NOTE: This thread is an extension of a previous persons work, located
I took it upon myself to create a crit vs. power table which allows the user to enter their own base stats, to determine the best power to crit ratio. This is done such that the user can determine the most efficient means of obtaining higher dps and allocate their stat points more wisely. An example of the spreadsheet is shown below for 8% base crit and 75% critical severity.
You can download the spreadsheet I created off of Google drive with the following link. It Works:
In the upcoming module 3 patch power will be reworked. From the preview server, one can easily determine that 166 power will increase your overall damage by 1%. With this information, it can be determined whether 166 stat points in power/crit will result in more percent damage increase. The provided spreadsheet takes into consideration that as your power increases, critical strike becomes more effective. The formula used for percent damage increase is shown below.
% Increase = [1 + (% from power)]*[1 + (Severity)*(Crit Chance)]
The spreadsheet calculates the users crit chance and percent damage increase for the given inputs. This is then compared to an increase in power by the same amount of stat points. The calculated value for each comparison is color coded to be either red or green. A quotient less than one (Green) indicates that power is more effective than critical strike. Conversely, a quotient greater than 1 (Red) indicates that critical strike is more effective than power. A quotient value close to 1 indicates that both stats provide roughly the same amount of damage increase. A quotient value closest to 1 is preferred to optimize your overall damage. The spreadsheet stops at 3000 critical strike, mainly due to the fact that there's no conceivable reason to stack it that high.
How To Use:
For those who are not familiar with spreadsheets, follow this simple guide to use the spreadsheet correctly.
Step 1:
Download the spreadsheet from the available link. Note, you will need spreadsheet viewing software.
Step 2:
Determine your base stats and critical severity. As an example, I will be using my Guardian Fighter. His base crit is 8% with 75% severity. You also want to make note of how much power and critical strike your character has. In this case, my Guardian Fighter has 11800 power and 1550 critical strike.
Step 3:
Input your base critical chance and severity into the appropriate spreadsheet cells highlighted in yellow.
Step 4:
Locate the column which has a value closest to your power. I chose 11750 as it was closest to by 11800 power. Next, scroll down until you find the red to green transition. Select the cell containing the value closest to 1. Make note of which row this cell is in. In my case, the cell is located in column AW and row 35.
Step 5:
Trace the selected row all the way back to the left. The first column contains the corresponding critical strike value. For my Guardian Fighter, row 35 corresponds to a critical strike of 1500. This means for 11750 power, I should have 1500 critical strike. This corresponds to the optimal crit to power ratio specific to my character's stats.
Congratulations! You now know just how much critical strike you should be stacking.
What DO?
This information is only applicable to the module 3 power rework. Any excess critical stat should be replaced with power to further increase your damage. That is, if you already hit the armor pen cap of 24%. Regardless if you are a PvE or PvP player, too much critical strike is detrimental to your overall DPS. It's in your best interest to optimize your stats wisely.
Stat optimization is important only if you care enough to worry about it. Realistically the only benefits seen from stat optimization is a few extra % damage increase. This spreadsheet should only be used by those people who care about this sort of thing. I share my knowledge with the community in hopes to better the game play of others. Feel free to spread/share this information with the anyone who may be interested. Also, if you have any questions please don't hesitate to reply or contact me.
I disagree with the above statement. From my perspective the people who benefit the most from this are PvE players that want to have the largest DPS. If you play PvP, your mindset about what is important (burst damage over damage over time, or damage per second) is hopefully dramatically different - at least if you know what you're doing.
I'm not trying to bash your work (in fact, great job!) I just have a real pet peeve about how people build/itemize their characters for PvP.
Yes it is! thank you again!
Yes and HRs have an archery feat that reduces cooldowns on each crit (although they also have a feat which increases critical chance for every non-critical). I think every class has some sort of effect that can be triggered by crits (I know CWs do in renegade and GWFs do with deep gash).
I'll definitely refer to this when mod3 comes along, but for PVP, crits are more important. Unlike PVE, you only have small windows to hit the opponent, and you want them to be as big as possible. Also, if you don't kill them, they can get away and heal, unlike mobs in PVE. Big hits are much more effective at killing players than smaller hits.
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it's purely a soft-cap for pve because mobs don't have more than 24% resist.
While I agree that a certain crit rating is important in pvp, I would still not stack it over 1.5k, even if you run with vorpal. Reason is critical damage got hit pretty hard when tenacity was introduced.
As far as burst damage vs DoT in PvP, I don't see why you wouldn't just go with what will give best DPS overall. Going vorpal and crit may give you more spikey damage to get you kills in tight situations, but it will also give you just as many unlucky streaks of non-crits which will fail you in other tight situations. With the introduction of tenacity, burst damage itself isn't really viable anymore aside from dailies (unless GWF). With how long fights last due to tenacity/artifacts now, there isn't really a benefit to getting "spike damage" in the form of vorpal + crit in my opinion. Fights are based more on DPS now as it is with these changes because of how much longer it takes. That's just how I view it though.
I was kinda lazy to come up with an updated version, glad someone else did
For example I am a TR with 26 dex and the Weapon Mastery and Critical Teamwork feats. so my base crit is 29%
Half orc for race and using a lesser vorpal so that makes 92% severity
Lets say that I am using the Fomorian weapon set. Each piece gives 225 crit strike and a 450 set bonus for a 900 total crit strike. using this number going across that means I should upto 3500 power before I even consider increasing any more crit?
Even looking at the maximum for the power table of 15000 that only states that i should have a crit of 1750. So basically I should never bother actually using something that adds crit as i would only need 850 more from the rest of my equipment entirely?
Please, correct me if I'm wrong about this.
So at 21%, with 92% severity, the maximum crit to reach the end of the power chart (15K) is only 1850
So i take my MC weapon set and my Battlefield skulkers armor set (4/4) and i now have a total crit score of 2150
That means I am already 300 points over the maximum crit that I will ever need. This doesn't include my jewelery, waist, shirt, pants or neck slots.....
Yes, you should replace every Azure in offense with a Radiant. That is exactly what OP has calculated, as well as many others (one of them posting their guide in this thread). With mod3, Power will become more important and Crit less important. As you said already, your set items will most likely give you enough Crit already.
Though if you are a rogue, it is different. You will have lots of feats triggering on a critical strike, meaning you need more crit chance then the sheet tells you. The sheet will still give you a rough idea how much crit you will need, since it is the value in the sheet plus a couple of hundred to make up for the feats. I think with a rogue you can still make it up to 40% crit without overstacking a lot. And 40% is enough to trigger your feats.
EDIT: replacing rouge with rogue ;P
Well, it is simple, do what the sheet tells you: switch almost all your crit to power .
You are still a bit low geared. So your first priority is to take whatever good item you can find (good = giving you the highest boni in stats that are not completly useless for your class) and after that you want to switch every item that doesn't give power for an item that does give power, preferably you want to trade away Crit on your items and get power instead.
As OP said, get Armor Pen first. It is still the best offensive stat. Get Armor Pen until you penetrate at least 20% of the opponents armor, then stack up on power.
u need to look at new power as part of new itemzation and untill we get new itemzation we cant know for sure how great is it
In your previous post you didn't count
Brutal backstab: 25% -> 0.25
Deadly momentum: 15% -> 0.15
(If you are Executioner).
I wan't planning making it public (at least while it is not user friendly) but i have made some time ago a small thing to calculate the power and crit scores with critical overrun (after reading theosymphanys article ).
(It's now calculated per mod3 power -> %. And shows overall DPS expected value for given stats )
Defenitly need to respec too and get rid of all the crit boons i chose
Yes, there is a consideration for feat and abilities that proc off a critical hit, but you also have to weigh the difference between how often those abilities proc versus how hard they hit.