Whatever, but couldn't they push the dropp rate? 120 possible refining items per hour sounds nice but is practically impossible (run time and stuff) It's more like 60 per hour and it would take more than two days to farm that stuff together, Two days in which you not eating, sleeping and do other stuff that humans are doing...
Platypus wielding a giant hammer, your argument is invalild!
Cryptic does not want an AD sink and it's in their best interest to keep the economy the way it is.
1) Backlogged ZEN means the only other way to get it is through real money.
2) 500:1 maxed out ZAX means cash buyers are getting more AD for their real money.
3) High prices on the AH means real money buyers must spend more to max out their characters.
Cryptic is right where they want to be.
You are absolutly right. Thats what cryptic most likley wants. But its very short sighted, like in so many real world companies. Its a fast cash grab system. But in the long term it will chase every player away and the game will eventuelly die.
The system right now, if it will stay the same any longer, will build a viscious circle that ends in the complete absense of an AD/ZEN exchange. It will become common sense even for beginners to never exchange ZEN for AD, because you can just buy a ZEN item and list itfor far more than you could have gotten with the exchange.
Now remember this: the one and ONLY option to generate ZEN in this game is with cash. That means that a f2p player will NEVER get ZEN, but there are ZEN items that are essential for gameplay.
Example: remember beginning of mod3, where HRs and GWFs got major changes? No free respec token was offered.
Example: look into mod4 and the major changes they make. A race and ability change token wil only be obtainable with ZEN.
Most players, even some, who spent some cash but not on everything, will be cut out of major parts of the game. All the new players who will arrive due mod4 and just looking into this game will be overwhelmed by the cash wall of this game.
The high pricesin the ZEN store even for small things were legitimated by the fact that you could freely exchange your in-game currency for cash-currency. This option is now nearly dead.
I am very sure, paying 70-100€ for a Race and some junk items, some of them bugged for sure like in the feywild pack, will not keep players in this game nor will it attract new ones.
Whatever, but couldn't they push the dropp rate? 120 possible refining items per hour sounds nice but is practically impossible (run time and stuff) It's more like 60 per hour and it would take more than two days to farm that stuff together, Two days in which you not eating, sleeping and do other stuff that humans are doing...
Given you need about 3500 cogs to get the top tier item at 60 an hour that is close enough to 60 hours. Over 4 days that is 15 hours a day.
I don't know anyone who is on target to get this in time without buying a Blueprint form the AH or ZEN shop.
The bigger the zen backlog is the happyer the zen seller is ... understand that and you'll see that the backlog will never get under 5M again - never again
On-topic : event is nice, purple mounts are insanely overpriced (with 3.5kk AD you can get purple mounts for 2-3 accounts)
If you see this and have the answer - PM me or answer real quick because this post will be removed
Whatever, but couldn't they push the dropp rate? 120 possible refining items per hour sounds nice but is practically impossible (run time and stuff) It's more like 60 per hour and it would take more than two days to farm that stuff together, Two days in which you not eating, sleeping and do other stuff that humans are doing...
LOL, Not 120 an hr.
more like 80 per hour...I have only been getting drops every 45 seconds
So when you figure 28 hours at 1 drop every 30 seconds the truth is actually much worse.
When you take into account eating, sleeping , and pooping (everybody poops) the truth is more accurate to say that you will be spending every free moment on this game for the next 4 days at a chance at an RNG item?
Do they honestly think people should have to spend all free time for 4 days on this?
I'll say this once, this game is fun, but is in NO WAY 'spend 4 days grinding drops to get a chance at a "lackluster item event" mount' good. I'll stick to selling grommets to the 'whales' this event caters to.
FIX the freaking DD chest or heroic drop rates or something. Stop punishing your loyal players with HAMSTER drops, crappier events, and BoP equip!!!
Getting event items from you guys is like asking for ketchup at McDonalds.
You get that dirty look before they hand you one packet of ketchup for your ten orders of fries in your bag.
It's not coming out of your pocket....GIVE me some more **** ketchup!!! I honestly don't get the idea behind making your game so unattractive to new players. But instead cater to 'whales' with events like this that only make the AH hoarders even richer.
Has anyone else been getting 45 second drops or just me? Now that the rant is over I will seek confirmation .
I head Gond's pack is bugged and it only gives you mount/leadership packs -.-
WTB Class Reroll please
I got a professions pack, a greater stone of the union (bound to character of course) and rank 5 cog, wasn't worth while. Considering I spent about 550 zen to get a 300 zen item (without a sale coupon), it was a complete waste of time and money.
But it will not sink AD, will only transfer to other people part of the amount. AND ZEN, the deficit climbed to 10m, not think it worked well.
Yes and no the ah does take a 10% cut out of each transfer. But overall I agree it's not a good sink and probably wasn't meant to be.
And PWE is making a bundle. But unless you get AD from some of the profession tasks (i haven't checked em out really)it isn't bringing more AD into the game.
I completely agree with you that an event where you have to grind for 4 days OR buy blueprints with zen is an awful idea with a backlog already in the zax. Any effects of getting rid of AD won't be felt due to hugely increased demand for zen from non spending players.
I guess i was trying to look on the bright side of things. I actually picked up a few pointers from this thread and bought some iron ore low and made a quick 50k
Also completely different topic. I timed about 50 drops in a row, and was not getting em every 30 seconds, but only every 45 seconds. So maybe the 28 hours estimate of solid grinding with machinelike timing to maximize drops should be estimated upward? I don't know if anyone else has timed it?
An AD Sink has to dump more AD out of the system than it causes to rise in demand.
It may be taking out 10% but it is raising prices more than it is sinking currency.
EDIT - To make this concept pointedly clear, the definition of an AD sink it not just taking money out of the system, it has to take money out without causing a depreciation in value. The fact the ZAX backlog keeps rising is cold hard inarguable evidence it is making the situation worse, not better. It is not sinking cash, it is causing inflation.
The point of an AD sink is to raise the value of AD. That is the only reason they need to exist.
If AD values are decreasing (which they are) the AD is not being sunk even if it is, with technicallity being taken out of the game.
A sink is called a sink because of the draining action. If you recycle 90% of the water you put down the drain but add more than 10% of water into the system every day it will, and has, overflowed the sink. The solution is to drain more than 10%. Repeatedly saying 10% is being drained so it's good is narrow minded. Sorry. But that's the truth.
Two days of grind (BI and DG), various negotiation attempts, hours and more
hours of professions. And nothing, not even a blue.
There's no way to do this event (realistically) with one character.
It may not even be "impossible", but it is impracticable due to the drop rate.
I'll sleep and decide what will do tomorrow to recover 150000 AD which lost by mistake. But I know, will not get even the altar.
Good idea, badly executed.
Is the mechanical altar a temporary consumable item? or is it permanent, multiple unlimited use?
Consumable, same as normal altars but with a small chance for additional rewards.
I mean no matter what you do the mount is not able to be gotten by the average player. with out buying parts or getting the blue print which right now most players wont be able to get zen out of the zax until after event. To me its a pretty HAMSTER poor way to bring out a new event that has so much good things in it. that 75% of the players will never even have a chance at with all the things i pointed out thats wrong with the event. So devs and pwi how about making a event that players can actually have fun at that gives everyone playing a chance or multiple of chances to get . Cause even if you get doohickey there is no 100% chance you are going to be able to get the mount and wont be able to even try a second time if you are a grinding fool and did it first time. I have no complaints about grinding for good stuffs but in reasonable drop rate and time. just my 2 cents
Sorry but the truth is the players said this would happen with the new refinement systems plus all the changes to bind to account with coal wards + keys.
Now everyone can see what the majority of people said would happen. Maybe next time someone will listen
Events like this, though, are just making it worse. Player's aren't always right. Too many of them focus on too many specifics. In this case everything you said wouldn't matter at all if there were functioning AD sinks.
Basically most players look at the result and call it the cause. It's not.
Actually I think the Blueprints would still sell very well even if priced at 150K...
Not entirely accurate. If you're using zen to make doohickeys and selling them on the AH, then you're pretty much using a separate exchange except instead of a complete transfer, some is lost. Just because it's not done via the exchange doesn't mean it's lost, unless they're using it for themselves... It's a shame the prints weren't available for AD to clear the backlog which it could very well do, or at least a lot of it and it's a shame the reward % weren't a little higher and that grinding it isn't efficient. But at least it meant it was out of reach for some who can't exchange zen and I managed to profit from it
Instead of making an AD sink they made a ZEN sink.
Whoever is responsible for that can be considered the ruiner of the game.
It would have been sooo easy to make this event a solution for the backlog. I cant understand. With all due respect but therr must be some people at cryptic who are either brainless or trying intentional to sabotage this game.
Or of course, it could be the last cash milk before PWE releases their next cash grab… oh wait
Cryptic does not want an AD sink and it's in their best interest to keep the economy the way it is.
1) Backlogged ZEN means the only other way to get it is through real money.
2) 500:1 maxed out ZAX means cash buyers are getting more AD for their real money.
3) High prices on the AH means real money buyers must spend more to max out their characters.
Cryptic is right where they want to be.
Join Essence of Aggression: PVP-ing Hard Since Beta!
You are absolutly right. Thats what cryptic most likley wants. But its very short sighted, like in so many real world companies. Its a fast cash grab system. But in the long term it will chase every player away and the game will eventuelly die.
The system right now, if it will stay the same any longer, will build a viscious circle that ends in the complete absense of an AD/ZEN exchange. It will become common sense even for beginners to never exchange ZEN for AD, because you can just buy a ZEN item and list itfor far more than you could have gotten with the exchange.
Now remember this: the one and ONLY option to generate ZEN in this game is with cash. That means that a f2p player will NEVER get ZEN, but there are ZEN items that are essential for gameplay.
Example: remember beginning of mod3, where HRs and GWFs got major changes? No free respec token was offered.
Example: look into mod4 and the major changes they make. A race and ability change token wil only be obtainable with ZEN.
Most players, even some, who spent some cash but not on everything, will be cut out of major parts of the game. All the new players who will arrive due mod4 and just looking into this game will be overwhelmed by the cash wall of this game.
The high pricesin the ZEN store even for small things were legitimated by the fact that you could freely exchange your in-game currency for cash-currency. This option is now nearly dead.
I am very sure, paying 70-100€ for a Race and some junk items, some of them bugged for sure like in the feywild pack, will not keep players in this game nor will it attract new ones.
Given you need about 3500 cogs to get the top tier item at 60 an hour that is close enough to 60 hours. Over 4 days that is 15 hours a day.
I don't know anyone who is on target to get this in time without buying a Blueprint form the AH or ZEN shop.
On-topic : event is nice, purple mounts are insanely overpriced (with 3.5kk AD you can get purple mounts for 2-3 accounts)
LOL, Not 120 an hr.
more like 80 per hour...I have only been getting drops every 45 seconds
So when you figure 28 hours at 1 drop every 30 seconds the truth is actually much worse.
When you take into account eating, sleeping , and pooping (everybody poops) the truth is more accurate to say that you will be spending every free moment on this game for the next 4 days at a chance at an RNG item?
Do they honestly think people should have to spend all free time for 4 days on this?
I'll say this once, this game is fun, but is in NO WAY 'spend 4 days grinding drops to get a chance at a "lackluster item event" mount' good. I'll stick to selling grommets to the 'whales' this event caters to.
FIX the freaking DD chest or heroic drop rates or something. Stop punishing your loyal players with HAMSTER drops, crappier events, and BoP equip!!!
Getting event items from you guys is like asking for ketchup at McDonalds.
You get that dirty look before they hand you one packet of ketchup for your ten orders of fries in your bag.
It's not coming out of your pocket....GIVE me some more **** ketchup!!! I honestly don't get the idea behind making your game so unattractive to new players. But instead cater to 'whales' with events like this that only make the AH hoarders even richer.
Has anyone else been getting 45 second drops or just me? Now that the rant is over I will seek confirmation .