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the pros and cons of neverwinter



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    taercennxtaercennx Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    lolssi83 wrote: »
    Oh I've seen better also, but mmo standards all the armor details are really great and conversations have some effort if not SWtOR quality.
    Also I'd give it a 10 more levels then the Cryptic's campaign starts to repeat itself, but Tower district is still good. Also you should check some Foundry missions, real gems in there.
    Also tough to comment grinding in this when it truly begins when you hit start your first campaign. Dailies yagh!

    Maybe I just spent to much time on other MMOs, but I get what you are saying. I think that my main problem is the forced game play style. I run a gaming rig, and, customization options aside, I cannot get comfortable with the play style setup, when I am forced into mouse targeting/turning. Maybe I can work with the keybindings to set most things for me, but I have yet to find a way to zoom the camera in and out. Also, this is the first game, I have ever played, where I have to shut off shadows completely, in order for the graphics to stop glitching. Not so much because they impact game play, but because they render horribly.
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    calvin1tagcalvin1tag Member Posts: 322 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    I play with a xbox 360 controller using Pinnacle software and the game plays 99% fantastic. I still have to use the KB for "6" mount" and "7" Artifacts

    I have every system out and used to buy nearly ever game that came out for the Xbox and most for the PlayStation and a few of the AAA's for the PC. Now I might buy 1 or 2 "new" games every 3 months were I was buying 20+ Neverwinter has replaced all of those games for me its the game I play 90-95% of my free time now

    There are some things I'd like to change of course but graphically it plays and looks fantastic IMO ( I do however play with a 780Ti SLI rig with the best or near parts).

    Graphics are terrific
    Gameplay is great (basic yes but I play all classes so I get plenty of variety to gameplay by just cycling through the characters)
    Newer area Bosses and other mechanics are good

    What I don't like:

    Cost could be cheaper for most things - Personally I still buy a lot of items but I lost a large part of my guild because the cost factor sadly it was just way to high for most of the my friends and fellow guild mates after a couple of months and everyone was getting into level 60 end game (the coal ward change this patch will make this even worse for new players but won't effect me as I have all the Coal's I'll ever need as I stocked up before the change)

    Boss mechanics - "Some" of the boss mechanics on the earlier DD's are god awful like endless add spam - hugely annoying for a large portion of the player base myself included

    PvP character changes effecting PvE gameplay. - My single biggest peeve about the game is this hands down. Everyone cries for a nerf we get the nerf for PvP and it effects our PvE game which is all I play as I do not enjoy any aspect of PvP in this game it's not balanced and it likely never will be.

    Forced repetition - Shar and Dread get pretty old pretty fast doing the same old grind for multiple characters

    Still it's way more good then bad and I look forward to the PvE new content.

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