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Incredible Foundry Apathy in General Community

eldartheldarth Member Posts: 4,494 Arc User
edited August 2014 in The Foundry
Wow. I didn't think it was this bad.

"Primetime" Saturday Night, West Coast 9pm PST even during the Foundry Event.

I spent an hour in multiple PE instances TRYING to give away 5,000ad to EACH Adventurer to play a 17m "skirmish" foundry. ("City Skirmish" NW-DRTXTVIAC).

NO TAKERS. Zilch. Nada.

I got one "nice note" and one "huh?" in 2 different instances.

Foundry Rewards really, REALLY, REALLY need help.

The SINGULAR thing that really makes Neverwinter stand out from ALL other MMORPGs and that feature is treated like a leprous limb.
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • hustin1hustin1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,468 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    It's sad, indeed. After my time making a Grimrock mod it's disheartening to know what's possible with the right tools. Players today don't play Foundry quests because there's nothing in it for them except for the novelty of playing: they still must do normal PvE content for their items and XP's.

    My suggestions:

    - Foundry XP rewards similar to daily quest rewards, with the XP rewarded based on the average amount of time it takes to complete the Foundry (up to a limit so you can't have bots just sitting there racking up time to inflate it).

    - A per-player Foundry token that lets them save their progress on a long Foundry quest (one token only, for one Foundry quest only). This would encourage authors to create really complex Foundry quests that players could take their time doing.

    - Puzzle mechanics (I've asked for this several times) like the sort you'd see in Eye of the Beholder, Legend of Grimrock, etc.: levers, buttons, keyholes, sockets (for gems, rocks, skulls, i.e. small placeable items), timers, randomizers (YES!!!), etc. One of the key aspects that makes those kinds of dungeons fun is that players have to FIGURE THEM OUT. Randomizers are important to prevent spoiler sites from ruining the experience.

    - Boolean logic, advanced triggers, etc. to allow nonlinear quests. Right now we have to use hacks like NPC-vs.-NPC combat. This doesn't make any sense.

    - Keep the existing ban on skill nodes to prevent bots. Maybe instead, add an "entry room" or something with a random aspect to prevent bots from even entering?
    Harper Chronicles: Cap Snatchers (RELEASED) - NW-DPUTABC6X
    Blood Magic (RELEASED) - NW-DUU2P7HCO
    Children of the Fey (RELEASED) - NW-DKSSAPFPF
    Buried Under Blacklake (WIP) - NW-DEDV2PAEP
    The Redcap Rebels (WIP) - NW-DO23AFHFH
    My Foundry playthrough channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/Ruskaga/featured
  • pandora1xpandora1x Member Posts: 725 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    I would play foundries WAY more often if I had a partner with me. I like RPing inside foundries.

    I'm trying to get back into Foundry but haven't found a partner yet x.x my old one's gone. from NW.
  • colonelwingcolonelwing Member Posts: 1,448 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    You have an option to give people better rewards. Create a grinding foundry quest. The best mob composition consists of NO minions but only elites. I think 100 elites is possible for a single mission. Each one of these has a high chance of dropping, blues, rank 4 (no rank 3) enchantments, profession mats (i even got two dragon eggs in my own foundry in a timespan of a year, though), greater identification scrolls, greater potions (hp/buff), skill-node kits, and around 95 silver. Multiply this times 100 and you actually see the true value one is able to obtain. The way is the goal, one could claim.


    Depending on the type of rings, one can get from killing mobs, each one may very well sell for 10-50k AD. This is what people like, in my opinion. Make the map look beatiful and see for yourself, how many people are going to grind in it.

  • angryspriteangrysprite Member Posts: 4,982 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    I have been saying this for years.

    And all the authors say add this feature, add that feature, and that other one and fix bugs then more people will be interested in playing.

    NO. NO. NO. NO. NO! WRONG.

    The first 'quick fix' is to get more people playing Foundry. This means better incentive, which translates into REWARDS for PLAYING. All that other stuff only benefits the authors - which is useless unless people are actually playing. Here is easy-fix:

    Leave the daily. Leave the one-hour event. ADD Astral Diamond Reward for each Foundry Quest Played, non-repeatable.

    You want to get more people playing Foundry Quests, but not exploitable? Give every player 1000 AD for each Foundry Quest they complete and rate, but each quest (by quest code) can only receive that reward ONCE.

    More people will play more Foundry Quests if there is 1000 AD waiting at the end of each one. And they won't keep playing the same ones over and over again just for the event reward.

    The problem is even with all the new Author Features and bug fixes crappy-authored junk will still be crappy-authored junk. THIS is why so few people like playing Foundry quests: there is only one really enjoyable one in every hundred, that or zergers want zerging quests. Offer up 1000AD for the first time each quest is played and you'll have more players. Make it 2000AD for those with fewer than 20 plays and you'll have people scrambling to play the newest quests before they hit that 20-played count.

    Seriously: forget all the new features like boolean expressions and all the rest. None of that will help.

    Once a lot more people are playing the Foundry, THEN fix the bugs and add the features. The first problem makes all the other completely moot.
  • eldartheldarth Member Posts: 4,494 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    You want to get more people playing Foundry Quests, but not exploitable? Give every player 1000 AD for each Foundry Quest they complete and rate, but each quest (by quest code) can only receive that reward ONCE.

    More people will play more Foundry Quests if there is 1000 AD waiting at the end of each one. And they won't keep playing the same ones over and over again just for the event reward.

    Not good enough. Like I said originally - I was offering FIVE-THOUSAND AD and got crickets for over an hour.

    Rewards need a MAJOR revamping. ONE to TWO thousand AD will NOT CUT IT.

    I think Foundry Doubloons, and unique Foundry Rewards are needed more than ever.
  • hudman21hudman21 Member Posts: 276 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    hustin1 wrote: »
    - A per-player Foundry token that lets them save their progress on a long Foundry quest (one token only, for one Foundry quest only). This would encourage authors to create really complex Foundry quests that players could take their time doing.
    any sense.

    I really like this idea. Getting tokens for each foundry run that can be spent somewhere on something would really work.

    I'm sorry I didn't see your post or I would have taken you up on it Eldarth
    Life is full of drains, I prefer to be a fountain
  • drakkenfeldrakkenfel Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 71
    edited June 2014
    Better or Unique Rewards that can only be earned by playing Foundry Missions would help. When bribing people to play your missions does not work, "Houston we have a problem..." There are rewards for Foundry that involve Creating and Participating in Foundry Missions (Achievements, Book Imp, Silverback Bear Mount, and the Icosahedron Ioun Stone), but only a small subset are willing to try to create missions, and only a fraction of those take the time to create good missions. We need more significant or useful rewards for each mission completion, not for FOUR in a day. Some folks do not have that time due to school or work. I love making and playing in folks' Foundries. Not everyone can be expected to have a similar passion. Keep trying folks, and I will keep playing your creations... :-)
    @METH_SHADOWSTORM - Foundry author of:
    "The Sunnydale Campaign" - NWS-DKBEJ9OOM
    Episode 1: "Missing Daughters" - NW-DCX9IZBJB
    Episode 2: "A Date With Destiny" - NW-DHYEX5NKR - Featured: NW-DHFLDPWJV
    STO Foundry: "Safari So Good" - ST-HPRP2WFWI
  • angryspriteangrysprite Member Posts: 4,982 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    eldarth wrote: »
    Not good enough. Like I said originally - I was offering FIVE-THOUSAND AD and got crickets for over an hour.

    Rewards need a MAJOR revamping. ONE to TWO thousand AD will NOT CUT IT.

    I think Foundry Doubloons, and unique Foundry Rewards are needed more than ever.

    You are mistaking my intent. The Astral Diamond thing is intended only as an example. The primary intent of my post is this: New features, bug fixes and whatnot that benefit Authors do *nothing* to improve the Foundry, except for the Authors - which is moot because it will be a net-zero effect if the player base of Foundry does;t improve.

    Hence: the immediate quick-fix is to give *players* better/more incentive to actually *play* Foundry. This is my point. :)
  • eldartheldarth Member Posts: 4,494 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    You are mistaking my intent. The Astral Diamond thing is intended only as an example. The primary intent of my post is this: New features, bug fixes and whatnot that benefit Authors do *nothing* to improve the Foundry, except for the Authors - which is moot because it will be a net-zero effect if the player base of Foundry does;t improve.

    Hence: the immediate quick-fix is to give *players* better/more incentive to actually *play* Foundry. This is my point. :)

    Ah gotcha. Definitely agree - need better incentives ...almost.

    I think merely shifting perception of the loot gained from the mob drops to the final chest would do wonders.
    If 1sp was taken from every 5sp dropped by a mob, 1 "item" taken from every 6 dropped, the final chest
    would be literally overflowing with 20-30 or more items. I know when I open "loot barrels" from Professions and I see something like 10+ items inside -- I think "woohoo! score!" Doesn't matter that most of it is "trash" -- same trash I normally get, but this time I got an actual barrel full.

    Cryptic could, then, even go a step further and do something as simple as for every 4 "green" items in final chest - replace them with a single random "blue" item. Then, for every 6 "blue" items, replace them with a random purple item. Nothing drastic, but the perceptions I think would really make people believe foundries are worth doing.

    hudman21 wrote: »
    I'm sorry I didn't see your post or I would have taken you up on it Eldarth

    No post. I was actually in-game "nearly" spamming PE zone chat TRYING to give away 5,000ad. NO takers.
  • micky1p00micky1p00 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,594 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Not my idea but i liked it and it is to add PvP aspect to Foundry, or even just allow founders to make foundries oPvP tagged.
    Not ranked, no glory, but can be great fun and expose the community more to foundries.

    Not to take away from what been said about the rewards, as someone that has about 3 mil RAD doing the dailies is not really incentive,
    so i have used to do some just for the fun, and usually go for friends recommendations.

    side note:
    The limit of 5 people per foundry is problematic, I know it's the foundry maker to decide the theme and the story but what i will be looking for is some fun guild activity. We will decide and handle the prize, but will be glad to see something in that direction.
  • apocrs1980apocrs1980 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Silverstars Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    I had a brief conversation with Robobo (Foundry Producer) a few weeks back when we were map testing in game. The conversation did touch a bit on the current reward set up as while playing I did notice a significant increase in the drop of blue items, the thing is this really only happens that often when you are completing the Foundry on a level 60 character and are fighting hard encounters.
    Robobo was the first one to mention that he agrees and feels the rewards for the foundry could be better then they currently are, that was all that he said, as far as my theories for why it is taking so long to implement... there are a number of factors to consider.

    1. being exploiters
    2. not cheapening the main story content
    3. developer time vs production cost and income.
    Of course these are all just theory.

    The other thing he did mention which I thought would be amazing is he said "I dream of a day when we could make the Foundry content part of the main story path." yessir Mr.Robobo that would be quite awesome.
    The Cragsteep Crypt - BETA
    Look for@Apocrs1980 or visit the main page here or Ravenloft here
  • vasdamasvasdamas Member Posts: 2,461 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Tbh I've forgotten those days when I actually bothered playing the foundry. It's fun indeed but I'd rather spend my time on something else more productive. I.E PvE/PvP/Trading or even RP.

    It should be more rewarding.
  • grimahgrimah Member Posts: 1,658 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    I just want better tools. People don't want to play foundry because they do not get enjoyment out of them. Some do though, my foundry quest only gets maybe 3-5 new plays per week. its small, but I'd rather people do them because they want to, not because of other reasons.

    There just needs to be a better database system, better tools to create fun maps with.

    Sure give them ADs or rewards to play, and i guarantee you, the most popular and most played maps will be a default one, with copy/paste spawns.

    The majority of players are MMO types who just want to get loot and upgrades. I am part of a large guild and i think only a fraction of them have played my map and it was featured and one of the higher rated ones. But I don't force or ask them to play, because i realise most people don't want to.

    I notice it only gets 3-5 new stars per week, but atleast i know that the ones who play it are the ones who want to.

    I would rather have a way players can find our content easier, better categories, menu, list, recommendations etc. And cryptic developer review like the new featured summaries.

    And ofcourse more tools to great better experiences with, ones that make them worth playing. (people often note how generic and similar most are)

    I've been holding off making episode 2 because i just don't have the tools i need to create the experience i want.
    Creator of the featured survival horror foundry: "The Silence of Haydenwick" Video Review
    and also the featured satirical comedic adventure "A Call for Heroes".
  • grimahgrimah Member Posts: 1,658 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    vasdamas wrote: »
    It's fun indeed but I'd rather spend my time on something else more productive.

    This is exactly what most people thing, I wouldn't say "productive" is the right word. But people have more fun doing PvE/PvP etc than doing foundry.

    I don't think we should be trying to "force" players to play foundries, but an improvement over the unindentified green item would be welcome (seals/campaign tokens/refinement stones)
    Creator of the featured survival horror foundry: "The Silence of Haydenwick" Video Review
    and also the featured satirical comedic adventure "A Call for Heroes".
  • muttkickermuttkicker Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Foundry authors get neat purple pets and rewards.

    What do players get for Foundry missions up for Review? Nothing.

    There's the problem.

    As for the Foundry daily on approved dungeons, sure, there's some AD reward and a fair XP bonus during Foundry hour. but do we get anything for trying out new dungeons up for review? Nope. Rewarding Foundry authors with purple pets but not Foundry reviewers is a disconnect in incentive.

    Before someone says I should be reviewing like a mad-man because of my passion for exploring, think that maybe the authors should be making dungeons like mad-men with a passion for authoring and get nothing out of it. Sound fair?

    I would love to explore and rate new dungeons if there was incentive to do so - and not just an AD reward. A token per review? Tokens used to purchase items (similar to special items bought with seals or Tarmalune Trade Bars). 100 tokens for a neat cosmetic wear? See?

    Currently? Nothing and thus no reason to bother.
  • reiwulfreiwulf Member Posts: 2,687 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Aw, I would have taken the offer Eldarth XD Sadly I wasn't online then, which quest was it?
    I'm currently trying to get rank 7 of dungeon master I just need 1 more foundry community achievement and 2 more foundry authoring achievements, so I'll be willing to play fun quests :)
  • eldartheldarth Member Posts: 4,494 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    reiwulf wrote: »
    Aw, I would have taken the offer Eldarth XD Sadly I wasn't online then, which quest was it?
    I'm currently trying to get rank 7 of dungeon master I just need 1 more foundry community achievement and 2 more foundry authoring achievements, so I'll be willing to play fun quests :)

    It was for City Skirmish [NW-DRTXTVIAC] -
    If you've been into the Tower District in the last few months, you'll notice they've been digging tunnels in lots of places. This leverages those events and has Orcs breaching another part of Neverwinter just West of the Tower District. Lord Neverember and the Guard have sealed off the neighborhood, but there is a sizeable contingent in there and you need to go in and retake the neighborhood.
    - A little bit of story
    - A quick "Skirmish" type quest
    - 6 skirmishes
    - An Orc Shaman Ritual to disrupt
    - An Orc tunnel to collapse
    - A secret collaboration to uncover
    - Adjustable Difficulty- Normal:Solo, Hard:2-3 player, Elite:3-5 player

    I could also use feedback on Gruumsh's Tower of Conquest [NW-DEYRROVFQ]
    The Orcs of the Tower District have built up this rickety looking tower/obstacle course monstrosity around and above the old guild hall in front of the guard outpost. Lord Neverember has heard of your heroism on numerous occasions from the Harpers and think you would be the perfect adventurer -- to go undercover as a powerful Orc to participate in this contest.

    If you review one or both, put some "Treasure" (like an Embroidered Purse) on the AH for 5,500AD and I'll buy it.
  • reiwulfreiwulf Member Posts: 2,687 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    I just did the city Skirmish, it was pretty fun and challenging, congratulations!
    I gav you 5 stars and 500ad as a tip. :)
    I almost died a couple of times, but it's nice to see challenging (although balanced) content in the foundry. I tend to think I make my quests too easy.
  • zahinderzahinder Member Posts: 897 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Two things I'd like to see before increasing rewards:
    Scale rewards by average time so we can avoid this stupid 'shave this down to 15 but no less.'
    Better search so people can find stuff.

    See what happens. THEN maybe more rewards.
    Campaign: The Fenwick Cycle NWS-DKR9GB7KH

    Wicks and Things: NW-DI4FMZRR4 : The Fenwick merchant family has lost a caravan! Can you help?

    Beggar's Hollow: NW-DR6YG4J2L : Someone, or something, has stolen away many of the Fenwicks' children! Can you find out what happened to them?

    Into the Fen Wood: NW-DL89DRG7B : Enter the heart of the forest. Can you discover the secret of the Fen Wood?
  • frishterfrishter Member Posts: 3,522 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    eldarth wrote: »
    Not good enough. Like I said originally - I was offering FIVE-THOUSAND AD and got crickets for over an hour.

    Rewards need a MAJOR revamping. ONE to TWO thousand AD will NOT CUT IT.

    I think Foundry Doubloons, and unique Foundry Rewards are needed more than ever.

    I think more people would pay attention to an official event rather than a comment in zone chat which can easily be missed or ignored with all of the spammers and chat. Also if you double/triple posted at a single time, I can;t talk about other players, but that's a good point for me to either not consider the offer, or put you on my ignore list. An even would be something that people can do in their own time when the event is up however something said in zone chat can be not considered because people have already been planning to do something else and your offer is spontaneous for them. Foundries need to be more rewarding though. That's a very big reason why I've ignored it.
  • reiwulfreiwulf Member Posts: 2,687 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Is there a foundry chat channel? Maybe it would be easier to find new quests that need plays ingame that way. I know that using the zone chat when working with the foundry does it, but I mean another channel we can use when playing the game ouside of the foundry.
  • eldartheldarth Member Posts: 4,494 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    reiwulf wrote: »
    Is there a foundry chat channel? Maybe it would be easier to find new quests that need plays ingame that way. I know that using the zone chat when working with the foundry does it, but I mean another channel we can use when playing the game ouside of the foundry.

    I think NW_Foundry is the foundry chat channel and can be joined in-game although I've never verified that myself.
  • reiwulfreiwulf Member Posts: 2,687 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Thanks, I'll see if it exists, when I log in later :)
  • cerrillacerrilla Member Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    ok i admit i missed your shouting for an hour :) Thing is I turned off zone chat and Trade and party chat after a week of playing back in February. Want to know what I was doing for three hours or so yesterday ( the saturday in question)? I was trying to do four foundry quests during the hour (S) that would have been for them starting around noonish and ending finally at about three-ish or perhaps some later. All four foundry quests were new to me. All four said they could be solo'd. All four stated they were under or around twenty minutes. THEY WERE NOT. not on a lvl 60 t2 geared, booned out the wazoo HR, they weren't.
    When I run foundries I actually take the coins and trash drops. I actually take the time to read the stuff put there. I feel that someone actually was behind the effort to make the foundry so I pay attention like i would at a recital or performance of a play. Then i do rate them.

    wish wholeheartedly that the ones that are advertised as short were actually short. I am not going to run fast from point to point and click through dialogue without reading. What should have taken maybe an hour and twenty minutes ended up taking most of my day. Yes Neverember and Rhyx were generous, but gee whiz i could have done more with that time.

    There does seem to be some kind of issue , maybe it isn't clear , perhaps it isn't easy to solve, but I would like to think making and running foundries will still be an option. maybe i could join that chat channel if i ever figure out how.
  • klangeddinklangeddin Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 882 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    My suggestions:


    1) Remove the Foundry daily quest
    2) Remove the Foundry timed event

    Eligible Quests
    3) Tune down "eligibility for rewards" to 10 minutes instead of 15.
    4) Make every eligible foundry quest award 1000 rough AD, all of em.
    5) Increase the Exp awarded by all eligible foundry quests by 50%
    6) Eligible quests grant 5 Tarmalune Trade Bars upon completition.

    Featured Quests

    7) All proposed rewards for featured quests (exp, AD and bars) scale up with the minimum value between completion time and average duration, up to a maximum of +500% for 1 hour quests.
    8) Featured quests also have a chance (5% to 30%, based on duration like mentioned above) to award one of the following item (the chance is the same for every item, so to get the specific item, it's a lot less than that):

    - One purple profession resource, asset or person
    - Imp Companion
    - Purple Ioun Stone Companion
  • silverkeltsilverkelt Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,235 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Before IWD release, I would do a couple foundries a month.. that was about it.

    Its a slap in the face for the time involved with some of these. Giving a green reward! To me it should be foundry tokens, you can save up and even get a pet and enchants.. and maybe cosmetics.

    Due to IWD coming out and doing multiple runs with different classes on dailies, I have no time to do that.

    5k AD.. is 3 mins in GG basically for 1 turn in of quests twice. You can also sometimes pop into GG pvp and spend 15 mins for another few thousand and a seal.
  • spacejewspacejew Member Posts: 1,044 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2014
    Two things:

    A) If you ever played the City Of Heroes MMO, with the architect, you'll see why they don't give decent rewards. They bombed their own game with an easy grind-o-matic reward system that broke the game.

    Apparently they learned that players are too smart to be able to make their own maps that give decent rewards.

    B) Can you even directly trade Astral Diamonds? My guess is zone chat was too smart to be conned by you since they are non-tradeable outside of the AH to my knowledge.
    MoF/Thaum CW SS/Thaum CW IV/Protector GF SW/Combat HR SM/Destroyer GWF WK/Executioner TR DO/Faithful DC
  • silverkeltsilverkelt Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,235 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    spacejew wrote: »
    Two things:

    A) If you ever played the City Of Heroes MMO, with the architect, you'll see why they don't give decent rewards. They bombed their own game with an easy grind-o-matic reward system that broke the game.

    Apparently they learned that players are too smart to be able to make their own maps that give decent rewards.

    B) Can you even directly trade Astral Diamonds? My guess is zone chat was too smart to be conned by you since they are non-tradeable outside of the AH to my knowledge.

    Which is why , it would be only reviewed and approved foundries would be eligible for reward systems.. which THEN would be on one list and non approved foundries on another.

    and B... no, but you could give some salvageable purple item out that isnt bound , or have player post a item in AH and then buy it from him.. say one potion listed at 5k ad.. .

    Which then leads to C.. why the heck cant we straight out trade AD in the bank to ourselves at least.. oh ya thats off topic.. but still would be nice =P..

    Frankly when I log in, its either 1. Daily or 2 dom match or 3, GG. I did pop into a T1 this morning just for fun..
  • mattsacremattsacre Member Posts: 330 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    I can tell you as a "former" foundry player why I don't now (with the exception of 1 time every once in a while to span a lvl or 2 for a new toon).
    1.Rewards. They suck. I can get the same SP, greens and now and then blues from trolling any zone on the extended NW universe. The 1k AD/day is nice for toons just starting out, but by the time you get to 2 foundry/day for 2k AD/day, the AD aren't really as much incentive, you should be getting near that from professions a day. And when you get to 4/day for the reward. well really the AD for time input is simply even worse, you get 4800k+ every 12hr from professions. From this you can see that as you lvl up you have less and less incentive to do a foundry, ultimately @60 it's just dumb. The only foundries done @60 is badge grinds during events.

    2.PvE/PvP time consumption. As ever more content is added, every-freaking-expansion has some daily grind/faction sink. You have to do 3 dailies here, 3 there, 5 over there and more to get the boons needed to gain access to the ever more increasing content. By the time you grind your 3+ dailies, and maybe even a PvP or dungeon run, who the heck has time to do a foundry?

    3.Foundry quality and quantity. Lets face it, some of the foundries suck. Some rock. And many are somewhere in between. To get to the rock ones, you got to experience the suck ones too. There are so many foundries to choose from, who has the time to wade through the suck to enjoy the diamond? If after you bit the not getting any rewards from reason #1, and could find the time after #2, you finally decide to do a foundry, it's hit and miss, the more miss you get the more you decide why bother?

    4.Oh, and another thing, not everyone is in for a foundry for the same motives, for instance, I LOATH puzzlers, if I have to grind a puzzler I'm going to the spoiler site, puzzlers are a yawner for me. I also hate the excess clickers/dialogers/ runners. I don't like rock climbing in RL why would I in game life? If I have to jump up a wall more than a few times I'm out of there, if I have to endure fall to deaths and rez @ a camp site half way back in the instance that foundry is in my unsub que. In short, know your target group, don't make a foundry that tries to do it all, it will either be so long nobody wants to invest the time in it, or you will do something poorly enough that they won't recommend it.
  • beckylunaticbeckylunatic Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 14,231 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    silverkelt wrote: »
    Due to IWD coming out and doing multiple runs with different classes on dailies, I have no time to do that.

    IWD has sucked up a huge chunk of gaming time. I'm wrapping it up on the characters I started it with when it launched... this means I still have nearly half of them to go. I'll only start one or two at a time instead of six in order to hopefully have time for other Neverwinter things again. It really has overshadowed everything else since it came out. Most of my guildies with level 60s seem to be in the same boat.
    Guild Leader - The Lords of Light

    Neverwinter Census 2017

    All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
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