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Black Ice Grind + Companions in PvP



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    calous78calous78 Banned Users Posts: 95
    edited March 2014
    Whats the difference between the necessity to have e.g. a perfect vorpal or tenacity gear to compete and and the necessity to have a e.g. badger?
    Before M3 it was a race for items and after M3 it is a race for items.

    Just because you do not want to spend money/time on a augment pet does not entitle you to forbid this to others.
    If you were right the same could be said about weapon enchantments, as they unbalance the game as such as well. Only there are fewer weapon enchants that are useful.

    You don't understand man. It's not that people don't want to spend the time or money on pets (well for some it is, but only people who aren't serious about PvP) it's that when all is said and done, and I have all my companions maxed I'm going to be invincible, I'm going to be so ludicrously over powered it will be disgusting.... And so will a SMALL handful of other players.

    We are then going to work together (since fighting each other will provide no benefit) and lock down the entire PvP zone. There will be about 20 or 30 people able to benefit from the new zone and the new gear. The rest of you, (the PvE people who think this is somehow a great idea because you have 1 or 2 purple companions with rank 7s) are going to have a HORRIBLE, HORRIBLE, FRUSTRATING, TEAR INDUCING experience.

    I'm tellen ya... If this goes through as is you will be VERY VERY sad.

    Good news is the Devs here have a history of at least partially listening to us and fixing the most severe imbalance issues.

    Like Arp and tenacity last patch, they are going to nix something, be it companions , or PvE pots, or whatever else.

    I hope it's the companions, but if not it's no big deal. I'm not going to suffer from this at all. Virtually everyone else will though, which is cool with me :)
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    tang56tang56 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    At the moment, there are several combinations of pets that allow a player to be unCCable, have massive piles of HP or tick for huge heals and also to deal significant damage to anyone attacking them(some of which are unmitigatable). I would urge Cryptic to once again reconsider this decision to allow companion active bonuses to be available in the open world PvP.
    RIP Neverwinter 26/06/2014
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    stalesmokestalesmoke Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 126 Bounty Hunter
    edited March 2014
    Companions and PvP = Terrible Idea.

    In theory, sounds kinda cool, but as a casual player that only PvP's , it will greatly diminish my chances of remaining competitive.
    Its hard enough to be competitive with low play time and not PvEing. I know its my fault for not investing as much time, but I do not have that much free time, and I assume there are a lot of other people in similar situations.

    Which will lead to overall less people participating and less overall fighting and fun for everyone. At least now, I have played enough since open beta to be reasonably geared for PvP , im not the best, but I can contribute to any team

    Against people will full ranked and geared companions with crazy abilities and bonuses will be impossible to compete with and with the price to upgrade companions, I will never be able to come close. Still working on enchantments, I don't have millions of AD for that, nevermind a whole new category of stuff to upgrade and buy after the artifacts.

    I guess people that are fully geared with legendary, perfect, r10's and 5 purple companions will have a blast melting groups of average geared players , and im sure a couple people will shell out some cash and PWE will make so mucho monies. And I guess that's what its all about. GG
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    ianthewizard2012ianthewizard2012 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,142 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    The problem is not companions in PvP. It is Tenacity and cc immunities.
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    midnightfang93midnightfang93 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    It is Tenacity and cc immunities.

    Which companions can make much, much worse.
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    qutsemniequtsemnie Member Posts: 419 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I will believe the "zone lockdown" theories when I see it. I have never seen a game with no death consequences get any area dominated. It takes both a consequence for dieing and a reward for hunting hard targets to cause areas of games to be locked down like they were in Ultima Online, Everquest, and Eve Online. You need people to be afraid and you need a reward for the hunters to have any hope of generating lock down politics. Without these things it will just be zergy randomness in the long run with occasional groups picking on scrubs, but not really doing any serious denying.

    Even now some people have petitioned to get the only thing that resembles a penalty for dieing from to be removed: injuries from PvP deaths.
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    devaneiodevaneio Member Posts: 142 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    qutsemnie wrote: »
    Even now some people have petitioned to get the only thing that resembles a penalty for dieing from to be removed: injuries from PvP deaths.
    I was telling my friend the same thing.
    Obviously ppl with 5 purple companions, pvp end-gear and r-10 will never have money to buy kits!
    Because they will die so quickly that all their money will vanish.

    4k gold from an exeploit ? Never heard about that.
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    niadanniadan Member Posts: 1,635 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    You cannot "lock down" the entire zone and make the ID experience "painful" for the PVE growd. PVE players are totally unaffected by open world PVP, unless they INTENTIONALLY get flagged. Also once flagged (by crossing into the small area in the back of the instance, the entire zone becomes a "PVP zone" for those flagged. Please do not insinuate falsely that PVE only Player will be adversely affected.
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    jester000jester000 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 55
    edited March 2014
    tang56 wrote: »
    At the moment, there are several combinations of pets that allow a player to be unCCable, have massive piles of HP or tick for huge heals and also to deal significant damage to anyone attacking them(some of which are unmitigatable). I would urge Cryptic to once again reconsider this decision to allow companion active bonuses to be available in the open world PvP.


    This is most probably the worst decision since Eve said "I have an urge for some fruit"
    Essence of Aggression
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    alvadimarcoalvadimarco Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    what about those new players that are trying to grind for their black ice? All your doing is creating a larger gap between the old and new thus pushing them out of the game. Your killing your fresh players everytime they add something like this in. Some may stick around but most will leave because the P2W attitude.

    New players have the entire non-PvP portion of the map for Black Ice grinding. You cannot accidentally flag yourself for PvP, nor is passing through the PvP area required to access the map. Your argument is thus invalid.
    calous78 wrote: »
    The rest of you, (the PvE people who think this is somehow a great idea because you have 1 or 2 purple companions with rank 7s) are going to have a HORRIBLE, HORRIBLE, FRUSTRATING, TEAR INDUCING experience.

    I'm tellen ya... If this goes through as is you will be VERY VERY sad.

    The people who cannot or do not wish to handle the intense competition in the PvP-enabled area have an entire map minus one region that they can farm Black Ice in. The only ones who will be very very sad are the types who rage easily and refuse to maintain any sense of perspective. The types that nobody actually takes seriously.

    On a separate note, if you didn't have to constantly keep your new armor "charged up" and instead the bonuses were "always on", the stats from them wouldn't be nearly as high. Making the bonus power limited in duration and requiring that you grind to refill it is how Cryptic keeps the high output of the bonus power balanced. Additionally, it helps keep T2 armor from being completely obsolete - not a bad thing.
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    tsayoktsayok Member Posts: 33
    edited March 2014
    I completely agree with the negative reviews.

    Already Cryptic does not even realize the total class imbalance because warriors and TR permacheats, but also I myself tested Module 3 with my CW vs MasterCards players, result: this is a disaster.

    TR permacheats and Warriors + Companions waiting for Gang Kill, Black Ice Grind is only for them, others went your way, there is nothing to see !
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    niadanniadan Member Posts: 1,635 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Anyone that complains about not being able to grind black ice while flagged for pvp should be ignored as a poster. There are more nodes avaliable while not flagged and to be honest the faster way to grind is to do the 2-3 man HEs which yield 150 ice when done solo.
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    shrewguyshrewguy Member Posts: 150 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Love how many people are complaining about how people with better gear will have an advantage over people with worse gear... well.. duh..

    welcome to MMOs.

    As for the "P2W" bull, I have 3 purple companions, full t2 gear, perfect enchants and 3 110% mounts.. the only things I've spent real money on are fashion gear. (courtesan garbs to be specific). With the Zen to AD exchange you can earn in game pretty much anything you can buy. Its not Pay to win if you can get it without paying.

    People need to learn what P2W means. Cash items giving you a mechanical advantage otherwise not accessible. This game is NOT pay to win. Atall.
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    leegyleegy Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 4
    edited March 2014
    I'm happy that i can use companions on pvp zone and not in Domination.
    As i only do pve for the campains why i wold need any companion? And is is another way of further refine my stats

    as for the cash players that spen money to speed up the time they need to get something, thats the all point of spend money in the game. and if they dont spend any u dont have a game free to play. games are a buiseness

    And this game is not a ptw because u can get all u need by play the game. if u want something realy bad and more fast... suport the game and spend some money...

    the only arguments i see in this post are the credit card warriors advantage and not why they make pvp experience bad by mecanics and powers. i wis my english were better for full express my self but u get the idea.
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    niadanniadan Member Posts: 1,635 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    leegy wrote: »
    I'm happy that i can use companions on pvp zone and not in Domination.
    As i only do pve for the campains why i wold need any companion? And is is another way of further refine my stats

    as for the cash players that spen money to speed up the time they need to get something, thats the all point of spend money in the game. and if they dont spend any u dont have a game free to play. games are a buiseness

    And this game is not a ptw because u can get all u need by play the game. if u want something realy bad and more fast... suport the game and spend some money...

    the only arguments i see in this post are the credit card warriors advantage and not why they make pvp experience bad by mecanics and powers. i wis my english were better for full express my self but u get the idea.

    Good common sense is a universal language spoken by many but not understood by many more. I agree with you whole heartedly.
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    rashylewizzrashylewizz Member Posts: 4,265 Bounty Hunter
    edited March 2014
    Its the wild wild west. Anything goes.

    Plus its not like there is anything valuable in those pvp zones
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    slushlikewindslushlikewind Member Posts: 272 Bounty Hunter
    edited March 2014
    Well even the companion goes through.

    I think most people can afford a blue stone. and some basic companion with decent active. It is like paying another purple artifact.

    What I really have doubt is all the CC resist that is possible to reach from having companion active bonus, it would basically put CW into a really bad spot. Also it would make prone chain become impossible. I would say keep companion but make it that you can only benefit from 1 companion( the active one ).
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    alvadimarcoalvadimarco Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    You say "chain prone becomes impossible" as if it's somehow a bad thing.
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    angrymanagementangrymanagement Member Posts: 487 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Companion passive bonuses seem like they would really weigh against new players getting into the zone (vs players with 5 epic companions).
    On a side note, did anyone notice that Greater Stone of Health works in the PVP areas?
    Full health bar every 16seconds (or whatever the cooldown is). Can't help but wonder how many players are going to burn through millions of AD for those.
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    diogene0diogene0 Member Posts: 2,894 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    All of the people advocating for active bonuses in pvp seem to have little knowledge of the game mechanics and especially pvp ones. Now, the concern isn't being able to farm black ice, who cares. Black ice gear isn't required to farm the one year old pve content we've done millions of times, it's pvp gear. So it's not even required. But it's about having a fun, compelling, engaging, pvp experience. Now, the cash shop items are clearly light-years ahead of the freebie pets we get with CTAs or gold. Being able to farm them doesn't mean it's realistic to expect players to do so.

    Now, you know, i have enough ADs and purple pets to mostly stomp anyone not having the same pets, and i'm going to give a terrible pvp experience to anyone daring challenging me. Especially on my cleric, and to a lesser extent, on my CW, even if my wizard is going to be trash with all of the CC resist pets now. My cleric is going to be a nightmare to kill and god awfully good at keeping everyone alive. And this won't be fun either. I want people to be able to compete, not seeing them forced into another arms race because PWE wants to milk hard the pvp playerbase.

    So far, with pets active bonuses in pvp and black ice refinement gated behind a paywall except for a meaningless daily amount of black ice, module 3 looks bad. Very bad. Since pay to win arguments aren't allowed on the forums, I'll just say that the pay for power model is being incredibly more aggressive this module and being aggressive with me isn't the best way to see me opening my wallet. :)
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    devaneiodevaneio Member Posts: 142 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    diogene0 wrote: »
    Now, the cash shop items are clearly light-years ahead of the freebie pets we get with CTAs or gold. Being able to farm them doesn't mean it's realistic to expect players to do so.

    Very bad experience in low lvl pvp because of twinks, and when they get lvl 60 you discover that open world pvp is worse. Can't image how they will fidelize new players frustrating and discouraging them.
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    djarkaandjarkaan Member Posts: 883 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    I wonder what the Ghostly Possession power from the Ghost Companion will do? Possess other pets? Summoned Minions like TBoD? or actual players? Would player just be cced and die or would they actually attack their own?
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    quitegonejinquitegonejin Member Posts: 3
    edited April 2014
    diogene0 wrote: »
    All of the people advocating for active bonuses in pvp seem to have little knowledge of the game mechanics and especially pvp ones. Now, the concern isn't being able to farm black ice, who cares. Black ice gear isn't required to farm the one year old pve content we've done millions of times, it's pvp gear. So it's not even required. But it's about having a fun, compelling, engaging, pvp experience. Now, the cash shop items are clearly light-years ahead of the freebie pets we get with CTAs or gold. Being able to farm them doesn't mean it's realistic to expect players to do so.

    Now, you know, i have enough ADs and purple pets to mostly stomp anyone not having the same pets, and i'm going to give a terrible pvp experience to anyone daring challenging me. Especially on my cleric, and to a lesser extent, on my CW, even if my wizard is going to be trash with all of the CC resist pets now. My cleric is going to be a nightmare to kill and god awfully good at keeping everyone alive. And this won't be fun either. I want people to be able to compete, not seeing them forced into another arms race because PWE wants to milk hard the pvp playerbase.

    So far, with pets active bonuses in pvp and black ice refinement gated behind a paywall except for a meaningless daily amount of black ice, module 3 looks bad. Very bad. Since pay to win arguments aren't allowed on the forums, I'll just say that the pay for power model is being incredibly more aggressive this module and being aggressive with me isn't the best way to see me opening my wallet. :)
    For example, 50$ cash only knights of the feywild pack for this pet http://neverwinter.gamepedia.com/Sylph . You cant even hide behind a zen justification, you can ONLY buy this with real cash. The equivalent, for example, of about 7 million AD (according to current spammers).

    Here's an example, ion stone with full HP/defensive slot setup, Will of whisp and Slyph for 75% control resist that stacks with the mad amount of tenacity you will have, bear and druid for another 1860 hp makes you almost immune to CC (someone tested 15 repels with those two on test server, 3 actually did anything at all) and he was sitting at close to 60k health.

    Don't forget the 1 mill ADx5 to lvl the companions.

    As much as I like the idea of having 5 new passives, this above example, plus using pve consumables in open world pvp like the fully restored HP on a short CD from stone is very game breaking.
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    psychaos999psychaos999 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    For example, 50$ cash only knights of the feywild pack for this pet http://neverwinter.gamepedia.com/Sylph . You cant even hide behind a zen justification, you can ONLY buy this with real cash. The equivalent, for example, of about 7 million AD (according to current spammers).

    Here's an example, ion stone with full HP/defensive slot setup, Will of whisp and Slyph for 75% control resist that stacks with the mad amount of tenacity you will have, bear and druid for another 1860 hp makes you almost immune to CC (someone tested 15 repels with those two on test server, 3 actually did anything at all) and he was sitting at close to 60k health.

    Don't forget the 1 mill ADx5 to lvl the companions.

    As much as I like the idea of having 5 new passives, this above example, plus using pve consumables in open world pvp like the fully restored HP on a short CD from stone is very game breaking.

    You can't use pve consumables as of last patch.
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    leillannaleillanna Member Posts: 171 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    The only people who will be in open world pvp will be the whales. You PVEers think your 5 little companions are going to help you against them? Folks, understand that there will be people with 60k HP and be virtually CC immune if this goes live as is. Even if everyone had the same stuff. If the playing field were even. This would still be a horrid idea to allow in open world pvp because no one will ever die. Fights would take for ever. This is not PVP. It's just beating on each other endlessly with no results except the lining of pockets far up the corporate ladder....well for a short time,because the long term effects of such gameplay is a dead game rather quickly as we simply move on.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Eilistraee zhal zuch tlu wun ussta xukuth.
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    grandinatagrandinata Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 74
    edited April 2014
    morenthar wrote: »
    Grinding Black Ice just so you can outgun someone is a bad idea. Crafting permanent items from Black Ice? That I could get behind. We want content, PvE and PvP maps more accurately. Not ANOTHER grind.

    Companions in PvP is a really bad idea as well, unless you impose very careful restictions. The one that is top of my and absolutely essential:

    Do not allow gear to augment any pet outside of a player's summoned active companion. You will absolutely ruin the game. That point might seem obvious, but in case it isn't, JUST DON'T ALLOW IT. BAD BAD BAD :)

    100 % Agree
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    broborabrobora Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 196 Bounty Hunter
    edited April 2014
    Does tenacity transfer over from the Augment pets wearing PvP Profound Necks/Rings/Waist/Icon?

    Cat: Neck - Profound (Off), Waist - Profound (Def), Ring - Profound (Off/Def)
    Might: Ring - Profound (Off/Def), Waist - Profound(Def), Ring - Profound (Off/Def)
    Allure: Ring - Profound (Off/Def), Waist - Profound(Def), Icon (Off)

    Ioun Stone of Might has the most capacity for defence, things such as Life Steal, Deflection***, Defence...
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    pando83pando83 Member Posts: 2,564 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    diogene0 wrote: »
    All of the people advocating for active bonuses in pvp seem to have little knowledge of the game mechanics and especially pvp ones. Now, the concern isn't being able to farm black ice, who cares. Black ice gear isn't required to farm the one year old pve content we've done millions of times, it's pvp gear. So it's not even required. But it's about having a fun, compelling, engaging, pvp experience. Now, the cash shop items are clearly light-years ahead of the freebie pets we get with CTAs or gold. Being able to farm them doesn't mean it's realistic to expect players to do so.

    I think there's a huge misunderstanding about the new Icewind Dale mixed area.

    It's not made for "PvP". Let's look at it:

    - A PvE area
    - With OPTIONAL chance to flag yourself to become a target for other flagged players
    - Can use PvE pots
    - No healing depression
    - There are faction NPCs around the area

    To sum it up, we have ALL PvE stuff, and PvE is the main mode ALWAYS ACTIVE in that zone.
    You have the option to have more fun, allowing fight against other players while you PvE.

    It's not PvP. It's PvE with the chance to throw in a bit of PvP experience. You can't think about it in terms of PvP balance cause it's not the way it's supposed to work.


    and that's all. The main mode of the area is PvE. Not PvP. It's not meant to be balanced for PvP. It's an option to have "more fun". In fact, you can go there, see that there are 200 players from the enemy faction and decide to DO NOT GET FLAGGED, and doing so, do not become a target for other players.

    PvE---> Always active
    PvP---> optional
    Conclusion----> It's mainly a PvE area with an experiment to allow players to mix PvE with a bit of PvP.

    This is why companions are active and PvE pots are active, and there's no healing depression. Cause it's not meant to be balanced for PvP, but it's meant to be a PvE experience with a chance to fight against other players in a PvE environment, with PvE rules.

    Hope i repeated it enough times.
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    skalt112skalt112 Member Posts: 1,089 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    leillanna wrote: »
    The only people who will be in open world pvp will be the whales. You PVEers think your 5 little companions are going to help you against them? Folks, understand that there will be people with 60k HP and be virtually CC immune if this goes live as is. Even if everyone had the same stuff. If the playing field were even. This would still be a horrid idea to allow in open world pvp because no one will ever die. Fights would take for ever. This is not PVP. It's just beating on each other endlessly with no results except the lining of pockets far up the corporate ladder....well for a short time,because the long term effects of such gameplay is a dead game rather quickly as we simply move on.

    I have a lot of time invested in this game, but it is going to take a home run on mod 3 to keep me here. Gaunt was a disaster imo. Sharandar is a grind that required days or money. Same with Mod 2 , only not quite as bad. I mean, I can hardly stomach sharandars, same quests over and over and slow acumulation of sparks unless you buy your way through.

    from what I hear . Black Ice will be worse.
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