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Still...no disable shirts, pants, enchantment visuals....



  • quitegonejinquitegonejin Member Posts: 3
    edited March 2014
    Plz allow us to disable the animations for weapons and armor enchants until they are streamlined to be unobtrusive. For eg, especially the perfect Vorpals. They make the game extremely ugly, difficult to look at, and downright seizure worthy. This is... dare I say... silly for one to achieve a perfect enchant and be visually punished for it. Thanks kindly for considering this asap. I'm sure you wont regret getting it done.
  • ablettoabletto Member Posts: 34
    edited March 2014
    I concur. +1!!!
  • quitegonejinquitegonejin Member Posts: 3
    edited March 2014
    although something would have to be done on a more permanent solution later, cause being able to disable them in pvp might be an issue?

    As one guildy said about his gear with perf vorpal and greater S;

    try SF and per vorpal, your armor is covered in a <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> cloud and your weapon is a seizure inducing strobe light.
    Its so bad i dont even recognize my char in login screen
  • quitegonejinquitegonejin Member Posts: 3
    edited March 2014
    ah, that's unfortunate, it should be a simple task and really hurts the look of their game. With two more mmo's inc you'd think they'd be on small fixes that make large differences.
  • howitzer001howitzer001 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 65 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Plz allow us to disable the animations for weapons and armor enchants until they are streamlined to be unobtrusive. For eg, especially the perfect Vorpals. They make the game extremely ugly, difficult to look at, and downright seizure worthy. This is... dare I say... silly for one to achieve a perfect enchant and be visually punished for it. Thanks kindly for considering this asap. I'm sure you wont regret getting it done.

    This has been requested time and again by so many players. The game producer has even replied to it saying they're aware and have plans to make it happen. Unfortunately, that plan has no when and where because it isn't on their priority list. So until then we're all stuck in a zoo of flashing strobe lights and annoyance.

    DEV POST: http://nw-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?612641-Still-no-disable-shirts-pants-enchantment-visuals

    Panderus quote:
    I have mentioned this before that it is something we are tracking to do eventually but do not currently have a schedule of when that will be done. It will take some software to do correctly and releasing new costumes, mounts and companions for events and the Zen Market would not affect that timeline.

    I am not exactly a fan of my "pretty" Half Orc being covered in the Soul Forged black outlines. Especially now that its no longer a lesser version. The first time I saw a wedding dress with ice shards sticking out of it I cringed a little.

    I understand your frustration, we will get there, but we have been focusing at new features such as PvP match making and other high impacting bug fixes when we can.
    Sir Howitzer - GF | Howitzer - HR
  • howitzer001howitzer001 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 65 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Really can't wait for Cryptic to go ahead with this toggle in the next patch.
    Sir Howitzer - GF | Howitzer - HR
  • hustin1hustin1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,462 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    At first I thought this topic a bit silly, but now I'm beginning to see the point. I just finished a Perfect Briartwine enchantment, but when it's on an elfess who is 100 pounds soaking wet it looks a bit odd, since the green center of the briars becomes wider than she is sometimes. I'd settle for a little tweak, if not a way to toggle it on or off.
    Harper Chronicles: Cap Snatchers (RELEASED) - NW-DPUTABC6X
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    My Foundry playthrough channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/Ruskaga/featured
  • alvadimarcoalvadimarco Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    prettycelt wrote: »
    This has become a dead horse that is beat over and over to no avail. Please Please PLEASE set it so that we can Disable the Appearance on Shirts, Pants and if you're feeling really generous, Weapon and Armor Enchantments. It's been asked for again and again. Every patch, I look to see, only to have my hopes crushed yet again.

    It's never going to happen. You know this, and yet you persist.
  • dardovedardove Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    It's never going to happen. You know this, and yet you persist.

    Given that a dev said otherwise in this very topic, I don't see how you come to the conclusion that it will never happen.
  • ambisinisterrambisinisterr Member, Neverwinter Moderator Posts: 10,462 Community Moderator
    edited March 2014
    dardove wrote: »
    Given that a dev said otherwise in this very topic, I don't see how you come to the conclusion that it will never happen.

    The shadow in the corner of the room chuckles at this comment.
  • vientorvientor Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 80
    edited March 2014
    I would understand it getting put on the back burner if it was something completely new, as other things would have a much bigger priority. It is, however, a feature that already exists in the game. The functionality is there, and they only have to make it apply to other slots. Heck, the dialogue option is already there for those other slots, it is just grayed out. I can't imagine it taking much effort to implement if they just put it on the to do list.
  • ambisinisterrambisinisterr Member, Neverwinter Moderator Posts: 10,462 Community Moderator
    edited March 2014
    You greatly underestimate the difficulty.

    As a accomplished programmer I can assure you it is not necessarily easy even if some of the base coding already exists. In fact the only way to change how enchantment visuals display is to go into the game engine and nothing that tampers with the game engine is simple.

    Try programming some time. It'll give you a whole new perspective on what is simple and what is not. :)
    Hint: Anything involving graphics is never simple.
  • jormunrekjormunrek Member Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I would argue (in so far as the shirt/pants show/hide point) it is not underestimating the difficulty.
    As a matter of fact all things considered it would be idiotically simple to implement. And I am amazed that they haven't done it already.

    Now as far as show/hide enchants I'll concede that depending on how they decided to initially code the visuals you could be absolutely correct. It should have been something that they planned for. But I guess hindsight is 20/20...

    Although with the lack of diversity in the graphic design on gear I don't think that individual character visuals was a high priority.
    It's slowly getting better but still sorely lacking.

  • slaaneshihorrorslaaneshihorror Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 88
    edited March 2014
    I really would like to see this implemented soon as well.
    Odd as it is to say, the visual eyesore of weapon and armor enchantments do ruin the game for me in some respects.
    I spent quite a bit of time earning AD to transmute and dye my gear, just to have all that work be wasted because my Soulforged consumes all of it.
    At the same time, I don't want to unslot my soulforged, because again, I did put a lot of time and effort into getting and upgrading it.
    It lessens the fun for me a great deal, because I worked hard on both aspects of my character only to have them clash and ruin each other.
    Greycloaks Bank Manager - Malanael Corventus.
  • quitegonejinquitegonejin Member Posts: 3
    edited March 2014
    Firstly, thanks for chiming in as I'd love for the visuals to be 'fixed' also.

    Secondly, I also agree that the major issues should be resolved first.

    Thirdly, keep up the good work and...

    There will always be major issues on the horizon, that doesnt mean that quick quality of life changes, however small, should go ignored. Anyone who has spent the effort, money or time or whatever, to get perfect enchants (the most expensive part of this game) shouldn't be punished with looking like a cloud of blackness holding a strobe light for a weapon.
  • vaerthvaerth Member, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    magenubbie wrote: »
    Oh come on.. You're not being punished for anything. least of all spending money. Just because you buy items doesn't give you the right to demand instant fixes for what you consider a problem. I'll admit the strobe thing is a bit annoying, but I wouldn't call it game-breaking. That goes double for the disable visuals for pants and shirts. Yes it would be nice if they fixed the graphic and allowed the disabling of visuals of all gear items, but I don't blame the devs for not considering it prio critical.

    Nobody's claiming it's being ignored. And since we didn't write the code we don't even know how easy it really is. But I do know it's kinda pointless to keep crying about something not game-breaking for over a month. Patience is a virtue. They'll get to it when they get to it. I can think of more serious bugs that are much more important than a little graphic bug. And discussions about those usually die in 2 days.

    Since this a D&D game many fans (myself included) have a desire to RP. I prefer than none of my gear glows, perfect vorpal was so bad I sold it and did not use it again. It was like a neon party store signs, SOOOO terrible. Having a hide / turn off option would mean a lot to many RPers.

    We once had the option to dye our weapons, and that was taken away even though many people loved it. I for one was very upset that they would do that.
  • slaaneshihorrorslaaneshihorror Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 88
    edited March 2014
    I won't go so far as to say we're being punished. That would imply willfully and maliciously implementing these enchantment visual effects for the sole purpose of upsetting the userbase. Nor will I say the time or money I've put into my soulforged, or my armor's appearance was wasted. I know this isn't a top of the charts fix, by a long shot. It does, however, cheapen the work I put into visually customizing my character, and gives me much less incentive to, say, invest in dyes or costumes from the zen shop. I'd have no dicernable reason to spend money on a costume or dyes if the enchantments in game greatly lessen their intended purpose.
    I am glad it's on the radar though. Just wish there was some notion of when this change will be implemented. I think that is what is bothering people most. Not having even a rough frame of time for this change.
    Greycloaks Bank Manager - Malanael Corventus.
  • jaotutjaotut Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 576 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I have to say the shirt and pants for most classes look very ugly. I've tried out different pieces and for female TRs, there's a version of the shirt where it shows some skin. While my HR and GWF, the only way I can make some armors such as Hellfire look good is to remove the shirt.

    If there is a clear dye to remove the visual on shirt and pants in the zen store I will buy it in a heartbeat, or if there's a version of the shirt and pants like for the female TR, I'm happy to get it and transmute into that.
    Merlin - CW Merlyn - HR Psylocke - TR Black Widow - GWF

    Have the gear and skills, but lack the friends to play with? Come and apply for Essence of Aggression. We have been here and strong since beta. (Immature, rude, and arrogant people will not be accepted)
  • rogersmarket13rogersmarket13 Member, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I completely agree im a GWF and the armor looks so nice end game but then you cant really tell cause of the massively ugly under armor I cant remove change or anything really wish there was a way to make it look good without having to resort to my fasion set cause I like my MC armor look if there was no under armor <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> thank you
  • iliveforpvpiliveforpvp Member Posts: 268 Bounty Hunter
    edited March 2014
    jaotut wrote: »
    i have to say the shirt and pants for most classes look very ugly. I've tried out different pieces and for female trs, there's a version of the shirt where it shows some skin. While my hr and gwf, the only way i can make some armors such as hellfire look good is to remove the shirt.

    If there is a clear dye to remove the visual on shirt and pants in the zen store i will buy it in a heartbeat, or if there's a version of the shirt and pants like for the female tr, i'm happy to get it and transmute into that.

    yes!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please!!!!!!
  • reiwulfreiwulf Member Posts: 2,687 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    There is a topic already on this, but we've been asking for this for ages already.
  • everwherebuthereeverwherebuthere Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    reiwulf wrote: »
    There is a topic already on this, but we've been asking for this for ages already.
    Yes, but now there is another (and newer) reason: can't RP with a toon named Putin without this feature....
  • jaotutjaotut Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 576 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Yeah I was quite sure there has been many people asking for this already, I should have searched on the forum for existing threads first. It should be something that can be easily implemented without much effort, but I wonder why it hasn't been done. Don't they want us to spend more AD/zen to transmute and dye new armors etc?
    Merlin - CW Merlyn - HR Psylocke - TR Black Widow - GWF

    Have the gear and skills, but lack the friends to play with? Come and apply for Essence of Aggression. We have been here and strong since beta. (Immature, rude, and arrogant people will not be accepted)
  • cenobite451cenobite451 Member, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 87
    edited March 2014
    The disable shirt/pants thing would be simple to implement, and a nice feature to have... although I admit I'd miss being the only GWF in the world without an undershirt. (Most people aren't willing to give up that many stat points for the look they want I guess.) Just remember, Neverwinter: I did it first, before it was cool. ;)

    The disable enchantment visual thing should be fairly simple too... whether it actually would be or not really depends mostly on the amount of spaghetti code involved. :p
  • helloz2helloz2 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 205 Bounty Hunter
    edited March 2014
    Removing weapon/armor enchantment visuals, the option to dye weapons, disable shirt/pants/belt visuals, more character customization options (coming in Mod3).

    Bring them all! ;)
  • jaotutjaotut Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 576 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    You've tricked me into looking at the preview patch notes again Blitz. But yes, I'd much rather look forward to these changes than anything else atm. You should see how ugly my profound armor looks for my HR. I have a hellfire armor ready for either my HR or GWF, but the under shirt is in the way.

    PS. Barkshield enchant is the ugliest enchantment in this game, I dyed my whole outfit yellow and green to match and sometimes hide in the trees, but then my vorpal is too shiny on my massive bow and stands out. So yes, I would also like the option to remove weapon and armor enchantment visuals.
    Merlin - CW Merlyn - HR Psylocke - TR Black Widow - GWF

    Have the gear and skills, but lack the friends to play with? Come and apply for Essence of Aggression. We have been here and strong since beta. (Immature, rude, and arrogant people will not be accepted)
  • helloz2helloz2 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 205 Bounty Hunter
    edited March 2014
    Yep, Soulforged and Barkshield just looks too bad and needs to be purged ASAP.

    I think I saw mentioned somewhere in the preview patch notes about new hair and face options for all character races, which hopefully are not more worse off than the current ones.
  • lancemeszaroslancemeszaros Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    One idea would be to implement enchantment skins the same way they implement companion skins where you have the option of selecting a lower level look, in addition to the option to disable it completely. For example, the higher rank vorpal enchants look like they're liable to give someone a seizure, but the more subtle glint of the lesser vorpal would be nice to keep.
  • crazymikeecrazymikee Member Posts: 694 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Currently all the armor enchant's don't really follow the actual armor, resulting in some pretty horrendous looking effects. Armor enchants should also cover all piece of gear worn, since it also looks a bit strange to see it suddenly stop at the wrists neck and feet.(It looks like a piece of plastic is on my characters shoulders)

    With greater soulforged: (note how the enchant doesn't even follow the contours of the kilt on the bottom of my gear...)

    Without greater soulforged:
    Coach Mike - 19.1k PvP CW
    CRAZY MIKE - 14.6k PvE CW

    Backbone - 16.7k PvP HR
  • klkcahboy90klkcahboy90 Member Posts: 340 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Actually, other than armor enchants, why not add "Disable Visuals" to all parts of the armor?

    I mean if the player wants to be a tarzan or wants to be a barbarian without a top, why stop him?
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