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Not enjoying Mod 3



  • naicalusnaicalus Member Posts: 645 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    cayapp wrote: »

    Sets will never ever have the kind of set bonus the initial sets had. It is time to accept that.

    Then it's time for people to accept that most players will never use anything but those initial sets. TR set bonus on BI gear sounds atrocious from the tooltip, why would I use that over Swashbuckling Captain's or circumstantially Battlefield Skulker or go grind for it? I wouldn't. So I'll keep my SC and BS. Nothing is going to compete with Avatar of War for my GWF. Why bother with anything else, then, except for artificial gating for stuff like Kessel's retreat? High Prophet for my DC? Nope, only thing taking that off is a bad party that needs me in MH to keep them alive instead. I'm not even interested in BI stuff, because of the inferior set bonuses. I don't PvP anyway, and I'm not enjoying IWD, so why would care if it has Tenacity and BI resist? Meh.
    Largely inactive, playing Skyforge as Nai Calus.
  • emilemoemilemo Member Posts: 1,718 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    naicalus wrote: »
    Then it's time for people to accept that most players will never use anything but those initial sets. TR set bonus on BI gear sounds atrocious from the tooltip, why would I use that over Swashbuckling Captain's or circumstantially Battlefield Skulker or go grind for it? I wouldn't. So I'll keep my SC and BS. Nothing is going to compete with Avatar of War for my GWF. Why bother with anything else, then, except for artificial gating for stuff like Kessel's retreat? High Prophet for my DC? Nope, only thing taking that off is a bad party that needs me in MH to keep them alive instead. I'm not even interested in BI stuff, because of the inferior set bonuses. I don't PvP anyway, and I'm not enjoying IWD, so why would care if it has Tenacity and BI resist? Meh.

    This is very much along the lines of what I'm feelin' so far in regard of Module 3. The new gear imo has useless 2x2 and 4x4 bonus, also it looks ugly so 200k AD for transmutation is a given. I explored ID with my 16.3 GWF with profound gear on. Destroyed any encounter I encountered solo without even bothering to change into AoW ( with high crits and some lifesteal that black ice damage from mobs is nothing, they just last a bit longer than DR for example ). The PVP area was either empty and uneventful or there were too many enemies to deal with. I play 2 toons, the other is a 14k GF who will not visit ID for a long time if ever. The BI gear has weird stats that would require a respec and new enchantment scheme to make work but no thanks I'd rather spent my time and money on a new character than busting my *** to go from 16.3 to 17-18. So yeah, a whole new module that is rather pointless
    Row, row, row your boat, Gently down the stream.
    Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, Life is but a dream.
  • adinosiiadinosii Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,294 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    naicalus wrote: »
    High Prophet for my DC? Nope, only thing taking that off is a bad party that needs me in MH to keep them alive instead. I'm not even interested in BI stuff, because of the inferior set bonuses. I don't PvP anyway, and I'm not enjoying IWD, so why would care if it has Tenacity and BI resist? Meh.

    Pretty much agree. I have HP and MH as well, and switch between them depending on the situation. Some of the other sets, including the BI set might be OK for soloing, but as far as parties go - in particular high-end parties, the primary function of DCs is no longer healing but buffing/debuffing and the only set that is a realistic choice for that purpose is HP .. a humble T1 set.

    I might craft one of the BI sets, bust to be able to get into Kessel's retreat, but longer term that set are simply not of interest to me.
    Hoping for improvements...
  • iambecks1iambecks1 Member Posts: 4,044 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    adinosii wrote: »
    I might craft one of the BI sets, bust to be able to get into Kessel's retreat, but longer term that set are simply not of interest to me.

    Unless they have increased the difficulty by a lot you don't even need a full set , a decent party equipped with the bare minimum requirement of BI resistance should get through the new skirmish quite easily.
  • ashnvfashnvf Member Posts: 294 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Actually I'll be using it for PvE,

    I can't beat a piece of armor that gives me 550 power on just one piece, not to mention the other pieces for the Corrupt Black Ice gear and Orb.

    So trust me, once you upgrade the stuff that stats are pretty incredible. Ours seems to lack a lot of recovery... but the base stats are pretty spectacular.

    How exactly do these pieces beat a set bonus like High Prophet or High Vizier? They would pretty much need to add a TON of power to them to even come close to the group damage buffs those other sets give. Other than situational (where you won't benefit from HP orHV), I don't see the BI gear as being BiS.

    They need to get more imaginative with this stuff and give people real alternatives to the existing gear.
  • ashnvfashnvf Member Posts: 294 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    adinosii wrote: »
    the only set that is a realistic choice for that purpose is HP .. a humble T1 set.

    I'm not even sure I'd classify it as "humble". It's a really really really good set. Gonna take something a WHOLE lot better than this BI junk to dislodge it.
  • silverquicksilverquick Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    ashnvf wrote: »
    How exactly do these pieces beat a set bonus like High Prophet or High Vizier? They would pretty much need to add a TON of power to them to even come close to the group damage buffs those other sets give. Other than situational (where you won't benefit from HP orHV), I don't see the BI gear as being BiS.

    They need to get more imaginative with this stuff and give people real alternatives to the existing gear.

    Well I don't think HV is as special as you believe it to be, while its nice there's a lot more to using it than you think, so you'll have to read the fine print on it because it doesn't work with everything the way it sounds on the surface.

    I actually get more use out of Champion Gear when I'm playing a Spellstorm and grouping. The set bonus on that results in higher DPS for me because I can utilize certain spells over and over faster and get a bonus from them.

    Yes I have both sets and use both sets. I know what they can do.

    But because of the way they reworked power, its become very central to damage. Its changed the entire way things work.
  • demonkyuubidemonkyuubi Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    ashnvf wrote: »
    I'm not even sure I'd classify it as "humble". It's a really really really good set. Gonna take something a WHOLE lot better than this BI junk to dislodge it.

    that's the problem with clerics. heals are secondary and buffs/debuffs are the primary role.

    the black ice weapons might be nice, but outside of that.....there isn't much for clerics.

    starting to wonder if the black ice resists is just a requirement to queue and we can switch back during the skirmish/dungeon as nothing is better than high prophet.
  • grogthemagnifgrogthemagnif Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,651 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    You might be able to do it at 6 or 9 AM and PM.
    Wake up, 7am or 8am, start task.
    At night, 7pm or 8pm, start task again.

    Total: 2700 Black Ice.
  • grogthemagnifgrogthemagnif Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,651 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Then do 6 AM & 9:30.
    thestaggy wrote: »
    By 7am I'm already working. 7pm/8pm? I've either finished cleaning up after dinner or I'm busy studying.
  • postagepaidpostagepaid Member Posts: 125 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Things were looking up after the fix to lag issues to the point where the zones were close to playable over the weekend. By close to playable I mean that most of the time you werent being thumped before the animation started or red telegraph warning was onscreen.

    However it seems whatever elastic band and gaffer tape solution that was used has broken as the netgraph numbers are now bouncing between 400 and 1.4k regardless of the zone. That's assuming that the server is actually responding in the first place.
  • minotaur2857minotaur2857 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,141 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    jonkoca wrote: »
    Dunno what game you guys are playing, but it must be some different neverwinter mmo. I'm really enjoying IWD and dwarf valley, beautiful locations, lots to do, fun. +1 to the developers.

    Thanks for your hard work.

    What ? with the world's most godawful quest design.

    The collapse mine entrance quest is a griefer/ninja's delight. You have to clear a decent sized group of dwarves by the entrance, then somebody not involved in the fight clicks the entrance before you can get there and that entrance is dead for several minutes. Because you've been fighting, you have to wait to put your weapon away so you have no chance. Today I cleared 9 groups of dwarves, got one door and gave up. Zone chat was continuous complaining about ninjas on that quest and the one to grab the troll totems. I thought the devs had learned their lesson that unsharable objectives are a no-no particularly when they've prevented shifting instance to avoid the $%^&s, but it appears not.


    Only allow people in combat when the last dwarf is dropped to click it
    Drop a token from the group guarding the entrance that lasts say 30 seconds to permit the click so all in combat get one.
    Allow anybody who clicks within say 10 seconds to get the credit

    There are many other solutions, but the current situation sucks.
  • verzavusverzavus Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    I dig the PvP campaign a lot, but the queues are worse than ever. I pugged 30 games for a test. 30 out of 30 times the enemy team had at least 5 more perfect enchantments than my own team. I generally team up with people about half my GS and the inability to speak english. It feels like the PvP botting season all over, just at Lv 60 now. I also tried queueing with an undergeared character, before it ever had a pvp record. I still managed to queue against enemy teams with an estimated total value of 500 000 000 AD's, whereas my team might have stretched out all the way to a value of 1 mil. Am I somehow flagged to consistently team up with 4 utter newbies? It's not that I mind, but this doesn't seem quite right..
  • postagepaidpostagepaid Member Posts: 125 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Unlocked the need for mead and kessels retreat skirmish over the weekend. Which was in theory good as the thieving swine that infest the zones for some of the dailies seems to be on the increase. And they dont even steal from the opposition, 9/10 times if the same faction as myself who are the thieves whereas the opponents will be the ones who help out.

    Apart from the quest completing if the game crashes on you the mead encounter is actually not bad. And for once they've designed a solo instance without the ballachingly bad design of the likes of the tower in sharandar or longwinded grind of the new vault of the nine.

    Actually got a yeti treat today and the shine of the instance was shown to be a microscopically thin layer when the treat turned out to be another chance of drop leading to a chance of a companion. It does however award enough black ice to cover the distractions quest so I can nip into the pass grab an easy encounter and be done for the day in 5 minutes. A possible path for alts although I'm still not that bored with life I want to run more than one character through the zone.

    Kessels retreat has been unlocked as I said and despite having over the required epeen score I'm told I dont have sufficient stats. I did discover that powering up the crafted gear to t3 gives the resistance needed BUT the game again gives no pointers towards this being the fact. So it looks as though this is bugged and wont be accesible until I either wait another fortnight of grind or the game actually decides that an epic quality reward for raiders or remorhaz actually means something greater than 25 sodding raw ice.

    They could at least give the chests in biggins tomb (a weekly) or the mead run (20 day time-locked daily) a chance to drop the zone based gear.

    Chat is still getting disabled whenever I get into the icewind areas due to the sewer level quality of chatter amongst the pvp crowd. As soon as you join a faction it should shunt you off into channels for that faction and if the kiddies want to flex let them do it via yells or local/say.
  • rashylewizzrashylewizz Member Posts: 4,265 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2014
    What ? with the world's most godawful quest design.

    The collapse mine entrance quest is a griefer/ninja's delight. You have to clear a decent sized group of dwarves by the entrance, then somebody not involved in the fight clicks the entrance before you can get there and that entrance is dead for several minutes. Because you've been fighting, you have to wait to put your weapon away so you have no chance.

    You don't have to clear those. You can just ride the mount all the way to the hammerstone queen.

    Lol at what the other people must be thinking when they ride past you
  • reiwulfreiwulf Member Posts: 2,687 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    I think he means the other quest, where you have to fight like 5 dwarfs and then collapse a small mine entrance next to them. Not the big mine where the hammerstone queen.
  • minotaur2857minotaur2857 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,141 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    reiwulf wrote: »
    I think he means the other quest, where you have to fight like 5 dwarfs and then collapse a small mine entrance next to them. Not the big mine where the hammerstone queen.

    Indeed, this is what I meant, is the quest "plugging holes" ?

    Hammerstone queen is fine, anybody in on the kill can share the credit.

    I've just got the 5 deathlocks quest and that causes a load of grief in that there are too many people going after too few wights, so people were complaining about that quest taking half an hour at some times of day. It wasn't too bad for me and it appears you can share kill credit on them too.
  • tornnomartornnomar Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 399 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Those quest that have the grieving? Ninja'ing?

    Simple. Find one thats been done. Wait for respawn.
    Troll Idols: Go to where the Idol spawns. Stand there and wait it, when it respawns, claim it, then fight. Repeat two more times.
    Tied up Dwarves: Stand next to the post where they spawn. Wiat for it to do so, claim them, fight, repeat.
    Mine shafts. Go in stand next to mine shaft. Wait for respawn, collapse shaft, fight, repeat.

    Of the three, the mine shaft enemies are quicker to react to you being there, so start spamming the 'F' key when you see the respawn. The added plus to this is it is you that now gets the laugh when someone runs in to 'steal' the quest while your fighting. This is certainly quicker than running around and trying these until you get one that no one takes.
    Branch Lead
  • reiwulfreiwulf Member Posts: 2,687 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    I've never had any trouble with either the idol or the mine quest so far, I guess I've been lucky?
  • myowmyowmyowmyow Member Posts: 1,923 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    frishter wrote: »
    The prices downplayed my enjoyment for the new module since it seems like they don't actually care about the players at all, at least the marketing people. My other issue is that like the other 2 modules, everyone will be done after 1.5 months and then we're done.

    IT will take me beyond one and a half months to "finish" Icewind Dale with my two toons. Then again, I am a casual gamer because there are too many responsibilities in the real world. :)

    But I agree the prices are bit much!
    SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! (repeat indefinitely)

    myles08807 said, "Back in my day, we didn't have any of this fancy Mulhorand gear while we were leveling . . . we walked uphill both ways while dying once every five seconds while leveling, and we liked it fine!" . . . Now, get off my lawn, you kids!"
    pointsman said, "I don't rue the game. In fact I don't feel any regret for the game at all."
    looomis said, "I don't like people changing to alts and then bragging about their mains like schizophrenic role players."
  • qutsemniequtsemnie Member Posts: 419 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Outside of no epic dungeons IWD is much much better than previous modules.

    I have three pro-tips:
    1) Only at the start before you get access to Dwarven Valley do you have to do quest you don't like. After that you have excess quest and can simply pick and chose. You don't need to do them all. You won't advance your factions faster. For example, I don't do lighting the fires. Hate that quest.
    2) PvP quest are done without PvPing. You risk a kit.
    3) Troll Idols can be shared by multiple people. The trick is everyone needs to click while the first person is doing their animation. This usually means you should click second if you are the one that knows this. Let the other person walk up. Let them start their animation then you click. You won't steal it, and you will get it. (There is a more annoying quest when you get to the next tier of faction, but defer to 1).
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