Yesterday I lost a DD because two people joined a Spellplague run and wanted a trickster to join for the last boss. Since they were two working together, they could kick about anyone. And they started with kicking a HR I had a good time with. I voted against it - but since they were two the vote went through. Then someone else joined and these two hijackers could kick me, dont matter what the new guy voted. On top of that I got flamed by the hr and ignored by him so I could not tell the facts.
Now this makes me really angry because it happens quite often. Actually I lost 2 of 4 DD the last two days because of hijackers voting people out. And before that I experienced it quite often - also with my HR which mostly top dps in games. Also I got flamed before because people think I voted for their exit.
I would like to see a couple of changes to this voting system.
First of all - No secret votes or secret starting votes. Its bloody cheap that you can kick people and not stand up to the fact. Also the reason given for kicking should be published 30 seconds before the actual voting starts.
Second - Change the numbers needed to execute a vote to a minimum of 3. (And perhaps even 4, because 4 votes can be easily gathered if one is seriously annoying or weak etc. There will ofc need to be an exception concerning players logging off without leaving party first. Because it happens that two people do that trick and fill up slots in the game) People not present in the dungeon should be able to voted out by simple majority vote.
Well, at least they need to team up to kick someone from the dungeon unlike before when a person alone could kick the whole party and get an item without being punished.
I think, there will always be a problems about kick/vote kick features. There are just too many ways to abuse it -__-
chemboy613Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,521Arc User
edited February 2014
Form a good group before DD so this kinda BS doesn't happen,
Find a guild and try to run with them, etc..
I hear horror stories from LFG all the time :S
That said, players like the two who kicked you will get ignored, banned, and eventually their network will be terrible and they won't be able to get good groups So eventually, they will lose, not you.
Me and a guildy invested 4h into a spider run and reached the final boss after much struggle but failed a few times (and this was primarily as a 4-person group). Then a tank joined twice and tried to kick everyone which lead to us kicking him. 3rd time our gwf left b4 the vote was over and another gwf joined (and even had a similar name to the tank). Those 2 proceeded to kick me and my guildy which made us lose our chests.
This was long after dungeon delves was over so they don't even get a chest yet they pulled that stunt on us. I would much rather prefer it if any single person who joins can't start a vote-kick until they stay for at least 10 min.
Granted, me and my guildy kinda figured spider was impossible without some wizard to deal with the mobs anyways but still depressing to just lose 4h of effort like that.
chaoscourtesanMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited February 2014
Get rid of kick altogether, after first boss. If someone DC's and does not return in reasonable time, auto kick and auto fill, first checking for team invitation sent. If someone is being a problem to the group, either slog on and ignore him if you can, or leave and start a new instance.
If someone needs to be kicked, you generally know by the end of the first boss fight.
It's far from perfect, I know. And I'm sure someone smarter than me can come up with something better. But the way it is now? I won't even consider joining a pug. My minimum is four guildies on the team. I will never be vote-kicked. But then, it would take an awful lot for me to ever put a yes in on a vote. I don't have time for the common B.S. that happens in game and neither does anyone else.
P.S. In any case, no one who hasn't been present for at least 60% of the time the instance has been open should ever be entitled to vote, IMO.
Rhyon Cawdorian GWF | Opa Loka TR | Cormac Argentus III DC | Annika Thornblade GF | Aerys Skydark HR | Bartin Findlor TR | Aellia Baalthrall CW | Lucan Hawkmoon CW | Opa Brahk GWF | Korzbyrk DC | Den Kruk GWF | Jherek Skarsin CW |
Roland Mac Sheonin GF | Tarron Direheart SW |
Actually not being able to start a/or vote after joining for 10 minutes would be a good thing also. Also I would be fine with no kicking at all. It might not be perfect and spoil a few runs, but getting kicked for no good reason spoils so many more.
Silly question time: How do you join this legit player channel?
This happens quite a lot. There's also a guild known to do this thing --- you'd often see warning being said in /zone or /lfg. I always vote NO when this happens, but vote kicking still succeeds. I think it would be best if voting is unanimous.
chaoscourtesanMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited February 2014
Haven't tried it, but saw another post said paste this in your chat.
/Channel_Join NW_Legit_Community
Or go to chat options channels and put in NW_Legit_Community and click join.
As I said, I haven't tried it, but have seen lots of good things posted about it. I just rely on my guild.
Edit: Sorry, this was in response to tbhdk2's "silly" question.
Rhyon Cawdorian GWF | Opa Loka TR | Cormac Argentus III DC | Annika Thornblade GF | Aerys Skydark HR | Bartin Findlor TR | Aellia Baalthrall CW | Lucan Hawkmoon CW | Opa Brahk GWF | Korzbyrk DC | Den Kruk GWF | Jherek Skarsin CW |
Roland Mac Sheonin GF | Tarron Direheart SW |
khai1987Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 12Arc User
edited February 2014
Today i run CN with pugs few of them in same guild.. After all hard work dps Draco.. untill the hp reach 1% they vote kick me leaving me lost the chance to loot the drop.. Such a bad day for me..
Same thing happened to me and most that have done /lfg. Honestly if there is a vote sytem there needs to be a consensus and public imo.
legit is nw_legit_community if you put it in the search bar here on the forums it will show you how to join and even make a bind key for it just look through the threads. You must understand though once you go legit you can't exploit if you do you will be pretty much ousted by the community. The legit community is growing big time and there are some good peops with good knowlege but if you like trying to avoid mobs and content to rush to the end or bypass and out right cheat that is not the place for you.
Well the current design of the reinforcement system is really terrible. The public queue is a disaster now. You can't get anything but already started runs, with people unable to kill some bosses, and it's probably a game killer for those who just queue, don't use /lfg or /guild. This is of course not counting people being kicked right before the boss dies or after the boss has been killed.
The previous system was probably better. You kill the first boss, well, you're doing what you can with the players you're with. Vote to kick + unlimited free reinforcement just make the public queue useless and frustrating. I do like scavenging instances people left, but I'm not sure the profit I make off this is worth ruining the game experience for so many players.
beckylunaticMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 14,231Arc User
Now, this is a stipulation that doesn't make sense to me, and I've seen people in the Legit Community thread on these forums talking about when they do and do not consider avoiding mobs exploiting, so I don't think there's consensus.
To my thinking, careful pathfinding to avoid aggroing that-thing-way-over-there is smart play. I do this while solo, and have no problem with following instructions like "keep left and hug the wall" to bypass a pointless and unnecessary fight. This doesn't involve finding a hole to jump through, just normal walking that doesn't zerg right through the middle of every pack of everything.
I guess to some people anything less than a full clear (by which I mean leaving no monster unkilled) is an exploit, but I don't get the impression that every single legit player feels this way.
Now, this is a stipulation that doesn't make sense to me, and I've seen people in the Legit Community thread on these forums talking about when they do and do not consider avoiding mobs exploiting, so I don't think there's consensus.
To my thinking, careful pathfinding to avoid aggroing that-thing-way-over-there is smart play. I do this while solo, and have no problem with following instructions like "keep left and hug the wall" to bypass a pointless and unnecessary fight. This doesn't involve finding a hole to jump through, just normal walking that doesn't zerg right through the middle of every pack of everything.
I guess to some people anything less than a full clear (by which I mean leaving no monster unkilled) is an exploit, but I don't get the impression that every single legit player feels this way.
In my mind, an exploit is an unintended mechanic that allows players to kill mobs/boss with little to no risk. Sneaking past an enemy is not considered an exploit. The old TR "stealth run" to the next campfire, the have the party leave the dungeon and come back at the next check point? Exploit. Taking the path to the left where you climb up on the platform and jump over the opening in the wall in Spellplague? Working as intended, not an exploit.
cybercyanideMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 66
edited February 2014
I don't see why they can't simply make it so that nobody can claim boss loot/DD chest unless there is a full team of 5 present to do so. Seems like it'd be a lot less involved and remove the reason for these jerks to unnecessarily kick players from a "team" they helped to carry to the end.
twstdechoMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 630Bounty Hunter
edited February 2014
Some teams like running with less than 5 members.
If you join a run any time after the first boss, you should not be able to initiate a kick.
Party leader should be able to turn off random queue so a team that wants to run with fewer than 5 can do so without others popping in.
If someone is vote kicked, opening the party to random queue is the only way to fill that spot.
If someone leaves, party leader can invite anyone.
cybercyanideMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 66
Party leader should be able to turn off random queue so a team that wants to run with fewer than 5 can do so without others popping in.
You can do this with premade teams, just not with random queue groups. You must do it before you enter the dungeon. Its the option below set loot rules i think its called set allowed invites or something to that effect. Set it to deny invites before you queue for the dungeon and you won't receive replacements from the queue system and can 4 or 3 man or whatever to your hearts content.
Of course you still need 5 to start, just have a friend or 2 help you queue then they can leave once you're inside.
twstdechoMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 630Bounty Hunter
You can do this with premade teams, just not with random queue groups. You must do it before you enter the dungeon. Its the option below set loot rules i think its called set allowed invites or something to that effect. Set it to deny invites before you queue for the dungeon and you won't receive replacements from the queue system and can 4 or 3 man or whatever to your hearts content.
Of course you still need 5 to start, just have a friend or 2 help you queue then they can leave once you're inside.
Actually got hijacked once Again now, so happened 3 out 5 DD in the last few days. I cant say how angry I am, I spend like 2,5 hour in Spellplague getting to the last boss, and then the healer leaves or crashes, and from there the game gets hijacked and me kicked.
I am seriously considering deleting this game, that is how angry I am.
It could be a great game with good mannered people around. Alas this is not the case.
Actually got hijacked once Again now, so happened 3 out 5 DD in the last few days. I cant say how angry I am, I spend like 2,5 hour in Spellplague getting to the last boss, and then the healer leaves or crashes, and from there the game gets hijacked and me kicked.
I am seriously considering deleting this game, that is how angry I am.
It could be a great game with good mannered people around. Alas this is not the case.
I so think u should join my guild so we can get more reliability in our runs :P
u get your chest, we get our chest, everybody wins.....but the system still is horrible
Yep, I know that feel. I was kicked from CN at the last boss by people exploiting the know queue glitch that puts them right at the end. I had run that dungeon from start to last boss only to be kicked, losing a chance at the boss drop and my chest.
PSA: You don't need to grind Spinward Rise for your Elemental artifact main hand if you have some AD lying around. You can craft it via the Tyranny of Dragon's campaign screen.
inthefade462Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited February 2014
if you are spending 2 and a half hours in spell plague there is already a huge problem with the group. completely undergeared totally inexperienced players just derping over and over. It's sad that you are getting hijacked but lets be honest you likely wouldn't have finished anyway with your existing team (hence people quitting and freeing up space for new ppl to join) and, in a way, they are putting you out of your misery by booting you.
Not to be insensitive but after reading about 4 hour spider clears and a 2.5 hour sp's I think I understand completely what is going on now.
If you want to form a private group of your friends to derp around at your own pace and wipe in dungeons over and over again feel free, but do what I suggested earlier and close the group before you queue for the dungeon, so that you are not subjecting the rest of the queue to your instance.
You decide before hand you wanna failboat through a dungeon with your friends nobody is stopping you, have fun. But once one of you has to go, that's it, no more reinforcements from the queue.
If you think about it, and understand how the queue works, what you are doing is actually quite selfish.
The queue system fills existing dungeons first before creating new ones, and fills classes based on existing party comp (must have GF, DC, then 3 DPS, in that order). Meaning DPS wait in the queue forever to fill a spot and GFs and DC's keep getting sent over and over again to the same instance, in this case, your's, cus you've been d@%king around in there for 4 hours.
People join the queue because a: they are new and don't know any better, in which case they get sent to your team which really has no hope of winning or b: because they are trying to help a friend/guildie/etc and join their instance to help them out. Either way, your group being set to open screws both types of players from achieving their goal, and you are basically holding the entire queue for that dungeon hostage to your instance.
So either close your group before you go or accept group hijacking, which if nothing else, will finish and close your instance and free up the queue system for everyone else.
if you are spending 2 and a half hours in spell plague there is already a huge problem with the group. completely undergeared totally inexperienced players just derping over and over. It's sad that you are getting hijacked but lets be honest you likely wouldn't have finished anyway with your existing team (hence people quitting and freeing up space for new ppl to join) and, in a way, they are putting you out of your misery by booting you.
Not to be insensitive but after reading about 4 hour spider clears and a 2.5 hour sp's I think I understand completely what is going on now.
If you want to form a private group of your friends to derp around at your own pace and wipe in dungeons over and over again feel free, but do what I suggested earlier and close the group before you queue for the dungeon, so that you are not subjecting the rest of the queue to your instance.
You decide before hand you wanna failboat through a dungeon with your friends nobody is stopping you, have fun. But once one of you has to go, that's it, no more reinforcements from the queue.
If you think about it, and understand how the queue works, what you are doing is actually quite selfish.
The queue system fills existing dungeons first before creating new ones, and fills classes based on existing party comp (must have GF, DC, then 3 DPS, in that order). Meaning DPS wait in the queue forever to fill a spot and GFs and DC's keep getting sent over and over again to the same instance, in this case, your's, cus you've been d@%king around in there for 4 hours.
People join the queue because a: they are new and don't know any better, in which case they get sent to your team which really has no hope of winning or b: because they are trying to help a friend/guildie/etc and join their instance to help them out. Either way, your group being set to open screws both types of players from achieving their goal, and you are basically holding the entire queue for that dungeon hostage to your instance.
So either close your group before you go or accept group hijacking, which if nothing else, will finish and close your instance and free up the queue system for everyone else.
Guess what, dont like it? Dont use the que, form your own private group, and move on with your life.
Players like you are why we have such issues in the first place, its a GAME. Just because it takes you 1 hour to do something, doesnt mean it takes EVERYONE that long.
Unless you can beat Spider in under 15 minutes, you have no right to talk. Move along.
if you are spending 2 and a half hours in spell plague there is already a huge problem with the group. completely undergeared totally inexperienced players just derping over and over. It's sad that you are getting hijacked but lets be honest you likely wouldn't have finished anyway with your existing team (hence people quitting and freeing up space for new ppl to join) and, in a way, they are putting you out of your misery by booting you.
Not to be insensitive but after reading about 4 hour spider clears and a 2.5 hour sp's I think I understand completely what is going on now.
So either close your group before you go or accept group hijacking, which if nothing else, will finish and close your instance and free up the queue system for everyone else.
i kinda disagree with u because there is a huge difference between groups that have a wizard and a group that has no wizard. the game is so easy when u just get 2-3 wizards to join u to cc everything. hence y hoping for a wizard to join can be the saving grace of the group. nobody really needs a tank so idk y they still get a reserved slot these days. in fact, i can be tankier than some guardians as a rogue sometimes.
True but you kinda play those dungeons to get better gear, or if you are a hijacker, to sell on ah for ad. Maybe its the hijackers that should play Castle Never and Malabog etc. My gearscore is 10,5 k And I was second in dps. We tried the last boss once and failed, but I was not the one dying, i commited suicide because I ended up alone. I was playing cw and did my job. Anyway like I said I have a 13,5 k HR that also gets kicked by hijackers.
How are you supposed to get better gear if not playing the 8200 dungeons? This argument kicks its own tail and is just a bad excuse for overgeared hijacking.
Besides I can add the game would have been a great deal faster if it had not been for a terrible lag.l
i kinda disagree with u because there is a huge difference between groups that have a wizard and a group that has no wizard. the game is so easy when u just get 2-3 wizards to join u to cc everything. hence y hoping for a wizard to join can be the saving grace of the group. nobody really needs a tank so idk y they still get a reserved slot these days. in fact, i can be tankier than some guardians as a rogue sometimes.
Depends. I've been in a SP last boss fight where the arrival of a GF saved us. We had wiped three times when the TR quit. Waited about 10 minutes for someone to arrive and it was a GF. Killed boss on the first attempt with him. Why? I was the DC and we only had one CW so I had to kite and thus debuffing on boss/buffing DPS was not optimal and I was booted off the platform twice while trying to assist in downing the boss. When the GF arrived he took over kiting and I was able to move between debuffing boss/buffing the DPS guys and assisting the CW with throwing the adds off which the GF was nicely packing right on the edge.
And as my GF I have also queued for and saved other parties in runs, primarily Karrundax where my ability to sit in the oceans of red and focus the adds on myself hugely assisted the squishies.
PSA: You don't need to grind Spinward Rise for your Elemental artifact main hand if you have some AD lying around. You can craft it via the Tyranny of Dragon's campaign screen.
tang56Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Depends. I've been in a SP last boss fight where the arrival of a GF saved us. We had wiped three times when the TR quit. Waited about 10 minutes for someone to arrive and it was a GF. Killed boss on the first attempt with him. Why? I was the DC and we only had one CW so I had to kite and thus debuffing on boss/buffing DPS was not optimal and I was booted off the platform twice while trying to assist in downing the boss. When the GF arrived he took over kiting and I was able to move between debuffing boss/buffing the DPS guys and assisting the CW with throwing the adds off which the GF was nicely packing right on the edge.
And as my GF I have also queued for and saved other parties in runs, primarily Karrundax where my ability to sit in the oceans of red and focus the adds on myself hugely assisted the squishies.
I sometimes bring out the old GF after DD and pug queue. It's nice to bring a smile to pugs faces.
RIP Neverwinter 26/06/2014
chaoscourtesanMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited February 2014
Yup. Makes me giggle a little when I see people say silly things like GF's aren't valuable.
Rhyon Cawdorian GWF | Opa Loka TR | Cormac Argentus III DC | Annika Thornblade GF | Aerys Skydark HR | Bartin Findlor TR | Aellia Baalthrall CW | Lucan Hawkmoon CW | Opa Brahk GWF | Korzbyrk DC | Den Kruk GWF | Jherek Skarsin CW |
Roland Mac Sheonin GF | Tarron Direheart SW |
inthefade462Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited February 2014
Man the sense of entitlement you guys display is astounding. You think because you beat your head against a wall for hours that you deserve loot? That you can keep the queue system hostage to your fail group until it gives you a wizard or a gwf or really, just any player with a clue who can carry you and your sorry team through to victory?
You are getting booted because you are the problem. You are the reason why the group is failing to beat a simple encounter.
I used to never understand why someone would just randomly join then start attempting to vote kick people but I understand it now completely. Whenever I end up in a random pug trying to help a friend and instead end up in groups like yours I used to always vote no to votekicking. I just got there, i have no idea whats what or why people are votekicking. But my character is strong enough to carry any dead weight through whatever random t2 so I don't mind, i always helped wee people like you get your dd chest. but from now on, yeah, auto Yes to vote kicking when it pops up. I'm just trying to get to my buddies instance and you and your fail group is impeding on that, so off you go.
I think, there will always be a problems about kick/vote kick features. There are just too many ways to abuse it -__-
WTB Class Reroll please
Find a guild and try to run with them, etc..
I hear horror stories from LFG all the time :S
That said, players like the two who kicked you will get ignored, banned, and eventually their network will be terrible and they won't be able to get good groups
Everything you need to know about CW:
This was long after dungeon delves was over so they don't even get a chest yet they pulled that stunt on us. I would much rather prefer it if any single person who joins can't start a vote-kick until they stay for at least 10 min.
Granted, me and my guildy kinda figured spider was impossible without some wizard to deal with the mobs anyways but still depressing to just lose 4h of effort like that.
If someone needs to be kicked, you generally know by the end of the first boss fight.
It's far from perfect, I know. And I'm sure someone smarter than me can come up with something better. But the way it is now? I won't even consider joining a pug. My minimum is four guildies on the team. I will never be vote-kicked. But then, it would take an awful lot for me to ever put a yes in on a vote. I don't have time for the common B.S. that happens in game and neither does anyone else.
P.S. In any case, no one who hasn't been present for at least 60% of the time the instance has been open should ever be entitled to vote, IMO.
Roland Mac Sheonin GF | Tarron Direheart SW |
Silly question time: How do you join this legit player channel?
/Channel_Join NW_Legit_Community
Or go to chat options channels and put in NW_Legit_Community and click join.
As I said, I haven't tried it, but have seen lots of good things posted about it. I just rely on my guild.
Edit: Sorry, this was in response to tbhdk2's "silly" question.
Roland Mac Sheonin GF | Tarron Direheart SW |
legit is nw_legit_community if you put it in the search bar here on the forums it will show you how to join and even make a bind key for it just look through the threads. You must understand though once you go legit you can't exploit if you do you will be pretty much ousted by the community. The legit community is growing big time and there are some good peops with good knowlege but if you like trying to avoid mobs and content to rush to the end or bypass and out right cheat that is not the place for you.
The previous system was probably better. You kill the first boss, well, you're doing what you can with the players you're with. Vote to kick + unlimited free reinforcement just make the public queue useless and frustrating. I do like scavenging instances people left, but I'm not sure the profit I make off this is worth ruining the game experience for so many players.
Now, this is a stipulation that doesn't make sense to me, and I've seen people in the Legit Community thread on these forums talking about when they do and do not consider avoiding mobs exploiting, so I don't think there's consensus.
To my thinking, careful pathfinding to avoid aggroing that-thing-way-over-there is smart play. I do this while solo, and have no problem with following instructions like "keep left and hug the wall" to bypass a pointless and unnecessary fight. This doesn't involve finding a hole to jump through, just normal walking that doesn't zerg right through the middle of every pack of everything.
I guess to some people anything less than a full clear (by which I mean leaving no monster unkilled) is an exploit, but I don't get the impression that every single legit player feels this way.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
In my mind, an exploit is an unintended mechanic that allows players to kill mobs/boss with little to no risk. Sneaking past an enemy is not considered an exploit. The old TR "stealth run" to the next campfire, the have the party leave the dungeon and come back at the next check point? Exploit. Taking the path to the left where you climb up on the platform and jump over the opening in the wall in Spellplague? Working as intended, not an exploit.
If you join a run any time after the first boss, you should not be able to initiate a kick.
Party leader should be able to turn off random queue so a team that wants to run with fewer than 5 can do so without others popping in.
If someone is vote kicked, opening the party to random queue is the only way to fill that spot.
If someone leaves, party leader can invite anyone.
Aye. They could cover that by allowing an "Enter with current team" option. You start and finish it with only the players you entered with. (?)
Of course you still need 5 to start, just have a friend or 2 help you queue then they can leave once you're inside.
Cool, thanks, I did not know that.
I am seriously considering deleting this game, that is how angry I am.
It could be a great game with good mannered people around. Alas this is not the case.
I so think u should join my guild so we can get more reliability in our runs :P
u get your chest, we get our chest, everybody wins.....but the system still is horrible
Not to be insensitive but after reading about 4 hour spider clears and a 2.5 hour sp's I think I understand completely what is going on now.
If you want to form a private group of your friends to derp around at your own pace and wipe in dungeons over and over again feel free, but do what I suggested earlier and close the group before you queue for the dungeon, so that you are not subjecting the rest of the queue to your instance.
You decide before hand you wanna failboat through a dungeon with your friends nobody is stopping you, have fun. But once one of you has to go, that's it, no more reinforcements from the queue.
If you think about it, and understand how the queue works, what you are doing is actually quite selfish.
The queue system fills existing dungeons first before creating new ones, and fills classes based on existing party comp (must have GF, DC, then 3 DPS, in that order). Meaning DPS wait in the queue forever to fill a spot and GFs and DC's keep getting sent over and over again to the same instance, in this case, your's, cus you've been d@%king around in there for 4 hours.
People join the queue because a: they are new and don't know any better, in which case they get sent to your team which really has no hope of winning or b: because they are trying to help a friend/guildie/etc and join their instance to help them out. Either way, your group being set to open screws both types of players from achieving their goal, and you are basically holding the entire queue for that dungeon hostage to your instance.
So either close your group before you go or accept group hijacking, which if nothing else, will finish and close your instance and free up the queue system for everyone else.
Guess what, dont like it? Dont use the que, form your own private group, and move on with your life.
Players like you are why we have such issues in the first place, its a GAME. Just because it takes you 1 hour to do something, doesnt mean it takes EVERYONE that long.
Unless you can beat Spider in under 15 minutes, you have no right to talk. Move along.
How are you supposed to get better gear if not playing the 8200 dungeons? This argument kicks its own tail and is just a bad excuse for overgeared hijacking.
Besides I can add the game would have been a great deal faster if it had not been for a terrible lag.l
Depends. I've been in a SP last boss fight where the arrival of a GF saved us. We had wiped three times when the TR quit. Waited about 10 minutes for someone to arrive and it was a GF. Killed boss on the first attempt with him. Why? I was the DC and we only had one CW so I had to kite and thus debuffing on boss/buffing DPS was not optimal and I was booted off the platform twice while trying to assist in downing the boss. When the GF arrived he took over kiting and I was able to move between debuffing boss/buffing the DPS guys and assisting the CW with throwing the adds off which the GF was nicely packing right on the edge.
And as my GF I have also queued for and saved other parties in runs, primarily Karrundax where my ability to sit in the oceans of red and focus the adds on myself hugely assisted the squishies.
I sometimes bring out the old GF after DD and pug queue. It's nice to bring a smile to pugs faces.
Roland Mac Sheonin GF | Tarron Direheart SW |
You are getting booted because you are the problem. You are the reason why the group is failing to beat a simple encounter.
I used to never understand why someone would just randomly join then start attempting to vote kick people but I understand it now completely. Whenever I end up in a random pug trying to help a friend and instead end up in groups like yours I used to always vote no to votekicking. I just got there, i have no idea whats what or why people are votekicking. But my character is strong enough to carry any dead weight through whatever random t2 so I don't mind, i always helped wee people like you get your dd chest. but from now on, yeah, auto Yes to vote kicking when it pops up. I'm just trying to get to my buddies instance and you and your fail group is impeding on that, so off you go.